Demon Hunter Guide

Welcome to our World of Warcraft The War Within Demon Hunter Guide. Here you will find a quick overview of the specializations Demon Hunter can pick and choose from, with links and in-depth information available to each specs Talents, Builds, Rotation, Gear and much more.

Unleash your inner demon to tear your enemies asunder in a deadly dance of fel destruction.

Tear the souls from your enemies and become a walking inferno to stand as a bulwark for your allies.
The War Within Demon Hunter Specializations
Havoc Demon Hunter
Havoc Demon Hunters embrace their inner demon to leave chaotic devastation in
their wake. They cut through their foes with their signature warglaives, and
unleash their demonic form to turn fel power against their foes. Its primary
resource, Fury, is generated through auto-attacks and Felblade, and used to
fuel powerful strikes in
Chaos Strike and
Blade Dance. It also
weaves in
Eye Beam and
Metamorphosis to transform into a powerful
demon form throughout combat.
Havoc is a very fast paced playstyle that revolves around a build-and-spend
loop of Fury management. In between this, it uses low and mid range cooldowns such
as Eye Beam and
Immolation Aura, and can enter into an extended
Demonic form using
Metamorphosis, empowering its Fury spending
abilities. It comes with strong single-target damage and very powerful
burst cooldowns that also extend into AoE situations. It also does a large amount
of passive cleave, allowing it to deal with priority targets without sacrificing
damage to nearby enemies. Alongside that, it has unmatched mobility through tools
such as
Fel Rush, and a suite of control utility to assist in Mythic+.
Finally, it also provides the
Chaos Brand debuff to the group, making it
a staple in all content.
How Popular is Havoc Demon Hunter?
Raid Popularity
In raids Havoc is currently very desirable, being a great way to provide the
Chaos Brand debuff for their group. It also has a very versatile damage
profile within Nerub-ar Palace, being able to deal heavy burst damage to bosses
at key moments, while also having enough AoE to deal with occasional add spawns.
While it can be difficult to pilot on some encounters due to the high movement
requirements, it certainly has the capability to excel within the current raid.
While melee specializations are often fighting for a spot, there is always a
reason to play at least one Demon Hunter, and Havoc is a great choice to cover
Mythic+ Popularity
In Mythic+, Havoc has extremely high burst AoE every two minutes, so
if the group can play around this timer its potential is very high. It does,
however, require some good planning to make sure that it can align both
Metamorphosis and
Eye Beam for every key pull needed within a
dungeon, so bear that in mind. Alongside that, it has a strong control toolkit with
Fel Eruption and
Chaos Nova, while also bringing
as an additional group support tool. Lastly, it pairs very well with other magic
oriented DPS specializations, thanks to providing
Chaos Brand.
Vengeance Demon Hunter
Vengeance Demon Hunters are a walking inferno that bathe their foes in flame,
and shear the souls from their enemies to feed their demonic hunger. They also
carve forbidden sigils into the battlefield to scatter foes. Its primary
resource, Fury, is generated through Fracture and
Immolation Aura,
and spent on a variety of offensive abilities such as
Soul Cleave and
Spirit Bomb.
Demon Spikes is their primary mitigation tool, and they
Soul Fragments, which can be consumed to heal themselves, as a
secondary resource through various effects and offensive abilities .
Vengeance is a tank that mixes a high focus on juggling several different
priorities while also focusing on tanking, making it a very involved tank compared
to other tank specializations. In The War Within, there is a much higher emphasis
on Soul Fragments than Fury, making it the core focus of the gameplay loop with
Fury generation and management taking more of a back seat. Defensively, the “Active Mitigation” for Vengeance
in Demon Spikes lacks full uptime, varying between 50% and 80% depending
on talent choices. It aims to cover this downside by weaving in other defensive
cooldowns such as
Metamorphosis and
Fiery Brand to
bridge these gaps. Vengeance requires a good amount of planning when facing
tougher challenges due to this, but has a lenient onboarding phase thanks to
numerous passive medium-power defensive tools.
Fel Flame Fortification, among others, give a robust backbone while
getting to grips with the more complex aspects. Another cherry on top is the
incredible mobility available to Vengeance, having
Double Jump,
Glide, and both
Infernal Strike and
Vengeful Retreat for
instant active movement. These, paired with several movement speed boosting talents,
make Vengeance easily one of the most mobile specializations in the game.
How Popular is Vengeance Demon Hunter?
Raid Popularity
In raid Vengeance suffers from having a toolkit that makes it a Jack of all
trades, but master of none. Defensively, Vengeance very rarely struggles on any encounters,
outside of particularly lethal mechanics , and only if undergeared.
Offensively, Vengeance has often been a solid specialization in Single
Target, with access to some of the best burst damage options in AoE situations.
Vengeance also brings both Chaos Brand and
Darkness as raid utility,
but unfortunately these are also brought by Havoc Demon Hunters which are a
fairly popular specialization with many Guilds having at least one. When it
comes to raiding, Vengeance can be summed up as rarely bad, but
also rarely exceptional. Despite all its available tools, they still struggle to
find much popularity in the current raid tier.
Mythic+ Popularity
When it comes to Mythic+, Vengeance remains very popular due to the
several strong utility talents that are available to them. The suite of control
tools in Sigil of Silence,
Chaos Nova and
Sigil of Misery
puts a lot of power in the tanks hands to keep pulls stable. Offensively, Vengeance
also offers a toolkit tailor-made for Mythic+, with all its spenders and most of
its cooldowns dealing significant amounts of AoE damage, making Vengeance a very
strong offensive choice for Mythic+.
Defensively, Vengeance has two solid Hero Talent Trees. Fel-Scarred
focuses on higher
Metamorphosis uptime and the
Student of Suffering
effect from
Sigil of Flame, alongside additional passive benefits in
Enduring Torment
Monster Rising. Conversely,
Aldrachi Reaver provides a
significant amount of additional healing to sustain through dangerous pulls,
Wounded Quarry to generate additional
Soul Fragments. To
cap things off, Vengeance has extremely good mobility to reposition while fighting
dangerous packs, and brings
Chaos Brand and
Darkness to assist
its group.
This guide has been written by Wordup, a frequent theorycrafter involved in a number of class communities. He is also an experienced player who has been in the world top 100 since the days of Sunwell, currently raiding in Echoes. You can also follow him on Twitter.
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