Death Knight Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands
On this page, you will find all Death Knight Anima Powers from Torghast (which only work in Torghast). We divided them into 3 categories:
- powers that grant talents;
- powers that enhance Death Knight Covenant abilities;
- powers that empower existing abilities.
Best Anima Powers for Death Knights
As you can see below on this page, there are many Anima Powers available to Death Knights (to which you must also add the generic Anima Powers that all classes can use), and they rank differently according to the spec you are playing. For that purpose, we have pages ranking these powers for each spec.
Death Knight Talent-Granting Anima Powers
These Anima Powers grant you access to additional talents in the same row. If you already have that talent, you may select another talent in the same row.
Deathlord's Cypher — Gain the
Heartbreaker (Blood),
Inexorable Assault (Frost),
Infected Claws (Unholy) talent.
Deathlord's Gift — Gain the
Rapid Decomposition (Blood),
Runic Attenuation (Frost),
Bursting Sores (Unholy) talent.
Deathlord's Invocation — Gain the
Will of the Necropolis (Blood),
Avalanche (Frost),
Pestilent Pustules (Unholy) talent.
Deathlord's Legacy — Gain the
Grip of the Dead (Blood),
Runic Attenuation/
Permafrost (Frost),
Harbinger of Doom/
Spell Eater (Unholy) talent.
Deathlord's Lesson — Gain the
Foul Bulwark (Blood),
Death's Reach (Frost),
Grip of the Dead (Unholy) talent.
Deathlord's Mythos — Gain the
Voracious (Blood),
Gathering Storm (Frost),
Pestilence (Unholy) talent.
Deathlord's Ultimatum — Gain the
Purgatory (Blood),
Icecap (Frost),
Army of the Damned talent.
Death Knight Covenant Anima Powers
These Anima Powers empower your Death Knight's Covenant Abilities in various ways.
You can learn more information about Signature and Covenant Abilities in our guide linked below.
Kyrian Death Knight Anima Powers
Darkhelm of Nuren —
Shackle the Unworthy causes enemies within 10 yards of your target to tremble in fear, stunning them for 5 seconds.
Eyes of the Unceasing — Reduce the cooldown of
Shackle the Unworthy by 10 seconds.
Reinforced Manacle —
Shackle the Unworthy reduces enemy damage dealt to you by an additional 10%.
Twisted Hellchoker —
Shackle the Unworthy charms the target, causing them to fight alongside you for 7 seconds.
Night Fae Death Knight Anima Powers
Corrupted Sapwood —
Death's Due stacks 1 additional times for each target struck by
Heart Strike (Blood),
Obliterate (Frost),
Scourge Strike (Unholy). Also increases the maximum stacks by 8.
Nightmare Tendrils —
Death's Due roots targets inside its radius for 8 seconds when cast, dealing [ 36% of Attack Power ] damage every 2 seconds.
Toxic Accumulator — Enemies damaged by
Death's Due take 10% increased damage from Death's Due, stacking up to 8 times.
Necrolord Death Knight Anima Powers
Engorged Limb — Each Rune spent extends
Abomination Limb's duration by 1 seconds.
Fatal Grasp —
Abomination Limb casts
Soul Reaper on any enemy it pulls.
Prosthetic Grabber — Grows an extra
Abomination Limb, and allows your Abomination Limb to grab enemies from up to 40 yards away.
Venthyr Death Knight Anima Powers
Death's Deliverance — During
Swarming Mist,
Door of Shadows has no cooldown and now causes you to explode upon reaching your destination, dealing [ 300% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage.
Formless Executioner —
Swarming Mist increases Dodge by an additional 15%, and each time you dodge an attack, Swarming Mists damage is increased by 10%. Stacks 5 times.
Swarm Host —
Death Grip activates
Swarming Mist for 3 seconds. If Swarming Mist is already active, its duration is increased instead.
Other Death Knight Anima Powers
Anima Powers listed here drastically empower your class abilities and allow for unique interactions between them.
Ancient Drake Breath —
Icebound Fortitude unleashes an Ancient Drake, freezing all nearby enemies for 7 seconds and dealing [ 300% of Attack Power ] Frost damage.
