Cartels of Undermine Renown Guide – How to Earn Reputation & Rewards

Last updated on Mar 09, 2025 at 23:02 by Stan 1 comment

The Cartels of Undermine is the umbrella Renown faction for the four cartels located in Undermine. The following guide covers how to farm reputation with the faction and lists the items you can buy from its quartermasters.



The Cartels of Undermine is the fifth major Renown faction players will come across in The War Within expansion. The following guide covers how to increase your reputation standing with the faction and what rewards you can unlock.


The Four Cartels

The faction consists of the following four cartels:

  • Bilgewater Cartel: From brilliant inventors to explosive geniuses. Bilgewater is home to some of the brightest goblins to ever live. They made a big splash joining the Horde, but in Undermine, they can use all the friends they can get.
  • Steamwheedle Cartel: The oldest and largest cartel in Undermine. Steamwheedle has had their hands in almost every industry spanning Azeroth and beyond. But these days, under Noggenfogger, it is all about premium-grade alchemy.
  • Blackwater Cartel: The Blackwater pirates might be a newer cartel, but they are already making waves in the shipping and luxury vacations industries. They can move any cargo, anywhere, any time, and now it is all nice and legal. Well, mostly legal.
  • Venture Co.: Some might take issue with the ways Venture Co. acquires its resources, but no industry can run without materials. You want nice, find a book club. You want to build something, Venture Co.’s got what you need.

Picking a Cartel

Every week, you will sign a contract and align yourself with one of the four cartels. This contract is Warband-bound and cannot be changed until the next week's reset at Kaydee Racketring in the Incontinental Hotel.

When you select a cartel, World Quests will spawn in Undermine, granting you reputation with the cartel you have chosen and the Cartels of Undermine umbrella faction simultaneously.


Incrasing Your Renown

You can complete these activities in Undermine to increase your Renown with the faction:

  • Defeating rare mobs. Provides 20 reputation with the Cartels of Undermine.
  • Completing quests.
  • Completing world quests. Provides 50 reputation with the Cartels of Undermine and 150 reputation with your chosen cartel.
  • Completing weekly quests.
    • Many Jobs, Handle It!: Complete 10 Shipping and Handling jobs.
    • Reduce, Reuse, Resell: Complete 3 S.C.R.A.P jobs.
    • Urge to Surge: Participate in a Surge Pricing event.
  • Completing cartel-specific quests.
  • Compeleting the weekly dungeon quest in Dornogal (grants 1,500 reputation).

Cartels of Undermine Renown Rewards Track

Here are all the rewards you will unlock with the Cartels of Undermine as you increase your Renown with the faction.

