Devastation Evoker DPS Mythic+ Tips — The War Within (11.0.7)

Last updated on Dec 15, 2024 at 16:00 by Blueprint 38 comments
General Information

In this guide, you will find tips and advice to tackle Mythic+ dungeons with your Devastation Evoker in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.0.7).


Devastation Evoker Mythic+ Guide for The War Within Season 1

In this guide, we will talk about getting the most out of your Evoker in Mythic+ dungeons, including the best way to set up your character, how your rotation may change, and tips and tricks for using your abilities most optimally.

If you are unfamiliar with Mythic+ and its associated general mechanics, you can read more about it on our dedicated Mythic+ page below.

To learn more about the Mythic+ Meta, check out our Mythic+ Tier List below.


Best Mythic+ Talents for Devastation Evoker in The War Within

For a more general overview of Talents for Devastation Evoker, please visit our dedicated Talents page.


Best Mythic+ Talent Builds for Devastation Evoker

High Mythic+ Talent Build — Scalecommander

Mythic+ Utility for Devastation Evoker in The War Within Season 1

This section talks mostly about the uses of different spells. For in-depth explanations of all Evoker Abilities and Talents, including these, check out our Spells page.


Utility of Devastation Evoker in The War Within

Interrupts, Stuns and Stops Other Utility

Interrupts, Stuns and Stops

Quell Icon Quell is your "kick" and your most important bit of utility in Mythic+, used to stop enemy casts for the benefit of the group and especially the tank. It is highly recommended to use a Focus Kick macro for this.

  • /stopcasting
  • /stopcasting
  • /cast [@focus,exists,nodead][@mouseover,exists,nodead] [] Quell

This macro will kick your focus target if you have one, mouseover if you have no Focus target, and your target if you have neither of those.

To quickly set a focus target in hectic scenarios, we also recommend a Focus Mouseover macro.

  • /focus [@mouseover]

Make sure that your UI shows your Focus Target's casts clearly so that you are always able to kick it on cooldown or in coordination with the rest of your group.


Stunning and "Stops"

Devastation has 3 main AoE stop abilities.

Deep Breath Icon Deep Breath this is a 3-second stun on a very short cooldown when talented into Terror of the Skies Icon Terror of the Skies we do not hold this to use as a stop as it is part of our core dps rotation, but it provides a lot of free crowd control.

Wing Buffet Icon Wing Buffet this will knock enemies in front of you back, interrpting spells and repositioning mobs.

Tail Swipe Icon Tail Swipe this will knock enemies around you up into the air and slightly away from you, useful for interrupting groups of casts.


Other Utility

Rescue Icon Rescue can be used to help reposition yourself as well as an ally while also providing a substantial shield when talented into Twin Guardian Icon Twin Guardian

Time Spiral Icon Time Spiral allows your entire party an additional use of their movement-based abilities, ours being Hover Icon Hover this can be very helpful when needing to move through areas quickly.


Dungeon Tips and Tricks for Devastation Evoker for The War Within Season 1

This section has Evoker-specific tips and tricks that may not seem obvious for all dungeons' bosses and mobs.


Mythic+ Tips for Devastation Evoker in The War Within Season 1

Ara-Kara City of Threads Dawnbreaker Grim Batol Necrotic Wake Mists of Tirna Scithe Siege of Boralus Stonevault


  • Ki'katal the Harvester
    • Stand in black blood during Cosmic Singularity to root yourself to prevent being sucked in. Once it is over, you can remove the root by casting Quell Icon Quell on the slime.
    • Expunge Icon Expunge will remove Cultivated Poisons. Only use it if the waves that will spawn will not hit your other party members.


  • If you stand in black blood, the root effect can be removed the same way it is on the boss.
  • Many enemies apply Poison debuff effects. These can all be removed with Expunge Icon Expunge.


  • The Coaglamation
    • You will need to soak orbs of black blood that move towards the boss. These apply a healing absorption debuff; a well timed Renewing Blaze Icon Renewing Blaze when the Dark Pulse Icon Dark Pulse goes off will allow you to soak a significant amount of these orbs with very little risk.
  • Izo, the Grand Splicer
    • Each phase of this boss will have two sets of high damaging mechanics, you should be aiming to cast Renewing Blaze Icon Renewing Blaze when he applies Splice Icon Splice to the party, and then on the next set of mechanics use a charge of Obsidian Scales Icon Obsidian Scales
    • Deep Breath Icon Deep Breath can be used to break or immune the root from Umbral Weave Icon Umbral Weave.


  • None of the trash in this dungeon is particularly difficult, Expunge Icon Expunge can be useful for helping dispel the poison debuffs throughout the dungeon.


