Death Knight Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands (9.2)
An overview of Death Knight Legendary Powers and Armor available in Shadowlands.
Death Knight Legendary Armor
Legendary Armor pieces are named after Base Items, so two Legendary Armor pieces will share the same name, but have different Legendary Powers attached to them.
You can find more about crafting Legendary Armor in our Runecarving Guide.
Base Items are blank armor templates that are required to craft Legendary Armor in Shadowlands.
For more information about Base Items, please refer to our Base Items Guide.
General Legendary Powers
In addition to the Death Knight-specific powers presented in this page, there are 8 generic Legendary Powers in Shadowlands that are accessible to all classes. You can find them in our general Legendary Powers Guide.
Death Knight Legendary Powers
We divide Legendary powers into general, available to all classes, class-wide, available to all specializations within the same class, and specialization-specific, available to just one specialization. Legendary powers can only be imbued on Base Items and occupy specific armor slots, as outlined below.
Class-Wide Death Knight Legendary Powers
The following Legendary powers are available to all specializations:
Death's Embrace (Wrist/Finger) — Increases the duration of
Anti-Magic Shell by 140% and any damage it absorbs heals you.
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Memory of Death's Embrace — Drops from Kul'tharok in Theater of Pain.
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Grip of the Everlasting (Waist/Feet) —
Death Grip's cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds and for 3 seconds after casting Death Grip, you may cast the spell a second time without regard for its cooldown.
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Memory of an Everlasting Grip — Purchased for Honor from Purveyor Zo'kuul in Oribos. You must have Runecarving unlocked to purchase this memory.
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Phearomones (Head/Neck/Shoulder) — You and your minions gain 10% (Blood)/15% (Frost, Unholy) Haste while you are inside your
Death and Decay and enemies damaged by your Death and Decay have a chance to cower in place for 3 seconds.
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Memory of the Phearomones — Rewarded from the Great Vault quest.
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Superstrain (Neck/Chest) — Your
Frost Fever,
Blood Plague, and
Virulent Plague also apply the other two diseases at reduced effectiveness.
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Memory of Superstrain — Drops from Stone Legion Generals in Castle Nathria.
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Blood Death Knight Legendary Powers
The powers listed here are intended for Blood Death Knights.
Bryndaor's Might (Back/Feet) —
Death Strike refunds 15% of Runic Power spent if it heals you for more than 10% of your maximum health.
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Memory of Bryndaor — Drops in Torghast Mort'regar, Layer 3+.
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Crimson Rune Weapon (Shoulder/Hands/Waist) —
Dancing Rune Weapon generates 5
Bone Shield charges. When a charge of Bone Shield is consumed, the cooldown of Dancing Rune Weapon is reduced by 5 seconds. Additionally, when Dancing Rune Weapon fades, your Rune regeneration rate is increased by 40% for 10 seconds.
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Memory of the Crimson Runes — Drops from Halkias, the Sin-Stained Golem in Halls of Atonement.
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Gorefiend's Domination (Legs/Feet) —
Vampiric Blood generates 45 Runic Power. Additionally,
Heart Strike reduces the remaining cooldown on Vampiric Blood by 2 seconds.
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Memory of Gorefiend's Domination — Drops from Hungering Destroyer in Castle Nathria.
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Vampiric Aura (Chest/Finger) —
Vampiric Blood grants you 5% Leech and its duration is increased by 3 seconds. Additionally, your Vampiric Blood affects all party members for 50% of the effect it has on you.
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Memory of a Vampiric Aura — Drops in Torghast, The Upper Reaches Layer 3+.
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To find out the best Legendaries for Blood Death Knight, please refer to our dedicated guide:
Frost Death Knight Legendary Powers
Here we list Legendary powers available to Frost Death Knights in Shadowlands.
Absolute Zero (Neck/Wrist) —
Frostwyrm's Fury has a 50% reduced cooldown and Freezes all enemies hit for 3 seconds.
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Memory of Absolute Zero — Drops in Torghast, Coldheart Interstitia Layer 3+.
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Biting Cold (Head/Waist) —
Remorseless Winter damage is increased by 15%. The first time Remorseless Winter deals damage to 3 different enemies, you gain
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Memory of the Biting Cold — Drops from Nalthor the Rimebinder in The Necrotic Wake.