Renown Name Description Toast Description
1 A Deal’s a Deal You have begun to earn renown with the Cartels of Undermine. Cartels of Undermine Renown Unlocked
2 Shipping and Handling You’ve earned the right to act as a courier shipping goods across Undermine. Shipping and Handling Unlocked
3 Scrappy S.C.R.A.P.per I You have learned how to dig up trash at scrap heaps. Yay for Goblin ingenuity! S.C.R.A.P. Unlocked
4 One Man’s Trash … You have unlocked the ability to find treasures in trash piles. Trash Diving Treasures Unlocked
4 A Polished Shine I Speak to Smaks Topskimmer at The Incontinental Hotel in Undermine to receive a bundle of Resonance Crystals. Resonance Crystals Available
5 Profession Recipes You may purchase various profession recipes from Smaks Topskimmer at The Incontinental Hotel in Undermine. Profession Recipes Purchasable
5 Time is Money I Speak to Smaks Topskimmer at The Incontinental Hotel in Undermine to receive a bundle of Valorstones. Valorstones Available
6 Weathered Undermine Crests Speak to Smaks Topskimmer at The Incontinental Hotel in Undermine to receive a pouch of Weathered Undermine Crests. Weathered Crests Available
6 Big Game Hunter You have learned how to find some of the more notorious targets in the Undermine. Complex Rare Hunting Unlocked
7 Keep On Walkin’ Speak to Smaks Topskimmer at The Incontinental Hotel in Undermine to purchase a pair of Veteran I feet (item level 623). Veteran Feet Equipment Available
7 Scrappy S.C.R.A.P.per II Your shovel rate at scrap heaps is increased, and you may purchase Kaja’Cola X-Treme from Kaja Coolers to provide further benefits at scrap heaps. S.C.R.A.P. Upgrade Unlocked
8 A Polished Shine II Speak to Smaks Topskimmer at The Incontinental Hotel in Undermine to receive a bundle of Resonance Crystals. Resonance Crystals Available
8 Expert Haggler Speak to Smaks Topskimmer at The Incontinental Hotel in Undermine to learn how to better haggle with your contacts, gaining a 50% chance for increased rewards. Shipping and Handling Upgrade Available
9 Weathered Undermine Crests Speak to Smaks Topskimmer at The Incontinental Hotel in Undermine to receive a pouch of Weathered Undermine Crests. Weathered Crests Available
9 Restored Coffer Key Speak to Smaks Topskimmer at The Incontinental Hotel in Undermine to receive a Restored Coffer Key. Restored Coffer Key Available
10 Tabard of the Undermine Speak to Smaks Topskimmer at The Incontinental Hotel in Undermine to receive a tabard showing your dedication to the Cartels of Undermine cause. Cartels of Undermine Tabard Available
11 Scrappy S.C.R.A.P.per III Speak to Smaks Topskimmer at The Incontinental Hotel in Undermine to learn how to find Gunk Covered Thingies while assisting S.C.R.A.P. S.C.R.A.P. Upgrade Unlocked
11 Time is Money II Speak to Smaks Topskimmer at The Incontinental Hotel in Undermine to receive a pouch of Valorstones. Valorstones Available
12 Carved Undermine Crests Speak to Smaks Topskimmer at The Incontinental Hotel in Undermine to receive a pouch of Carved Undermine Crests. Carved Crests Available
12 Master Negotiator Speak to Smaks Topskimmer at The Incontinental Hotel in Undermine to learn how to further cut costs, guaranteeing an additional reward when taking pit stops while Shipping and Handling. Shipping and Handling Upgrade Available
20 Not Responsible for Loss of Life or Limb You may bear the title “the Explosive” to honor your contributions to the Cartels of Undermine. Title Unlocked
20 Enchanted Runed Undermine Crest Speak with Smaks Topskimmer at The Incontinental Hotel in Undermine to receive an Enchanted Runed Undermine Crest. This crest may be used for crafting high-end equipment by various professions. Enchanted Runed Crest Available

The Cartels of Undermine Quartermaster

Smaks Topskimmer is the Cartels of Undermine quartermaster found in the Incontinental Hotel in Undermine. The vendor sells these wares:

