Discipline Priest Healing Spell List and Glossary — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 24, 2025 at 21:57 by Clandon 27 comments
General Information

On this page, we present you with all spells and procs that you need to understand as a Discipline Priest in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).

If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Discipline Priest spells.


Discipline Priest Spell Summary

If you are new to Discipline Priest, this page is a great place to get a general understanding of what spells you have available and how they work. If you already have experience playing the spec and are looking for more gameplay-focused resources, feel free to skip this section. For macros to help utilize the below spells better, please refer to our macros page.


Unlocking Abilities

Note that this page simply lists all the abilities, assuming you are at max level. If you are leveling, check out our dedicated Priest Leveling page, which has detailed information on when you unlock all of these abilities.

For the abilities below, you might see an included acronym or commonly used short-hand name to refer to that spell. This guide will otherwise avoid using this terminology in most places. Still, you might find them used in the class discord or elsewhere.


Hero Talent Abilities for Discipline Priest

These abilities are available depending on what Hero Talent you pick between Voidweaver and Oracle



Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Entropic Rift Icon Entropic Rift - A rift opened by casting Mind Blast Icon Mind Blast that follows your current target.
No Escape Icon No Escape - Your Entropic Rift Icon Entropic Rift applies a slow to targets within it.
Dark Energy Icon Dark Energy - You have increased Movement speed while your Entropic Rift Icon Entropic Rift is active.
Void Blast Icon Void Blast VB Your Smite Icon Smite is converted in a stronger version of itself while your Entropic Rift Icon Entropic Rift is active.
Inner Quietus Icon Inner Quietus - A buff to Power Word: Shield Icon Power Word: Shield.
Devour Matter Icon Devour Matter - Buffs your Shadow Word: Death Icon Shadow Word: Death when used against targets with an absorb present.
Void Empowerment Icon Void Empowerment - Grants a small Atonement Icon Atonement extension to 5 allies when an Entropic Rift Icon Entropic Rift is opened.
Darkening Horizon Icon Darkening Horizon - Causes Void Blast Icon Void Blast casts to extend the duration of your Entropic Rift Icon Entropic Rift (to a limit).
Depth of Shadows Icon Depth of Shadows - Summons a Shadowfiend Icon Shadowfiend when utilizing Shadow Word: Death Icon Shadow Word: Death on a target below 20% hp.
Voidwraith Icon Voidwraith - An empowered version of Shadowfiend Icon Shadowfiend/Mindbender Icon Mindbender.
Voidheart Icon Voidheart - Buffs your Atonement Icon Atonement while a Entropic Rift Icon Entropic Rift is active.
Void Infusion Icon Void Infusion - Doubles the Atonement Icon Atonement healing triggered by Void Blast Icon Void Blast.
Void Leech Icon Void Leech - Saps health from nearby allies that are higher hp than you.
Embrace the Shadow Icon Embrace the Shadow - Reduces Magic damage taken. if the damage was Shadow damage, heal a small portion of that damage taken back.
Collapsing Void Icon Collapsing Void - Causes your Entropic Rift Icon Entropic Rift to collapse, dealing AoE damage when it expires.


Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Premonition Icon Premonition - A trio of buffs that you gain access to in order.
Preventive Measures Icon Preventive Measures - A buff to Power Word: Shield Icon Power Word: Shield, Penance Icon Penance, Smite Icon Smite, and Holy Nova Icon Holy Nova.
Preemptive Care Icon Preemptive Care - Increases the duration of Atonement Icon Atonement by a small amount.
Waste No Time Icon Waste No Time VB Causes your Power Word: Radiance Icon Power Word: Radiance casts to be instant and cost less mana after casting Premonition Icon Premonition
Miraculous Recovery Icon Miraculous Recovery - Reduces the cooldown of and increases the hp threshhold for Power Word: Life Icon Power Word: Life.
Assured Safety Icon Assured Safety - Casting Power Word: Shield Icon Power Word: Shield also applies 4 stacks of Prayer of Mending Icon Prayer of Mending to the target.
Divine Feathers Icon Divine Feathers - A small buff to Angelic Feather Icon Angelic Feather movement speed as well as giving the option to give them to allies and still get the benefit yourself.
Save the Day Icon Save the Day - Grants an additional use of Leap of Faith Icon Leap of Faith immediately after casting it.
Foreseen Circumstances Icon Foreseen Circumstances - Increases the DR of Pain Suppression Icon Pain Suppression.
Prophet's Will Icon Prophet's Will - Increases the power of Power Word: Shield Icon Power Word: Shield and Flash Heal Icon Flash Heal when used on yourself.
Desperate Measures Icon Desperate Measures - Increases the duration of Desperate Prayer Icon Desperate Prayer and buffs the value of Angelic Bulwark Icon Angelic Bulwark.
Twinsight Icon Twinsight - Causes your Penance casts to also send bolts at the opposite target type of your current target (enemy/ally)
Fatebender Icon Fatebender - Increases the effects of Premonition Icon Premonition by 40%.
Perfect Vision Icon Perfect Vision - Reduces the cooldown of Premonition Icon Premonition by 15 seconds.
Clairvoyance Icon Clairvoyance - Grants a fourth spell in the Premonition Icon Premonition rotation that provides all 3 other buffs at once when used.

Baseline Abilities for Discipline Priests

These are your core skills that are available regardless of talents and form the core gameplay of the specialization.

Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Smite Icon Smite - A filler spell that deals holy damage to your target. Its primary use case is to heal through Atonement Icon Atonement as well as to utilize talents like Harsh Discipline Icon Harsh Discipline.
Shadow Word: Pain Icon Shadow Word: Pain SWP A DOT that deals Shadow damage over time to the target. This is used to heal through Atonement Icon Atonement and to proc Power of the Dark Side Icon Power of the Dark Side.
Flash Heal Icon Flash Heal FH A single target heal that also applies Atonement to the target.
Power Word: Shield Icon Power Word: Shield PWS A strong, single-target shield on a short cooldown that also applies Atonement to its target.
Mind Blast Icon Mind Blast MBl A single target spell that deals Shadow damage to the target, which heals through Atonement.
Power Word: Fortitude Icon Power Word: Fortitude Fort A Group/Raid wide buff granting increased Stamina
Psychic Scream Icon Psychic Scream - A fear of up to 5 enemies near you. This allows you to provide some additional crowd control depending on the situation. Be careful, though, as it will cause the targets to run around aimlessly.
