Brewmaster Monk Tank Mythic+ Tips — The War Within (11.1.0)
In this guide, you will find tips and advice to tackle Mythic+ dungeons with your Brewmaster Monk in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).
Brewmaster Monk Mythic+ Guide for The War Within Season 2
In this guide, we will talk about getting the most out of your Brewmaster in Mythic+ dungeons, including the best way to set up your character, how your rotation may change, and tips and tricks for using your abilities most optimally.
If you want to learn more about Mythic+ during The War Within in general or Brewmaster's place in the overall rankings, see our overviews below.
Brewmaster Monk in The War Within Mythic+
Brewmaster is an acceptable choice for Mythic+, with decent damage, an
excellent ability to kite in a pinch, and strong natural sturdiness. While their
group utility is mostly limited to an AoE stun, a 5% Physical damage buff, and
passive movement speed, Brewmasters also bring a crowd-control ability,
Disease dispel, and the option to talent into multiple
abilities that affect enemy positioning.
Best Mythic+ Talents for Brewmaster Monk in The War Within
In Mythic+, you have two main builds to decide between as a Brewmaster Monk. For most players, our Standard build is more than sufficient to tackle keystones at any level. However, for those looking for a greater challenge (and greater damage output as a reward), then our Advanced build may be more appropriate. Regardless of your choice, you have additional talent variety to consider based on a number of factors; these "flex" talents are highlighted further below.
For a more general overview of Talents for Brewmaster Monk, please visit our dedicated Talents page.
Best Mythic+ Talent Builds for Brewmaster Monk
This Standard Mythic+ is very similar to how you might play as a Brewmaster
Monk in raid, making it easy to transition between the two and improve
your skills in general. However, if you are looking for a slightly more advanced
experience, you can always move the point of High Tolerance to
Blackout Combo. Overall, this talent represents one of your biggest
optional damage gains, but it does require you to be able to reliably press
Blackout Kick
on cooldown. Once you have gotten used to it, however, this talent is to be incorporated
into all of your builds.
Although this build features the Master of Harmony Hero Talents, you
can easily switch to
Shado-Pan instead. By comparison,
Master of Harmony's
single-target damage output will be a bit lower by comparison (until you acquire the
Monk Brewmaster 11.1 Class Set 4pc bonus) in exchange for stronger
Purifying Brew
casts and a second charge of
Celestial Brew. Fortunately,
Predictive Training is also noticeably potent in AoE tanking, and
Protect and Serve
pairs nicely with
Vivacious Vivification for additional self-healing.
Remember that you can easily import the talent tree below into the game with the "Export Talents" button:
As you grow more comfortable playing a Brewmaster Monk in Mythic+, this build
can be switched to for a large gain in your damage output and only a small sacrifice
to your defenses. This is done with the help of Blackout Combo,
Black Ox Brew and
Wisdom of the Wall Shadow buffs,
though you will still be punished if unable to reliably hit
Blackout Kick
on cooldown. Much of the talent flexibility from the standard Mythic+ build for
defense and utility still applies, however.
When you are using this build, your playstyle will also change slightly.
With these talents, you will be consuming all of your Blackout Combo buffs
on empowering
Tiger Palm. This damage bonus is strong enough that you will
not be casting
Spinning Crane Kick outside of massive pulls!
In addition, due to the
Monk Brewmaster 11.1 Class Set 4pc bonus, you may
occasionally have fast-paced moments of doing back-to-back Tiger Palm combos.
With all of these changes combined, you will still maintain
an active rotation with minimal downtime and achieve the greatest damage output
possible from a Brewmaster.
As a final note, this build is equally useful for both the
Shado-Pan and
Master of Harmony Hero Talents. Due to the latter's
Overwhelming Force passive, your empowered
Blackout Kick casts
provide a lot of damage in smaller pull counts while still keeping up in larger
ones. Your main deciding factor should come down to how you prefer to handle your
defense and whether or not you are triggering massive bursts of AoE with Shadow
Wisdom of the Wall procs on
Shado-Pan, alongside larger pulls
for more
Keg Smash damage.