Item Cost Description
Technique: Contract: The Cartels of Undermine Icon Technique: Contract: The Cartels of Undermine 150 Artisan's Acuity Icon Artisan's Acuity Inscription Recipe: Lets you craft Contract: The Cartels of Undermine Icon Contract: The Cartels of Undermine, a contract that grants additional reputation with the Cartels of Undermine while completing World Quests in Khaz Algar.Requires Renown 5.
Technique: Vantus Rune: Liberation of Undermine Icon Technique: Vantus Rune: Liberation of Undermine 150 Artisan's Acuity Icon Artisan's Acuity Inscription Recipe: Lets you craft Vantus Rune: Liberation of Undermine Icon Vantus Rune: Liberation of Undermine that increases your Versatility while fighting a chosen boss in the Liberation of Undermine raid for the rest of the week. Requires Renown 5.
Schematic: 22H Slicks Icon Schematic: 22H Slicks 150 Artisan's Acuity Icon Artisan's Acuity Engineering Recipe: Lets you craft 22H Slicks Icon 22H Slicks. These wheels are installed to increase the turning capability of your G-99 Breakneck Icon G-99 Breakneck D.R.I.V.E. mount at the cost of drifting stabilization. Requires Renown 5.
Pattern: Charged Armor Kit Icon Pattern: Charged Armor Kit 150 Artisan's Acuity Icon Artisan's Acuity Allows Leatherworkers to craft Charged Armor Kit Icon Charged Armor Kit: An armor kit that you can apply to your Leg armor to increase your Primary Stat and Stamina. Requires Renown 5.
Slime-Slicked Slippers Icon Slime-Slicked Slippers 2,600 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals Item Level 623 Veteran-track Cloth Boots. Requires Renown 7.
Mostly Cobbled Shoes Icon Mostly Cobbled Shoes 2,600 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals Item Level 623 Veteran-track Leather Boots. Requires Renown 7.
Soot-Encrusted Kickers Icon Soot-Encrusted Kickers 2,600 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals Item Level 623 Veteran-track Mail Boots. Requires Renown 7.
Aqirite-Toe Boots Icon Aqirite-Toe Boots 2,600 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals Item Level 623 Plate-track Mail Boots. Requires Renown 7.
Craftsman's Repurposed Mitts Icon Craftsman's Repurposed Mitts 3,900 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals Item Level 636 Champion-track Cloth Gloves. Requires Renown 14.
Goblin Boxer's Wraps Icon Goblin Boxer's Wraps 3,900 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals Item Level 636 Champion-track Leather Gloves. Requires Renown 14.
Undermine Smelter's Gloves Icon Undermine Smelter's Gloves 3,900 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals Item Level 636 Champion-track Mail Gloves. Requires Renown 14.
Retired Bouncer's Gauntlets Icon Retired Bouncer's Gauntlets 3,900 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals Item Level 636 Champion-track Plate Gloves. Requires Renown 14.
Violet Armored Growler Icon Violet Armored Growler 8,125 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals Ground mount. Requires Renown 15.
Undermine Treatise on Alchemy Icon Undermine Treatise on Alchemy 50 Artisan's Acuity Icon Artisan's Acuity Requires Khaz Algar Alchemy and Requires Renown 16.
Undermine Treatise on Alchemy Icon Undermine Treatise on Alchemy 50 Artisan's Acuity Icon Artisan's Acuity Requires Khaz Algar Alchemy and Requires Renown 16.
Undermine Treatise on Blacksmithing Icon Undermine Treatise on Blacksmithing 50 Artisan's Acuity Icon Artisan's Acuity Requires Khaz Algar Blacksmithing and Requires Renown 16.
Undermine Treatise on Enchanting Icon Undermine Treatise on Enchanting 50 Artisan's Acuity Icon Artisan's Acuity Requires Khaz Algar Enchanting and Requires Renown 16.
Undermine Treatise on Engineering Icon Undermine Treatise on Engineering 50 Artisan's Acuity Icon Artisan's Acuity Requires Khaz Algar Engineering and Requires Renown 16.
Undermine Treatise on Inscription Icon Undermine Treatise on Inscription 50 Artisan's Acuity Icon Artisan's Acuity Requires Khaz Algar Inscription and Requires Renown 16.
Undermine Treatise on Herbalism Icon Undermine Treatise on Herbalism 50 Artisan's Acuity Icon Artisan's Acuity Requires Khaz Algar Herbalism and Requires Renown 16.
Undermine Treatise on Jewelcrafting Icon Undermine Treatise on Jewelcrafting 50 Artisan's Acuity Icon Artisan's Acuity Requires Khaz Algar Jewelcrafting and Requires Renown 16.
Undermine Treatise on Leatherworking Icon Undermine Treatise on Leatherworking 50 Artisan's Acuity Icon Artisan's Acuity Requires Khaz Algar Leatherworking and Requires Renown 16.
Undermine Treatise on Mining Icon Undermine Treatise on Mining 50 Artisan's Acuity Icon Artisan's Acuity Requires Khaz Algar Mining and Requires Renown 16.
Undermine Treatise on Skinning Icon Undermine Treatise on Skinning 50 Artisan's Acuity Icon Artisan's Acuity Requires Khaz Algar Skinning and Requires Renown 16.
Undermine Treatise on Tailoring Icon Undermine Treatise on Tailoring 50 Artisan's Acuity Icon Artisan's Acuity Requires Khaz Algar Tailoring and Requires Renown 16.
Undermine Enforcer's Helmet Icon Undermine Enforcer's Helmet 1,625 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals Cosmetic Helm. Requires Renown 17.
Undermine Enforcer's Spikes Icon Undermine Enforcer's Spikes 1,625 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals Cosmetic Shoulders. Requires Renown 17.
Smartest in Town's Attire Icon Smartest in Town's Attire 9,750 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals Cosmetic Set. Requires Renown 17.
Slickest in Town's Attire Icon Slickest in Town's Attire 9,750 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals Cosmetic Set. Requires Renown 17.
Craftiest in Town's Attire Icon Craftiest in Town's Attire 9,750 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals Cosmetic Set. Requires Renown 17.
Toughest in Town's Attire Icon Toughest in Town's Attire 9,750 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals Cosmetic Set. Requires Renown 17.
Experimental Goblin Jetpack Icon Experimental Goblin Jetpack 3,250 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals Cosmetic Back. Requires Renown 18.
The Topskimmer Special Icon The Topskimmer Special 11,375 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals Ground/Flying Mount. Requires Renown 19.
GNZ Airmaster 9000 Icon GNZ Airmaster 9000 2,600 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals Engine for the G-99 Breakneck Icon G-99 Breakneck. Increases top speed at the cost of acceleration. Requires Renown 19.

