Brewmaster Monk Best Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits — Dragonflight 10.2.5
Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits are the most important character customization options in Shadowlands. They have a substantial impact on your toolkit and performance as Brewmaster Monk. This page's purpose is to help you pick the right options according to the content you intend to do in Shadowlands.
Dragonflight Disclaimer
Please be aware that as of the Dragonflight Pre-Patch and Dragonflight expansion, all Covenant abilities, Soulbinds, and Conduits will only function while within the Shadowlands. This page will temporarily remain as a reference.
Introduction: Prerequisites
This page assumes that you are already familiar with Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits. If that is not the case, we have a number of pages that can help you get up to speed:
- Covenants Guide, which explains what Covenants are, what perks they bring, and how you can join one;
- Monk Covenant Abilities, which lists all the abilities that Monks gain by joining each Covenant;
- How To Change Covenant?, which tells you how you can switch Covenant (rejoining a former Covenant will require you to perform a number of tasks to regain their trusts);
- General Soulbind Guide, which explains what Soulbinds are and how you can pledge yourself to them to open up their Soulbind tree;
- Monk Conduits, which lists all of the Conduits available to Monks.
Summary of the Best Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits
If you desire the generic choice for most types of content, it is recommended to go with Kyrian as your Covenant and Forgelite Prime Mikanikos as your Soulbind. This choice can be considered a useful baseline, despite not necessarily being the "best" in every situation. As such, it is highly recommended to look at Choosing the Best Covenant For You to find what appeals most to you.
Best Conduit choices of a Brewmaster Monk
When interacting with the Soulbind system in particular, you will find that there is a lot of overlap among the Covenants in what powers your specialization has access to, with the primary exception of one Conduit for each that interacts with the Covenant's ability for your class.
Best Brewmaster Potency Conduits
Walk with the Ox
- Covenant-exclusive Conduit —
Strike with Clarity /
Bone Marrow Hops /
Way of the Fae /
Imbued Reflections
Scalding Brew
Best Brewmaster Endurance Conduits
Condensed Anima Sphere
Harm Denial
Fortifying Ingredients
Evasive Stride
Best Brewmaster Finesse Conduits
Dizzying Tumble
Swift Transference
Tumbling Technique
Lingering Numbness
Brewmaster Monk Conduit Breakdown
Note: Within this section Conduits will be roughly ordered in their usability from best to worst, but some overlap will likely occur. Remember that Conduits may also be swapped as often as you like from the Forge of Bonds located either in your Covenant's Sanctum or in Zereth Mortis.
Brewmaster Monk Potency Conduits
Walk with the Ox causes Niuzao from
Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox to
deal increased damage with his
Stomp. In addition, your abilities
that give
Shuffle duration —
Blackout Kick,
Keg Smash, and
Spinning Crane Kick — also reduce
the cooldown of Invoke Niuzao by 0.5 seconds. Spinning Crane Kick also offers a
unique interaction with this Conduit, since it provides Shuffle on all four
ticks of the ability. This results in 2 seconds of reduction rather
than just 0.5! If correctly following the rotation priority, the cooldown of Invoke
Niuzao will be roughly 40 seconds shorter than its baseline 3 minutes.
However, depending on how often Spinning Crane Kick was used during this time,
it can instead be reduced by 60 seconds or more.
Strike with Clarity improves your
Weapons of Order ability,
increasing its duration by 5 seconds and providing additional Mastery while it
is active. Although the Mastery value is small, the added duration can be the
difference in achieving an additional cast of
Keg Smash during the
cooldown and refreshing the damage debuff.
Bone Marrow Hops increases the damage or healing amount when an ability
is replicated through
Bonedust Brew. In addition, when it activates the
cooldown on Bonedust Brew is reduced by 0.5 seconds, though it is capped to 2.5
seconds of reduction per use of Bonedust Brew. While the extra cooldown
reduction is nice, increasing the damage and healing of an already highly-likely
effect is even better.
