Demonology Warlock Guide for The War Within
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the Demonology Warlock changes in World of Warcraft's latest expansion, The War Within. This page is intended to help you navigate the new changes and help you know what to expect from Demonology Warlock in the War Within.
In this guide, you will find detailed breakdowns of the new Hero Talent Trees for Demonology Warlock. We will explore the most significant updates to the spec, and offer insights into how these changes will impact your overall gameplay. Whether you are an experienced Demonology Warlock or new to the spec, this page will be useful in knowing what to expect come launch in late August.
Demonology Warlock: The War Within Expansion Preview
Welcome to the War Within expansion preview for Demonology Warlock, a resource page where to find changes, Hero talent trees and some initial assessment on the state of the spec.
The purpose of this page is to offer an up-to-date overview of how Demonology Warlock is changing in the forthcoming The War Within expansion, as such, it is not to be treated as a guide or a replacement, since the current state of tuning is not representative of what the final product will be.
The War Within Changes for Demonology Warlock
Core Changes
Demonology Warlock received a whole talent restructure alongside some changes that altered the Class Tree.
Below are the most notable changes:
Demonic Circle is no longer baseline;
Demonic Tactics is a new output node;
Soul Link has been consolidated as a 2 points node, removing
Profane Bargain;
Inquisitor's Gaze and
Summon Soulkeeper node has been replaced by
Soul Conduit at 1 point of effectiveness;
- likewise
Grim Feast has been replaced by a much more appealing node in
Pact of Gluttony.
The introduction of Pact of Gluttony specifically has created a new
issue in only 1 or 2 floating point to spare after acquiring all 3 capstones
and output/stamina/health nodes, with a triage situation occurring with the
Demonic Circle,
Fiendish Stride,
Amplify Curse
As a result the updated class tree pathing has created a restrictive feel, of not being able to talent into several utilities due how taxing the "core" of the tree is, which coupled with the lack of party-wide non-exclusive auras or utility is going to be detrimental in Mythic+ dungeons.
Moving on the Demonology side, the whole tree has been overhauled, with the intention of creating a pathing well-rounded and able to tackle most situations, progressing from a first gate almost devoid of choices towards the third gate which holds most of the options comparatively.
See below a list of the most transformative changes:
Vile Fiend is now 30 seconds cooldown and has been moved down the tree and a capstone instead of being a choice with
Soul Strike;
Summon Dreadstalkers now have a chance to generate a
Demonic Core when fading away;
Rune of Shadows has been introduced as a substantial way to scale
Shadow Bolt damage;
Summon Demonic Tyrant is now a 1minute cooldown baseline and has been moved in the second gate with
Reign of Tyranny being a single point investment;
Nether Portal and its relative nodes
Ner'zhul's Volition and
Gul'dan's Ambition have been removed;
Doom has been moved down the tree and reworked entirely to provide AoE damage with additional nodes able to further reduce the cooldown and summon a Shadowbolt casting Doomguard, respectively with
Doom Eternal and
Pact of the Ered'ruin;
Vile Fiend being the central option at the third gate offers augmenting talents that alter the visuals and additional behavior of the summon similar to Hounds of Sargeras, with
Mark of Shatug summoning a GloomHound that deals additional shadow damage single target and
Mark of F'harg summoning a Charhound that deals constant fire damage around;
- New talents augmenting
Summon Dreadstalkers have been added at the third gate:
Flametouched and
The Houndmaster's Gambit.
Overall the Demonology tree design feels more consolidated and focused, more cohesive in its intention of augmenting fewer but more meaningful rotational abilities, and in a way simplify the interactions with the new Hero Trees.
In practice the gameplay does not differ substantially from Dragonflight,
before taking Hero Talents into account. On the other hand, cooldown
management has been vastly simplified, with all relevant abilities being a
multiple of 30 seconds, thus creating a very distinct and fixed cadence.
Burst capabilities, especially in AoE, remain high thanks
to Implosion and
Grimoire: Felguard, and the
Doom offers an interactive gameplay element.
