Conqueror's Darkruned Plate DK Transmog (PvE Tier 8.5 Set) (Legion 7.2)

Last updated on Jan 17, 2017 at 08:34 by Susan 30 comments

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Pieces from the Conqueror's Darkruned Plate (also known as the PvE Tier 8.5 set) are exchanged, at Dubin Clay in Dalaran, for tokens that drop from bosses in the second tier of 25-man Northrend raids (Ulduar). Some tokens (Head and Chest) can also be bought directly from vendors in Dalaran for Gold. Additionally, some pieces (Hands and Legs) are dropped by Emalon the Storm Watcher in the 25-man version of Vault of Archavon.

  • Head: Conqueror's Darkruned Faceguard Icon Conqueror's Darkruned Faceguard / Conqueror's Darkruned Helmet Icon Conqueror's Darkruned Helmet
    • exchanged for Crown of the Wayward Vanquisher Icon Crown of the Wayward Vanquisher
      • sold for Gold Gold in Dalaran by Arcanist Firael (Alliance) and Magister Sarien (Horde)
      • dropped by Thorim in Ulduar (25-man)
  • Shoulders: Conqueror's Darkruned Pauldrons Icon Conqueror's Darkruned Pauldrons / Conqueror's Darkruned Shoulderplates Icon Conqueror's Darkruned Shoulderplates
    • exchanged for Mantle of the Wayward Vanquisher Icon Mantle of the Wayward Vanquisher
      • dropped by Yogg-Saron in Ulduar (25-man)
  • Chest: Conqueror's Darkruned Chestguard Icon Conqueror's Darkruned Chestguard / Conqueror's Darkruned Battleplate Icon Conqueror's Darkruned Battleplate
    • exchanged for Breastplate of the Wayward Vanquisher Icon Breastplate of the Wayward Vanquisher
      • sold for Gold Gold in Dalaran by Arcanist Firael (Alliance) and Magister Sarien (Horde)
      • dropped by Hodir in Ulduar (25-man)
  • Hands: Conqueror's Darkruned Handguards Icon Conqueror's Darkruned Handguards / Conqueror's Darkruned Gauntlets Icon Conqueror's Darkruned Gauntlets
    • dropped by Emalon the Storm Watcher in Vault of Archavon (25-man)
    • exchanged for Gauntlets of the Wayward Vanquisher Icon Gauntlets of the Wayward Vanquisher
      • dropped by Mimiron in Ulduar (25-man)
  • Legs: Conqueror's Darkruned Legguards Icon Conqueror's Darkruned Legguards / Conqueror's Darkruned Legplates Icon Conqueror's Darkruned Legplates
    • dropped by Emalon the Storm Watcher in Vault of Archavon (25-man)
    • exchanged for Legplates of the Wayward Vanquisher Icon Legplates of the Wayward Vanquisher
      • dropped by Freya in Ulduar (25-man)

To go with this set, we suggest the following pieces:

  • Cloak: Impertinent Student's Cloak Icon Impertinent Student's Cloak;
  • Waist: Demonbone Waistguard;
  • Feet: Boots of the Underdweller Icon Boots of the Underdweller;
  • 2-Handed Axe: Expeditious Broadaxe Icon Expeditious Broadaxe;
  • Alternate 2-Handed Sword: Slayer of the Lifeless Icon Slayer of the Lifeless.


  • 19 Jan. 2017: Added transmog suggestions for cloak, waist, feet, and weapons.
- show only first 2 entries