Dispellable Mythic+ Dungeon Buffs/Debuffs in Shadowlands (Shadowlands 9.0.5)
This page contains all of the dispellable debuffs and enemy buffs throughout the dungeons of Shadowlands, as well as options to only display spells that are relevant to your class.
Dispellable Dungeon Buffs/Debuffs in Shadowlands
While Dungeons in World of Warcraft have always had a variety of dispellable buffs and debuffs, the important ones have generally been left to the healer of the group, and occasionally whoever has an offensive Magic dispel or a method of remove Enrages.
In Shadowlands, Blizzard's dungeon designers have decided to include dangerous Curses, Diseases, and Poisons, which not all healers can dispel — at that point, it falls to DPS or Tank players to get rid of them if possible. This guide lists all debuffs in dungeons you can dispel from friendlies, as well as buffs that enemies place on themselves that are removable. It is very comprehensive and includes spells that are mostly ignorable — the most important things to dispel are bolded.
Players often rely on in-game terminology to pass the information more easily
to one another. Most frequently, players may ask you to Soothe an
Enraged mob instead of asking for
Tranquilizing Shot from a Hunter
Shiv from a Rogue, just because Soothe is recognized more frequently.
Another example of such terminology is when players ask for "belf", which
translates to Arcane Torrent, which is only available to Blood Elves, hence
the name.
This guide uses some common ones:
- Decurse: any spell that removes a curse;
- Cleanse: any spell that removes a poison or disease;
- Purge: any spell that removes a magic buff from an enemy, also used to refer to removing enrage effects from enemies;
- Soothe: any spell that removes an enrage effect from an enemy.
What Can My Class Dispel?
Currently, 7 classes and 1 race have access to dispels as part of their base toolkit, with a further 2 having the option to gain them. Warriors and Death Knights cannot dispel anything in PvE scenarios.
- All Blood Elves:
Arcane Torrent (AoE Enemy Magic Buff)
- Demon Hunter:
Consume Magic (Enemy Magic Buff)
- Druid:
- Restoration:
Nature's Cure (Curse, Poison, Magic Debuff),
Soothe (Enrage)
- Balance/Feral/Guardian:
Remove Corruption (Curse, Poison),
Soothe (Enrage)
- Restoration:
- Rogue:
Shiv with
Numbing Poison (Enrage)
- Hunter:
Tranquilizing Shot (Enemy Magic Buff, Enrage)
- Mage:
Remove Curse (Curse),
Spellsteal (Enemy Magic Buff)
- Monk:
- Mistweaver:
Detox (Disease, Poison, Magic Debuff)
- Brewmaster/Windwalker:
Detox (Disease, Poison)
- Mistweaver:
- Paladin:
- Holy:
Cleanse (Disease, Poison, Magic Debuff)
- Protection/Retribution:
Cleanse Toxins (Disease, Poison)
- Holy:
- Priest:
- Discipline/Holy:
Dispel Magic (Enemy Magic Buff),
Purify (Disease, Magic Debuff),
Mass Dispel (AoE Enemy Magic Buff, Magic Debuff)
- Shadow:
Dispel Magic (Enemy Magic Buff),
Purify Disease (Disease),
Mass Dispel (AoE Enemy Magic Buff, Magic Debuff)
- Discipline/Holy:
- Shaman:
- Restoration:
Purge (Enemy Magic Buff),
Purify Spirit (Curse, Magic Debuff)
- Enhancement/Elemental:
Purge (Enemy Magic Buff),
Cleanse Spirit (Curse)
- Restoration:
- Warlock:
- Felhunter:
Devour Magic (Enemy Magic Buff)
- Imp:
Singe Magic (Magic Debuff)
- Felhunter:
Identifying Debuffs and Dispelling Them
The best place to see debuffs is on your party frames or nameplates. While you cannot see the name of the debuff there, most party frames should show you the icon of any debuff you can dispel. In ElvUI for example, the frame will be colored depending on the debuff type and show the icon by default. Other party frame addons and UIs may come with debuffs shown as default, but you may have to play with the settings yourself:

Another option is to have a WeakAura which displays the dispellable debuffs on the top of your nameplates (or anywhere around them if adjusted), which can be more suitable from a DPS' point of view.
