Destruction Warlock DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 24, 2025 at 21:57 by Motoko 60 comments
General Information

On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Destruction Warlock in both single-target and multiple-target situations. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. in order to minmax your DPS. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).

If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Destruction Warlock rotation.


Playstyle for Destruction Warlock

Welcome to our Rotation page for Destruction Warlocks. On this page, you will find everything you need to know about actually playing the spec in Raiding and Mythic+ scenarios.

If you have not already, please read the Spell Summary page. Knowing how each spell/ability works in detail will greatly increase your understanding of the topics discussed on this page.


Destruction Warlock Rotations

By selecting talents and Hero Talents below, the rotations in this guide will update accordingly.


Destruction Warlock Rotation

Hero Talents
Diabolist Hellcaller
The buttons below can be used to select between curated loadouts from our Talents page.
Talent Selections
With the Eradication Icon Eradication talent selected. With the Soul Fire Icon Soul Fire talent selected. With the Roaring Blaze Icon Roaring Blaze talent selected.
With the Cataclysm Icon Cataclysm talent selected. With the Channel Demonfire Icon Channel Demonfire talent selected. With the Shadowburn Icon Shadowburn talent selected.
With the Summon Infernal Icon Summon Infernal talent selected. With the Dimensional Rift Icon Dimensional Rift talent selected.
Single Target AoE Opener

Single Target Priority for Destruction Warlock

The Destruction specialization revolves primarily around generating Soul Shards via your filler spells before unleashing them for a large burst of damage. This specialization does not follow a strict and consistent rotation; rather, the emphasis is on leveraging opportunities as they arise.

  1. Cast Chaos Bolt Icon Chaos Bolt if you are about to cap Soul Shards.
  2. Cast Conflagrate Icon Conflagrate if you have 2 charges, possibly to hasten a long cast such as Chaos Bolt Icon Chaos Bolt.
  3. Cast Conflagrate Icon Conflagrate to generate Soul Shards.
  4. Cast Incinerate Icon Incinerate to generate Soul Shards.

Multiple Target Priority for Destruction Warlock

Destruction can thrive in environments with steady cleave, as we do it efficiently. In many cases, the presence of secondary targets actually enhances our single-target output considerably, thanks to the additional resources generated.

  1. Maintain Immolate Icon Immolate on the main target.
  2. Maintain Wither Icon Wither on as many targets as possible.
  3. Cast Malevolence Icon Malevolence with as many targets affected by Wither Icon Wither as possible.
  4. Apply Immolate Icon Immolate on any secondary target that will last a minimum of 10 seconds.
  5. Cast Rain of Fire Icon Rain of Fire if there are 5+ targets with Havoc Icon Havoc up, or 3+ if on cooldown.
  6. Cast Chaos Bolt Icon Chaos Bolt if you have 5 Soul Shards.
  7. Apply Havoc Icon Havoc if a secondary target is present.
  8. Cast Chaos Bolt Icon Chaos Bolt to spend Soul Shards.
  9. Cast Conflagrate Icon Conflagrate to generate Soul Shards and Backdraft Icon Backdraft stacks.
  10. Cast Incinerate Icon Incinerate to generate Soul Shards.

Opening Sequence for Destruction Warlock

  1. Pre-cast Incinerate Icon Incinerate.
  2. Pre-cast Soul Fire Icon Soul Fire.
  3. Pre-cast Soul Fire Icon Soul Fire.
  4. Pre-cast Immolate Icon Immolate.
  5. Pre-cast Wither Icon Wither.
  6. Use your trinkets and racials.
  7. cast Malevolence Icon Malevolence.
  8. Cast Conflagrate Icon Conflagrate.
  9. Cast Chaos Bolt Icon Chaos Bolt.
  10. Cast Shadowburn Icon Shadowburn.
  11. Cast Conflagrate Icon Conflagrate.
  12. Cast Chaos Bolt Icon Chaos Bolt.

Understanding Destruction Warlock Mechanics

The following sections present an explanation of various mechanics pertinent to the Destruction and the Warlock, alongside reasons as to why abilities are used in a specific way.


Cooldown Usage for Destruction Warlock


Cooldown Usage for Destruction Warlock

Infernal Cataclysm


Destruction's main cooldown, Summon Infernal Icon Summon Infernal, offers a rather straightforwards use. The Infernal stuns and damage enemies in the area at the time of summoning. For the whole duration it will deal both melee and pulsing AoE damage, as well as passively generating Shards. It is generally best used on cooldown, due to a relatively high uptime, especially if running Diabolist with Abyssal Dominion Icon Abyssal Dominion. Infernal may not look particularly strong on its own, especially in single target, but the ability to empower spenders with Crashing Chaos Icon Crashing Chaos or shard generation with Rain of Chaos Icon Rain of Chaos make the cooldown deceptively strong.