Remember that you can easily import the talent tree below into the game with the "Export Talents" button:
Mythic+ Talent Flexibility
Due to the wildly different styles of pull sizes, enemy types, and even your own group of players in a given Mythic+ dungeon, there are a number of additional talent choices separate from the builds shown above to consider at times. Use the sections below to understand these alternatives and help determine when you may wish to switch a point or two around.
Mythic+ Talent Flexibility for Brewmaster Monk
Flexible Mythic+ Talents for Brewmaster Monk
Talent Choice | When to Consider |
![]() |
If the dungeon you are running features a dangerous ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() |
Similarly to ![]() ![]() |
![]() |
When a dungeon contains multiple spread out pulls chained together, it can be difficult
to establish threat on every enemy with your limited amount of AoE damage. When
this is likely, consider using ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
If you find yourself in need of an additional cooldown against especially
dangerous mechanics rather than passive reduction against enemy auto attacks,
then it may be necessary to swap your choice node of ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
As with the choice above, here you are deciding between passive
magic mitigation and a strong active cooldown against it. Due to magic
magic damage frequently proving more threatening, ![]() ![]() |
![]() |
Once you have acquired your ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
When selecting your talents, these four choices represent different forms of "conditional" defense that may not always be useful in a Mythic+ setting. As a result, you can pick any two of these talents, based on your pathing needs or personal preference. |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
These three talents are your biggest optional defensive gains. Switch
into them as necessary while bearing in mind that
![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() |
The higher your average ![]() |
![]() |
Although this talent will deal less damage until the higher key levels
where you may reliably reach ![]() |
![]() |
This talent offers incredible versatility to your decisions in the
Brewmaster Monk rotation and is generally more effective overall
than a point of ![]() ![]() |
![]() |
If you are having a hard time with threat in the early stages of a pull,
this talent may be swapped to over ![]() |
![]() |
Consider this talent if you do not need extra defense and wish to
gain a bit more damage overall, sacrificing a point of
![]() |
![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() |
In general, you will rarely, if ever, make use of ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Niche Mythic+ Talents for Brewmaster Monk
For the sake of mentioning the rare times these talents may be useful, the following table includes the remaining options available to you as a Brewmaster Monk. Be aware that you will very rarely need to switch to these talents, if ever. However, be on the lookout for these rare opportunities across the many dungeons in a Mythic+ season.
Talent | Usage Tips |
![]() |
This enhancement to ![]() |
![]() |
You generally have enough mobility as a Brewmaster to easily kite away
from enemies as necessary (discussed further in a
separate section below). However, with this talent, you can make use of a
pre-placed ![]() |
![]() |
Although you can already remove snares with ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
These talents can be combined for some on-demand self-healing, particularly when you are in the middle of kiting enemies. However, the point investment is hefty and hard to afford in many scenarios. |
![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() |
If you are playing in sufficiently low key levels to not frequently reach
heavy amounts of ![]() ![]() |
![]() |
Provided your damage intake's high enough for your charges of ![]() ![]() |
Mythic+ Utility for Brewmaster Monk in The War Within Season 2
This section talks mostly about the uses of different spells. For in-depth explanations of all Brewmaster Monk Abilities and Talents, including these; check out our Spells page.
Utility of Brewmaster Monk in The War Within
Interrupts, Stuns and Stops
Spear Hand Strike is your "kick" and your most important bit of utility in
Mythic+, used to stop enemy casts for the benefit of yourself and the rest of
the group. It is highly recommended to use a Focus Kick macro for this.
- /cast [@focus,exists,nodead][@mouseover,exists,nodead] [] Spear Hand Strike
This macro will kick your focus target if you have one, mouseover if you have no Focus target, and your target if you have neither of those.
To quickly set a focus target in hectic scenarios, we also recommend a Focus Mouseover macro.