Way of the Fae really allows
Faeline Stomp to come into its own
as an incredibly strong ability against multiple targets, but be aware the bonus
damage caps out at 5 targets hit which is the same as the ability's own target
Imbued Reflections offers a flat damage and healing increase to your
Fallen Order spirits. Set it and forget it.
Scalding Brew allows your
Keg Smash to deal increased damage
to targets that are suffering from
Breath of Fire's damage-over-time
effect. While it sounds nice in theory, Breath of Fire is not always active on a
target without the help of certain talents or Legendary Powers; this can reduce
the strength of this Conduit. However, it is still competitive with the alternatives
despite this and can occasionally end up superior.
Adaptive Armor Fragment is a unique Potency
Conduit in that it is obtainable by all tank specializations from the World
Bosses Mor'geth, Tormentor of the Damned
and Antros; it can also be obtained as a
reward for participating in activites related to Korthia. Its effects
grant you a 15-second buff to your Primary Stat
— Agility — when you receive healing from another player. This bonus
has a 30-second cooldown between activations. As the amount of Agility provided
by the effect is rather small and you are also completely reliant on other
players to even trigger it, this Conduit may be safely ignored for the most part.
It could still become relevant at higher item levels when not engaging in solo
content, however.
Brewmaster Monk Endurance Conduits
Condensed Anima Sphere is an Endurance
Conduit that can be obtained by every specialization from
Mor'geth, Tormentor of the Damned,
Antros, or from activities in
Korthia. Its effect causes you to be healed for
a small percentage of your Maximum Health upon taking any damage, but has a
10-second cooldown between activations. Although its healing per activation is
small, this Conduit can be thought of as a noticeably better
version of
Evasive Stride since it will reliably trigger from any
Stagger damage rather than just a small chance while within
Heavy Stagger. It is easily one of most powerful Endurance Conduits over
any longer period of combat.
Harm Denial fills a small role in providing you with additional
self-healing. However, Harm Denial only applies to the baseline heal of
Expel Harm and does not increase the healing of any
Gift of the Ox spheres picked up by your cast. It also does not increase
the damage of Expel Harm.
Fortifying Ingredients causes
Fortifying Brew to
also grant you an absorb for the duration of the cooldown — 15 seconds. As
you are already quite sturdy from the baseline effects of Fortifying Brew and it
having a long cooldown, this Conduit is not terribly useful for a Brewmaster
compared to the other Monk specializations. It is still third-best nonetheless.
Evasive Stride's effect sounds nice at first. As long as you have
Shuffle, there is a low chance that any damage taken from
while you are in
Heavy Stagger will instead heal you. However, the small
amount of time you are in Heavy Stagger throughout the content of the Shadowlands,
along with this supremely small chance to occur, results in the Conduit healing
only once or twice throughout an entire Mythic+ dungeon or
raid encounter. For now, avoid it entirely if you have
access to any of the already-mentioned alternatives.
Celestial Effervescence increases some of your own healing, but
only when
Celestial Brew is active. Although you are largely safe
from danger while your absorb holds, there is a strong chance you may be at low
health and
Heavy Stagger when you use the ability. Be aware, however,
that its effects do not increase the healing of your Level 15 Talents,
Gift of the Ox, or
Healing Elixir. In addition
Celestial Fortune
will only be increased if it triggers from
Expel Harm or
during this time.
Grounding Breath increases the amount of healing done by
Vivify and also adds a chance to refund its cost,
but only works on Vivifies cast on yourself. As you cannot dodge while casting
Vivify, it is almost never used and is not worth justifying the Conduit slot as
a Brewmaster. It may be relevant in Torghast, however, when combined
with the
Corrosive Dosage Anima Power.
Brewmaster Monk Finesse Conduits
Dizzying Tumble has an effect that is actually strong enough to make
it the best defensive Conduit for Brewmasters, despite being in the Finesse
category! Contrary to the tooltip, after the stun from
Leg Sweep ends,
enemies that were stunned deal less damage to everything for 5 seconds.