The best way to use your friendly dispels quickly in combat is by using mouseover macros. With these, you can simply put your mouse over the target you want to dispel, press the button you have the key bound to and the player will be dispelled without changing your target at all. In this generic macro, replace DISPEL with the appropriate spell for your class.
- #showtooltip
- /cast [@mouseover,exists,nodead,help] DISPEL
Buffs and Debuffs By Instance
Select your class:
- Blood Elves
- Demon Hunter
- Druid (Restoration)
- Druid (Balance/Feral/Guardian)
- Hunter
- Mage
- Monk (Mistweaver)
- Monk (Brewmaster/Windwalker)
- Paladin (Holy)
- Paladin (Retribution/Protection)
- Priest (Discipline/Holy)
- Priest (Shadow)
- Rogue
- Shaman (Restoration)
- Shaman (Elemental/Enhancement)
- Warlock
- Show All
De Other Side
Magic Debuff
Lubricate — Cast by Lubricator. Reduces your chance to hit by 20% and inflicts magical damage. In addition, jumping with this debuff will stun you for 1.5 seconds. This has a high priority for interrupts or, if unable, you can out-range its 30-yard reach.
Hex — Cast by Atal'ai Hoodoo Hexxer and can be interrupted. It is important to dispel the victim of this as soon as possible if not interrupted.
Shadow Word: Pain — Cast by Atal'ai High Priest. This is an instant cast, but is not of significant importance and may not need to be dispelled.
Cosmic Artifice — Cast by Mueh'zala. This is an instant-cast DoT that can be dispelled, leaving a large AoE circle on the ground that deals magical damage. It is usually better to let the DoT expire rather than dispelling it.
Undying Rage — Cast by Risen Warlord. The target gains a 100% damage increase and is unable to die for 12 seconds. This cannot be interrupted.
Angering Shriek — Cast by Bladebeak Matriarch. When this cast goes through, all nearby enemies will be given an Enrage buff. This cannot be stopped with a normal interrupt spell, but can be prevented with a stun or other disorient effect.
Soporific Shimmerdust — Cast by Weald Shimmermoth. This can be dispelled, or you can jump to reset your ever-rising stack count. If you reach 10 stacks you will temporarily fall asleep.
Enemy Magic Buff
Death's Embrace — Cast by Death Speaker. The target gains 40% Haste for 9 seconds. This can be interrupted, but if a cast goes through make sure to remove the Haste buff as soon as possible.
Spectral — This buff is present on the Atal'ai Deathwalker's Spirit that appear when a Atal'ai Deathwalker dies. Dispel it immediately since the ghost has lethal autoattacks. You can also let it expire or just run away since they are extremely slow, but always keep a distance if its not dispelled. Be aware that if you
Spellsteal this buff as a Mage, you will die when it expires.
Additional Threads — This a buff gained by Headless Client. The target gains a permanent 5% movement speed buff with each cast of
Spinning Up. This cannot be interrupted with a normal interrupt spell, but can be prevented via a stun or other disorient effect.
Bark Armor — Cast by Spriggan Barkbinder. The target receives a buff providing temporary immunity to all attacks, but this effect is gradually removed with every attack received. This can be interrupted, but it is not of significant importance.
Halls of Atonement
Magic Debuff
Siphon Life — Cast by Depraved Collector. This is a high-priority DoT to dispel and can be lethal if it ticks several times; pay close attention to it.
Sinlight Visions — Cast by Halkias. Be within the circle around the boss to prevent the fear, but you can otherwise dispel it, use
Tremor Totem, or cast
Berserker Rage if it occurs. Players going deliberately outside of the "ring" of the boss can also use immunities to prevent the fear from happening, such as
Cloak of Shadows,
Aspect of the Turtle, and
Divine Shield.
