City of Threads Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, and Trash

Last updated on Aug 03, 2024 at 09:46 by Petko 2 comments

This page will cover everything you need to know about the City of Threads Dungeon in the War Within Expansion, including strategies for events, trash, and bosses.


Getting into City of Threads

City of Threads is a max-level dungeon located on the South-West side of Azj-Kahet, Khaz Algar.

City of Threads Location

This guide will be an extensive overview of the dungeon, providing vital information on how to complete it across all difficulties. We will cover all 4 Boss fights, as well as the most notable trash enemies in the dungeon and their important abilities. If you would like to learn about the rest of the dungeons in The War Within Season 1, please see our overviews linked below. Otherwise, without further ado, let us begin!


City of Threads Layout


Dungeon Profession Buffs and How to Obtain Them

  • There are 4 locations exclusively located in the first area of the map (see the screenshot below) of where you can obtain the dungeon buff once you interact with Queen Ansurek.
  • You must have either Priest, Rogue or The War Within Engineering above 25 Skills.
  • After a few seconds of triggering the Queen Ansurek, she will grant the entire party a 30 sec Stolen Power Icon Stolen Power buff, increasing your damage and healing done by 15%, as well as, movement speed by 50%.
Dungeon Bonus Dungeon Bonus Location

Orator Krix'vizk + Trash Mobs in the Area


Notable Trash Before Orator Krix'vizk

  • Sureki Venomblade will only be dangerous for your tank due to its Venom Strike Icon Venom Strike and otherwise will be harmless to your team.
  • Interrupt as many Sureki Silkbinder's Web Bolt Icon Web Bolts as you can. In addition, use any disturbing effects for their Silk Binding Icon Silk Binding channel before it completes. Otherwise, you will trigger its follow-up effect Silk Binding Icon Silk Binding.
  • Use defensive cooldowns when Royal Swarmguard casts Ravenous Swarm (it will apply the DoT effect to your entire party). In addition, sidestep their Earthshatter Icon Earthshatter frontal.
  • Interrupt Herald of Ansurek's Twist Thoughts Icon Twist Thoughts at all costs. In addition, she will apply Shadows of Doubt Icon Shadows of Doubt to a random party member; upon removal or expiration, it will shoot 4 waves of Doubt Icon Doubt which deal a lot of damage and stun you for 3 sec.

Orator Krix'vizk Guide

Orator Krix'vizk

All Roles

  • Always stay within the a 10 yards of the boss (or the circle around her). Otherwise, she will cast Chains of Oppression Icon Chains of Oppression on you, dealing damage and pulling you closer.
  • The boss will apply 2 Shadows of Doubt Icon Shadows of Doubt to a random members of your party. Use personal defensive when you have the debuff to mitigate the high damage over time effect.
  • Sidestep the Terrorize Icon Terrorize frontal.
  • When the boss reachers 100 energy, she will cast Vociferous Indoctrination Icon Vociferous Indoctrination cast, dealing massive AoE damage to the entire party; make sure to use your defensive! In addition, she will leave a follow-up ground effect - Lingering Influence Icon Lingering Influence, which you must move away from to avoid unnecessary damage.


  • Use defensive cooldowns when Orator Krix'vizk is about to hit you with the Subjugate Icon Subjugate tank-buster.
  • Immediately after the Vociferous Indoctrination Icon Vociferous Indoctrination channel, move the boss away to help your team dodge Lingering Influence Icon Lingering Influence better.


  • When Orator Krix'vizk applies Shadows of Doubt Icon Shadows of Doubt to your party, dispel one of them and spot-heal the other debuff. Make sure all party members are in a good position to dodge the incoming shadow waves after the dispel!
  • Use healing cooldowns during Vociferous Indoctrination Icon Vociferous Indoctrination.

Fangs of the Queen + Trash Mobs in the Area


Notable Trash Fangs of the Queen

Before even getting close to the rest of the mobs, you first must defeat Xeph'itik, which will grant you with Pheromone Veil Icon Pheromone Veil buff allowing you to pass through this area freely. He has several important abilities to watch out:

  • Interrupt Web Bolt Icon Web Bolt.
  • Sidestep its Gossamer Barrage Icon Gossamer Barrage ground swirlies.
  • Dodge the incoming Perfume Toss Icon Perfume Toss ability.

After you pass Xeph'itik, you must find and defeat 4 Eyes of the Queen@ hidden inside this part of the dungeon. Pay attention to the nearby ground visuals (check the screenshot below) as they will give you hits if you get closer to their location. In addition, make sure the sentries don't catch you (check screenshot below)otherwise, you will take damage from Web Wrap Icon Web Wrap and be sent back at the start of the event where Xeph'itik was slain! Here is what their abilities do:

  • When dealing with Eye of the Queen, use defensive if you are targeted by Void Rush Icon Void Rush and avoid their shadowy frontal cone.
  • Interrupt Covert Webmancer's Grimweave Blast Icon Grimweave Blast and use your stops for the Mending Web Icon Mending Web healing ability.
  • Web Marauder will only really be dangerous for your tank due to its stackable debuff - Rigorous Jab Icon Rigorous Jab.
Event Hints Sentry Danger

Once you have defeated the 4 Eye of the Queen, walk close to Executor Nizrek (located on the right side of that area) to trigger the final event before activating Fangs of the Queen, the second boss.


