Evoker Hero Talents — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Mar 18, 2025 at 16:05 by Blueprint 38 comments

This guide will walk you through the best Hero Talents for Devastation Evoker for Raiding and Mythic+, how they impact your gameplay, and more.


Best Hero Talents for Devastation Evoker in The War Within

This page is specifically about Hero Talents in The War Within. If you want to learn more about the best regular talents for Devastation Evoker, check out our Talents page:


Raiding Hero Talents for Devastation Evoker



Flameshaper is the weaker of the two choices currently and only excels in scenarios with damage amplification modifiers, it is unlikely you will see much use for this in raid or mythic+ without further tuning.



Scalecommander, both from a numerical standpoint and a playstyle standpoint, is superior to Flameshaper with better ST, better cleave, and better sustained AoE. Having the triple Disintegrate Icon Disintegrate beam also feels great, Scalecommander is also the more new player friendly choice as it does not add any additional spells to the rotation or require massive rotational adjustments to get used too.


Mythic+ Hero Talents for Devastation Evoker



Flameshaper will potentially be great at lower keys when mobs have lower health pools and are not likely to live very long, but if Devastation Evoker Icon Devastation Evoker is going to be played at a high end M+ scenario, it is unlikely to be the optimal hero tree.



Scalecommander brings a lot more to the table in M+, much greater sustain and far better priority target damage. Mass Disintegrate Icon Mass Disintegrate being able to access so much free cleave damage with very little single target loss is a massive benefit that Flameshaper lacks currently and means you'll almost exclusively be running this hero tree if you're aiming to push higher keys.


Best Hero Talent Builds for Devastation Evoker

Flameshaper Universal Build Scalecommander Universal Build

Hero Talents Rotation for Devastation Evoker



Flameshaper is designed around Engulf Icon Engulf and the way it interacts with Fire Breath Icon Fire Breath, the core of the spec being to do everything in your power to buff the damage of every Engulf cast, this is done by condensing a lot of interactions into your Shattering Star Icon Shattering Star window and is further amplified by correct usage of the new tier set bonus, here is a breakdown for how to do this properly.

  • Apply 1 stacks of Ruby Embers Icon Ruby Embers from casting Living Flame Icon Living Flame.
  • Cast Dragonrage Icon Dragonrage the Pyre Icon Pyre from this will proc Enkindle Icon Enkindle.
  • Cast Shattering Star Icon Shattering Star.
  • Cast Fire Breath Icon Fire Breath at max Empower level to get the full benefit from Scorching Embers Icon Scorching Embers.
  • Cast Engulf Icon Engulf once each on two different targets.


Scalecommander plays almost identically to Devastation in DragonFlight, with the only adjustment being Deep Breath Icon Deep Breath becoming a core part of your rotation. Deep Breath now provides multiple benefits in the form of a large DoT effect, ability to turn and adjust direction, and making the target take 20% increased damage from your Essence spenders and Bombardments Icon Bombardments for 12 seconds, everything else in the tree is entirely passive.



  • 24 Feb. 2025: Reviewed for Patch 11.1.0.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Season 1.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Devastation Page added.
  • 02 Aug. 2024: Page added.
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