Champion of the Light Strategy Guide in Battle of Dazar'alor Raid
Welcome to our encounter guide for Champion of the Light in the Battle of Dazar'alor raid. Here, you will first find a quick breakdown by role followed by a detailed strategy to defeat Champion of the Light.
Champion of the Light is the first encounter in the Battle of Dazar'alor Raid. The Horde version of the boss is called Frida Ironbellows, while the Alliance boss is called Ra'wani Kanae.
Horde: As vanguard for the Alliance's assault on Dazar'alor, Frida Ironbellows leads her troops with fervor and conviction. Her battle prowess and unwavering faith in the Light make her a force to be reckoned with.
Alliance: Ra'wani and her troops are the first line of defense against the Alliance, sworn to lay down their lives for their city. Standing together, they empower and heal each other while fending off the incoming invaders.
Fight Overview
Champion of the Light is a cyclical fight that swaps between the raid
damaging the boss and her adds. Failure to properly allocate damage will
result in the boss acquiring massive offensive buffs in the form of
Zealotry. Simply attack the Champion during
Seal of Retribution, and attack the adds during
Seal of Reckoning.
Throughout the fight, Crusaders will cast Blinding Faith, be sure
to look away from that to avoid being disoriented. At 30% Health the Champion
will gain
Avenging Wrath, so be ready to use cooldowns to end the fight
- Taunt swap as often as you can with your off tank to ensure that
Sacred Blade does not stack too high.
- If you are off-tanking the adds, ensure they are moved out of
Consecration and
Wave of Light.
- During
Seal of Retribution, the raid will be taking constant damage, so this is a good time to use cooldowns and throughput-increasing abilities.
- Be sure to attack the proper targets at the correct times. Kill the adds
Seal of Reckoning, and attack the boss during
Seal of Retribution.
- Avoid being struck by
Wave of Light.
- Face away from the adds when they cast
Blinding Faith to avoid being incapacitated for 5 seconds.
- Interrupt as many of the Disciple's casts as possible.
- The Main Tank and Off Tank should position the Champion in a corner of the room.
- The Add Tank should position the adds in the opposite corner of the room from the boss.
- The raid should aim to position themselves midway between the boss and the
adds, though off-center slightly, to avoid being in the path of the
Wave of Light.
Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
We advise you to use Bloodlust/
Time Warp
when the boss reaches 30% Health to minimize the amount of time the boss is
buffed by
Avenging Wrath. This should also line up
nicely with "execute" abilities for certain classes.
Zealotry is a permanent stacking buff that
increases the Holy damage of the Champion of the Light by 2%. This buff is
triggered by abilities explained below.
Sacred Blade
The Champion of the Light is buffed by Sacred Blade, causing her
melee attacks to debuff her target with a stacking DoT, dealing light Holy
damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds.
Wave of Light
Every 10 seconds, the Champion of the Light will cast
Wave of Light at a random friendly target. If no friendly targets are
available, Wave of Light will be cast at a random raid member. Wave of Light is
a slow moving AoE wave that will deal moderate Holy damage to any
player caught in its path, and healing any add for 5% of their Health every
second for 7 seconds.
Divine Protection
On Heroic and Mythic Difficulty, the Champion of the Light will occasionally
cast Divine Protection on a low Health friendly unit.
This will cause them to take 99% reduced damage for 6 seconds.
Crusader Seals
The Champion of the Light will be buffed with one of two seals, alternating once the Champion reaches 100 Energy. Additionally, the Champion will also cause an extra effect when swapping between seals.
Seal of Retribution
This seal buffs all nearby allies with
Aura of Retribution, increasing their damage and
healing dealt by 15%, as well as causing Retribution Wave: an aura that
deals light Holy damage to the entire raid every 2 seconds.
If any mob is killed during this Seal, the Champion will gain a stack of
At 100 Energy the Champion will release this seal, buffing a friendly mob
with Judgment: Righteousness, increasing their damage by 200% and their
healing by 150%.
Seal of Reckoning
This seal causes the Champion to gain a stack of
Zealotry any time she is attacked by players.
However, players debuffed with
Sacred Blade do not generate stacks.
Additionally, this seal will allow the Champion to cast
Reckoning on her current target, dealing moderate
Holy damage.
At 100 Energy the Champion will release this seal, triggering
Judgment: Reckoning, dealing moderately high Holy damage to the raid.