  • Anub'Ikkaj
  • Having Obsidian Scales Icon Obsidian Scales up when the Dark Orb Icon Dark Orb and Shadowy Decay Icon Shadowy Decay overlap will be essential as you are likely to die without it.
  • Rasha'nan
    • Hover Icon Hover is very useful in phase 1 for picking up the bombs without losing uptime, pairing this with Renewing Blaze Icon Renewing Blaze to mitigate the DoT effect will help you survive.


  • The trash in this dungeon is very straight forward not much to watch out for.


  • Erudax
    • Deep Breath Icon Deep Breath can be used to remove Void Tendrils if too many spawn in the safe spot during Shadow Gale, be careful when doing this as if you land in a tendril right as your Deep Breath finishes you are likely to get stunned and die as a result.


  • Use Rescue Icon Rescue when talented into Twin Guardian Icon Twin Guardian on people who get targetted by the Corrupt cast from the Faceless Corrupter's.


  • Amarth
    • Quell Icon Quell can be used to interrupt the volley casts to help group the skeletons under the boss, aswell as Wing Buffet Icon Wing Buffet
  • Surgeon Stitchflesh
    • Renewing Blaze Icon Renewing Blaze is particularly effective on this encounter as all of the major damage is a ramping DoT on the entire party, using it at the correct time will provide you with a very significant amount of healing.
  • Nalthor
    • Deep Breath Icon Deep Breath will remove Frozen Binds, alternatively you can cast it before the Frozen Binds cast on you finishes and you will immune it entirely.


  • This dungeon has alot of enemies with high priority interruptable spells, such as Frost Bolt Volley, ignoring the weaker spells to ensure you interrupt the more powerful ones will greatly reduce the risk of your group dying.
  • Deep Breath Icon Deep Breath when talented into Terror of the Skies Icon Terror of the Skies is very valuable in this dungeon as the vast majority of the mobs are stunnable and you will be casting it very frequently.


  • Mistcaller
    • Positioning yourself correctly so that Mass Disintegrate Icon Mass Disintegrate cleaves the Illusionary Vulpins will make it alot easier for your group to handle them aswell as provided you additional boss damage.


  • When targetted by Overgrowth you will want to cast both Renewing Blaze Icon Renewing Blaze and Obsidian Scales Icon Obsidian Scales.
  • Expunge Icon Expunge can dispel Poisons that are applied by the enemies after Mistcaller.


  • Chopper Redhook
    • Keeping Hover Icon Hover up when the group is gripped in will prevent your casts from being interrupted and help increase your damage.
  • Lockwood
    • Obsidian Scales Icon Obsidian Scales and Rescue Icon Rescue when talented into Twin Guardian Icon Twin Guardian will help prevent deaths from Fiery Ricochet .


  • The trash between the second and third boss applies a very devastating poison debuff on your tank that can be dispelled with Expunge Icon Expunge if they have no way of removing it themselves.


  • Eirich
    • Renewing Blaze Icon Renewing Blaze can be used to help deal with the damage of Void Corruption, this will allow you to clear your debuff later letting the weaker members of your party clear their own.


  • Prioritise the totems on the trash before Void Speaker Eirich, these will almost certainly result in a wipe should their cast finish.

Affix Tips, Tricks and Management for Devastation Evoker in The War Within Season 1

This section has Evoker-specific tips for dealing with the various affixes of Mythic+. If you want general guides for each of our Dungeons or Mythic+ in general, check out our dedicated page below.


Affix Guide for Devastation Evoker in The War Within

Affix: Ascendant Affix: Oblivion Affix: Devour

Ascendant Affix Management for Devastation Evoker

Wing Buffet Icon Wing Buffet and Tail Swipe Icon Tail Swipe are both great for stopping this affix


Oblivion Affix Management for Devastation Evoker

Evoker, being a hyper-mobile class, helps with soaking crystals more easily.


Devour Affix Management for Devastation Evoker

Expunge Icon Expunge's Poison dispel is a source of dispel type for removing Void Rift Icon Void Rift.


How To Sim Mythic+ for Devastation Evoker

I recommend that you avoid dungeon-based simming for Devastation as its variance makes it a wildly inaccurate source; follow your normal raid/single target simming profiles and it will give you the correct answer in nearly every circumstance.



  • 15 Dec. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Added more info to mythic+.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Section added for Season 1 TWW.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Updated talent tree for patch 10.1.5.
  • 01 May 2023: Updated talent tree for Patch 10.1 and affix information for Season 2.
  • 30 Mar. 2023: Talent fix.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 12 Dec. 2022: Updated M+ Tips for affixes and utility list.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Updated M+ talent tree.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 15 Nov. 2022: Page added.
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