Cinderbrew Meadery Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, and Trash

Last updated on Feb 20, 2025 at 01:22 by Petko 2 comments

This page will cover everything you need to know about the Cinderbrew Meadery Dungeon in the War Within Expansion, including strategies for events, trash, and bosses.


Getting into Cindrerbrew Meadery

Cinderbrew Meadery is a max-level dungeon located on the East side of Isle of Dorn, Khaz Algar.


Cindrerbrew Meadery Location

Cinderbrew Meadery Location

This guide will be an extensive overview of the dungeon, providing vital information on how to complete it across all difficulties. We will cover all 4 Boss fights, as well as the most notable trash enemies in the dungeon and their important abilities. If you would like to learn about the rest of the dungeons in The War Within Season 2, please see our overviews linked below. Otherwise, without further ado, let us begin!


Cindrerbrew Meadery Layout

Cinderbrew Meadery Layout

Dungeon Profession Buffs and How to Obtain Them

The Cooking / Alchemy profession bonus is located just to the right of the entrance (see the screenshot below). It are required to have at least 25 skills in The War Within Cooking to redeem it.

Cooking Profession Bonus

Alternatively, you can pick up the Engineering weapons located in the starting area of the dungeon (screenshots below). It require you to have at least 25 skills in The War Within Engineering to be able to obtain or be Goblin, Gnome or Mechagnome. The weapon aims to help you clear any non-boss enemies of your choice.


Brew Master Aldryr + Trash Mobs in the Area


Notable Trash Before Brew Master Aldryr

  • Interrupt Venture Co. Pyromaniac's Boiling Flames Icon Boiling Flames channel cast. Your Healer must react and dispel Erupting Inferno Icon Erupting Inferno debuff as swiftly as they can.
  • Venture Co. Patron will only be dangerous to your tank due to their Mean Mug Icon Mean Mug stackable debuff and otherwise be harmless to your team.
  • Beware of Hired Muscle as they will apply Volatile Keg Icon Volatile Keg DoT to the entire party.
  • Sidestep the Cinderbrew Toss Icon Cinderbrew Toss's ground visual coming from Tasting Room Attendant to prevent you from being disorientated
  • At last, when facing the only mini-boss of the dungeon - Chef Chewie, beware of its Compliments of the Chef Icon Compliments of the Chef aura, increasing the damage done of any nearby enemies by 15% and making them immune of any crowd-control effects. In addition, avoid the ground swirlies coming from High Steaks Icon High Steaks.

Brew Master Aldryr Guide

Brew Master Aldryr

All Roles

  • Stay away from any Hot Honey Icon Hot Honey ground visuals.
  • Sidestep the Blazing Belch Icon Blazing Belch frontal.
  • When Brew Master Aldryr reaches 66% and 33% HP, he will begin to cast Happy Hour Icon Happy Hour and therefore take 99% reduced damage. Grab any nearby Mug of Cinderbrew and get close to the enraged Thirsty Patrons to cease their tantrum. Once all of them are ceased, the regular phase will continue.
  • Make sure to avoid getting close to the Crawling Brawl "event" once Happy Hour Icon Happy Hour ends to prevent you from taking further damage.


  • Use your active mitigation when Brew Master Aldryr throws Keg Smash Icon Keg Smash on you. In addition, move him away from any nearby Hot Honey Icon Hot Honey ground swirlies to avoid your team from taking further damage.


  • Use your healing cooldowns for each Throw Cinderbrew Icon Throw Cinderbrew cast as it will DoT 2 random players.
  • During Happy Hour Icon Happy Hour, each of the Thirsty Patrons will deal group-wide damage with Rowdy Yell Icon Rowdy Yell, hence why you want to prioritize your major healing cooldowns in this phase.

I'pa + Trash Mobs in the Area


Notable Trash Before I'pa

  • Interrupt Flavor Scientist's Rejuvenating Honey Icon Rejuvenating Honey.
  • Interrupt Taste Tester's Free Samples? Icon Free Samples?. Be mindful that they can also increase their damage by 100% when Spill Drink Icon Spill Drink (uninterruptable) Enrage Icon Enrage has been cast.
  • Avoid the lethal Reckless Delivery Icon Reckless Delivery coming from Careless Hopgoblin. Once they successfully hit a wall, they will be Stunned Icon Stunned and deal group-wide damage, which spawns Brew Drops.
  • IMPORTANT:If you see Explosive Brew Icon Explosive Brew being spawned, make sure to focus it and nuke it down, else it will apply group-wide damage upon explosion, additionally leaving a DoT to the entire team (likely to wipe).