Bilgewater Cartel Quartermaster and Rewards

The Bigewater Cartel Quartermaster is Rocco Razzboom found at /way #2346 38.96, 22.25. You can buy the following items from him:

  • The Ol' Low-and-Slow Icon The Ol' Low-and-Slow (G-99 Breakneck Icon G-99 Breakneck Horn): Costs 975 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Honored with the cartel.
  • Bilgewater Cartel Banner Icon Bilgewater Cartel Banner (Toy): Costs 5,000 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Honored with the cartel.
  • Bilgewater Junkhauler Icon Bilgewater Junkhauler (Pet): Costs 6,500 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Revered reputation with the cartel.
  • Storefront-in-a-Box Icon Storefront-in-a-Box (Toy): Costs 5,000 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Revered reputation with the cartel.
  • Crimson Armored Growler Icon Crimson Armored Growler (Mount): Costs 8,125 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Exalted reputation with the cartel.
  • Bilgewater Undermine Tabard Icon Bilgewater Undermine Tabard (Tabard): Costs 1,625 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Exalted with the cartel.
  • Paint: Redlining Red Icon Paint: Redlining Red (G-99 Breakneck Icon G-99 Breakneck Paint): Costs 1,350 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Exalted.

Steamwheedle Cartel Quartermaster and Rewards

Lab Assistant Laszly is the Steamwheedle Cartel Quartermaster. The entrance to the lab is located at /way #2346 29.13, 69.46. The vendor can be found at /way #2346 27.21, 72.33. She sells the following items:

  • Maniacal Melodies Icon Maniacal Melodies (G-99 Breakneck Icon G-99 Breakneck Horn): Costs 975 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Honored reputation with the Steamwheedle Cartel.
  • Steamwheedle Cartel Banner Icon Steamwheedle Cartel Banner (Toy): Costs 5,000 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Honored reputation with this cartel.
  • Eepy Icon Eepy (Pet): Costs 6,500 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Revered reputation with the cartel.
  • Everlasting Noggenfogger Elixir Icon Everlasting Noggenfogger Elixir (Toy): Costs 5,000 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Revered reputation wit the Steamwheedle Cartel in Undermine.
  • Mean Green Flying Machine Icon Mean Green Flying Machine (Mount): Costs 11,375 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Exalted.
  • Steamwheedle Undermine Tabard Icon Steamwheedle Undermine Tabard (Tabard): Costs 1,625 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Exalted.
  • Paint: Goblin Green Icon Paint: Goblin Green (G-99 Breakneck Icon G-99 Breakneck Paint): Costs 1,350 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Exalted.