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Koltira's Favor (Shoulder/Finger) —
Obliterate deals 10% increased damage and has a 12% chance to refund 2 Runes.
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Memory of Koltira — Drops from Sludgefist in Castle Nathria.
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Rage of the Frozen Champion (Wrist/Hands/Finger) —
Obliterate has a 15% increased chance to trigger
Rime and
Howling Blast generates 8 Runic Power while Rime is active.
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Memory of a Frozen Champion's Rage — Drops in Torghast, Skoldus Halls Layer 3+.
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To find out the best Legendaries for Frost Death Knight, please refer to our dedicated guide:
Unholy Death Knight Legendary Powers
Legendary powers included in this section are those of Unholy Death Knights.
Deadliest Coil (Back/Chest) — Reduces the Runic Power cost of
Death Coil by 10 and Death Coil increases the duration of
Dark Transformation by 1 second.
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Memory of the Deadliest Coil — Drops from Sire Denathrius in Castle Nathria.
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Death's Certainty (Head/Hands) —
Death Strike and
Death Coil deal 35% increased damage and reduce the remaining cooldown of
Death and Decay or
Defile by 2 seconds.
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Memory of Death's Certainty — Drops from Margrave Stradama in Plaguefall.
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Frenzied Monstrosity (Back/Legs) —
Dark Transformation also increases the Attack Speed and damage of you and your Monstrosity by 12%.
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Memory of a Frenzied Monstrosity — Drops from World Boss Nurgash Muckformed.
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Reanimated Shambler (Waist/Legs) — Your attacks have a chance to summon a Super Zombie that shambles forward and explodes, dealing (157.5% of Attack Power) Shadow damage and applying a Festering Wound to 8 nearby enemies.
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Memory of a Reanimated Shambler — Drops from Torghast, Fracture Chambers Layer 3+.
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To find out the best Legendaries for Unholy Death Knight, please refer to our dedicated guide:
General Legendary Powers
You can find a list of all general Legendary Powers shared between all classes and their effects in our General Legendary Powers Guide.
Covenant-Specific Death Knight Legendary Powers
In this section, we list all the new Death Knight Legendary Powers added in Patch 9.1. You can unlock them by reaching Renown 48 with your Covenant.
Abomination's Frenzy (Wrist/Hands/Feet) —
Abomination Limb's duration is increased by 4 seconds and the frequency it grants
Bone Shield (Blood),
Rime (Frost),
Runic Corruption (Unholy) is increased by 2 seconds. The first time an enemy is damaged by Abomination Limb they take 20% increased damage from you for 12 seconds.
Final Sentence (Head/Shoulder/Back) — When
Shackle the Unworthy is applied to an enemy, instantly gain a Rune and your damage is increased by 4%, stacking up to 20% for 15 seconds.
Insatiable Hunger (Legs/Feet) — When
Swarming Mist ends it deals (89.16% of Attack Power) Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies, healing you for 25% of the damage dealt. The damage is increased by 2% for every 1 Runic Power spent while Swarming Mist was active.
Rampant Transference (Chest/Waist) — The strength gained from
Death's Due is increased by 3% and persists for 2 seconds longer. While standing within your Death's Due your Runic Power generation is increased by 20%.
Class-Specific Legendary Powers
Legendary powers available to other classes in Shadowlands can be found below.
- 20 Feb. 2022: Updated for Eternity's End.
- 18 Jan. 2022: Abomination Frenzy buffed in Patch 9.2 Build 41827.
- 30 Oct. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.1.5.
- 15 Jul. 2021: Updated with latest tuning changes.
- 28 Jun. 2021: Updated for Chains of Domination.
- 18 Apr. 2021: Fixed Crimson Rune Weapon source.
- 29 Mar. 2021: Fixed Memory of the Biting Cold source.
- 09 Mar. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.0.5.
- 15 Nov. 2020: Reviewed for Shadowlands release.
- 31 Aug. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35679.
- 21 Aug. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35598.
- 12 Aug. 2020: New Frost Death Knight Legendary Power added.
- 08 Aug. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35432.
- 08 Jul. 2020: Guide added.
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