In its current iteration and tuning Cataclysm Icon Cataclysm should be seen as a mean to apply the maximum amount of Immolate Icon Immolate on the target area in a single cast, rather than a tool for AoE burst. It pairs especially well with Channel Demonfire Icon Channel Demonfire and together aid substantially Wither Icon Wither management in multitarget for Hellcaller.

While it should be used more or less on cooldown in multitarget, (and potentially delayed by few seconds if able to hit a higher number of targets), in single target its relatively weaker spell power coefficient makes it a spell to use to seldom refresh Immolate Icon Immolate or Wither Icon Wither when they are about to expire.


Destruction Warlock Mechanics Deep Dive


Destruction Warlock Mechanics

Pandemic Mechanic Havoc

Pandemic and Learning to Efficiently Refresh DoTs

Pandemic is a hidden mechanic that allows you to refresh certain timed effects early without penalty. You can refresh your DoT effects when they have less than 30% of their maximum duration. This will add the new DoT's maximum duration with the remaining duration of the current DoT.

In the case of Immolate Icon Immolate the baseline value for a safe refresh is 5.4 seconds, and 6.3 seconds when talenting Scalding Flames Icon Scalding Flames.


Havoc Usage

Havoc Icon Havoc is one of your most important spells. Havoc copies any of your direct spells, however, and it does affect the Soul Shard generation of your Soul Shard generating abilities (i.e., you generate double Soul Shards). The Soul Shard-consuming abilities still cost the same amount, however, and only 60% of the total damage done will be copied.

It is best to use Havoc Icon Havoc to duplicate spells that are limited by Soul Shards is due to the efficiency of expenditure. If possible, try to lead into your Havoc Icon Havocs with several Soul Shards at the ready. Follow up by dumping Chaos Bolt Icon Chaos Bolt casts to debuff each target with Eradication Icon Eradication (if talented) and double your Shard efficiency.

Havoc Icon Havoc range is 60 yards after you apply the debuff on a target and is unaffected by line of sight requirements. Over time, you will develop the knowledge and instinct to take full advantage of the ability. A good way to go about building this experience is by paying close attention to your boss's timers. If you know that an ad will be spawning in the next 10 seconds, you should hold on to your Soul Shards and Conflagrate Icon Conflagrate charges for Havoc. If you have 4 Soul Shards ready, you can immediately cast Havoc as soon as the add spawns. Cast Immolate Icon Immolate, then Conflagrate, dump 2 Chaos Bolt Icon Chaos Bolts, Conflagrate again to generate a Soul Shard. When in doubt, however, use Havoc on cooldown when a second target is present.

Remember to cast Havoc Icon Havoc on the secondary target since it will only duplicate single-target spells at 60% of their original value.

Note that Mayhem Icon Mayhem applies the Havoc Icon Havoc effect at a reduced duration (6 seconds currently).


Mythic+ Rotation

We have a dedicated Mythic+ page if you want specific information about the best M+ Destruction Warlock rotation.


Important Notes for Destruction Warlock


Destruction Warlock Notes

Soul Shards Chaos Bolt Demon Choice Movement

Soul Shard Generation and Consumption

You start every fight with 3 Soul Shards/30 Soul Shard Fragments. During combat, Soul Shards are generated through the use of your core abilities.

  • Dimensional Rift Icon Dimensional Rift generates 3 Soul Shard Fragments on cast.
  • Conflagrate Icon Conflagrate generates 5 Soul Shard Fragments on cast.
  • Immolate Icon Immolate generates 1 Soul Shard Fragment on normal ticks and has a 50% chance for an additional 1 Soul Shard Fragment on critical ticks.
  • Soul Fire Icon Soul Fire generates 10 Soul Shard Fragments on cast.
  • Shadowburn Icon Shadowburn (if talented) returns its Soul Shard cost if the target dies within 5 seconds.
  • Incinerate Icon Incinerate generates 2 Soul Shard Fragments on normal casts and an additional 1 Soul Shard Fragment on critical hits.
  • Fire and Brimstone Icon Fire and Brimstone generates 1 Soul Shard Fragment on critical hits only when talenting Diabolic Embers Icon Diabolic Embers.

Soul Shards will mostly be consumed with the following abilities.