However, the target must have been stunned successfully to apply this effect. If
they are stun-immune, such as a boss, then this Conduit will not do anything.
Swift Transference provides you with a movement speed buff for 5
seconds whenever you use
Transcendence: Transfer. As
is often used as a way to help escape from danger, this extra speed helps with
that goal.
Tumbling Technique causes
Blackout Kick to have a chance to
instantly grant you a charge of
Roll. While this extra mobility is a
nice reward for essentially playing correctly by keeping Blackout Kick on
cooldown, the random chance of it occurring means that you should not plan your
movement under the assumption it will activate when you really need it to.
Instead, you should consider it a helpful bonus now and then.
Lingering Numbness allows
Paralysis to apply a heavy snare to
the target for 5 seconds when the effect times out or is broken. This is by no
means a bad effect, but it is one that will be more useful in PvP where
Brewmasters are less likely to be.
Enhanced Conduits
Conduit slots within your chosen Soulbind tree will eventually become enhanced at high levels of Renown. This bonus adds two extra ranks of power to their effects, which is equivalent to a bonus of 26 item levels! Note that this applies to the Conduit slot rather than the Conduits themselves and will be permanently unlocked row-by-row within a Soulbind, starting from the top Conduit rows and moving downward.
Due to this system being mostly passive, you should not have to worry too much about optimizing the position of your Conduits within your Soulbind as each row gradually becomes enhanced. The Soulbind recommendations in this guide have already been created with the best Conduit choices being placed as early as possible within the tree. This means that they will also be among the first of your Soulbinds' Conduit slots to become enhanced.
Choosing the Best Covenant For You
While it is tempting to follow whatever tools like Raidbots and
SimulationCraft say offers the most damage or is being run by the "best of the
best", it is incredibly important to note that all four Covenants can be
used on your Brewmaster without being a burden in whatever content you choose
to participate. All of the four Covenants are within an acceptable range of
each other in damage for most scenarios, be it raiding at the Mythic level or
completing Mythic+ keys of +15 or higher. Of course, Tanks in particular are
likely going to have to consider more than just damage in their decision, and
each Covenant offers a different variety of both defensive and utility options
to be considered as well. Fortunately, provided you have reached
Renown 80 and earned the Renowned achievement, you may freely
swap between Covenants as often as you like.
With that being said, different Covenant abilities will cover different niches, and you may feel that some of the four choices more solidly fit into certain bits of content, detailed below:
- Kyrian — Strongest in Raiding. A Convenient "hybrid" choice for PvE/PvP that is balanced in defense and offense, but its damage component requires time to build up. It also offers an extra health potion and access to other convenient non-combat utilities.
- Necrolord — Equally best for Raiding. Marginally strongest defensive Covenant, but still very powerful in offense. Scales well with multiple targets, but can feel frantic to play with. It also provides an additional defensive cooldown and is the best Covenant in Torghast.
- Night Fae — Has the potential to be strong for damage in
Mythic+ and provides a large amount of offhealing for
a group, though it is the only Covenant whose ability is capped to hit
up to 5 targets at a time and can quickly fall behind in larger target counts.
With the help of its
Faeline Harmony Legendary Power, it can avoid falling too far behind the other Covenants. This Covenant also requires you to be able to regularly stand still for long periodsof time to maximize its potential, but it does offer an extra mobility cooldown.
- Venthyr — The most passive choice, and slightly worse than
the other three options overall for damage, but can offer decent burst damage and
defense; the true strength of this Covenant is heavily reliant on the use of its
Covenant-specific Legendary Power —
Sinister Teachings. It also offers an extra movement cooldown.
Kyrian Brewmaster Monk
Kyrian is a strong option for Brewmaster Monks. Both its class and signature abilities can be used in almost any form of content and may be ideal for Monks who wish to play all three specializations.