- /focus [@mouseover]
Make sure that your UI shows your Focus Target's casts clearly so that you are always able to kick it on cooldown or in coordination with the rest of your group.
Stunning and "Stops"
Leg Sweep is your AoE stun effect as a Monk. With it, you
can delay or negate dangerous abilities cast by enemies, or you can use it to
survive a dangerous pull for a little while longer while you build up your
defenses. Remember that certain enemies, such as minibosses, may be immune
to its effects and other stuns in general!
Paralysis is a versatile crowd control ability that temporarily
removes an enemy from the fight, it is best to cast it before you pull a group
of enemies so that the effect will not be broken by a random bit of damage. In
addition, you can use Paralysis as an extra interrupt effect in a pinch.
If your enemies are able to be knocked around, then Ring of Peace represents
another form of disruption, bouncing them out of the summoned ring.
Ring of Peace has a lot of possibilities for its application and is remarkably
versatile: you can disrupt patrolling enemies, interrupt an enemy's cast, or keep
a fixated enemy away from its target, among other uses.
Other Utility
Crackling Jade Lightning can be a useful tool for pulling a faraway
group of enemies by casting it on one of them; just remember to immediately cancel
Crackling Jade Lightning's channel by moving or performing another action!
However, bear in mind that it will hardly generate any threat.
Lighter Than Air, and
Tiger's Lust can all be
used fairly often in a dungeon and are excellent options for repositioning
yourself or making a quick escape from danger. Tiger's Lust, in particular,
can often remove debuffs that deal damage over time or other negative
effects if the debuff also snares or roots the victim!
The Windwalking aura works to provide you and any allies within 10
yards with extra movement speed. In Mythic+, where there is only one healer
and the group tends to stay close to the tank, you can provide your entire
group with this buff at nearly all times!
Notes on Kiting
When running a Mythic+ dungeon, there may be times when the damage you or the rest of the group is taking becomes too intense for the healer to manage. During these moments, you can utilize kiting to help reduce your damage taken. This can provide precious time for your healer to restore some extra missing health or for you to get more of your defensive resources back.
There is no solid guideline for when in a dungeon; you may need to practice
kiting as a Brewmaster Monk. Still, you must not forget it is an
available option commonly seen in Mythic+ compared to a raiding environment.
Fortunately, all the mobility available to Brewmaster Monks makes kiting reasonably
simple. You could choose to Leg Sweep a group of enemies and
away afterward, throwing a
Keg Smash to slow them down while you play
keep-away. Or, you could place a
Transcendence beforehand and quickly
teleport to it later with
Transcendence: Transfer. With the use of
talents like
Summon Black Ox Statue and
Ring of Peace, the only thing
stopping you as a Brewmaster from kiting endlessly is your ability to maintain
threat on what is trying to reach you.
Dungeon Tips and Tricks for Brewmaster Monk for The War Within Season 2
This section has Brewmaster-specific tips and tricks that may not seem obvious for all dungeons' bosses and mobs.
Mythic+ Tips for Brewmaster Monk in The War Within Season 2
Utility Talents
Pressure Points
Summon Black Ox Statue
Hasty Provocation
Boss Tips
- Brew Master Aldryr —
Transcendence and your other mobility are incredibly useful for speeding up each
Happy Hour; consider reserving the delivery to the lone patron at the back of the room by pre-placing your spirit and communicating.
- I'pa — Each cast of
Spouting Stout will create three Brew Drops in a triangle formation around the boss. Consider making use of
Leg Sweep when carefully moving the boss around them.
Ring of Peace is also exceptionally useful if any Brew Drops reach 100 Energy and gain massively increased movement speed.
- Benk Buzzbee —
Summon Black Ox Statue in combination with
Provoke should trivialize gaining threat on every spawn of Ravenous Cinderbees. In addition, your use of
Roll and
Lighter Than Air should make it quite easy to drop
Honey Marinade pools along the edge of the room without causing any Cinderbees to become
Honey Gorged.
