Discipline Priest Healing Liberation of Undermine Raid Guide — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Mar 02, 2025 at 12:00 by Clandon 26 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Discipline Priest for each boss of the following raid: Liberation of Undermine. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).



Below, you can find class and spec-specific advice for every fight in Liberation of Undermine. If you are looking for a general overview of the Raid that is not spec-specific, check out our dedicated Liberation of Undermine Boss guides.

On this page, you will find tips and tricks specifically tailored toward Discipline Priests and its toolkit based on the recommended talent build. It does not include general tips for mechanics, which are included in the full raid guide instead, whereas this page assumes that you are already familiar with most of the major mechanics of each encounter.

All recommendations are progression-based tips and will not necessarily be the best for an overall DPS ranking.


Liberation of Undermine Boss Guides for Discipline Priest


Liberation of Undermine Raid Builds, Tips, and Tricks for Discipline Priest

Vexie Fullthrottle Cauldron of Carnage Rik Reverb Stix Bunkjunker Sprocketmonger Lockenstock One-Armed Bandit Mug'Zee Chrome King Gallywix
Raid Difficulty
Heroic Raid Mythic Raid

Tips for Vexie Fullthrottle for Discipline Priest


Damage Pattern

Coming soon!


What to Ramp for

Exhaust Fumes Icon Exhaust Fumes and the intermission damage Backfire Icon Backfire will be your primary ramp targets on this fight.

Example Cooldowns
Enter your Character Name to be used in the personal note:
Vexie and the Geargrinders Heroic Icy-Veins Example Discipline Priest Timings
Talents: Bright Pupil Voidweaver

{time:0:09}0:09{spell:468149}|cffB65552Exhaust Fumes|r -{spell:459627}|cff6e98bdTank Buster|r - PLAYER {spell:472433}  PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:451234}
{time:0:31}0:31{spell:468149}|cffB65552Exhaust Fumes|r -{spell:459627}|cff6e98bdTank Buster|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:0:58}0:58{spell:468149}|cffB65552Exhaust Fumes|r -{spell:468487}|cff800080Incendiary Fire|r -{spell:459627}|cff6e98bdTank Buster|r - PLAYER {spell:451234}  PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:1:19}1:19{spell:468149}|cffB65552Exhaust Fumes|r -{spell:459627}|cff6e98bdTank Buster|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:421453}
{time:1:41}1:41{spell:468149}|cffB65552Exhaust Fumes|r -{spell:459627}|cff6e98bdTank Buster|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:2:00}2:00 - PLAYER {spell:472433}  PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:451234}
{time:0:27,SAA:460116:1}2:32 - PLAYER {spell:451234}  PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:0:12,SAR:421013:1}3:05{spell:468149}|cffB65552Exhaust Fumes|r -{spell:459627}|cff6e98bdTank Buster|r - PLAYER {spell:451234}  PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:0:46,SAR:421013:1}3:39{spell:468149}|cffB65552Exhaust Fumes|r -{spell:459627}|cff6e98bdTank Buster|r - PLAYER {spell:472433}  PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:451234}
{time:1:28,SAR:421013:1}4:21{spell:468149}|cffB65552Exhaust Fumes|r -{spell:459627}|cff6e98bdTank Buster|r - PLAYER {spell:451234}  PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:1:50,SAR:421013:1}4:43{spell:468149}|cffB65552Exhaust Fumes|r -{spell:459627}|cff6e98bdTank Buster|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:0:15,SAA:460116:2}5:15 - PLAYER {spell:472433}  PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:451234}
{time:0:38,SAA:460116:2}5:38 - PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:421453}
{time:0:12,SAR:421013:2}6:00{spell:468149}|cffB65552Exhaust Fumes|r -{spell:459627}|cff6e98bdTank Buster|r - PLAYER {spell:451234}  PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:0:46,SAR:421013:2}6:34{spell:468149}|cffB65552Exhaust Fumes|r -{spell:459627}|cff6e98bdTank Buster|r - PLAYER {spell:451234}  PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:1:28,SAR:421013:2}7:16{spell:468149}|cffB65552Exhaust Fumes|r -{spell:459627}|cff6e98bdTank Buster|r - PLAYER {spell:472433}  PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:451234}

To utilize the above example cooldowns in the game, you will need both the Method Raid Tools and WeakAuras addons. The note above is pasted into a personal note via Method Raid Tools and read out using the Kaze Weakaura. The Kaze Weakaura is set to warn you of a timer 8 seconds in advance by default. It is highly recommended to go into the custom settings of the WA and adjust the "warn duration" to 20 seconds.


