Demon Hunter Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands
On this page, you will find all Demon Hunter Anima Powers from Torghast (which only work in Torghast). We divided them into 3 categories:
- powers that grant talents;
- powers that enhance Demon Hunter Covenant abilities;
- powers that empower existing abilities.
Best Anima Powers for Demon Hunters
As you can see below on this page, there are many Anima Powers available to Demon Hunters (to which you must also add the generic Anima Powers that all classes can use), and they rank differently according to the spec you are playing. For that purpose, we have pages ranking these powers for each spec.
Demon Hunter Talent-Granting Anima Powers
These Anima Powers grant you access to additional talents in the same row. If you already have that talent, you may select another talent in the same row.
Slayer's Cypher — Gain the
Blind Fury (Havoc),
Abyssal Strike (Vengeance) talent.
Slayer's Gift — Gain the
Insatiable Hunger (Havoc),
Feast of Souls talent.
Slayer's Invocation — Gain the
Soul Rending talent.
Slayer's Legacy — Gain the
Cycle of Hatred/
Demonic Appetite (Havoc),
Concentrated Sigils/
Fallout (Vengeance) talent.
Slayer's Lesson; Gain the
Trail of Ruin (Havoc),
Infernal Armor talent.
Slayer's Mythos — Gain the
Unleashed Power (Havoc),
Void Reaver talent.
Slayer's Ultimatum — Gain the
Demonic (Havoc),
Last Resort (Vengeance) talent.
Demon Hunter Covenant Anima Powers
These Anima Powers empower your Demon Hunter's Covenant Abilities in various ways.
You can learn more information about Signature and Covenant Abilities in our guide linked below.
Kyrian Demon Hunter Anima Powers
Flail of Merkur — Your Steward's Phial of Serenity refreshes the cooldown of
Elysian Decree.
Mask of the Winged Dominator — 20% of the damage dealt by
Elysian Decree is returned to you as healing.
Sacrificial Soul-Ash — The damage of your next
Elysian Decree is increased by 10% for every second that you do not cast it while it is off cooldown, up to a maximum of 300% additional damage.
Scouring Rags of Torghast —
Elysian Decree does not incur its cooldown if it hits a Mawrat.
Searing Deathbrand —
Elysian Decree deals 40% more damage.
Souleater's Claw —
Elysian Decree refunds 2 additional Lesser Soul Fragments.
Night Fae Demon Hunter Anima Powers
Fae Empowered Elixir — The cooldown of
The Hunt is reset if the marked enemy is killed with 20 sec of its application.
Hunting Bola —
The Hunt stuns all enemies within 8 yards for 3 seconds.
Stalker Sling —
The Hunt cooldown reduced by 30 seconds.
Necrolord Demon Hunter Anima Powers
Deadly Toll —
Fodder to the Flame cooldown reduced by 60 seconds.
Fel Ignitor — When the Condemned Demon from
Fodder to the Flame dies, a fiery explosion knocks back nearby enemies and applies
Fiery Brand to them.
Fel Scorched Contract —
Fodder to the Flame summons a demon that drops a
Sigil of Flame every 4 seconds for 20 seconds.
Venthyr Demon Hunter Anima Powers
Branding Iron — Increase the damage of
Sinful Brand by 50%.
Incriminating Ledger —
Sinful Brand applies to 1 additional target.
Perpetual Sinstone —
Eye Beam (Havoc)/
Fel Devastation (Vengeance) refreshes the duration of
Sinful Brand.
Other Demon Hunter Anima Powers
Anima Powers listed here drastically empower your class abilities and allow for unique interactions between them.
Blindfold of Focus — Damaging an enemy with
Throw Glaive from at least 20 yards away will grant you 100 Fury.
Bountiful Souls — You receive an additional 20% healing from Soul Fragments.
Cadaverous Eye —
Eye Beam (Havoc)/
Fel Devastation cooldown is reduced by 60% when used during
Dark Stalker's Draught — Every 5 uses of your
Blade Dance (Havoc)/Sigil abilities (Vengeance) will heal you for 50% of your maximum health and refill your Fury.
Darkest Hour — You automatically trigger
Darkness when you fall below 35% health. This effect can only occur once every 2 min.
Darkglare Medallion —
Eye Beam (Havoc)/
Fel Devastation (Vengeance) has a 20% chance to not incur its cooldown.
Demonglass Curio — The cooldown of
Blade Dance (Havoc)/ Sigils (Vengeance) is reduced by 15%.
Demonic Bias — All enemy Souls Fragments are treated as Demon Souls and the duration of the effect is increased by 20%.
Demonic Resolve — The cooldown of
Blur (Havoc)/
Fiery Brand (Vengeance) is reduced by 25%.
Fallen Comrade's Blindfold — Casting
Eye Beam summons an allied Vengeance Demon Hunter who casts
Fel Devastation. Casting Fel Devastation summons an allied Havoc Demon Hunter who casts Eye Beam.
Felborn Shield —
Chaos Strike (Havoc)/
Soul Cleave (Vengeance) automatically applies
Blur (Havoc)/
Demon Spikes (Vengeance). This effect can only occur once every 20 seconds.
Finely-Honed Bone Blades — The damage of
Blade Dance (Havoc)/
Sigil of Flame is increased by 50%.
Fleetwing — You move 100% faster for 5 seconds after casting
Fel Rush (Havoc)/
Infernal Strike (Vengeance).
Forcewing —
Fel Rush (Havoc)/
Infernal Strike (Vengeance) range increased by 100%.
Fury Wrappings — Using
Blade Dance (Havoc)/one of your Sigils (Vengeance) increases your chance to dodge by 15% for 8 seconds.
Furywing —
Fel Rush (Havoc)/
Infernal Strike (Vengeance) damage is increased by 400%, but it damages you for 15% of your total health if it doesn't hit an enemy.
Heart-Piercing Spine — Your next 3 uses of
Throw Glaive will always reduce enemy health to at least 70%.
Immolation Flux —
Immolation Aura damage increased by 100%.
Manafeeder's Bib — Successfully dispelling a Magic effect with
Consume Magic heals you for 20% of your maximum health and grants you a random Well Fed buff.
Mark of the Ogre —
Metamorphosis increases your size, movement speed, and melee range by 100%.
Resonant Mawfang — Interrupting with
Disrupt deals 2% of the target's maximum health as damage, up to maximum of [ 300% of Total Health ].
Shield of Unending Fury — You are immune to all damage when channeling
Eye Beam (Havoc)/
Fel Devastation (Vengeance).
Shifting Signet —
Metamorphosis cooldown reduced by 15%.
Soarstone — You restore 3% health per second while Gliding.
Warden Shackles — Your
Imprison now lasts for 10,000 years.
Other Class-Specific Anima Powers
Below, you will find links to other class-specific Anima Powers coming in Shadowlands.
- 16 Dec. 2020: Updated based on latest hotfixes.
- 27 Nov. 2020: Page overhauled for Shadowlands.
- 04 Sep. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35755.
- 08 Aug. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35432.
- 18 Jul. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35167.
- 26 Jun. 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34902.
- 23 Jun. 2020: Anima Powers updated for Alpha Build 34821.
- 25 May 2020: New Anima Powers introduced in Alpha Build 34490 added.
- 17 May 2020: Fixed intro.
- 15 May 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34365.
- 13 May 2020: Guide added.
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