- Goldie Baronbottom — Make use of the first
Cash Cannon in each phase of
Spread the Love! to target two of the larger Volatile Barrels (the ones directly in front of and behind the desk); this helps ensure you do not enter a period of
Let It Hail! with lingering stacks of
Cindering Wounds.
Trash Tips
- Be extremely careful about pulling Chef Chewie with any other enemies, due
to his
Compliments of the Chef buff and risk of being knocked into other packs with
- Although you may pick up the Flamethrowers at the start of each wing
if you are skilled in Engineering or an appropriate race, you are unable
to dodge while channeling
Flame On!; save them for another player if possible.
Pressure Points can remove the
Enrage effect of
Spill Drink and
Thirsty on Venture Co. Pyromaniacs and Flavor Scientists.
- Be careful about pulling multiple Venture Co. Honey Harvesters at once
due to the stacking danger of
Swarming Surprise.
- Mark each Yes Man in the order you want to handle them; they will
fully heal with each one's death due to
Field Promotion.
Utility Talents
Pressure Points
Summon Black Ox Statue
Boss Tips
- Ol' Waxbeard — Menial Laborers will frequently
fixate on a random player due to
Luring Candleflame, however any adds run over by
High Speed Collision are immediately slain; position the boss appropriately if your group can handle avoiding the mechanic themselves. In addition, save
Touch of Death for a Dynamite Mine Cart summoned by
Underhanded Track-tics.
- Blazikon — you are unable to participate in most mechanics of
this fight due to the risk of
Blazing Storms or the boss attacking another player in melee range. Focus on staying near the boss, but still avoiding the
Extinguishing Gusts targeted on other players.
- The Candle King — You will need at least two players to alternate
Paranoid Mind throughout the fight. Despite being a tank player, you may still be targeted by
Darkflame Pickaxe.
- The Darkness — The boss will not move during each cast of
Shadowblast, making it an excellent opportunity for you to use your mobility and quickly gather a
Wax Lump. In addition, consider using your "Interact With Target" keybind to quickly pick up the
Candlelight during each
Umbral Slash.
Trash Tips
- Rank Overseer —
Wild Wallop will also hit any enemies in its circle, potentially knocking them into other pulls. Be careful, and consider using
Ring of Peace to limit any enemies being moved by this ability.
- Lowly Moleherd —
Pressure Points can be used to remove both
Panicked! and the
Enrage effect of
Mole Frenzy. In addition,
Throw Rock can only target players that are at least 5 yards away from this enemy; have your party stay near them!.
- Blazing Fiend — be careful about how many of these enemies you pull
around nearby Wandering Candles; allowing too many casts of
Explosive Flame to go off will quickly prove fatal, so make heavy use of
Leg Sweep,
Ring of Peace, and even
Paralysis to help delay them.
- Kobold Flametender — these enemies can be line-of-sighted along the wall outside their nearby room to quickly group them up; they also take damage and are briefly stunned by the circles created from the self-destructing Wandering Candle.
- Corridor Creeper —
Diffuse Magic can be used to both dispel and reflect your stacks of
Creeping Shadow back onto these enemies! Be mindful of their stacks of
Eater of the Dead from being near other dead allies.
Utility Talents
Summon Black Ox Statue
Boss Tips
- Captain Dailcry — your experience on this fight will
depend on your pathing throughout the first section of the dungeon. The most common
approach will result in Elaena Emberlanz being present, resulting in
both the
Divine Judgment and
Pierce Armor DoTs being applied to you for heavy tank damage.
Diffuse Magic may remove Divine Judgment, however.
- Baron Braunpyke — Stay as a group, moving across the room
with each cast of
Hammer of Purity;
Tiger's Lust can be used to remove the snare of
Castigator's Shield; you can make use of
Lighter Than Air and
Transcendence to quickly trigger multiple stacks of
Sacrificial Flame, but be ready to potentially commit extra defensive cooldowns to its DoT.
