Discipline Priest Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis
On this page, we tell you how the Patch 9.1 changes for Discipline Priest affect the spec and what the current state of theorycrafting is.
Discipline Priest Patch 9.1 Changes Overview
For this section of the guide I will go over all the important changes you need to know as a Discipline Priest going into Patch 9.1 of Shadowlands. A full list of changes to the entire Priest class can be found on our dedicated page below. For an additional list of content that came in Patch 9.1, you can also check out our Patch 9.1 Overview page.
Talent Changes for Patch 9.1
Spirit Shell is seeing a 30-second nerf to its cooldown, making it
one minute and 30 seconds instead of its current one minute. This nerf increases
the potential viability of
Evangelism going into the current raid tier.
Take a look at our Raid guide to see what talent will be played on each boss.
New Legendaries for Patch 9.1
Spheres' Harmony is a new Legendary for Kyrian Priests
that augments
Boon of the Ascended. For every stack of Boon consumed by
Ascended Eruption, Boon's cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds, up to a maximum of
60 seconds off. This Legendary has potential in raids, depending on the
encounter, and looks very powerful for Mythic+. In its current state, expect
to be crafting this Legendary if you are Kyrian.
Shadow Word: Manipulation is a new Legendary for Venthyr
Priests that causes
Mindgames to last an additional 3 seconds, reverse
an additional 10% damage or healing, and when one of the debuffs is consumed,
increase your Critical Strike chance by 5% for each second remaining.
Unfortunately, this Legendary does not compare to the power gained from other
available Legendaries in either content type and will likely not see play.
Pallid Command is a new Legendary for Necrolord Priests
that grants you a Maldraxxi Champion to aid you in combat when you cast
Unholy Nova. Unfortunately, this effect does not currently seem
anywhere near strong enough to increase the viability of Necrolord for
Discipline Priest.
Bwonsamdi's Pact is a new Legendary for Night Fae Priests
that gives you a haunted mask that copies the effect of an existing faerie on
its current target. Unfortunately, this effect does not currently seem anywhere
near strong enough to increase the viability of Night Fae for Discipline Priest.
- 01 Nov. 2021: Reviewed and approved for Patch 9.1.5.
- 14 Jul. 2021: Updated page to reflect the launch of Patch 9.1.
- 07 Jun. 2021: Added new covenant legendaries.
- 04 May 2021: Page created with initial information.
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This guide is written and maintained by Clandon, Healer in Vindicatum and Owner of Warcraft Priests (join them on Discord. This guide is peer reviewed by other staff at Warcraft Priests and other notable members of the healing community.
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