Weapons of Order is a 2-minute cooldown that immediately resets the
cooldown of
Keg Smash (or one charge of the ability with
Stormstout's Last Keg
) when used. Then, for the next 30 seconds, your Mastery is increased by
10% and your Keg Smash will debuff the enemies it hits. This debuff
increases the damage taken from you by 8% for 10 seconds and stacks up to 4
times. The combination of Mastery and increased damage over a long period of
time results in Weapons of Order acting as a versatile offensive or defensive
cooldown wherever it is used. However, since its damage debuff requires four
casts of Keg Smash on a target to reach its maximum value, it can be less useful on
targets that die quickly. Its 2-minute cooldown also does not allow it to
naturally line up with a Brewmaster's other baseline, 3-minute cooldown:
Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox. However, users of both
Charred Passions and
Walk with the Ox can bring these cooldowns
together through the use of
Spinning Crane Kick.
Summon Steward allows you to call your own personal companion who will
immediately supply you with three
Phial of Serenity every five minutes.
When used, this Phial will restore 20% Health and remove most
Poison, Curse, Disease, and Bleed effects on a 3-minute cooldown. This cooldown
is also separate from traditional Health potions and
though it can only be used once per boss encounter. Although Brewmasters
are already able to remove poisons and diseases with
the additional on-demand removal of especially dangerous Curses and Bleeds is a
powerful piece of utility.
Beyond supplying you with Phial of Serenity, your Steward can also
perform other optional services on a much longer cooldown including acting as a
basic vendor — no repairs allowed — or allowing you to change talents.
By participating in the Kyrian-exclusive Path of Ascension content, you can
further unlock temporary access to a mailbox or your bank along with additional
vendor items!
Kyrian Soulbinds
All three of the Soulbinds, Pelagos, Kleia, and Forgelite Prime Mikanikos, can have moments of being the best choice. In particular, Pelagos can be considered the most generic or "hybrid" option, Kleia can be thought of as being a bit more supportive to others, and Mikanikos acts as the most offensive choice.
Pelagos' effects primarily deal with the Mastery stat and, as such,
is recommended as the default choice for a Kyrian Brewmaster. His
Combat Meditation in particular provides an additional 350 Mastery
— equivalent to 10% — during each use of
Weapons of Order
and can last for longer than the cooldown itself if extended. Meanwhile,
Focusing Mantra will allow for more frequent usage of your
Phial of Serenity in Mythic+ but it will not help in raid. Next,
Let Go of the Past's extra magic damage reduction will be helpful against
the damage that is most likely to kill a Brewmaster. From there,
Better Together will provide you with a small amount of bonus
Mastery that will be more or less permanent whenever you are playing in a group.
Finally, his
Newfound Resolve will provide you with a large amount of
Stamina and Agility if you are able to continuously identify and face the
small Doubt that will spawn on a regular basis.
If you are interested in being a more supportive type of tank, Kleia
might be for you instead. Many of her traits, such as Valiant Strikes,
Mentorship, and
Resonant Accolades offer bonuses to allies
rather than just yourself. In addition, many of Kleia's offerings will increase
your Critical Strike, such as
Pointed Courage,
Spear of the Archon,
Light the Path. However, in exchange for these bonuses you will have
to give up a Potency Conduit.
Forgelite Prime Mikanikos offers slightly more damage at the expense of a little
less defense. His Soulbind is also one that will create the biggest impact on
your playstyle. Bron's Call to Action will generate
stacks toward summoning Bron from nearly any ability. This will
result in Bron being summoned quite often; however, the small knockback he
generates when appearing can sometimes be inconvenient. Similarly,
Forgelite Filter can result in wasting your one possible use of
Phial of Serenity, which is not ideal if you had a planned moment for
it during a raid encounter. With that being said, Bron does provide a lot of
additional damage when present. Likewise,
Effusive Anima Accelerator can
result in many more casts of
Weapons of Order over time, and while
Hammer of Genesis requires selecting another Endurance Conduit, it provides
a lot of extra Haste in an AoE scenario.
