Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle LFR Encounter Journal
Welcome to the LFR difficulty Encounter Journal for Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle in Sepulcher of the First Ones.
More Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle Content
If you are interested in more information about this encounter, we are please to tell you that we have more content. First of all, we have the encounter journal for the other difficulties.
For our strategy guide for Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle, please use the following link.
Dausegne spends mana to cast spells. Upon reaching 0 mana, she will drain energy from a Reservoir of the First Ones to shield herself and dominate the reservoir by channeling Inevitable Dominion.
Dominated reservoirs empower Dausegne's casts of Disintegration Halo, spawning one Halo for every reservoir that has been dominated.
If all reservoirs have been Dominated when Dausegne runs out of mana, she will cast Total Dominion.
Unleashed Infusion explodes for more damage based on the number of applications of
Infused Strikes.
- Domination Cores will leave pools of
Encroaching Dominion at locations around them.
Staggering Barrage inflicts magic damage split evenly between all players in line towards the targeted player.
- Depleting
Siphoned Barrier before Dausegne finishes channeling
Inevitable Dominion will afflict her with
Collapsed Barrier.
- The damage from
Disintegration Halo greatly increases damage taken from subsequent halos for a short duration.
Staggering Barrage inflicts magic damage split evenly between all players in line towards the targeted player.
Staggering Barrage inflicts magic damage split evenly between all players in line towards the targeted player.
- Dausegne inflicts intense damage to all players while channeling
Inevitable Dominion.

Rings of energy expand from dominated reservoirs, inflicting 9,420 Shadow damage when a player crosses the ring.
In addition, inflicts 1,540 Shadow damage every 1 sec. and increases damage taken from Disintegration Halo by 500% for 5 sec.

Domination Cores exude bolts of dark energy, inflicting 15,700 Shadow damage to players within 3.5 yards of the impacts, and creating pools that last for 60 sec that inflict 4,620 Shadow damage every 1 sec. to those who stand in them.

The Domination Core inflicts 12,560 Shadow damage to the current target.

Dausegne channels out three orbs towards a player, inflicting 29,831 Shadow damage split between all players in their paths, and pushing players back.

Dausegne fires an array of missiles out in front of her, inflicting 12,560 Shadow damage to all players in their path.

Dausegne's melee strikes infuse the target with energy, inflicting 1,232 Cosmic damage every 1 sec. for 20 sec for each application.
When this effect expires, the player will erupt with Unleashed Infusion, amplified by the number of applications of
Infused Strikes.

Infused energies release in a massive explosion, inflicting 3,140 Cosmic damage to all players, increased by the number of applications of Infused Strikes.

Upon reaching 0 mana, Dausegne siphons cosmic energy from a reservoir, refilling her energy and protecting her in a Siphoned Barrier.

Dausegne creates a shield that absorbs 3% of her maximum health in damage.

The collapse of the Siphoned Barrier inflicts 1% of Dausegne's health as Cosmic damage to her every 1 sec. for 10 sec.

Dausegne channels Domination into a Reservoir of the First Ones, inflicting 3,140 Shadow damage to all players every 1 sec.

Dausegne energizes herself with power from all of the dominated reservoirs, inflicting 14,130 Shadow damage to all players, regenerating 25% mana every 1 sec, and triggering Disintegration Halo very frequently.
- 31 Dec. 2021: Guide added.
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