Loyal Beasts — Cast by Depraved Houndmaster. This cast can only be interrupted with stuns or crowd-control effects. If not stopped, remove the Enrage effect as soon as possible. If you are unable to, make sure to "kite" the affected Vicious Gargons. Stopping this cast is a top priority.
Curse of Obliteration — Cast by Depraved Obliterator; can be interrupted. Upon expiring, deals damage within 8 yards of the target.
Curse of Stone — Cast by Echelon. Uninterruptible. Upon expiring, it stuns you for 2 seconds.
Mists of Tirna Scithe
Magic Debuff
Bramblethorn Entanglement — Cast by Mistveil Shaper, Mistveil Defender, Drust Soulcleaver, Mistveil Stinger Mistveil Tender, and Mistveil Stalker. This instant cast roots everyone within 30 yards for 8 seconds, but can be dispelled.
Repulsive Visage — Cast by Ingra Maloch and cannot be interrupted. You can use
Tremor Totem or
Berserker Rage to prevent getting feared.
Dying Breath — Cast by Drust Spiteclaw. Triggers upon death if the Spiteclaw is not previously purged and causes all cursed players to receive 10% more damage; this effect can stack. You want to purge this effect at all costs after engaging the mob or at least remove the curse from the tank afterward.
Anima Injection — Cast by Mistveil Stinger; uninterruptible. An instant-cast 6-second DoT that, if it expires without being dispelled, triggers an
Anima Detonation.
Debilitating Poison — Cast by Spinemaw Reaver; uninterruptible. An instant-cast DoT that deals Nature damage and reduces movement speed by 10% for 12 seconds.
Triple Bite — Cast by Mistveil Nightblossom; uninterruptible. This attack goes on the highest threat target and can be dispelled.
Enemy Magic Buff
Dying Breath — Cast by Drust Spiteclaw; uninterruptible. Make sure to remove the Magic Buff before the mob dies; it is your top priority.
Nourish the Forest — Cast by Mistveil Tender; can be interrupted. This can be dispelled if the cast goes through, but is a high-priority cast to stop.
Stimulate Resistance — Cast by Spinemaw Staghorn; can be interrupted. This is a high-priority cast which shields nearby mobs, but can be purged if the cast goes through.
Bramblethorn Coat — Cast by Mistveil Shaper. Can be interrupted. Creates an absorb shield that triggers
Bramblethorn Entanglement upon removing.
Protector's Rage — Cast by Mistveil Defender; uninterruptible. Once enemy mobs are killed around him, he enters
Enraged. This ability stacks and is dispellable, so pay extra attention.
Stimulate Regeneration — Cast by Spinemaw Staghorn. Can be interrupted. Regenerates health to all mobs within 30 yards.
Magic Debuff
Gripping Infection — Cast by Plaguebinder; can be interrupted. This ability can be lethal if not dispelled quickly.
Slime Injection — Cast by Doctor Ickus. Uninterruptible. Periodically, Doctor Ickus will infect a player with this debuff, upon dispelling a Erupting Ooze will spawn, kill it before it erupts!
Wretched Phlegm — Cast by Rigged Plagueborer. This poison applies a heavy slow effect to the highest-threat target. Dispel it immediately after all Plagueborers in a group have used it.
Vile Spit — Cast by Slime Tentacle; can be interrupted. The cast starts when there is nobody in melee range, so make sure even if your tank is death to stay in melee and use ability personal defensive.
Fen Stinger — Cast by Fen Hornet; can be interrupted. This poison is otherwise a basic DoT effect.
Plague Bomb — Cast by Rigged Plagueborer; can be stunned or disrupted. This ability also applies to enemy mobs and can be leveraged to speed up the dungeon. If it goes on a friendly player, the effect can be dispelled.
Violent Detonation — Cast by Unstable Canister. Deals massive damage and leaves a lethal DoT that can be dispelled. This ability also applies to enemies and you can use this to your advantage by dragging mobs into the casts. Make sure to still avoid it yourself!
Corroded Claws — Cast by Rotting Slimeclaw; can be interrupted via stun, knockback, or crowd-control effects. This is a high-priority disease dispel, especially on the tank.