Overall, Forgelite Prime Mikanikos may be considered if you want to deal slightly
more damage overall and want a more interactive Kyrian experience. He may also
prove useful if you wish to deal more damage through
Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox and find the extra Mastery from
Pelagos to be a hindrance to that goal.
If opting for Forgelite Prime Mikanikos, your ideal path will be as such:
Note that this recommendation is meant to favor single-target encounters. If
you are instead bringing this Soulbind to Mythic+ or other AoE-heavy areas,
switch to Hammer of Genesis and
Reactive Retrofitting, adding the
Fortifying Ingredients and
Tumbling Technique Conduits in the process.
When instead using Pelagos, this will be your ideal path to take:
Be sure to swap your Conduit branch before Let Go of the Past to the
Finesse choice and use
Dizzying Tumble if you are up against targets that can be stunned by
Leg Sweep!
Necrolord Brewmaster Monk
Necrolords are a potent contender for Brewmaster Monks,
especially those who enjoy juggling short burst windows of damage. It also acts
as perhaps the best option for defensive-oriented Brewmasters, uniquely being
the only Covenant that can both slightly increase the number of casts of Celestial Brew
over time and offer an additional defensive cooldown.
Bonedust Brew is a 1-minute cooldown that allows you to coat all targets
at a location with a special brew for 10 seconds that provides a 50% chance for any damage and
healing done by you to replicate itself at 40% of the original strength, but this
replication cannot critically strike. In addition, hitting a target affected by
Bonedust Brew with
Keg Smash or
Tiger Palm reduces the cooldown
of your other Brew abilities by an extra second. It is important to note that
the 50% chance can apply to every tick of an ability like
Breath of Fire's
DoT component or
Rushing Jade Wind as well as the healing from
Celestial Fortune.
However, a Keg Smash that echoes its effect does not trigger its natural
3 seconds of Brew reduction a second time. Finally, since Bonedust Brew is
itself a Brew, Keg Smash and Tiger Palm also reduce the ability's
own cooldown as well! This means that it can essentially be used every
25-30 seconds rather than its tooltip cooldown of 1 minute.
Fleshcraft acts as the other half of the Necrolord ability pair and
has a 2-minute cooldown. Over a 3-second channel, you will build up an absorb
capping out at 40% of your Maximum Health. Moving or using another ability will
end the channel early, but fortunately you can still dodge during the channel!
In addition, as Fleshcraft is an absorb, your
Celestial Fortune will further
increase its size based on your Critical Strike percentage. This makes it a powerful
defensive cooldown in an emergency.
On top of its already-potent active effect, Fleshcraft also carries
a passive as well. Walking by the corpse of an enemy you helped slay will reduce
the cooldown of the ability by one second. The more carnage you make, the more
safety you can create.
Necrolord Soulbinds
The Soulbinds available to Necrolord Brewmasters, Plague Deviser Marileth, Emeni, and Bonesmith Heirmir, might be considered a bit more situational than the options on other Covenants. All three of them offer some combination of offense and defense, but of the three, Marileth can be considered the strongest for damage with Emeni close behind. Heirmir is perhaps the most "hybrid" option, but ends up being not as useful as her alternatives.
Plague Deviser Marileth offers a number of powerful benefits, though many of them
are conditional. Volatile Solvent, for example, offers a number of
strong effects depending on the type of enemy corpse you consume with
Fleshcraft's passive effect, but requires Fleshcraft to be on cooldown
and plenty of enemies to slay. However, there are truly is a buff for every
occasion if the right corpse appears. Likewise,
Ultimate Form grants you
a total of 12% regeneration of your Maximum Health, but requires you to fully
channel Fleshcraft to receive most of it. Then,
Ooz's Frictionless Coating
Undulating Maneuvers require you to fall below 50% health or remain
above 80% to activate, respectively. Finally,
Kevin's Oozeling amplifies
your damage dealt to a target, but is only out for a short period after you cast
Bonedust Brew. However, since his duration is based on the 1-minute
cooldown of Bonedust Brew rather than what it is reduced to by your abilities,
Kevin's Oozeling is active fairly often.
