Demonology Warlock Battleground Blitz Guide — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 24, 2025 at 21:57 by Chanimal 18 comments

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about playing Demonology Warlock in Battleground Blitz, including specific playstyle tips, talent builds, and much more.


Demonology Warlock in Battleground Blitz

Demonology deals the least damage out of all 3 Warlock specs, but Demonology can still find a niche in Battleground Blitz due to its crowd control and survivability.


Playstyle as Demonology

In Battleground Blitz, Demonology Warlocks primarily focuses on controlling enemy players while contributing with damage when your cooldowns line up. Demonology Warlocks do not deal a lot of damage, but when Summon Charhound Icon Summon Charhound, Summon Demonic Tyrant Icon Summon Demonic Tyrant and Call Dreadstalkers Icon Call Dreadstalkers are up; the burst damage is decent. Thus, focusing on control is more important.

Demonology Warlocks can defend a base as they are quite sturdy with a lot of crowd control and are able to delay the enemy from capturing until reinforcements arrive. Avoiding big team fights and opting for smaller-scale skirmishes are preferred for a Demonology Warlock.


Offence as Demonology

Demonology Warlocks should avoid team fights entirely and can play offensively with your team's flag carrier or try to steal enemy bases. Demonology is good at controlling and, therefore, assisting your flag carrier to get away or setting up an Axe Toss Icon Axe Toss into Fear Icon Fear combo in order to capture a base.

Crowd Control as Demonology

In Battleground Blitz, there is no dampening effect. As such, burst damage and crowd control or running healers out of mana through damage are the ways to score kills and pull ahead. Demonology mainly focuses on CC, but can still contribute with Summon Charhound Icon Summon Charhound, Summon Demonic Tyrant Icon Summon Demonic Tyrant and Call Dreadstalkers Icon Call Dreadstalkers when they are off cooldown. Shadowfury Icon Shadowfury and Howl of Terror Icon Howl of Terror are good to use on cooldown, and Fear Icon Fear should be used often, especially on enemy healers.

When playing a defensive role such as on Temple of Kotmogu, applying Curse of Exhaustion Icon Curse of Exhaustion to players to slow them is recommended, or Fear Icon Fear to assist your orb carrier in kiting.


Utility as Demonology

Demonology mainly offers utility in the form of Demonic Gateway Icon Demonic Gateway and Healthstone Icon Healthstone. Casting a Create Soulwell Icon Create Soulwell often is a good idea, as well as positioning your Demonic Gateway Icon Demonic Gateway preferably between Z-axises to give your team a positional advantage. For example, between the river in Twin Peaks or from the lower to upper level in the flag room.


Survivability as Demonology

Demonology Warlock is the strongest Warlock spec defensively and can survive better. Still, it is important to position at range in order to avoid being swapped to as easily. Remeber to place a Demonic Circle Icon Demonic Circle in the far back as well as insurance to drag enemy melee deeper if you are chased. Additionally, Warlocks can now use 3 charges of Healthstone Icon Healthstone in combat, and this should be empowered by Soulburn Icon Soulburn.


Mobility as Demonology

Demonology Warlocks have some of the worst mobility in the game and, therefore, should avoid being a flag carrier. Instead, protecting the flag carrier or participating in team fights is a much better alternative. While protecting your team's flag carrier, spamming Curse of Exhaustion Icon Curse of Exhaustion on every enemy helps to peel them and allows you to stay ahead as you will likely not be targeted. However, if your flag carrier is too far, Demonology Warlocks are not a bad choice to pick up the flag until it can be passed off.


Demonology's role in each Battleground


Capture the Flag (Warsong Gulch, Twin Peaks)

At the start of a Capture the Flag map, you should avoid following your team into the fight; instead, either protecting the flag in your own base or following your flag carrier towards the enemy base. When your flag carrier brings the flag through mid, protect them by peeling with Fear Icon Fear and slowing enemies with Curse of Exhaustion Icon Curse of Exhaustion


Resource Race (Arathi Basin, Battle for Gilneas, Deepwind Gorge)

Before a Resource Race battleground starts, you should decide with your team which base you should focus on first.

As a Demonology Warlock, you can defend a base if your team does not, but this is better suited to a Hunter or Rogue, for example. If you already have a defender, you can go by yourself or with another teammate to try and steal a base by setting up a CC chain with Axe Toss Icon Axe Toss into Fear Icon Fear. CCing the enemy in order to capture a base will take much less time than killing them usually, so there are fewer chances for reinforcements to arrive.


Hybrid (Eye of the Storm)

As with resource maps, avoid playing the team fight and instead either defend a base or push with a teammate to steal a base. Remember that CCing the enemy in order to capture the base is much faster than killing them, and therefore, reinforcements often won't be able to make it in time.


King of the Hill (Temple of Kotmogu)

Ranged DPS specialisations will always be the best orb carriers on Temple of Kotmogu. Being able to set up port upstairs and jump into the centre to gain more points and Demonic Circle Icon Demonic Circle out of danger while being naturally a tanky class makes Demonology a good choice as an orb carrier in order to capture a lot of points. Additionally, Demonology can cast their pets and then hide and let their pets and teammates kill enemies chasing them rather than exposing themselves to danger. If your team does not wish you to pick up an orb, treat this as any other battleground and protect your orb carriers with CC such as Axe Toss Icon Axe Tossand Fear Icon Fear, or go after the enemy orb carriers and control their healers.


Battleground Blitz Talent Builds

The general PvP talent build for Arena can also be used in Battleground Blitz as it deals solid burst damage with Summon Charhound Icon Summon Charhound and Call Dreadstalkers Icon Call Dreadstalkers while offering tankiness.

Be sure to make use of the 'Copy Export String' button to import the best build directly into your game!



  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for TWW 11.1.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for The War Within 11.0.7.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Updated for TWW 11.0.5.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Season 1.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Page added.
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