Dark Ranger Hunter Mail Transmog (Legion 7.2)
Table of Contents
Dark Ranger Velonara walks by me, dressed all in black. I know she can kick my ass. But damn, that is one sweet outfit. Thanks to the black hood and Nightfall Tabard in Legion we can now create that same Dark Ranger look.
What they are wearing:
- Head:
Dark Ranger's Hood;
- Shoulders:
Ritualistic Shoulderguards;
- Back:
Auchenai Death Shroud;
- Chest:
Silvered Bronze Breastplate;
- Shirt:
Blue Martial Shirt;
- Tabard:
Nightfallen Tabard;
- Hands:
Frostlink Gauntlets;
- Waist:
Industrial Lifting Belt;
- Legs:
Bloodmail Legguards;
- Alternate Legs:
Wyrmstalker's Legguards;
- Feet:
Frostlink Greaves;
- Bow:
Brunnhildar Bow.
- 11 May 2017: Added Dark Ranger Hunter transmog.
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