Penance Icon Penance - A channeled ability that deals Holy damage to the target or that heals an ally.
Purify Icon Purify - Dispels all magic effects from a single target.
Mass Resurrection Icon Mass Resurrection - Brings all dead party or raid members back to life after a long cast. This can not be used in combat.
Sins of the Many Icon Sins of the Many SotM Increases your damage by a set amount, reducing the bonus based on the number of Atonements you have active.
Contrition Icon Contrition - Heals all allies with Atonement Icon Atonement by a small amount when casting Penance Icon Penance on an ally

Class Tree Active Abilities for Discipline Priests

Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Renew Icon Renew - A single target Atonement applicator that also provides a small heal over time.
Dispel Magic Icon Dispel Magic Purge Allows you to purge magic effects from enemies, preventing them from using powerful buffs.
Shadowfiend Icon Shadowfiend SF Summons a shadowy pet that will attack your target and return a small amount of Mana per attack. The damage dealt by the pet is transferred through Atonement, making it a powerful healing cooldown.
Prayer of Mending Icon Prayer of Mending PoM An instant cast spell that places a ward on an ally which will heal them when they next take damage. it will then jump to a different ally.
Shadow Word: Death Icon Shadow Word: Death SWD A single-target DPS spell that does significant damage when the target is low health.
Holy Nova Icon Holy Nova - Heals and damages all targets in a set radius around the player.
Angelic Feather Icon Angelic Feather Feather Places a feather on the ground that, when picked up by any player, provides a significant movement speed increase.
Leap of Faith Icon Leap of Faith Grip Pulls an ally to your location, allowing you to quickly reposition allies to save them in a pinch.
Shackle Undead Icon Shackle Undead Shackle Can be used against any undead enemy to remove them from the fight for a a significant period.
Void Tendrils Icon Void Tendrils - Roots up to 5 targets in place, providing a decent crowd control option.
Mind Control Icon Mind Control MC Allows you to take control of an enemy, controlling them instead of yourself.
Dominate Mind Icon Dominate Mind - Provides a similar effect to MC above but allows you to remain in control of your own character for the duration, as well as essentially turning the controlled creature into a pet instead.
Mass Dispel Icon Mass Dispel MD Removes all magic effects off up to 5 targets in a specified radius.
Power Infusion Icon Power Infusion PI Grants a significant haste buff to a single player.
Vampiric Embrace Icon Vampiric Embrace VE Causes your single target shadow damage to heal nearby targets for a portion of the damage dealt for its duration.
Halo Icon Halo - A solid heal to all targets in a 30-yard radius. The first instance of damage caused by this spell also contributes to Atonement Icon Atonement healing.
Divine Star Icon Divine Star DS Fires a ball forward, which then returns to you after it reaches its maximum distance. This ball heals all allies and damages all enemies it passes through on its path.
Power Word: Life Icon Power Word: Life PWL A heal that gains significant strength and cooldown reduction if used on a target below 35% health.
Void Shift Icon Void Shift - Swaps the health total of a single player and the caster, allowing you to potentially save either yourself or someone else's life. This spell, however, has an extremely long cooldown.