Emeni, meanwhile, provides a reliable amount of Agility provided with
Lead by Example. As its duration is as long as
Bonedust Brew's debuff,
it will achieve the same amount of uptime as the ability and grant you both damage
and slightly higher
Stagger. Beyond that, much of her tree is filled with
further utility like an extra
Hearthstone from
Hearth Kidneystone
or movement speed when near enemies through
Gristled Toes. She even
provides a modest shield against magic damage with
Resilient Stitching and
Fleshcraft into a damaging ability with
Pustule Eruption.
Bonesmith Heirmir is perhaps the most interesting Soulbind for a risk-and-reward
playstyle. Her Serrated Spaulders will activate on every melee attack
received with no cooldown as a source of extra damage, while her
Runeforged Spurs
will increase your movement speed while mounted if you are attacked on
your mount. She also has a sort of martyr effect in the form of
Forgeborne Reveries,
which allows you to fight for up to 10 extra seconds after death. Be aware,
however, that you may have a harder time maintaining threat against your enemies
like this due to your 50% reduced damage dealt in this state. She should be
strongly considered in a Mythic+ environment where these traits, along with
Carver's Eye and
Mnemonic Equipment, allow her bonuses to
be maximized
Recommended Necrolord Soulbind Trees
If opting for Plague Deviser Marileth, this your recommended Soulbind path:
When using Emeni, this will be your ideal path to take:
Night Fae Brewmaster Monk
Night Fae is another practical choice for a Brewmaster Monk to be, and is potentially the strongest offensive option if facing small groups of targets.
Faeline Stomp creates a massive shockwave in front of you, damaging
enemies and healing allies in a large cone on a 30-second cooldown. In addition,
a faeline will spawn, starting underneath your character. Your
amount will be 5% higher for 8 seconds against any enemies that are hit by this
faeline. This Stagger bonus is identical to
High Tolerance, but without
the added Haste effect. Finally, while you are standing on the faeline you have
created, any damaging ability has a 6% chance to immediately reset the
cooldown of Faeline Stomp. Only one
faeline can be active on the ground at a time, however. Sadly, this reset
component adds some variance to how much damage you can deal, but in general if
you are always able to stand on your faelines the average cooldown time will be
roughly 16 seconds. Fortunately, the lines are large enough that even with some
light movement it is possible to stay on top of them. As a result, Faeline Stomp
is a potent increase in overall damage that can also enable a small amount of
group healing. However, be aware that this is one of
the few AoE abilities to still maintain a target cap of only 5.
Soulshape is the second Night Fae ability on a 1.3-minute cooldown
that will teleport you forward 15 yards and place you into a shapeshift form for
12 seconds that provides 50% increased movespeed. While in this form, you may
teleport forward another 15 yards every 4 seconds with
Flicker, but
using any other ability will immediately cancel your Soulshape. Two other
benefits to Soulshape are that you can choose from a variety of unlockable
animal forms to become, and that while in a rested area you may stay in
Soulshape indefinitely. Although Brewmasters are already one of the more agile
specializations, having another mobility tool is always welcome.
Night Fae Soulbinds
Night Fae players have no shortage of viable Soulbinds to choose from. Niya offers a great combination of offense and defense that can also be tailored to favor single-target or AoE damage, while Korayn provides a plethora of effects that only get stronger against more targets. Even Dreamweaver holds massive potential, but comes with the risk of a "beneficial" cheat-death effect.