Debilitating Plague — Cast by Globgrog; uninterruptible. You may need to use a defensive cooldown if you cannot dispel the disease.
Infectious Rain — Cast by Margrave Stradama; uninterruptible. You may need to use a defensive cooldown if you cannot dispel the disease.
Corrosive Gunk — Cast by Rotmarrow Slime; can be interrupted. The DoT stacks; pay extra attention.
Enemy Magic Buff
Wonder Grow — Cast by Fungalmancer; can be interrupted. Be aware that this effect can stack.
Sanguine Depths
Magic Debuff
Wrack Soul — Cast by Wicked Oppressor; can be interrupted. Dispel at all costs, but be ready to use a defensive cooldown if it is not.
Barbed Shackles — Cast by Depths Warden; can be interrupted. If a cast goes through, you cannot dispel its DoT unless
Blessing of Protection,
Divine Shield or
Ice Block are used.
Curse of Suppression — Cast by Wicked Oppressor; can be interrupted. This curse is potentially lethal for the group if the cast goes on the healer, so make sure you do dispel or interrupt it.
Explosive Anger — Cast by Remnant of Fury; can be interrupted. This is a high-priority dispel if the cast goes through.
Frenzy — Cast by Frenzied Ghoul; uninterruptible. Dispel the Enrage effect if possible.
Motivational Clubbing — Cast by Head Custodian Javlin; cannot be interrupted. A nearby dredger will be
Motivated, increasing their Haste by 100% and their Health by 300%.
Enemy Magic Buff
Stoneskin — Cast by Chamber Sentinel; can be interrupted. While active, the Sentinel's Physical damage taken is reduced by 65%.
Spires of Ascension
Magic Debuff
Forced Confession — Cast by Forsworn Justicar; can be interrupted. This is a high-priority dispel if the cast goes through.
Lingering Doubt — Cast by Devos; uninterruptible. This is a high-priority debuff that stacks. It can also be removed with immunities if it is unable to be dispelled.
Burden of Knowledge — Cast by Forsworn Castigator; can be interrupted. This is a high-priority cast to interrupt; if it goes through, dispel the victim as soon as possible.
Internal Strife — Cast by Forsworn Inquisitor; can be interrupted. If not dispelled, make sure to stay at least 3 yards away from the affected target to avoid taking extra damage.
Dark Lance — Cast by Kin-Tara; uninterruptible. The debuff goes on two random players; dispel one of them as soon as possible.
Lost Confidence — Cast by Devos on two players; uninterruptible. This is a high-priority dispel. If not dispelled, be ready to use a defensive cooldown.
Enemy Magic Buff
Forsworn Doctrine — Cast by Forsworn Mender; can be interrupted. This ability heals the enemy target for 10% of their Maximum Health every second for 8 seconds.
Imbue Weapon — Cast by Forsworn Mender. This cast can only be stopped with stun, knockback, or crowd-control effects. The enemy with the buff from this ability will deal additional Arcane damage with their next five attacks. If removed, the imbued weapon falls to the ground and can be picked up to give a friendly player the same effect for a massive damage bonus.
Bless Weapon — Cast by Forsworn Warden. This ability is identical to
Imbue Weapon above, but with the additional effect of healing allies along with its bonus Arcane damage dealt.
The Necrotic Wake
Magic Debuff
Rasping Scream — Cast by Skeletal Marauder; can be interrupted. Fears nearby enemies within 15 yards for 5 seconds.
Drain Fluids — Cast by Corpse Collector; can be interrupted. This is a high-priority interrupt. If it is not stopped it will stun the target for 4 seconds and deal damage.
Frozen Binds — Cast by Nalthor the Rimebinder; uninterruptible. This is a high-priority dispel that also immobilizes everyone within 16 yards of the dispelled target. Time your dispel carefully.
Clinging Darkness — Cast by Zolramus Gatekeeper and Zolramus Necromancer; can be interrupted. If dispelled, the debuff goes on another player, so it is not worth dispelling unless the victim is at a high stack count.