Blackwater Cartel Quartermaster and Rewards

Boatswain Hardee is the Blackwater Cartel Quartermaster found at /way #2346 63.35, 16.92 (Port Authority). You will find the entrance to the building at /way #2346 63.12, 18.61. She sells the following wares:

  • The Buzzer Icon The Buzzer (G-99 Breakneck Icon G-99 Breakneck Horn): Costs 975 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Honored reputation with the Blackwater Cartel.
  • Blackwater Cartel Banner Icon Blackwater Cartel Banner (Toy): Costs 5,000 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Honored reputation with this cartel.
  • Wavebreaker Mechasaur Icon Wavebreaker Mechasaur (Pet): Costs 6,500 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Revered reputation with the cartel.
  • Personal Fishing Barge Icon Personal Fishing Barge (Toy): Costs 5,000 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Revered reputation wit the Steamwheedle Cartel in Undermine.
  • Blackwater Shredder Deluxe Mk 2 Icon Blackwater Shredder Deluxe Mk 2 (Mount): Costs 8,125 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Exalted.
  • Blackwater Undermine Tabard Icon Blackwater Undermine Tabard (Tabard): Costs 1,625 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Exalted.
  • Paint: Body Roll Blue Icon Paint: Body Roll Blue (G-99 Breakneck Icon G-99 Breakneck Paint): Costs 1,350 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Exalted.

Venture Co. Quartermaster and Rewards

Found in Venture Plaza at /way #2346 53.12, 72.63 is Shredz the Scrapper, the Venture Co. Quartermaster. You can buy the following items from the vendor:

  • The Whole Brass Band Icon The Whole Brass Band (G-99 Breakneck Icon G-99 Breakneck Horn): Costs 975 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Honored reputation with the Venture Co.
  • Venture Co. Banner Icon Venture Co. Banner (Toy): Costs 5,000 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Honored reputation with this cartel.
  • Rocketfist Icon Rocketfist (Pet): Costs 6,500 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Revered reputation with the cartel.
  • Throwin' Sawblade Icon Throwin' Sawblade (Toy): Costs 5,000 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Revered reputation wit the Steamwheedle Cartel in Undermine.
  • Ocher Delivery Rocket Icon Ocher Delivery Rocket (Mount): Costs 11,375 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Exalted.
  • Venture Co. Undermine Tabard Icon Venture Co. Undermine Tabard (Tabard): Costs 1,625 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Exalted.
  • Paint: Yellow Cake Yellow Icon Paint: Yellow Cake Yellow (G-99 Breakneck Icon G-99 Breakneck Paint): Costs 1,350 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Exalted.


If you grind enough reputation with the individual cartels and their umbrella faction, you will earn these achievements in the game:

  • Ally of Undermine Icon Ally of Undermine: Reach Rank 20 with the Cartels of Undermine. Reward: The Explosive title.
  • In with the Cartels Icon In with the Cartels: Reach Honored with the Bilgewater, Blackwater, Steamwheedle and Venture Co. Cartels of Undermine. Reward: Iron Chick Icon Iron Chick pet.
  • Cartels Bestie Icon Cartels Bestie: Reach Revered with the Bilgewater, Blackwater, Steamwheedle and Venture Co. Cartels of Undermine. Reward: Ensemble Goblin Bruisers Attire.
  • Trade-Duke Icon Trade-Duke:Reach Exalted with the Bilgewater, Blackwater, Steamwheedle and Venture Co. Cartels of Undermine. Reward: Trade-Duke title.