Niya is often the best choice of Soulbind for a Night Fae
Brewmaster. Her Grove Invigoration provides a healthy amount of Mastery
and Maximum Health and the buff lasts for as long as the baseline cooldown of
Faeline Stomp. However, its stacking effect works like a Druid's
Ironfur, where each stack has its own independent 30-second timer. As a
result, a Brewmaster will be sitting at roughly 13-15 stacks assuming average
cooldown resets on Faeline Stomp with
Faeline Harmony. These stacks can
even be further empowered with the help of her
Bonded Hearts trait! In
Niya's Tools: Burrs adds a lot of passive damage and even works
on bosses, while
Survivor's Rally provides a passive source of healing
when you need it most. If it can be activated reliably,
Niya's Tools: Poison
can even reward you for successfully using
Spear Hand Strike with a bonus
DoT effect, though it comes at the cost of giving up a Potency Conduit.
Dreamweaver offers some nice stat bonuses as well, giving you and
your allies Versatility with Social Butterfly and additional Haste when
Faeline Stomp with
Field of Blossoms. There is even
the additional benefits of passive healing from
Waking Dreams and bonus
damage or healing to a target with
Dream Delver. However, there is
a nasty drawback in the form of
Podtender, the first mandatory spot on
the tree. Although its cheat death effect sounds useful at first, it suffers from
some mechanical issues. While you are regenerating in the wildseed, you cannot
take any actions, lose all threat, and you cannot cancel the effect to die
early. Any one of these effects is dangerous for a Tank specialization; all three
combined is a nightmare. Unless you know that you will not trigger
Podtender, Dreamweaver's Soulbind must be avoided on a Brewmaster.
Korayn is a slightly more defensive Soulbind with some extra
utility benefits focused on movespeed. Wild Hunt Tactics, for example, will
grant increased movement speed and damage when hitting targets above 75% Health,
Horn of the Wild Hunt will give bonus movespeed to allies whenever
you use
Soulshape. There is also passive damage reduction from
Face Your Foes and passive Leech from
Hunt's Exhilaration, both of
which will always be present for a Brewmaster. If you are in a mythic+ scenario
or wish to focus a bit more on defense, Korayn makes for a nice alternative to
Recommended Night Fae Soulbind Trees
When using Niya, this will be your ideal path to take:
In AoE-heavy areas, consider swapping to Niya's Tools: Poison so that you
can also make use of an extra Potency Conduit.
If you are instead using Korayn, your ideal Soulbind tree will be this:
You may wish to select Face Your Foes instead of
First Strike
if you wish to be a little more defensive. This will also allow you to select
Scalding Brew as your third Potency Conduit.
Venthyr Brewmaster Monk
While all four Covenant choices are viable as a Brewmaster Monk, Venthyr is generally the least useful if you wish to deal more damage. However, it still provides a strong source of burst and a lot of defense while offering a more passive choice for Brewmasters that do not want to add extra complexity to their playstyle.
Fallen Order is a 3-minute cooldown that will create a portal nearby.
From this portal a Monk spirit will spawn every 3 seconds to aid you in combat
and attack your current target for 6 seconds. The spirit will represent one of the
three specializations players have — Ox (Brewmaster), Tiger (Windwalker),
or Crane (Mistweaver) — with half of the spirits being Ox and the other
half split evenly between the other two. Ox spirits in particular will
last for 8 seconds rather than 6 and cast both
Keg Smash and
Breath of Fire. Each Ox spirit will also buff you with a
Fallen Brew
when they appear, shielding you for roughly 10% of your maximum health. Note
that the Ox spirit is version of Keg Smash does not give you extra Brew
cooldown reduction, but its Breath of Fire debuff does give you extra damage
reduction. Tiger spirits, meanwhile, will only use
Tiger Palm and
Spinning Crane Kick while Crane spirits will only channel
Soothing Mist. Overall, the large number of Keg Smash, Spinning Crane
Kick, and autoattack casts during this time makes for a large amount of hands-free
damage along with up to 20% extra damage reduction and absorbing a total of
around 40% of your maximum health in damage. However, the long cooldown and
random order the spirits spawn in creates a lot of variance that hinders this
ability's strength.