I'pa Boss Guide


All Roles

  • When I'pa gets to a 100 energy, it will begin channeling Spouting Stout Icon Spouting Stout, dealing group-wide damage and leaving harmful ground ichors (avoid them). In addition, the boss will form 3 Brew Drops, which you must make sure to defeat before they get too close to him and trigger Fill 'Er Up Icon Fill 'Er Up.
  • Once you slay a Brew Drop, it will trigger Oozing Honey Icon Oozing Honey ground ichor, which you must avoid. Once the Oozing Honey Icon Oozing Honey dissipates, it will reform to Brew Drop for a second time, hence why it is important for all Brew Drops to be close to each other when defeated.
  • If you Healer does not dispel you from Burning Fermentation Icon Burning Fermentation, use your defensive cooldowns.


  • Use your active mitigation when I'pa is casting Bottoms Uppercut Icon Bottoms Uppercut tankbuster ability.
  • Move the boss away from any nearby Oozing Honey Icon Oozing Honey ground ichors.


  • Use your major healing cooldowns during the Spouting Stout Icon Spouting Stout channel as it will deal group-wide damage.
  • Dispel as many Burning Fermentation Icon Burning Fermentation debuffs as you can.

Benk Buzzbee + Trash Mobs in the Area


Notable Trash Before Benk Buzzbee

  • Beware of Worker Bee's Shredding Sting Icon Shredding Sting leaps, as they will apply stackable BleedBleed effects on you. Once they get to a low enough HP, they will begin casting Final Sting Icon Final Sting (you can use crowd-control spells to stop it.
  • Use defensive when Bee Wrangler's Bee-Zooka Icon Bee-Zooka is targeting you and beware when they cast Bee-stial Wrath Icon Bee-stial Wrath, as they will Enrage Icon Enrage any nearby Worker Bees & Bee-lets.
  • Run away from Venture Co. Honey Harvester's Beeswax Icon Beeswax circle and interrupt their Swarming Surprise Icon Swarming Surprise.
  • PRIORITY: Interrupt Royal Jelly Purveyor's Honey Volley Icon Honey Volley and avoid the ground swirlies spawning from Rain of Honey Icon Rain of Honey.
  • Tanks must pay attention to Bee-let's Bee Venom Icon Bee Venom stackable debuff.

Benk Buzzbee Boss Guide

Benk Buzzbee

All Roles

  • When Benk Buzzbee casts Snack Time Icon Snack Time, it will drop 3 barrels (step away from the initial spawn damage), each of them spawning Ravenous Cinderbee. Those bees will cast Shredding Sting Icon Shredding Sting on a random player and apply stackable BleedBleed effects, hence why you want to focus them ASAP.
  • Once you defeat the Ravenous Cinderbee, they will become eligible to be Tamed Icon Tamed, which later you can use their Bee-Haw! Icon Bee-Haw! to destroy any existing barrels.
  • Use a defensive when you get targeted by Honey Marinade Icon Honey Marinade, once the debuff is about to expire, it will spawn a Flaming Honey lingering ichor, of which you must place away from the Ravenous Cinderbee. Do keep in mind that if any Ravenous Cinderbee gets in touch with the Flaming Honey will become Honey Gorged Icon Honey Gorged.


  • Focus on stacking all the existing Ravenous Cinderbee on top of the Benk Buzzbee to allow your team to cleave them effectively.


  • Spot-heal any party member that gets multiple stacks of Shredding Sting Icon Shredding Sting BleedBleed effect.
  • Use your major healing cooldowns during Fluttering Wing Icon Fluttering Wing cast as it will do group-wide damage.

Goldie Baronbottom + Trash Mobs in the Area


Notable Trash Before Goldie Baronbottom

  • Avoid being hit by the Yes Man's Downward Trend Icon Downward Trend. In addition, all 4 Yes Mans have a Field Promotion Icon Field Promotion aura, healing themselves to full once one dies. A good strategy here would be to focus them 1 by 1.

Goldie Baronbottom Boss Guide

Goldie Baronbottom

All Roles

  • Avoid being hit by the Goldie Baronbottom's barrel initial damage from the Spread the Love! Icon Spread the Love! cast. The goal here is to break as many barrels as you can by pointing the boss's abilities to them but be cautious as you preferably would like to break 1 Volatile Barrel at the time since it applies a group-wide DoT effect - Cindering Wounds Icon Cindering Wounds
  • Once the barrels explode, they will trigger Cinder-BOOM! Icon Cinder-BOOM!, spawning 4 waves, which you must avoid. Be mindful of the quantity of Volatile Barrels you are triggering.
  • When the boss targets you with Burning Ricochet Icon Burning Ricochet, "clip" any nearby barrels and destroy them.
  • Once Goldie Baronbottom reaches 100 energy she will trigger Let It Hail! Icon Let It Hail! which triggers every barrel in the room, which pretty much can wipe you if you haven't cleared enough of them.