Fangs of the Queen Boss Guide

Fangs of the Queen

Fangs of the Queen is one of the hardest multi-phase encounter across all Mythic+ dungeon for this season, consisting of Vx and Nx. Both bosses share Twin Fangs Icon Twin Fangs passive, which eases the fight as you can target only one of them instead of constant swapping. The fight becomes much harder once we enter Phase 2, requiring much better coordination than the previous phase. More information, down below:


All Roles

  • During both phases, Nx will continuously cast Knife Throw Icon Knife Throw, leaving a lingering BleedBleed effect on them.
  • Outrange the Nx's Duskbringer Icon Duskbringer AoE spell at all costs.
  • Avoid any ground swirlies during both Phases.
  • During Phase 1, Vx will cast Ice Sickles Icon Ice Sickles, dealing damage to all players (except the tank) and leaving a lingering debuff (can be dispelled) for 12 sec.
  • Once Fangs of the Queen reaches 100 Energy they will begin their Synergic Step Icon Synergic Step, sidestep their frontals as they will turn lethal on the higher level difficulty. After this, Phase 2 will begin.


  • Always do your best to stack both bosses together to allow for a better cleave.
  • During both phases, Nx will cast Shade Slash Icon Shade Slash tank-buster hit on you. Beware of its follow-up frontal-cone effect Echoing Shade; it will face where you are facing, so ideally not at your team!
  • During Phase 2, Vx will cast Rime Dagger Icon Rime Dagger, use personal defensive to mitigate some of the damage. In addition, ask your party for assistance to stay in the Freezing Blood Icon Freezing Blood AoE circle to prevent you from getting max stacks of Frozen Solid Icon Frozen Solid and dying.


  • Spot-heal people that have Knife Throw Icon Knife Throw BleedBleed effect.
  • Dispel as often as you can Vx's Ice Sickles Icon Ice Sickles. Any movement-impairing immunity also removes the effect.

The Coaglamation + Trash Mobs in the Area

After you have defeated Fangs of the Queen, a check-point will unlock, allowing you to transfer from the start of the dungeon (where you resurrect after death) to where you have slain Fangs of the Queen by using Trained Flyer located to the right of you upon spawning.


Notable Trash Before The Coaglamation

  • Sureki Conscript will deal Brutal Jab Icon Brutal Jab to your tank and otherwise, be harmless to your team.
  • Beware of Agile Pursuer's Knife Throw Icon Knife Throw as multiple casts can turn lethal.
  • Royal Venomshell is the hardest mob in this area due to its Earthshatter Icon Earthshatter frontal and mass PoisonPoison effect - Venomous Spray Icon Venomous Spray supplemented by ground swirlies.
  • Interrupt Sureki Unnaturaler's Void Wave Icon Void Wave otherwise they will deal AoE damage and knock your party away, which can accidentally trigger any nearby cocoons, spawning extra mobs.
  • At last, when engaging Unstable Test Subject, pay attention when he is channelling Dark Barrage Icon Dark Barrage as it spawns ground swirlies, which you must avoid! In addition, he will also do Fierce Stomping Icon Fierce Stomping dealing large AoE damage to the whole group.

The Coaglamation Boss Guide

The Coaglamation

All Roles

  • When The Coaglamation casts Vicious Darkness not only will deal AoE damage to the entire group, but will also spawn Orbs of Black Blood. Your team must alternate and soak all of the orbs before they reach the boss to prevent him from healing. Do keep in mind that after each orb soak, there will be a follow-up lingering ground effect that spawns on the ground, and you will receive a stackable Corrupted Coating Icon Corrupted Coating heal absorb, hence why you don't want to absorb too many in a row.
  • Outrange the Blood Surge Icon Blood Surge cast (8 yards) and avoid staying in any shadowy ground pulls before the cast as you will take extra damage.
  • When the boss reaches 100 energy, it will cast Dark Pulse Icon Dark Pulse dealing massive AoE damage to the entire party. Here is the best place to use defensives.


  • Use your defensives during Oozing Smash Icon Oozing Smash tank buster hit.


  • Clear as quick as you can the Corrupted Coating Icon Corrupted Coating from your team members.
  • Prepare your big healing cooldowns for Dark Pulse Icon Dark Pulse AoE channel.

Izo, the Grand Splicer + Trash Mobs in the Area


Notable Trash Before Izo, the Grand Splicer

  • Interrupt Elder Shadeweaver's Web Bolt Icon Web Bolt and stack during Umbral Weave Icon Umbral Weave as it will be easier to damage the webs and brake free.
  • Use defensive cooldowns during Hulking Warshell's Ravenous Swarm. In addition, outrange its Tremor Slam Icon Tremor Slam cast (12 yards) and focus the 4 incoming Hungry Scarabs (they only deal auto-attacks to the tank).