Animate Armaments —
Death Grip strips your enemy of their weapon if they have one, animating it to fight by your side for 6 seconds.
Blightstone — The radius of
Blood Boil, and
Howling Blast is increased by 5 yards.
Blood-tinged Poker —
Sacrificial Pact has no cooldown, and
Raise Dead's cooldown is reduced to 25 seconds.
Bone Growing Juice — During
Pillar of Frost,
Vampiric Blood, or
Dark Transformation, your size, Strength, and Stamina are increased by 50%.
Bone Harvester —
Death Coil afflicts enemies with Bone Harvest, dealing 60% of Death Coil's damage over 5 seconds. Targets killed during Bone Harvest are reanimated as a Risen Skulker or a Magus of the Dead for 60 seconds.
Boundless Fortitude — Mind Freezing a spell cast activates
Icebound Fortitude.
Chains of Anguish —
Chains of Ice binds enemies' health together, causing them to share 50% of damage taken.
Creeping Decay —
Death and Decay's radius is increased by 3 yards.
Darkreaver's Lens —
Anti-Magic Zone reflects harmful |magical effects back at the caster.
Darkreaver's Ward —
Anti-Magic Zone lasts 3 seconds longer and reduces spell damage taken by an additional 10%.
Death Turf — You and your minions gain 10% Haste while you are inside your
Death and Decay.
Force Pull —
Death Grip causes the target to slam to the ground, knocking down nearby enemies for 3 seconds.
Lich Robes —
Lichborne's cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds when you
Death Strike.
Monstrous Concoction —
Death Coil's healing infuses you or your minions with monstrous power, increasing attack speed and damage by 15% for 60 seconds. Stacks twice.
Necromantic Bile —
Sacrificial Pact deals 200% more damage and the blast radius is increased by 2 yards.
Occult Emitter —
Anti-Magic Shell removes all harmful magical effects.
Phearomones — Enemies damaged by your
Death and Decay have a chance to cower in place for 3 seconds.
Plaguebringer —
Obliterate, and
Festering Strike cause your disease damage to occur 150% more quickly for 5 seconds.
Rune Hunter — Ashen Phylacteries have a 10% chance to contain a rune that affixes to your rune weapon, to a maximum of 8 additional runes.
Skull Bloomer —
Death Coil deals 50% additional damage and healing.
Slick Ice —
Path of Frost increases movement speed by 30%.
Superstrain — Your
Frost Fever,
Blood Plague, and
Virulent Plague also apply the other two diseases.
The Horsemen's Call — Your
Death Gate calls forth a Horseman of the Ebon Blade to assist you in battle, but has a 10 minute cooldown.
Tome of Swordplay —
Mind Freeze's cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds when you successfully interrupt a cast.
Unbreakable Cuffs —
Chains of Ice strikes 1 additional targets and lasts an additional 3 seconds.
Undertaker's Crown —
Lichborne causes you to radiate
Death Coils onto your target, or yourself while you are injured.
Unquenchable Blade —
- Blood:
Dancing Rune Weapon's cooldown is decreased by 20 seconds.
- Frost:
Empower Rune Weapon's cooldown is decreased by 20 seconds.
- Unholy:
Army of the Dead's cooldown is decreased by 40 seconds.
- Blood:
Other Class-Specific Anima Powers
Below, you will find links to other class-specific Anima Powers coming in Shadowlands.
- 16 Dec. 2020: Reviewed based on the latest hotfixes.
- 26 Nov. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands.
- 24 Sep. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35938.
- 04 Sep. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35755.
- 31 Aug. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35679.
- 21 Aug. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35598.
- 12 Aug. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35522.
- 08 Aug. 2020: Added new Anima Powers.
- 18 Jul. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35167.
- 26 Jun. 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34902.
- 23 Jun. 2020: Updated for Alpha Build 34821.
- 25 May 2020: New Anima Powers added from Alpha Build 34490.
- 17 May 2020: Fixed intro.
- 15 May 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34365.
- 13 May 2020: Guide added.
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