Brewmaster Monk Tank Gems, Enchants, and Consumables — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Mar 23, 2025 at 17:27 by Sinzhu 27 comments
General Information

On this page, we list the best gems, enchants, flasks, potions, and food you can get for your Brewmaster Monk, based on your stat priority. We also give budget alternatives. This page is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).


Best Gems, Enchantments, and Consumables for Brewmaster Monk

This section will be going over a variety of extra buffs available for use by your character. To have a better understanding of why certain stats are being prioritized on a Brewmaster Monk, please pay a visit to the page dedicated to them.


Best Gems for Brewmaster Monk

You should ideally make use of a balance of Critical Strike and Versatility in your gems, but will also need to include one Culminating Blasphemite Icon Culminating Blasphemite or Elusive Blasphemite Icon Elusive Blasphemite along with one of each "color" of gem other than orange/amber. This means you will make use of one Versatile Ruby Icon Versatile Ruby, one Deadly Sapphire Icon Deadly Sapphire, one Deadly Onyx Icon Deadly Onyx, and even one Versatile Emerald Icon Versatile Emerald to maximize your Blasphemite's effect. After this point, you will continue to socket Deadly Sapphire Icon Deadly Sapphire or Versatile Ruby Icon Versatile Ruby in any remaining sockets.

Do not forget that you can also immediately add up to two sockets to any neck or ring-slot item with the aid of multiple Magnificent Jeweler's Setting Icon Magnificent Jeweler's Settings.


Best Enchants for Brewmaster Monk

Slot Enchantment
Weapons (Damage) Enchant Weapon - Authority of the Depths Icon Enchant Weapon - Authority of the Depths
Weapons (Defense)
  • Enchant Weapon - Authority of Radiant Power Icon Enchant Weapon - Authority of Radiant Power
  • Enchant Weapon - Oathsworn's Tenacity Icon Enchant Weapon - Oathsworn's Tenacity (likely cheaper)
  • Enchant Cloak - Chant of Leeching Fangs Icon Enchant Cloak - Chant of Leeching Fangs
  • Enchant Cloak - Chant of Burrowing Rapidity Icon Enchant Cloak - Chant of Burrowing Rapidity
  • Enchant Chest - Crystalline Radiance Icon Enchant Chest - Crystalline Radiance
  • Enchant Chest - Stormrider's Agility Icon Enchant Chest - Stormrider's Agility (slightly less Agility, but with additional Speed)
Legs Stormbound Armor Kit Icon Stormbound Armor Kit
  • Enchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Leech Icon Enchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Leech
  • Enchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Speed Icon Enchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Speed
  • Enchant Boots - Scout's March Icon Enchant Boots - Scout's March (Speed)
  • Enchant Boots - Defender's March Icon Enchant Boots - Defender's March (Stamina)
Rings (Radiant)
  • Enchant Ring - Radiant Critical Strike Icon Enchant Ring - Radiant Critical Strike
  • Enchant Ring - Radiant Versatility Icon Enchant Ring - Radiant Versatility
Rings (Cursed)
  • Enchant Ring - Cursed Critical Strike Icon Enchant Ring - Cursed Critical Strike
  • Enchant Ring - Cursed Versatility Icon Enchant Ring - Cursed Versatility

As a Brewmaster Monk, stats are so close together for defensive value that you are largely free to use any other stat enchants on rings if you prefer them. However, The War Within also features two types of high-level enchant for the slot, known as "Radiant" and "Cursed." Radiant enchants offer 315 of their secondary stat, while Cursed enchants instead provide 390 at the cost of reducing a different secondary stat by 115. Although this does result in fewer total stats being given (and is, therefore, worse defensively), Cursed enchantments may prove better for damage.

Meanwhile, for weapon enchants, Enchant Weapon - Authority of the Depths Icon Enchant Weapon - Authority of the Depths or Enchant Weapon - Authority of Radiant Power Icon Enchant Weapon - Authority of Radiant Power are the preferred choices for most content, with the latter offering a minor additional defensive benefit. If you are dual-wielding, then both weapons can be given weapon enchants, whether identical or different. When using two of the same weapon enchant, their proc rate will stay the same, but the effect's strength will be doubled!

If seeking to deal the most damage, you should definitely consider simulating your character. For more information, look into the Simulations section of this guide dedicated to explaining how to do so below.


Consumables for Brewmaster Monk


Best Flasks and Potions for Brewmaster Monk



Flask of Alchemical Chaos Icon Flask of Alchemical Chaos should be used in most situations, acting as a generic choice to provide both damage and defense. It also will make the recommended combat potion below even stronger. However, if you are not in an area where potions will be frequently used, then the single-stat Flask of Tempered Aggression Icon Flask of Tempered Aggression or Flask of Tempered Versatility Icon Flask of Tempered Versatility may be a cheaper alternative. Remember, you may obtain any flasks of your choice with access to a Algari Flask Cauldron Icon Algari Flask Cauldron, so long as the Alchemist dropping it knows the recipe.