Call to Arms
Once the Champion does a full cycle between both seals, she will cast
Call to Arms!. This will summon 1 Darkforged Crusader and 2
Anointed Disciples to the encounter.
Forces of the Crusade
The Anointed Disciple has access to 3 abilities: Penance,
Divine Burst, and
Heal. Divine Burst will
inflict moderate Holy damage on a random target. Penance will deal moderate Holy
damage to a player, or 2% of a friendly mobs' Health every 1 second for 5
seconds. Heal will heal a friendly mob for a substantial amount per cast. All
of the abilities cast by the Disciple are interruptible. Also, all the healing
abilities the Disciples cast cannot target the boss.
The Darkforged Crusader also has access to 3 abilities:
Crusader Strike,
Blinding Faith, and
Consecration. Crusader Strike will deal moderate
Holy damage to the active Tank. Blinding Faith will release a wave of light,
disorienting all players facing the caster for 5 seconds. Consecration will
leave a patch of Holy light on the floor, inflicting moderate Holy damage to
all players within it, and reducing the damage taken by Crusaders and Disciples
within it by 50%.
Avenging Wrath
At 30% Health, the Champion of Light will become buffed by
Avenging Wrath, increasing her damage dealt by
30% for the remainder of the fight.
Positioning and Strategy
Have two Tanks pull the Champion of the Light to a far corner of the
room, and the third pull the adds to the opposite corner. The raid should
position themselves slightly offset in between the two tank groups, such that
they can attack the adds and the boss easily, yet will not be struck by
Wave of Light.
In spite of the long laundry list of abilities this fight contains, the
actual execution of the fight is relatively simple: attack the Champion during
Seal of Retribution, and kill the adds during
Seal of Reckoning.
When it is time to kill the adds, be sure to target the add buffed by
Judgment: Righteousness first, as they will have tremendously
increased damage and healing. Have ranged interrupts preventing as many
casts from the Disciples as possible, and be sure to turn away from
Blinding Faith whenever it is cast.
Save cooldowns for when the boss reaches 30% Health in order to quickly
finish off the boss and reduce the uptime of
Avenging Wrath.
Tank Concerns
If tanking the boss, be sure to swap at appropriate Sacred Blade
stacks. Equally, if you do not have
Sacred Blade stacks, be sure not
to attack the boss during
Seal of Reckoning, so the boss does not gain
Zealotry stacks. If you are tanking the adds, do
your best to move them out of the path of the
Wave of Light, though this
may not always be possible due to the mobs' casting patterns/interrupt
Healing Concerns
The only time healers have anything to do at all during this fight is during
Seal of Retribution. Assign a cooldown to the
Judgment: Reckoning, then all other cooldowns should be used liberally
during the Seal of Retribution for Mana efficiency.
Mythic Mode
Prayer for the Fallen
After roughly 30 seconds, then every minute after, the Champion will channel
Prayer for the Fallen, causing all living and dead adds to cast new
abilities, as listed below.
All Disciples will attempt to cast Angelic Renewal, which will heal
the Champion for their entire Health pool. This must be interrupted.
All Crusaders will cast Divine Mallet, causing four holy mallets to
spiral out from the Crusader's location every second for 8 seconds. These deal
moderate Holy damage to anyone hit by one.
This fight is handled exactly the same as on Normal and Heroic, except now
the group needs to interrupt all the Disciples during
Prayer for the Fallen to prevent any casts of
Angelic Renewal
from getting off.
Just as in Heroic, pull the Champion to one side of the room, and the adds
to another. Aim to make sure all the Crusaders die on top of each other, as
this will cause their Divine Mallets to stack up and be easier to
This fight felt somewhat under-tuned, even for the first boss, so your group
might find that you are able to ignore Seal of Reckoning, and simply
kill the boss before the extra stacks of
Zealotry become a
Class-specific Advice for Champion of the Light
- 05 Feb. 2019: Added Mythic Section.
- 17 Jan. 2019: Strategy section added, as well as adjustments to certain abilities.
- 23 Oct. 2018: Guide added.
Class Guides
BfA Guides
Patch 8.3 Profession Changes
This guide has been written by Dhaubbs a Mistweaver Monk theorycrafter, and moderator on the Monk Discord Peak of Serenity. He raids in Big Dumb Guild on Illidan-US, where he also produces encounter videos. You can follow him on Twitter, Twitch, and/or YouTube.
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