Defensive Usage

Coming Soon!


Raid Frame Setup

Ensure you are tracking the following buffs/debuffs on whatever raid frames you are using so you can react accordingly during the encounter:

  • Bomb Voyage! Icon Bomb Voyage! - 459978
  • Incendiary Fire Icon Incendiary Fire - 468216
  • Oil Slick Icon Oil Slick - 459683

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Cauldron of Carnage for Discipline Priest


Damage Pattern

Coming soon!


What to Ramp for

Scrapbomb Icon Scrapbomb and the intermission damage Colossal Clash Icon Colossal Clash will be your primary ramp targets for this fight with Evangelism Icon Evangelism and Voidwraith Icon Voidwraith on the intermission and a single Power Word: Radiance Icon Power Word: Radiance and Entropic Rift Icon Entropic Rift on each Bomb.

Example Cooldowns
Enter your Character Name to be used in the personal note:
Cauldron of Carnage Heroic Icy-Veins Example Discipline Priest Timings
Talents: EL/Shadowfiend Voidweaver

{time:0:22}0:22{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:421453}
{time:0:46}0:46{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:1:20}1:20 - PLAYER {spell:472433}  PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:451234}
{time:1:57}1:57{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:2:21}2:21{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:2:55}2:55 - PLAYER {spell:472433}  PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:451234}
{time:3:32}3:32{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:3:56}3:56{spell:473650}|cffbf5700Scrapbomb|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:4:30}4:30 - PLAYER {spell:472433}  PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:451234}

To utilize the above example cooldowns in the game, you will need both the Method Raid Tools and WeakAuras addons. The note above is pasted into a personal note via Method Raid Tools and read out using the Kaze Weakaura. The Kaze Weakaura is set to warn you of a timer 8 seconds in advance by default. It is highly recommended to go into the custom settings of the WA and adjust the "warn duration" to 20 seconds.


Defensive Usage

Coming Soon!


Raid Frame Setup

Ensure you are tracking the following buffs/debuffs on whatever raid frames you are using so you can react accordingly during the encounter:

  • Molten Phlegm Icon Molten Phlegm - 1213690
  • Voltaic Image Icon Voltaic Image - 1214009

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Rik Reverb for Discipline Priest


Damage Pattern

Coming soon!


What to Ramp for

Coming soon as PTR timers were unreliable here.


Defensive Usage

Coming Soon!


Raid Frame Setup

Ensure you are tracking the following buffs/debuffs on whatever raid frames you are using so you can react accordingly during the encounter:

  • Faulty Zap Icon Faulty Zap - 467044 / 467108
  • Entranced Icon Entranced - 1214598
  • Sound Cannon Icon Sound Cannon - 469380
  • Resonant Echoes Icon Resonant Echoes - 468119

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Stix Bunkjunker for Discipline Priest


Damage Pattern

Coming soon!


What to Ramp for

Electromagnetic Sorting Icon Electromagnetic Sorting and Incinerator Icon Incinerator are your primary ramp targets for this encounter.

Example Cooldowns
Enter your Character Name to be used in the personal note:
Stix Bunkjunker Heroic Icy-Veins Example Discipline Priest Timings
Talents: Bp/Shadowfiend Voidweaver

{time:0:20}0:20 - PLAYER {spell:472433}  PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:451234}
{time:0:37}0:37{spell:464149}|cff800080Incinerator|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:1:00}1:00 - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:1:14}1:14{spell:464399}|cffB65552Electromagnetic Sorting|r - PLAYER {spell:421453}  PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:1:28}1:28{spell:464149}|cff800080Incinerator|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:1:46}1:46 - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:2:24}2:24 - PLAYER {spell:472433}  PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:451234}
{time:2:41}2:41{spell:464149}|cff800080Incinerator|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:3:18}3:18{spell:464399}|cffB65552Electromagnetic Sorting|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:3:32}3:32{spell:464149}|cff800080Incinerator|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:4:06}4:06 - PLAYER {spell:472433}  PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:451234}
{time:4:23}4:23{spell:464149}|cff800080Incinerator|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:5:01}5:01{spell:464399}|cffB65552Electromagnetic Sorting|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:5:16}5:16 - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:5:48}5:48{spell:464112}|cff6e98bdDemolish|r - PLAYER {spell:472433}  PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:451234}
{time:6:05}6:05{spell:464149}|cff800080Incinerator|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:6:31}6:31{spell:464149}|cff800080Incinerator|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:6:43}6:43{spell:464399}|cffB65552Electromagnetic Sorting|r - PLAYER {spell:421453}  PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:6:56}6:56{spell:464149}|cff800080Incinerator|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:7:29}7:29 - PLAYER {spell:472433}  PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:451234}

To utilize the above example cooldowns in the game, you will need both the Method Raid Tools and WeakAuras addons. The note above is pasted into a personal note via Method Raid Tools and read out using the Kaze Weakaura. The Kaze Weakaura is set to warn you of a timer 8 seconds in advance by default. It is highly recommended to go into the custom settings of the WA and adjust the "warn duration" to 20 seconds.