- Prioress Murrpray — Make sure to look away near the end
Blinding Light's cast, or you will be disoriented and risk having the boss attack another player; take advantage of
Ring of Peace to keep any Arathi Neophytes away from the group during
Barrier of Light, as they will defeat themselves over time due to
Overwhelming Power.
Trash Tips
- Fervent Sharpshooter —
Tiger's Lust can be used to remove the bleed and root of
- Guard Captain Suleyman — Use
Lighter Than Air to negate the knockback of each
Shield Slam.
- Lightspawn —
Ring of Peace can help keep any enemies out of
Burst of Light's effect and prevent them from healing.
- Arathi Neophyte — Be ready to kite if these enemies receive
Inner Fire buff, making use of
Leg Sweep and
Ring of Peace as necessary, as well as potential AoE taunts from
Summon Black Ox Statue.
- Ardent Paladin — Be careful not to pull more than two of these
enemies at a time due to the massive danger of continuous
Sacred Toll casts.
- Sir Braunpyke — do not pull this enemy with anything more
than you have to, as
Radiant Flame inflicts heavy damage to your party as long as he is alive.
Utility Talents
Pressure Points
Summon Black Ox Statue
Boss Tips
- Kyrioss —
Transcendence can be used to get around a beam of
Lightning Torrent if you need to deal with a given affix that has spawned in an inconvenient area.
- Stormguard Gorren — At least three players must juggle the
Chaotic Corruption debuff to avoid suffering from its DoT with the lingering
Chaotic Vulnerability effect. As a tank you are an excellent helper; just remember to be the closest player to the current victim to receive it.
- Voidstone Monstrosity —
Oblivion Wave can be avoided if you are fast enough with your mobility or make use of
Transcendence, but be careful to not accidentally trigger
Entropy in the process. You can usually get by with a simple cast of
Expel Harm after each hit from the ability otherwise. Consider positioning on a far corner of the platform to avoid interfering with other players dealing with Voidstone Fragments.
Trash Tips
- Cursed Thunderer — Be careful about pulling too many of these
enemies at once, especially if you do not have a means of removing
Lightning-Infused. Their constant casts of
Lightning Bolt are especially dangerous.
- Cursed Rooktender —
Pressure Points can be used to remove the
Enrage effect of
Lightning Surge if your group fails to interrupt the cast.
- Void Cursed Crusher — Watch your stacks of
Festering Void from this enemy's attacks, as you will suffer from increasingly reduced healing received. Do not pull too many of them at once!
- Radiating Voidstone — This enemy will gain additional stacks of
Void Extraction for every nearby foe in combat, which will affect how dangerous their
Unleash Darkness channel becomes upon reaching 40% HP. In addition, pulling more than one at a time will result in your group's damage output being further reduced!
Utility Talents
Summon Black Ox Statue
Pressure Points
Boss Tips
- Big M.O.M.M.A. — Ensure you are positioned properly when the final
Darkfuse Mechadrone of each cycle is defeated, as the boss will create
a permanent expanding pool of
Excessive Electrification after every
Jumpstart; fortunately this boss can be moved incredibly far out of their arena without resetting if poor positioning resulted in an awkward puddle. In addition, be ready to kick
Maximum Distortion casts, and do not underestimate the strength of
Electrocrush's DoT effect.
- Keeza Quickfuse — Bront's
Barreling Charge will always be cast three times in a row, and the third charge will always target the tank. Take advantage of this to knock away any lingering
Big Bada BOOM!s.
- Swampface — As a tank you will always be paired with another
DPS player that may not be as mobile as you. Communicate appropriately about which
way to dodge
Mudslides and
Rushing Tides. If your DPS are patient, you can also have
Summon Black Ox Statue take the first
Sludge Claws of the fight by not having anyone else attack on pull.
- Geezle Gigazap —
Thunder Punch will cause you to become stunned if you touch any pools of
Dam Water while affected by its DoT. Try to get knocked into the console, or take advantage of
Transcendence and
Lighter Than Air to negate the movement.
Trash Tips
- Darkfuse Hyena —
Pressure Points can be used to remove the
Bloodthirsty Cackle
Enrage effect if it is not interrupted.