Combat Potions

Tempered Potion Icon Tempered Potion is your recommended potion, both before combat as a "pre-pot" and during most fights. When using a Flask of Alchemical Chaos Icon Flask of Alchemical Chaos, this will offer a massive amount of all four secondaries due to it not being considered a "tempered" flask such as the Flask of Tempered Aggression Icon Flask of Tempered Aggression. In addition, there may be rare times to justify making use of a Frontline Potion Icon Frontline Potion as a defensive option.

Similarly to flasks, you may temporarily obtain any potions of your choosing with access to a Algari Potion Cauldron Icon Algari Potion Cauldron, so long as the Alchemist knows the recipe.


Healing Potions

Algari Healing Potion Icon Algari Healing Potion acts as your healing potion. Each use will incur a 5-minute cooldown, but multiple can be consumed in an extended boss fight.

In addition, a Warlock's Healthstone Icon Healthstone does not share a cooldown with other healing consumables. Remember to use it as well if you are holding one!


Best Food for Brewmaster Monk

If available, Feast of the Midnight Masquerade Icon Feast of the Midnight Masquerade/Feast of the Divine Day Icon Feast of the Divine Day is your food of choice for some additional Agility in a dungeon or raid group. Otherwise, there are a number of food items for personal use that increase your highest secondary stat, such as Beledar's Bounty Icon Beledar's Bounty or The Sushi Special Icon The Sushi Special. If the main feasts are not available, use the cheapest of these alternatives.

In addition, The War Within allows you to create a "hearty" version of any food item by combining multiple copies of a dish together, such as the Hearty Feast of the Midnight Masquerade Icon Hearty Feast of the Midnight Masquerade. These dishes are defined by having their buffs maintained on death, making them especially useful for a dungeon or raid.


Additional, Optional Consumables

While they are not as necessary for success in areas of content as flasks, potions and food; there are some additional consumables available for a small amount of extra temporary power for your character.

There exists a small variety of temporary weapon enchants, applying a short-term buff to your weapon that is not removed on death. Throughout The War Within, you will want to apply a Ironclaw Weightstone Icon Ironclaw Weightstone or Ironclaw Whetstone Icon Ironclaw Whetstone to your weapons to increase their Attack Power, depending on whether they are blunt (polearm/staff/mace) or bladed (sword/axe). You may also make use of either the Oil of Deep Toxins Icon Oil of Deep Toxins or Algari Mana Oil Icon Algari Mana Oil, giving a small amount of bonus damage or secondary stats instead.

While expensive, Crystallized Augment Rune Icon Crystallized Augment Runes can also be used for a small amount of extra Agility. Consider keeping a few on hand for times when you need to eke out every bit of possible damage.

If you find yourself in need of a Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust-effect, drums are a useful tool to provide a similar, but weaker, form of the buff. At Level 80, the only drums that can be used are Thunderous Drums Icon Thunderous Drums.

The War Within also features a battle-resurrection item in the form of Convincingly Realistic Jumper Cables Icon Convincingly Realistic Jumper Cables. While you cannot dodge attacks during the cast time of this short-range item—and it can even backfire—it represents an otherwise indispensable piece of utility if your group does not already have a class featuring a combat res. Make sure to purchase higher-ranked versions to reduce the cast time!



  • 23 Mar. 2025: Added mention of the Magnificent Jeweler's Setting for additional sockets on jewelry.
  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.0.
  • 20 Feb. 2024: Page reviewed for Patch 11.1.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Consumables adjusted based on recent simulations for The War Within Season 1.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: The War Within consumables added for launch.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Page reviewed for Dragonflight Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Page reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Page reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Added new Helm enchant; adjusted healing potion and phial recommendations for Patch 10.2; specified Shocking Disclosure primarily being a cheap choice.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Recommended Single-target potion altered for Patch 10.1.7; Frozen Devotion recommendation removed due to cheaper enchantment prices.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Added a note about Onyx Annulet no longer being the best choice at higher item levels in Patch 10.1.5.
  • 03 May 2023: Weapon enchants updated with specific target counts; single-target potion recommendation changed.
  • 01 May 2023: Added mention of the Draconic Phial Cauldron in Patch 10.1; removed infrequently-used Primordial Stones.
  • 01 Apr. 2023: Primordial Stone recommendations modified with tuning now finalized.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 12 Jan. 2022: Slightly adjusted Consumable recommendations; adjusted Chest Enchants.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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