Defensive Usage

Coming Soon!


Raid Frame Setup

Ensure you are tracking the following buffs/debuffs on whatever raid frames you are using so you can react accordingly during the encounter:

  • Incineration Icon Incineration - 472893
  • Rolling Rubbish Icon Rolling Rubbish - 461536
  • Infected Bite Icon Infected Bite - 466748

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Sprocketmonger Lockenstock for Discipline Priest


Damage Pattern

Coming soon!


What to Ramp for

Sonic Ba-Boom Icon Sonic Ba-Boom, Foot-Blasters Icon Foot-Blasters, and Voidsplosion Icon Voidsplosion are your primary ramp targets for this encounter.

Example Cooldowns
Enter your Character Name to be used in the personal note:
Sprocketmonger Lockenstock Heroic Icy-Veins Example Discipline Priest Timings
Talents: Bright Pupil Voidweaver

{time:0:08}0:08{spell:465232}|cffB65552Sonic Ba-Boom|r - PLAYER {spell:472433}  PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:0:09}0:09 - PLAYER {spell:451234}
{time:0:38}0:38 - PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:451234}
{time:1:08}1:08 - PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:451234}
{time:1:38}1:38 - PLAYER {spell:472433}  PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:451234}
{time:0:11,SCS:466765:1}2:12 - PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:421453}
{time:0:31,SCS:466765:1}2:32 - PLAYER {spell:451234}  PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:1:01,SCS:466765:1}3:02{spell:465232}|cffB65552Sonic Ba-Boom|r - PLAYER {spell:451234}  PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:1:31,SCS:466765:1}3:32 - PLAYER {spell:472433}  PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:451234}
{time:2:01,SCS:466765:1}4:02 - PLAYER {spell:451234}  PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:0:14,SCS:466765:2}4:39 - PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:0:30,SCS:466765:2}4:55 - PLAYER {spell:451234}  PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:1:00,SCS:466765:2}5:25{spell:465232}|cffB65552Sonic Ba-Boom|r - PLAYER {spell:451234}  PLAYER {spell:194509}
{time:1:31,SCS:466765:2}5:56 - PLAYER {spell:194509}  PLAYER {spell:472433}  PLAYER {spell:451234}
{time:2:01,SCS:466765:2}6:26 - PLAYER {spell:451234}  PLAYER {spell:194509}

To utilize the above example cooldowns in the game, you will need both the Method Raid Tools and WeakAuras addons. The note above is pasted into a personal note via Method Raid Tools and read out using the Kaze Weakaura. The Kaze Weakaura is set to warn you of a timer 8 seconds in advance by default. It is highly recommended to go into the custom settings of the WA and adjust the "warn duration" to 20 seconds.


Defensive Usage

Coming Soon!


Raid Frame Setup

Ensure you are tracking the following buffs/debuffs on whatever raid frames you are using so you can react accordingly during the encounter:

  • Screwed! Icon Screwed! - 1217261

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for One-ARmed Bandit for Discipline Priest


Damage Pattern

Coming soon!


What to Ramp for

Coming soon!


Defensive Usage

Coming Soon!


Raid Frame Setup

Coming soon!


Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Mug'Zee for Discipline Priest


Damage Pattern

Coming soon!


What to Ramp for

Coming Soon!


Defensive Usage

Coming Soon!


Raid Frame Setup

Coming Soon!


Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Chrome King Gallywix for Discipline Priest

This boss was not testable on the 11.1 PTR servers. Information will be forthcoming once it is available on Live servers.


Damage Pattern

This boss was not available to test on PTR, so check back soon!


What to Ramp for

This boss was not available to test on PTR, so check back soon!


Defensive Usage

This boss was not available to test on PTR, so check back soon!


Raid Frame Setup

This boss was not available to test on PTR, so check back soon!


Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!



  • 03 Mar. 2025: Updated for Raid Release.
  • 20 Feb. 2025: Guide added.
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