- Loaderbot — although they are not affected by
Paralysis or
Ring of Peace,
Leg Sweep can be used to stop their channeled
Wind Ups.
- Darkfuse Soldier —
Diffuse Magic can be used to remove and reflect the
Black Blood Wound DoT from this enemy's autoattacks.
- Disturbed Kelp — Six of these enemies are arranged in two groups
of 3; be careful not to pull them all without plenty of AoE effects to stop their
Jettison Kelp channels, in addition to their interruptible
Restorative Algae.
- Bubbles — You can help reduce the danger for your party members by running into any Bubbles on the ground as necessary, though you will want to make use of a defensive cooldown if triggering too many at once.
Utility Talents
Pressure Points
Boss Tips
- An Affront of Challengers — Prioritize defeating
Dessia the Decapitator first, as her
Mortal Strike is particularly dangerous to tanks (however, it can be dodged). Remember to keep kicking Sathel the Accursed's
Necromantic Bolts throughout the encounter.
- Gorechop —
Tenderizing Smash will not forcibly move you if you remain near the boss as the cast is started. Beyond this, you can more or less save a charge of
Purifying Brew and a cast of
Expel Harm for each
Hateful Strike for a relatively painless fight.
- Xav the Unfallen — save a use of
Touch of Death for an
Oppressive Banner spawned after a cast of
Blood and Glory to ensure it is destroyed before a
Might of Maldraxxus combo.
- Kul'tharok — Lost Souls summoned by
Draw Soul will spawn on the edge of the platform directly behind from where you are currently positioned. This means you can still spawn yours with the rest of the group while actively attacking the boss! Beyond this, remember to kick
Necrotic Bolt as often as you can;
Necrotic Eruption will track your position at all times, requiring you to stay still. Fortunately, the damage of an orb from
Death Spiral is quite low on a tank, allowing you to not move for most of the encounter if you desire.
- Mordretha, the Endless Empress — Save a cast of both
Expel Harm and
Purifying Brew for each
Reaping Scythe hit.
Leg Sweep and
Ring of Peace are both exceptional tools for handling Deathwalkers created by
Manifest Death.
Trash Tips
- Raging Bloodhorn — a common strategy for this enemy is to
Paralysis and
Ring of Peace on either Unyielding Contender to bring this lone enemy to the Affront of Challengers encounter. Note that this means you will likely be unable to remove the first
Raging Tantrum
Enrage effect as a result. You may also make use of a Rogue's
Shroud of Concealment to bypass the same enemies, though the Bloodhorn will still detect you.
- Xav the Unfallen Lieutenants — which enemy you will fight is
dictated by who last swung when you approach them. You can try to fight the preferred
enemies of Nekthara the Mangler, Harugia the Bloodthirsty, and
Advent Nevermore this way. Note that you are to dodge the
Colossus Smash and even the
Whirlwind casts of them all, though this will not be possible if you are debuffed with
Unbalancing Blow.
- Blighted Sludge-Spewer — interrupting this enemy's
Withering Discharge is your highest priority; they will keep attempting to cast the ability if it is not directly interrupted compared to stopping it with
Paralysis or
Leg Sweep. You can also use
Detox against its
Decaying Filth
Disease debuff.
- Diseased Horror —
Detox can be used to dispel this enemy's
Decaying Blight
- Shackled Soul — Consider taking advantage of your mobility
Transcendence to quickly pull all of these enemies at once before returning to the start of the hallway while your party waits.
Utility Talents
Summon Black Ox Statue
Boss Tips
- Tussle Tonks —
Maximum Thrust will always target you as the tank player; take advantage of it to reposition Gnomercy 4.U. near an available
Piston Smasher for removing
Platinum Plating from The Platinum Pummeler when it next casts the ability. In addition,
B.4.T.T.L.3. Mines near the boss may be safely detonated by you to help keep melee DPS safe.