Darkfuse Solutions Cartel

Darkfuse Solutions is a fifth secret cartel that is not a part of the Cartels of Undermine Renown.


How to Unlock It?

To unlock it, you must complete the Liberation of Undermine: The House Loses quest and defeat Chrome King Gallywix in Liberation of Undermine. Story Mode opens starting March 11 and grants credit toward the quest.

Once you have completed the quest, head to the Incontinental Hotel lobby, where you will find a letter on the table. Click it to start Diversified Investments that will lead to you to Sitch Lowdown, the cartel's quartermaster, located in the sewers of Hovel Hill. Completing the quest unlocks the reputation.


How to Increase Your Reputation with Darkfuse Cartel

You gain reputation by purchasing the Box of Darkfuse Miscellany Icon Box of Darkfuse Miscellany from Sitch for 100 Market Research Icon Market Research each. This box increases your reputation standing with the cartel by +500 per bag. Modifiers like the Darkmoon Faire buff can increase this.


Where to Get Market Research?

When you unlock the faction, you will start receiving Market Research Icon Market Research all over Undermine. However, some sources are more reliable than others.

Less reliable sources include normal mobs and trash cans around the city.

You will consistently gain Market Research Icon Market Research from the following activities:

  • Standard rares drop 1-3 Market Research Icon Market Research.
  • Elite rares drop 3-4 Market Research Icon Market Research.
  • A special summonable Darkfuse rare in south Undermine grants 20 Market Research Icon Market Research.
  • The boxes you receive after completing a S.C.R.A.P. job grant 14-16 Market Research Icon Market Research.

Darkfuse Solutions Cartel Rewards

The following items are available from the Darkfuse Solutions quartermaster Sitch Lowdown in Hovel Hill.

  • Canister of Darkfuse Solution Icon Canister of Darkfuse Solution: Costs 100 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals. Requires Friendly reputation.
  • Darkfuse Demolisher Icon Darkfuse Demolisher (Mount): Can be purchased for 11,375 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals at Revered.
  • Refurbished Rocket Glider Icon Refurbished Rocket Glider (Consumable): Costs 5 gold.
  • Darkfuse Lowdown Coat Icon Darkfuse Lowdown Coat (Cosmetic Chest): Costs 3,250 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Exalted reputation.
  • Atomic Regoblinator Icon Atomic Regoblinator (Toy): Costs 5,000 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals and Requires Honored.
  • Experimental Goblin-FUEL Supplement Icon Experimental Goblin-FUEL Supplement (Consumable): Costs 100 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals.
  • Prototype Auto-Advertiser Icon Prototype Auto-Advertiser (Consumable): Costs 100 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals. Requires Friendly reputation.
  • Electropuncture Test Model Icon Electropuncture Test Model (Consumable): Costs Costs 100 Resonance Crystals Icon Resonance Crystals. Requires Honored with the faction.

In addition to the items on the vendor, Darkfuse Spy-Eye Icon Darkfuse Spy-Eye has a chance to drop from a summonable Darkfuse rare called Darkfuse Precipitant. Reaching Exalted with the faction provides you with A Long Fuse Icon A Long Fuse and the Darkfuse Diplomat title.


How to Summon the Darkfuse Precipitant

You must be at Renown 6 with the Cartels of Undermine and Friendly with Darkfuse Solutions to purchase Canister of Darkfuse Solution Icon Canister of Darkfuse Solution from Sitch Lowdown. Take it to 40, 92 in Undermine to summon the rare which has a chance to drop Darkfuse Spy-Eye Icon Darkfuse Spy-Eye and also gives you around 20 Market Research Icon Market Research.



  • 09 Mar. 2025: Updated with how to unlock and farm reputation with Darkfuse cartel.
  • 17 Feb. 2025: Guide added.
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