Izo, the Grand Splicer Boss Guide

Izo, the Grand Splicer

All Roles

  • Avoid staying in Shifting Anomalies Icon Shifting Anomalies orbs, as they will also periodically change positions.
  • Stack during the Umbral Weave Icon Umbral Weave cast, as it will be easier to break free from the root effect. If you don't kill it quickly enough, you will end up dying due to Shifting Anomalies Icon Shifting Anomalies changing positions and wiping you.
  • Outrange the Tremor Slam Icon Tremor Slam AoE cast. Make sure to focus the 4 Ravenous Scarabs that spawn afterward, as they will continuously hit your tank with Gorge Icon Gorge, generating stacks of their Gorged Icon Gorged debuff, and if they reach 5 stacks it will trigger the Gutburst Icon Gutburst effect.


  • Once Izo, the Grand Splicer reaches 100 energy, it will cast Process of Elimination Icon Process of Elimination; here is the best time to use your major defensive cooldowns.


  • Periodically, Izo, the Grand Splicer will cast Splice Icon Splice to your entire team, be ready to heal it up!

City of Threads Loot Table


Orator Krix'vizk

Type Item Stats
Staff Krix'vizk's Speech Rod Icon Krix'vizk's Speech Rod Haste/Vers
Plate Wrist Vociferous Subjugator's Bracers Icon Vociferous Subjugator's Bracers Haste/Vers
Cloth Hands Subduer's Terrorgrips Icon Subduer's Terrorgrips Crit/Vers
Mail Waist Cinch of Lingering Influence Icon Cinch of Lingering Influence Haste/Mastery
Leather Feet Whisperer's Echoing Steps Icon Whisperer's Echoing Steps Mastery/Crit
Trinket Oppressive Orator's Larynx Icon Oppressive Orator's Larynx On Use

Fangs of the Queen

Type Item Stats
Dagger Kingslayer's Frostfang Icon Kingslayer's Frostfang Mastery/Vers
Off-Hand Pail of Preserved Obscurity Icon Pail of Preserved Obscurity Mastery/Haste
Leather Shoulder Shadowchill Amice Icon Shadowchill Amice Vers/Crit
Cloth Chest Arachnofrost Vest Icon Arachnofrost Vest Crit/Haste
Mail Wrist Penumbral Rimeguards Icon Penumbral Rimeguards Crit/Mastery
Plate Legs Legplates of Duality Icon Legplates of Duality Mastery/Haste
Trinket Twin Fang Instruments Icon Twin Fang Instruments Agi

The Coaglamation

Type Item Stats
Shield Old-Blood Hielaman Icon Old-Blood Hielaman Vers/Crit
Neck Elder's Hemolymphal Periapt Icon Elder's Hemolymphal Periapt Vers/Crit
Mail Chest Coagulum Cuirass Icon Coagulum Cuirass Mastery/Vers
Cloth Wrist Vitriolic Veinwoven Wraps Icon Vitriolic Veinwoven Wraps Haste/Crit
Leather Hands Gorebound Stranglers Icon Gorebound Stranglers Haste/Crit
Plate Feet Ichor-Stained Sollerets Icon Ichor-Stained Sollerets Vers/Haste
Trinket Viscous Coaglam Icon Viscous Coaglam Int

Izo, the Grand Splicer

Type Item Stats
Polearm Surgical Heartstopper Icon Surgical Heartstopper Vers/Crit
Dagger Splice 'n Dice Icon Splice 'n Dice Haste/Crit
Cloth Head Intertwiner's Shadowcowl Icon Intertwiner's Shadowcowl Mastery/Crit
Plate Shoulder Flesh Connector's Epaulets Icon Flesh Connector's Epaulets Crit/Haste
Leather Chest Viscera-Lathered Coat Icon Viscera-Lathered Coat Haste/Mastery
Mail Legs Entwined Chimeric Legguards Icon Entwined Chimeric Legguards Haste/Vers
Ring Experiment 08752's Band Icon Experiment 08752's Band Vers/Haste
Trinket Cirral Concoctory Icon Cirral Concoctory Int

City of Threads Achievements

There are 4 total achievements to obtain in City of Threads:

Achievement Criteria
City of Threads Icon City of Threads Defeat Izo, the Grand Splicer in City of Threads.
Heroic: City of Threads Icon Heroic: City of Threads Defeat Izo, the Grand Splicer in City of Threads on HeroicHeroic difficulty or higher.
Mythic: City of Threads Icon Mythic: City of Threads Defeat Izo, the Grand Splicer in City of Threads on MythicMythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty.
Keystone Hero: City of Threads Icon Keystone Hero: City of Threads Complete City of Threads at MythicMythic Level 10 or higher, within the time limit. Reward, Teleport to City of Threads.


  • 03 Aug. 2024: Page added.
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