  • When you being targeted by Cash Cannon Icon Cash Cannon, aim at any existing barrels to "destroy" them.


  • Spot-heal the targets with Burning Ricochet Icon Burning Ricochet debuffs.
  • Use your major healing cooldowns when you have the a stack of Cindering Wounds Icon Cindering Wounds.

Cindrerbrew Meadery Loot Table


Brew Master Aldryr

Type Item Stats
1H Mace Crusher of the Unsettled Icon Crusher of the Unsettled Mastery/Haste
Plate Shoulder Foam-Ridden Pauldrons Icon Foam-Ridden Pauldrons Vers/Mastery
Back Chef Chewie's Towel Icon Chef Chewie's Towel Crit/Mastery
Leather Wrist Battle-Scarred Fisticuffs Icon Battle-Scarred Fisticuffs Mastery/Haste
Trinket Cinderbrew Stein Icon Cinderbrew Stein Special effect


Type Item Stats
Staff Sticky Stirring Stick Icon Sticky Stirring Stick Haste/Crit
Off-Hand Vessel of the Beverage Icon Vessel of the Beverage Vers/Crit
Cloth Head Cinderbrew-Soaked Cowl Icon Cinderbrew-Soaked Cowl Mastery/Vers
Neck Strapped Rescue-Keg Icon Strapped Rescue-Keg Haste/Mastery
Mail Wrist I'pa's Pale Aleguards Icon I'pa's Pale Aleguards Crit/Vers
Leather Waist Brewery Toiler's Waistband Icon Brewery Toiler's Waistband Vers/Haste
Plate Feet Hops-Laden Greatboots Icon Hops-Laden Greatboots Mastery/Crit

Benk Buzzbee

Type Item Stats
2H Axe Algeth'ar Hedgecleaver Icon Algeth'ar Hedgecleaver Str, Mastery/Vers

Goldie Baronbottom

Type Item Stats
2H Mace Hivebreaker's Dipper Icon Hivebreaker's Dipper Vers/Haste
Dagger Scalding Queenmaker's Shiv Icon Scalding Queenmaker's Shiv Crit/Mastery
Leather Shoulder Fireproof Cinderbee Perch Icon Fireproof Cinderbee Perch Haste/Vers
Plate Wrist Fuzzy Cindercuffs Icon Fuzzy Cindercuffs Crit/Haste
Cloth Hands Punctured Apiary Gloves Icon Punctured Apiary Gloves Haste/Mastery
Mail Legs Pollen-Lugger Treads Icon Pollen-Lugger Treads Crit/Haste
Trinket Ravenous Honey Buzzer Icon Ravenous Honey Buzzer Str/Agi

Goldie Baronbottom

Type Item Stats
1H Axe Profit Divider Icon Profit Divider Crit/Vers
Mail Head 'Azeroth's Greatest BEE.E.O.' Cap Icon 'Azeroth's Greatest BEE.E.O.' Cap Vers/Mastery
Cloth Shoulder Moneymaking Businessmantle Icon Moneymaking Businessmantle Crit/Mastery
Plate Chest Slashproof Business Plate Icon Slashproof Business Plate Haste/Crit
Leather Feet Backbreaking Bootstrappers Icon Backbreaking Bootstrappers Mastery/Haste
Ring 85-Year Tenure Ring Icon 85-Year Tenure Ring Mastery/Crit
Trinket Synergistic Brewterializer Icon Synergistic Brewterializer Int

Cindrerbrew Meadery Achievements

There are 4 total achievements to obtain in Cindrerbrew Meadery:

Achievement Criteria
Cinderbrew Meadery Icon Cinderbrew Meadery Defeat Goldie Baronbottom in Cinderbrew Meadery.
Heroic: Cinderbrew Meadery Icon Heroic: Cinderbrew Meadery Defeat Goldie Baronbottom in Cinderbrew Meadery on HeroicHeroic difficulty or higher.
Mythic: Cinderbrew Meadery Icon Mythic: Cinderbrew Meadery Defeat Goldie Baronbottom in Cinderbrew Meadery on MythicMythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty.
Keystone Hero: Cinderbrew Meadery Icon Keystone Hero: Cinderbrew Meadery Complete Cinderbrew Meadery at MythicMythic Level 10 or higher, within the time limit.


  • 20 Feb. 2024: Reviewed and updated for Season 2.
  • 12 Dec. 2024: Reviewed and updated for 11.0.7 Patch.
  • 20 Oct. 2024: Reviewed and update for 11.0.5 Patch.
  • 03 Aug. 2024: Page added.
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