- K.U.-J.0. — You can remove
Blazing Chomp from yourself in an emergency with
Diffuse Magic, but remember that it will also deal damage to the entire party; make sure your healer can recover. Additionally, you may position K.U.-J.O. in such a way along the corner of a Junk Cube during each cast of
Venting Flames to still allow players to safely attack the boss; however, this is incredibly risky and should only be done in serous keystones once you have sufficiently practised it in a safer environment.
- Head Machinist Sparkflux — Save a cast of
Touch of Death for an Inconspicuous Plant later in the fight when damage cooldowns are not active to immediately reduce its danger. Remember that most classes are likely not as mobile as yourself for dodging mechanics; reposition the boss more slowly if possible.
- King Mechagon — Consider placing a
Transcendence spirit in case you get knocked off the platform by a
Plasma Orb.
Trash Tips
- Bomb Tonk — This enemy will keep attempting to cast
Detonate until it has been manually interrupted or has been defeated. Be careful to not pull all six of them unless you have enough AoE damage and crowd control to finish them in time.
- Metal Gunk — Be careful to not pull too many of this enemy
at once, as their stacking
Corrosive Gunk heal absorb can quickly become overwhelming when paired with a nearby Waste Processing Unit's
Mega Drill.
- Junkyard D.0.G. — Although
Ring of Peace may knock them back, it cannot prevent this enemy's
Fiery Jaws debuff from being applied; do not pull them all at once without extreme burst damage.
- Workshop Defender — Both enemies and allies take reduced
damage while standing in
Shield Generators spawned by these enemies. Make sure you position your foes accordingly.
Utility Talents
Pressure Points
Hasty Provocation
Boss Tips
- Coin-Operated Crowd Pummeler — As a tank you do not get to
participate in
Footbomb Launcher, as the boss needs to stay relatively still to allow other party members to
Punt the projectiles into the boss and trigger
Blazing Azerite. Remember to move it out of any coin piles within its circle during
Coin Magnet, however!
- Azerokk — This boss will cast
Azerite Infusion on whichever Earthrager has more health, though it will try to avoid casting it on an enemy crowd controlled (such as by
Paralysis). You can also make use of both
Leg Sweep and
Ring of Peace to keep these Earthragers away from their
Raging Gaze targets.
- Rixxa Fluxflame — Consider using
Tiger's Lust on a
Propellant Blast target to keep them near the boss and better control its angle for removing puddles of
Azerite Catalyst.
- Mogul Razdunk — Make use of
Touch of Death on a Venture Co. Skyscorcher spawned at 50% health to quickly reduce the damage taken by your party from
Buster Shot. In addition,
Hasty Provocation's movement speed bonus on
Provoke can be helpful for quickly repositioning the boss out of the way of B.O.O.M.B.A.s before they fire
Micro Missiles.
Trash Tips
- Mech Jockey — Make use of
Ring of Peace to prevent this enemy from ever casting
Activate Mech.
- Hired Assassin — Although
Toxic Blades should be interrupted, you are able to dispel its
Poison debuff with
Detox in an emergency. In addition, you can make use of
Ring of Peace, and
Leg Sweep to interrupt the
Fan of Knives channels.
- Addled Thug —
Pressure Points can be used to remove the
Enrage effect of
Inhale Vapors.
- Mechanized Peacekeeper — When forced to engage this enemy, be
aware that you are largely unable to avoid the damage from
Charged Shield, as this enemy cannot be snared and its successful attacks will apply a hefty slow to you. However, in an emergency you can attempt to kite for the duration of the buff with the help of
Tiger's Lust and
- Taskmaster Askari —
Pressure Points can be used to remove the stacks of
Overtime! this enemy gradually gains. Be mindful of his damage output during
Desperate Measures due to the increased stacks of
Heavy Slash you will receive.
- Venture Co. Alchemist —
Detox can be used to remove the
Caustic Compound.
Affix Tips, Tricks and Management for Brewmaster Monk in The War Within Season 2
This section has Brewmaster-specific tips for dealing with the various affixes of Mythic+. If you want general guides for each of our Dungeons or Mythic+ in general, check out our dedicated page below.
