Dealer Xy'exa Normal Encounter Journal
Welcome to the Normal difficulty Encounter Journal for Dealer Xy'exa in De Other Side.
More Dealer Xy'exa Content
If you are interested in more information about this encounter, we are please to tell you that we have more content. First of all, we have the encounter journal for the other difficulties.
Dealer Xy'Exa uses arcane broker technology to create portals and magical explosions that damage and displace her enemies. Since she considers her cunning unrivaled, there's no way her magic could be used against her.
Displacement Trap teleports the triggering player high up into the air.
Displacement Trap targets everyone in the group.
Displacement Trap teleports the triggering player high up into the air.
Displacement Trap teleports the triggering player high up into the air.
Localized Explosive Contrivance inflicts heavy damage to its target.

Dealer Xy'exa creates a displacement trap that teleports the triggering player high into the air.

Dealer Xy'exa unleashes a blast of energy inflicting 8,852 Arcane damage and an additional 442 Arcane damage every 2 sec for 60 sec to all players that remain on the ground with her. This effect stacks.
In addition, all Displacement Traps are destroyed.

Dealer Xy'exa places a broker device on a random player that explodes after 5 sec, inflicting 4,426 Arcane damage and an additional 442 Arcane damage every 2 sec for 60 sec to all players at the same level as the target. This effect stacks.
In addition, if the target of Localized Explosive Contrivance remains on the ground, all Displacement Traps are destroyed.

Dealer Xy'exa unleashes a beam of energy into a nearby portal, inflicting 5,311 Arcane damage to all players caught in its path. Soon after, this beam erupts from a portal at a different location, inflciting 5,311 Arcane damage to all players caught in its path.
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