Class Tree Passive Abilities for Discipline Priests

Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Improved Flash Heal Icon Improved Flash Heal - Increases the healing done by Flash Heal Icon Flash Heal
Improved Purify Icon Improved Purify - Adds the ability for Purify Icon Purify to also remove Disease effects from the target, as well as magic effects.
Psychic Voice Icon Psychic Voice - Reduces the cooldown of Psychic Scream Icon Psychic Scream
Petrifying Scream Icon Petrifying Scream - Causes Psychic Scream Icon Psychic Scream to make enemies tremble in place instead of run around wildly.
Focused Mending Icon Focused Mending - Increases the healing done by Prayer of Mending Icon Prayer of Mending to the initial target.
Protective Light Icon Protective Light - Causes you to apply a small DR to yourself when you cast Flash Heal Icon Flash Heal on yourself.
From Darkness Comes Light Icon From Darkness Comes Light FDCL Provides a stacking healing buff to Flash Heal every time your DoT deals damage.
Phantasm Icon Phantasm - Removes all Snare effects from your when you activate Fade Icon Fade
Death and Madness Icon Death and Madness - Resets the cooldown of SWD once every 20 seconds if you hit a target with SWD in execute range that does not die.
Spell Warding Icon Spell Warding - Reduces all magic damage you take by a small amount.
Blessed Recovery Icon Blessed Recovery - Heals you for a percentage of damage taken after being hit by a critical melee or ranged hit.
Rhapsody Icon Rhapsody - Provides a stacking buff over time to Holy Nova Icon Holy Nova which is consumed on next use.
Sheer Terror Icon Sheer Terror - Increases the amount of damage required to break Psychic Scream Icon Psychic Scream.
Words of the Pious Icon Words of the Pious - Grants you increased damage and healing with Smite Icon Smite and Holy Nova Icon Holy Nova for some time after casting Power Word: Shield Icon Power Word: Shield.
Move with Grace Icon Move with Grace - Reduces the cooldown of Leap of Faith Icon Leap of Faith
Sanguine Teachings Icon Sanguine Teachings - Grants 3% Leech
Tithe Evasion Icon Tithe Evasion - Reduces the amount of blowback damage taken from SWD when it fails to kill the target.
Inspiration Icon Inspiration - Grants physical damage taken reduction to any target critically healed with FH or Penance.
Improved Mass Dispel Icon Improved Mass Dispel - Reduces the cooldown and cast time of MD.
Body and Soul Icon Body and Soul BaS Grants a movement speed increase to the target of your PWS.
Twins of the Sun Priestess Icon Twins of the Sun Priestess Twins Grants yourself the effect of PI when cast on another player.
Void Shield Icon Void Shield - Allows a portion of your damage dealt to refill a PWS that is currently active on yourself.
San'layn Icon San'layn - Reduces the cooldown of and increases the healing of VE or increases your leech further depending on your selection in the related choice node.
Apathy Icon Apathy - Causes your critical strikes of MBl to slow the target by a significant amount for a short period.
Unwavering Will Icon Unwavering Will - REduces the cast time of FH and Smite by a small amount when above 75% hp.
Twist of Fate Icon Twist of Fate ToF A Buff granted to you after damaging or healing a target below 35% health, increasing your damage and healing by a small amount.
Throes of Pain Icon Throes of Pain - Increases the damage of your DoT as well as granting a small amount of Mana back if the target dies while your DoT is active on them.
Angel's Mercy Icon Angel's Mercy - Grants you significant cooldown reduction on Desperate Prayer Icon Desperate Prayer when you take damage.
Binding Heals Icon Binding Heals BH Causes your FH casts on others to heal yourself as well. This also applies Atonement to both your target and yourself at the same time.
Translucent Image Icon Translucent Image - Grants you a small DR when you cast Fade Icon Fade.
Surge of Light Icon Surge of Light SoL Causes your healing spells and smite to occasionally grant you free, instant cast Flash Heals
Light's Inspiration Icon Light's Inspiration - Increases the amount of maximum health gained from Desperate Prayer Icon Desperate Prayer by a decent amount.
Crystalline Reflection Icon Crystalline Reflection CR Causes your PWS casts to apply a small heal instantly. It also causes a percentage of the damage absorbed by your shield to be reflected at the target that dealt said damage. Keep in mind the reflected damage does not contribute to Atonement.
Improved Fade Icon Improved Fade - Reduces the cooldown of Fade.
Cauterizing Shadows Icon Cauterizing Shadows - Causes a small heal to a nearby ally when your SWP either expires, the target dies, or is refreshed with less than 5 seconds left on the dot.
Manipulation Icon Manipulation - Causes you to take 1% less damage from enemies you have your DoT on.
Phantom Reach Icon Phantom Reach - Increases the range of most of your spells by 15%.
Benevolence Icon Benevolence - Increases your healing by a flat percentage
Angelic Bulwark Icon Angelic Bulwark - Grants you a decent-sized shield automatically when you drop below 30% health.
Essence Devourer Icon Essence Devourer - Causes your Shadowfiend Icon Shadowfiend or Mindbender Icon Mindbender auto attacks to heal an injured ally.