Affix Guide for Brewmaster Monk in The War Within
Ascendant Affix Management for Brewmaster Monk
Brewmasters have a large number of abilities on hand that can counter the
Cosmic Ascension casts from the orbs this affix generates. Among these
are your
Spear Hand Strike,
and even
Ring of Peace or
Leg Sweep. However, you may want to
avoid overcommitting resources to stopping this affix in favor of still having them
available for the traditional trash pulls of a dungeon; choose your tools carefully.
Voidbound Affix Management for Brewmaster Monk
Void Emissaries spawned when this affix triggers only have 1 HP, with their
health otherwise being an absorb. This means that your Touch of Death can
instantly be used on them, dealing its full amount of damage and significantly
negating their danger. With the frequency of these spawns, you will be able to
cast Touch of Death on most. However, this does mean you will not have access to
the ability for "regular" moments of the dungeon.
Pulsar Affix Management for Brewmaster Monk
You are unable to gather the Void Pulsar orbiting your character
on your own. It must be walked into by another player. In addition, these
Pulsars will always orbit clockwise; take advantage of this and your own mobility
to quickly gather another player's Pulsar that is in melee range to avoid disrupting
enemy positioning too much.
Devour Affix Management for Brewmaster Monk
Void Rift's absorb can be removed after receiving 53% of your
maximum health in healing, or instantly with
Detox. If you have talented
Vivacious Vivification as well, consider dispelling yourself—
due to tanks having more health to heal through otherwise— and using an
instant cast of
Vivify to help out another player if there are not
enough dispels to go around.
Alternatively, if you are the only player taking significant damage, your healer
will already be passively counteracting Void Rift by keeping you alive.
In these moments, consider using your
Detox on another player instead.
Finding Mythic+ Gear Upgrades for Brewmaster Monk
On our Gear Page below, we have compiled best-in-slot items for Brewmaster Monk that also apply to Mythic+.
- 23 Mar. 2025: Individual dungeon tips added for all bosses and important trash, as well as suggested utility talents.
- 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.0.
- 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
- 21 Oct. 2024: Build descriptions adjusted to reflect the interchangeable nature of Hero Talents; dungeon tips adjusted; added Voidbound affix advice.
- 28 Sep. 2024: Added specific talent/gameplay tips for all Season 1 dungeons.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Updated for The War Within Season 1.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Flex talent examples updated for Dragonflight Season 4.
- 19 Mar. 2024: Page reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
- 19 Jan. 2024: Reorganized flex talents based on likelihood of use; added separate entry for utilizing Dragonfire Brew instead of Charred Passions.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Page reviewed for Patch 10.2.5; listed specific dungeons where Detox should be talented; added link to FAQ regarding talenting Press the Advantage.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Wordings adjusted in preparation for Dragonflight Season 3; added mention of the Staggering Strikes talent for lower keystone levels.
- 04 Sep. 2023: Default Mythic+ talent build slightly revised; flex talents reorganized; utility usage tips reformatted.
- 12 Jul. 2023: Added additional guidance on talent swapping decisions.
- 10 Jul. 2023: Adjusted default Mythic+ build due to new talents in Patch 10.1.5; added further notes on talents to consider swapping into as necessary.
- 01 May 2023: Added Song of Chi-Ji to utility list; discussion of new gear upgrade system.
- 14 Apr. 2023: Slightly adjusted recommended default Mythic+ talent build.
- 20 Mar. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.0.7.
- 24 Jan. 2023: Updated talent trees with new 10.0.5 talent choices.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Recommended build slightly adjusted based on recent theorycrafting; added table mentioning when to consider alternate talents.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
More Monk Guides
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This guide has been written by Sinzhu, a Mythic raider on US-Kil'jaeden who has passionately played Brewmaster for the past nine years. He also contributes to the Peak of Serenity and is a Moderator of the Monk Class Discord.
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