The reduction in Demonic Cores did not substantially alter the
gameplay feel, mostly thanks to
Rune of Shadows cast time reduction and Hero trees interacting with
either shard generation or discounting shard cost, however it does
negatively impact the current
Doom implementation.
Hero Talent Trees for Demonology Warlock in The War Within
Hero Talents are perhaps the most notable addition to The War Within, with each spec having access to 2 out of the 3 available for the class. Demonology Warlock in this case can opt between Diabolist and Soul Harvester Hero Talent Trees.
Diabolist Hero Talents for Demonology Warlock
The Diabolist Hero tree is themed around a sequence of Greater Demons that offer temporary effects such as damage amplification, shard generation or a high damage AoE ability before cycling toward the next one.
The playstyle, as such, is influenced by this cadence while not being an
interference in the rotation at the same time. What changes the most is the
damage profile instead, with Gloom of Nathreza directly buffing shard
spenders, and higher burst capabilities thanks to
Ruination or
particularly in Tyrant windows, thanks to
Abyssal Dominion.
Regarding defensive options and utility, Soul-Etched Circles offers
a niche use case while
Annihilan's Bellow drastically increases the
frequency of use of
Howl of Terror.
Infernal Vitality
Infernal Bulwark also ties a sustain element
Unending Resolve which is definitely more enticing than what other
Hero Tree currently seem to offer, albeit overall not great.
Soul Harvester Hero Talents for Demonology Warlock
Soul Harvester Hero tree takes a different approach, with a theme-centered
around shard cost reduction for spenders, direct damage increase, and
additional damage over time in the form of Soul Anathema.
The synergy with Power Siphon through
Necrolyte Teachings
Sataiel's Ambition while not being as transformative as it is in
Affliction still offers a reliable direct damage increase, particularly
Shadow Bolt when talenting
Rune of Shadows
Sacrificed Souls.
In AoE Mantle of the Harvester helps providing
Demonic Core to fuel the damage.
In terms of defensive and utility options, again few improvements in terms
of Gorebound Fortitude
Healthstones at no additional shard cost,
Friends In Dark Places giving an additional 25% to the baseline
absorb value of
Dark Pact.
Eternal Servitude on the other hand
enable a more frequent pet swapping/resummoning as a quality-of-life change,
with the alternative of an improved combat ress in
Gorefiend's Resolve
similar to other classes.
Demonology Warlock Tier Set in The War Within
Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses for Demonology Warlock in The War Within are the following:.
Warlock Demonology Season 1 2pc — Your primary demon deals 5% increased damage, and your
Shadow Bolt damage is increased by 50%.
Warlock Demonology Season 1 4pc —
Shadow Bolt has a chance to enrage your primary Felguard, increasing the damage of their next
Legion Strike by 300%.
Both set bonuses offer a talent-agnostic passive damage increase, as intended in their design, with neither suffering from target count or encounter timing, and instead offering consistency first and foremost.
Worth noting that the 2 pieces set bonus will be less effective in AoE due
a comparatively lower amount of Shadow Bolt casts compared to single
target scenarios.
How Good is the Demonology Warlock Tier Bonus in The War Within?
If tuned following the general goal of providing between 10 to 15% increase with the 2 and 4 pieces together, Demonology tier set has a wide practicality, and should perform well in any end-game situation.
Demonology Warlock Strengths and Weaknesses
More intuitive gameplay with faster cooldown loops
Efficient cleave damage
Very high AoE burst with enough resources
Faster cooldown loops means more frequent setups which are a vulnerable timeframe for Demonology
New talent tree offers less gameplay variety and choices
Warlock utility in dungeons is still lacking, outside of niche such as Gateway skip, and amplify curse
Warlock class tree rework is somewhat more restrictive post rework
- 19 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within pre-patch.
- 19 Jun. 2024: Page Created.
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This guide has been written by Motoko, Warlock main since The Burning Crusade, co-admin in the Warlock Discord, and theorycrafter and contributor for LockOneStopShop.
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