  • Shadowburn Icon Shadowburn consumes 1 Soul Shard/10 Soul Shard Fragments
  • Chaos Bolt Icon Chaos Bolt consumes 2 Soul Shards/20 Soul Shard Fragments.
  • Rain of Fire Icon Rain of Fire consumes 3 Soul Shards/30 Soul Shard Fragments.
  • Inferno Icon Inferno reduces Rain of Fire Icon Rain of Fire shard cost to 2 Soul Shards/20 Soul Fragments.
  • Summon Imp Icon Summon Imp, Summon Voidwalker Icon Summon Voidwalker, Summon Succubus Icon Summon Succubus, and Summon Felhunter Icon Summon Felhunter consume 1 Soul Shard/10 Soul Shard Fragments per cast.

Chaos Bolt

Chaos Bolt Icon Chaos Bolt costs 2 Soul Shards/20 Soul Shard Fragments to cast. Since we can only have a maximum of 5 Soul Shards/50 Fragments, this means that the maximum number of Chaos Bolt Icon Chaos Bolts we will be able to reliably cast in a short window of time is Chaos Bolt Icon Chaos BoltConflagrate Icon ConflagrateChaos Bolt Icon Chaos BoltConflagrate Icon ConflagrateChaos Bolt Icon Chaos Bolt. For these reasons, casting Chaos Bolt Icon Chaos Bolt during beneficial procs is less of a priority now, as we cannot fit anywhere near the same amount of casts into a small window of time.

Chaos Bolt Icon Chaos Bolt should now primarily be used to maintain as high an uptime as possible on the Eradication Icon Eradication debuff (if talented). This will noticeably increase your Immolate Icon Immolate damage as well as increase the damage of your next Chaos Bolt Icon Chaos Bolt. You should still look out for good windows to cast increased numbers of Chaos Bolt Icon Chaos Bolts. This is your best spell for quickly bursting down high-priority targets.


Pet Choice

After 9.2 changes, Sayaad (Succubus or Incubus) has a clear advantage in terms of single target damage assuming no frequent distant target swap. However, pet choice is often dictated by the unique utility provided by each one: for defensive dispel, and if there are frequent swaps between distant targets, Imp will provide the highest uptime. Use Felhunter whenever an interrupt or a purge effect is required. Voidwalker can offer some additional AoE is due to its torment ability, but its biggest utility comes from a taunt. Succubus offers additional crowd control and permanent slow on a single target, which may be useful under certain situations.


Movement Management

While it is difficult to describe the best ways to position and move during a dungeon or raid encounter, it is essential to your success as a Destruction Warlock. Demonic Gateway Icon Demonic Gateway can be highly effective in many encounters and is under-appreciated by many players and raid groups. Think of Demonic Gateway Icon Demonic Gateway as a raid cooldown that can instantly teleport your entire raid group 40 yards, and the potential this ability holds quickly becomes clear. Ask your group if they want Demonic Gateway Icon Demonic Gateway anywhere specific; if not used for your strategy, use it instead as a personal cooldown.

Conflagrate Icon Conflagrate can be used strategically to cover movement, as can Havoc Icon Havoc. Shadowburn Icon Shadowburn can also be a good choice on fights with high amounts of movement if targets are frequently dying, as you gain 2 charges of a new, instant-cast ability for you to leverage. You can mitigate the need to move by positioning in locations central to fight movement. For instance, if a boss is being kited in a circle, you should stay on the inside of the kite path to ensure minimal movement. You should also determine how your Demonic Circle Icon Demonic Circle can make a fight easier for you. There are many boss mechanics that can be trivialized with a clever portal, which can free you up to deal a lot more damage.

Soulburn Icon Soulburn used in conjunction with Demonic Gateway Icon Demonic Gateway offers a quick way to cover large distances and can be used in a rush when the need to reposition is immediate.


Quiet Movement

Many players will unconsciously move during fights, despite it being unnecessary. For example, sometimes the boss or adds will be moved by the tank a couple of yards, and though you are still in range to cast, you subconsciously mirror that movement, costing you global cooldowns. Consciously work to "quiet" your movement, and reduce unnecessary movement to a minimum. The best way to see this in action is to take a video of your raid and then watch yourself play. Most players will be surprised by the amount of wasted movement they commit. When you are forced to move, make your path as direct and decisive as possible.



  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.0.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
  • 25 Sep. 2024: Re-done page layout, updating sections accordingly.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Updated for The War Within Season 1.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Added Hero Talent sections and selectors.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within pre-patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.5.
  • 01 May 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Added Madness section.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Updated selectors for the openers and priority lists.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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