Specialization Tree Active Abilities for Discipline Priests

Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Power Word: Radiance Icon Power Word: Radiance PWR Applies Atonement to 5 targets at a reduced duration.
Pain Suppression Icon Pain Suppression PS Applies a buff to a target, reducing all damage they take by a significant amount for a short duration.
Power Word: Barrier Icon Power Word: Barrier PWB Places a dome on the ground that reduces the damage taken by all allies standing under the done by a significant amount.
Luminous Barrier Icon Luminous Barrier LB Places a small absorb on all players in your raid/party.
Evangelism Icon Evangelism Evang Extends the duration of all active Atonements by 6 seconds.
Ultimate Penitence Icon Ultimate Penitence Uppies Lifts you off the air, dealing damage or direct healing (depending on your target) via a large number of penance bolts over a long channel.
Mindbender Icon Mindbender MB Replaces Shadowfiend, dealing less damage and providing less Mana, but on a significantly shorter cooldown.

Specialization Tree Passive Abilities for Discipline Priests

Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Atonement Icon Atonement - A buff that can be applied to allies via PWS, Renew, FH, and PWR. When you deal damage to a target, a percentage of that damage dealt is turned into healing on all targets with Atonement.
Power of the Dark Side Icon Power of the Dark Side PotDS Increases the damage of your next Penance by a set amount. This is procced via your DoT.
Light's Promise Icon Light's Promise - Grants you a second charge of your PWR.
Sanctuary Icon Sanctuary - Causes your Smite casts to apply a damage-prevention debuff to the target.
Pain Transformation Icon Pain Transformation - Causes your PS to apply Atonement to the target and heal them for a percentage of their max HP.
Protector of the Frail Icon Protector of the Frail - Causes your PWS casts to reduce the cooldown of PS and grants you a second charge of PS.
Dark Indulgence Icon Dark Indulgence - Causes your Mind Blast Icon Mind Blast to grant you Power of the Dark Side Icon Power of the Dark Side on cast as well as reduces its mana cost by 40%.
Schism Icon Schism - Casues your Mind Blast casts to debuff the enemy, causing them to take an additional 10% damage from the Discipline Priest.
Bright Pupil Icon Bright Pupil - Reduces the cooldown of PWR.
Enduring Luminescence Icon Enduring Luminescence EL Increases the duration of Atonement applied by PWR.
Shield Discipline Icon Shield Discipline SD Grants you a small percentage of Mana back if your PWS is fully consumed.
Painful Punishment Icon Painful Punishment - Increases the duration of your DoT per Penance bolt on an enemy target.
Malicious Intent Icon Malicious Intent - Increases the duration of your Schism debuff.
Encroaching Shadows Icon Encroaching Shadows - Causes your SWP to spread to an additional target when casting Penance.
Shadow Covenant Icon Shadow Covenant Scov When you cast either Shadowfiend Icon Shadowfiend or Mindbender Icon Mindbender, all shadow damage and healing done is increased for a short duration. It also causes your Halo, Divine Star, and Penance to be converted to Shadow Damage.
Revel in Darkness Icon Revel in Darkness - Increases the damage of your SWP as well as causes it to spread to an additional target when casting Penance.
Divine Procession Icon Divine Procession - Causes your Smite casts to extend the duration of the lowest active Atonement.
Indemnity Icon Indemnity - Increases the duration of Atonement applied via PWS.
Pain and Suffering Icon Pain and Suffering - Increases the damage of your DoT.
Twilight Corruption Icon Twilight Corruption - Further increases the damage and healing boost of Shadow Covenant.
Borrowed Time Icon Borrowed Time - Grants a haste buff for a short duration after casting PWS.
Abyssal Reverie Icon Abyssal Reverie - Increases the Atonement healing caused by Shadow spells.
Inner Focus Icon Inner Focus IF Increases the Critical Strike chance of most of your direct healing spells.
Castigation Icon Castigation - Increases the number of bolts fired by Penance by one.
Lenience Icon Lenience - Causes all targets with Atonement to take less damage.
Void Summoner Icon Void Summoner VS Reduces the cooldown of your pet by a significant amount.
Divine Aegis Icon Divine Aegis DA Causes your critical direct heals to create a shield on the target equal to a percentage of the heal that created it.
Blaze of Light Icon Blaze of Light BoL Increases the damage of your Smite, Solace, and Penance as well as attaching a movement speed increase/decrease to your Penance.
Heaven's Wrath Icon Heaven's Wrath - Causes your Penance Icon Penance bolts to reduce the cooldown of Ultimate Penitence Icon Ultimate Penitence.
Harsh Discipline Icon Harsh Discipline HD Casting Power Word: Radiance Icon Power Word: Radiance casues your next Penance Icon Penance to fire additional bolts.
Expiation Icon Expiation - Causes your SWD and MBl to consume seconds off your DoT and deal that damage instantly instead.
Inescapable Torment Icon Inescapable Torment IT Causes your MBl, SWD, or Penance to make your MB/Sfiend teleport to your target and deal AoE damage and increase the duration of your pet. The damage dealt by this target does heal through Atonement, but it follows the standard rules of only one damage event triggering Atonement and not all of them.
Eternal Barrier Icon Eternal Barrier EB Increases the size and duration of your PWS.
Weal and Woe Icon Weal and Woe - Causes your Penance bolts to increase the damage of your next Smite/Solace or the absorb your next PWS by a percentage based on the number of bolts fired.
Twilight Equilibrium Icon Twilight Equilibrium TE Causes your shadow damage spells to buff your next holy damage spell and your next holy damage spell to buff your next shadow damage spell.

For information in regards to how to utilize the above spells in actual gameplay, please refer to the below rotation guide.

If you are in the process of leveling or have just started leveling a Discipline Priest, you may not have access to all of the spells discussed above. Please refer to the leveling guide, which will go over when you obtain your different abilities.



  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Season 1.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within Release.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
  • 27 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.5
  • 01 May 2023: Updated for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 22 Jan. 2023: Updated Spell list to reflect 10.0.5 changes.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Moved SotM to the proper location and added Blaze of Light.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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