Warlock Hero Talents — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 24, 2025 at 21:57 by Motoko 44 comments

This guide will walk you through the best Hero Talents for Demonology Warlock for Raiding and Mythic+, how they impact your gameplay, and more.


Best Hero Talents for Demonology Warlock in The War Within

This page is specifically about Hero Talents in The War Within. If you want to learn more about the best regular talents for Demonology Warlock, check out our Talents page:


Raiding Hero Talents for Demonology Warlock

The Current recommendation for Hero Talents is Diabolist.

Diabolist provides stronger burst opportunities during Tyrant windows and Ruination Icon Ruination, but otherwise, it is punished by downtime due to how the cycling of Demons works.

Soul Harvester's is marginally behind its alternative, with additional value coming from dying target triggering Shared Fate Icon Shared Fate.

All being said, the difference between the two is small enough to warrant a personal preference when choosing what to play.


Mythic+ Hero Talents for Demonology Warlock

The Current recommendation for Hero Talents is Diabolist.

Diabolist offers stronger spikes in damage, corresponding to Overlord and Pit Lord summonings, while also bolstering Tyrant output, but these cycles again suffer from downtime and the inability to bank Ruination Icon Ruination for specific situations makes the spell not consistently impactful.

Soul Harvester offers a non-trivial amount of extra splash damage alongside Sataiel's Volition Icon Sataiel's Volition, which helps accelerating Implosion Icon Implosions.

All being said, the difference between the two is small enough to warrant a personal preference when choosing what to play.


Best Hero Talents Builds for Demonology Warlock


Best Hero Talent Builds for Demonology Warlock

Diabolist Universal Build Soul Harvester Universal Build

Diabolist Universal Build for Demonology Warlock

The choice between Infernal Vitality Icon Infernal Vitality and Infernal Bulwark Icon Infernal Bulwark is dictated by how Unending Resolve Icon Unending Resolve is being used: a reactive way favours the former, especially in the context of a spec having lower sustain, whereas proactive usage of that personal cooldown, or when healing is not a concern makes the latter a stronger overall option. In contrast Soul-Etched Circles Icon Soul-Etched Circles generally provides a wider usability since Howl of Terror Icon Howl of Terror is seldom picked in PvE activities. Last but not least Cruelty of Kerxan Icon Cruelty of Kerxan is worse than Infernal Machine Icon Infernal Machine.


Soul Harvester Universal Build for Demonology Warlock

Shared Fate Icon Shared Fate is universally better than Feast of Souls Icon Feast of Souls, while in the context of raids, Gorefiend's Resolve Icon Gorefiend's Resolve is the more appealing option. The choice between Gorebound Fortitude Icon Gorebound Fortitude and Friends In Dark Places Icon Friends In Dark Places is not universal, with the former offering improved Healthstones without the Shard tax, while the latter gives extra active mitigation with a bigger Dark Pact Icon Dark Pact shield.


Hero Talents Rotation for Demonology Warlock



Diabolist gameplay is centered around the fast cycling of demons, through Diabolic Ritual Icon Diabolic Ritual with hard-hitting spells as the payoff. As a consequence downtime can be punishing, especially if it results in missed activation of empowered spells, but otherwise, the Hero tree does not alter the base gameplay of Demonology.


Soul Harvester

Soul Harvester brings an emphasis on Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan targeting to scale the damage through Demonic Soul Icon Demonic Soul and Soul Anathema Icon Soul Anathema, while Demonic Core Icon Demonic Core procs trigger additional passive damage through Wicked Reaping Icon Wicked Reaping and Quietus Icon Quietus. Worth mentioning Sataiel's Ambition Icon Sataiel's Ambition, which does increase the chance of Demonic Cores through Implosion Icon Implosion and helps cycle shards faster.



  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.0.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Updated recommendations for use case and choice nodes.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Page Created.
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