Door of Shadows allows you to teleport to a location within a
35-yard range on a 1-minute cooldown. However, it has a 1.5-second cast time.
What is interesting about this ability is that it does allow for teleporting to
a ledge above you or beyond certain barriers, which can enable some fun
possibilities. It can also be useful to help avoid certain mechanics in a raid
or dungeon if given enough time to cast the ability.
Venthyr Soulbinds
The Venthyr Soulbinds offer a variety of tools, though usually at the cost of giving something up along the way or having somewhat niche usage. Among them, Nadjia the Mistblade may hold a lot of raw power within her traits, for example, but provides them at the cost of having to pick up three Finesse Conduits. Theotar the Mad Duke, meanwhile, can offer a large amount of secondary stats and healing, but will only do so at random times. Finally, General Draven is perhaps the strongest defensive Soulbind choice in the game without any serious drawbacks, but may even be considered unnecessary.
Nadjia the Mistblade is a Soulbind who offers her power at the cost of poor Conduit
choices along the way. While she provides 3% Versatility through Dauntless Duelist,
it comes at the cost of having to accept an extra Finesse Conduit and the trait only
working on one enemy at a time. She also grants you a substantial Haste bonus
on a regular basis through
Thrill Seeker, which will also eventually
increase your Critical Strike or Versatility through
Fatal Flaw. She can
also offer a small defensive bonus in
Sinful Preservation, though it
too comes at the cost of selecting a Finesse Conduit. Overall, the large amount
of secondary stats Nadjia provides can make her a possible choice for a
damage-oriented Venthyr.
Theotar the Mad Duke provides a similar type of trade-off decision-making as well.
With Token of Appreciation, you could give those that heal you an extra
absorb while also taking a path to gain another Potency Conduit, or you could
choose to gain additional defense along the way to stronger potion effects with
Refined Palate. However, if you are making use of the
Sinister Teachings
Legendary, then the clear winner is
Wasteland Propriety due to its buff
assuming that your
Fallen Order is still a 3-minute cooldown. There is
also the ability to gain a large amount of Mastery for a time with
Soothing Shade, though you will have to stand within a circular area to
benefit from it. This effect also will provide you with healing and damage reduction
It's Always Tea Time. He will even graciously gift you with 3% of
Agility or any secondary stat with
Party Favors. However, as this power
is limited to a random stat for four hours at a time with a one hour cooldown to
"reroll" your buff, you may not always want Theotar.
General Draven offers what may be the strongest Soulbind out of
all four Covenants for a Brewmaster. His Service In Stone provides passive
damage reduction when you are at low Health and need it the most while also
giving you a martyr effect to damage and heal enemies/allies respectively if you
should die.
Move As One, meanwhile, gives you movement speed from any
bonus movespeed effects your allies have received. This caps off with
Hold Your Ground allowing you to have higher maximum Health and increased
self-healing, including
Celestial Fortune, if you are able to avoid
moving too often. Likewise,
Battlefield Presence and
Regenerative Stone Skin
further amplify your defensive potential as long as an enemy is around and you
are receiving healing, respectively. This Soulbind is one that all players should
consider taking if they need to play overly defensive.
Recommended Venthyr Soulbind Trees
If using Theotar the Mad Duke, your ideal Soulbind path will look like this:
When using General Draven, this will instead be your ideal path to take:
If in an AoE-heavy area such as Mythic+, you may wish to select
Superior Tactics over
Hold Your Ground, opting for
Fortifying Ingredients as a third Endurance Conduit choice.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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This guide has been written by Sinzhu, a Mythic raider on US-Kil'jaeden who has passionately played Brewmaster for the past nine years. He also contributes to the Peak of Serenity and is a Moderator of the Monk Class Discord.
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