Death Knight Guide

Welcome to our World of Warcraft The War Within Warlock Guide. Here you will find a quick overview of the specializations Warlock can pick and choose from, with links and in-depth information available to each specs Talents, Builds, Rotation, Gear and much more.

Defend your allies with vampiric powers, siphoning the lifeforce of your enemies to mend your wounds.

Overwhelm your foes with chilling death magic, unleashing relentless cold and frost all around you.

Reap your enemies with necrotic strikes and raise an army of undead servants to fight alongside you.
The War Within Death Knight Specializations
Unholy Death Knight
Unholy Death Knights are the masters of death and decay, summoning undead minions to do their bidding, as well as infecting their enemies with powerful diseases. They are the kings of AoE scaling, dealing insane damage at large target counts. They are also incredibly tanky, having both a significant health pool as well as providing several tools to mitigate incoming damage, especially magic damage. Finally, the Unholy Death Knight is a bit like a battle mage, having multiple tools that help them deal damage from range.
How Popular is Unholy Death Knight?
The Unholy Death Knight is not among the most popular specs in a raiding environment at the moment. They do solid damage and can deal with spawning adds quite well. However, the lack of a good raid buff as well as the relatively high popularity of Frost Death Knights mean that in terms of popularity, Unholy is at the bottom third of all specs.
Mythic+ Popularity
In Mythic+, Unholy sees play right up towards the cutting edge of keys. Being incredibly tanky, in conjunction with having among the highest AoE DPS throughputs in the game makes them highly desirable. However, like in raiding, Frost Death Knight is very popular and take away quite a lot of the shine off Unholy. When looking at total number of keys done, Frost sits at roughly 4 times as many compared to Unholy.
Frost Death Knight
The Frost Death Knight is the player-controlled embodiment of The Lich King,
sharing the frost and death theme to obliterate their enemies with powerful
physical and magical attacks. Wielders of both two-handed and one-handed weapons,
the Frost Death Knight uses spells like Obliterate,
Frost Strike
Howling Blast in conjunction with proc-based gameplay to create
an interactive and fun rotation.
Frost also has a lot of depth in its rotation, whether its the optimization
of Breath of Sindragosa uptime, tracking buff, or its resource management. The rotation seems
simple at a glance but in reality has a lot of complexity that can make a great
player excel. It is also very satisfying with its damage numbers - and who does not
enjoy hitting massive
Frost's strength comes from it's high cleave damage, dealing huge damage to any adds that spawn, without losing much priority DPS. Furthermore, we are incredibly tanky with a number of tools to both increase our health, as well as mitigate incoming damage, especially magic damage. Frost is currently Meta in both Raid and Mythic+ and one of the most popular melee specs!
How Popular is Frost Death Knights?
Raid Popularity
Frost Death Knight is really quite popular in raiding, having seen play in the Race to World First on the majority of bosses. In terms of number of parses, we are the fourth most popular spec and the third most popular melee (coming after Retribution and Fury), with just a small difference between them. Frost fits the bosses really well with its high priority damage and great cleave potential. It does really well on certain raid bosses like Ulgrax the Devourer, Broodtwister Ovi'nax and Silken Court.
Mythic+ Popularity
Frost Death Knight is currently the meta DPS spec of Mythic+. Running
the Breath of Sindragosa build which provides an insane amount of AoE
burst every 2 minutes, can provide extremely good DPS in a coordinated group.
We also do not need to sacrifice any single-target DPS to achieve this, simply
running our best raiding single-target build in Mythic+ as well! Combine this
with being the most tanky spec in the game as well as having some solid group utility,
combines it all into an exceptional choice for Mythic+.
Blood Death Knight
Blood Death knight harness and corrupt life energy to sustain themselves while
dealing damage to those around them. The centerpiece of their toolkit is
Death Strike, which allows them to heal back up for a portion of the
damage they have recently taken, granting them a physical absorption shield in
the process. A large number of short-duration cooldown abilities support this
key mechanic, allowing Blood Death Knights to truly control the flow of combat
while effortlessly healing their wounds.
In addition to this, Blood Death Knights have access to Anti-Magic Shell,
Death Grip,
Gorefiend's Grasp and
Death's Advance, to name
a few points of utility. All four of these abilities have been used to devastating
effects in both Raiding and Mythic+ to trivialize encounters, allowing Blood
Death Knights to truly turn the flow of battle in their and their teammates'
How Popular is Blood Death Knight?
Raid Popularity
The devastating combination of reactive self-healing, unique utility and the
frequent possibility to immune entire mechanics with Anti-Magic Shell makes
Blood Death Knight a prime spec for Raiding. Very few encounters have historically
tested Blood Death Knight to the level where the proverbial wheels fell off; its
popularity was only hampered when a raid buff or debuff was missing because the
non-tank specs on their respective classes were too weak to be brought.
In recent World of Warcraft history, Death Grip alone has featured as
a centerpiece counter to at least one mechanic every tier.
Death's Advance's
knockback and pushback immunity has also featured prominently, and its very
short cooldown only amplified this. Plus, they are the only specialization in
the game able to bring
Gorefiend's Grasp to an encounter.
Mythic+ Popularity
In Mythic+, Blood Death Knight is one of the most forgiving tanks to start
tanking on. Its evident self-sustain, large amount of cooldowns and enemy control
with Death Grip,
Blinding Sleet,
Asphyxiate and the
snare effect from
Grip of the Dead provide an answer to almost anything
dungeons can throw at you.
On the higher end, the variety and subtle differences between cooldowns in the kit allow skilled players to truly shine, and its viability in high-end groups tends to come down to its relative damage output and survivability relative to other tank specializations.
Ultimately, tanks almost never struggle to find a group due to the inherent imbalance of role populations, so even if Blood Death Knight ends up not being the single best tank for any dungeon, you will still have no trouble finding a group whenever you want to dungeneer a little.
This guide has been written by Bicepspump, a semi-hardcore player raiding with Pescorus on Kazzak. He is heavily involved in the DK DPS theorycrafting community, testing hyoptheses and investigating the correct priority to use. He produces guide content on YouTube and frequently streams on Twitch.
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