Necrotic Bolt — Cast by Zolramus Gatekeeper; can be interrupted. If the cast is not stopped, a random player will receive a debuff that absorbs incoming healing.
Boneflay — Cast by Zolramus Bonecarver; uninterruptible. This DoT also reduces the victim's Maximum Health by 15% and stacks. It is cast on the highest threat target, which is usually the tank.
Enemy Magic Buff
Meat Shield — Cast by Stitched Vanguard; can be interrupted. Creates a damage-absorbing shield the longer the cast goes. It should be stopped as soon as possible.
Boneshatter Shield — Cast by Skeletal Marauder; uninterruptible. Once the shield is broken, the mob takes a large chunk of damage.
Dark Shroud — Cast by Nar'zudah; uninterruptible. This is a high-priority buff to purge.
Goresplatter — Cast by Corpse Collector; can be interrupted. Applies massive damage, followed by a DoT, to every party member. It is highly important to interrupt the cast, though the DoT can be dispelled if needed.
Disgusting Guts — Cast by Blight Bag; uninterruptible. Upon death, the Blight Bags explode applying a disease debuff to everyone in the party. This is not worth dispelling above other abilities.
Heaving Retch — Cast by Blightbone; uninterruptible. Frontal cone that fixates a random player, just make sure you do not "clip" your party members.
Seething Rage — Cast by Stitched Vanguard. This effect stacks and is uninterruptible. Focus on removing the effect once the Vanguard has more than 6-7 stacks.
Unholy Frenzy — Cast by Amarth; uninterruptible. Remove this Enrage effect immediately if you can.
Vengeful Rage — Cast by Loyal Creation; uninterruptible. Remove this Enrage as soon as possible.
Theater of Pain
Magic Debuff
Soul Corruption — Cast by Maniacal Soulbinder; uninterruptible. Dispel this as soon as you can.
Phantasmal Parasite — Cast by Kul'tharok; uninterruptible. This debuff is applied to two players at a time. Alternate who to dispel and who should instead use a defensive cooldown over time.
Enemy Magic Buff
Meat Shield — Cast by Diseased Horror; can be interrupted, though it is a really fast cast. The longer the cast goes through, the bigger shield the mob will have. Make sure you interrupt this as soon as you can.
Unholy Fervor — Cast by Battlefield Ritualist; can be interrupted. It heals the target for 6% of their health each time they inflict damage.
Spectral Transference — Cast by Sathel the Accursed; uninterruptible. Purge this buff as soon as you can, as it causes Sathel's attacks to heal that target.
Bone Shield — Cast by Bone Magus; uninterruptible. Remove the shields as soon as you enter combat with these enemies.
Decaying Blight — Cast by Blighted Sludge-Spewer and Diseased Horror; uninterruptible. This does not necessarily need to be dispelled.
Shadow Vulnerability — Cast by Portal Guardian; uninterruptible. This is a high-priority debuff to remove, as it makes the Guardian's
Soulstorm more lethal.
Curse of Desolation — Cast by Nefarious Darkspeaker; uninterruptible. This ability is particularly important to remove from ranged players, as it makes it very hard to cast while dodging the circles created under the victim's feet every 3 seconds.
Raging Tantrum — Cast by Raging Bloodhorn; uninterruptible. This effect deals massive party-wide damage; make sure to Enrage dispel this effect as soon as possible.
Death Wish — Cast by Unyielding Contender; uninterruptible. This buff Increases the caster's damage done by 20%. It is a low-priority Enrage dispel due to being grouped with a Raging Bloodhorn.
Battle Trance — Cast by Dokigg the Brutalizer and Harugia the Bloodthirsty; can be interrupted. If not interrupted, this effect shields the enemy and increases their attack speed by 100%.
- 16 Jun. 2021: Added a missing enemy buff to De Other Side.
- 06 Apr. 2021: Added a missing debuff effect to Halls of Atonement.
- 22 Mar. 2021: Added a missing debuff effect to Plaguefall.
- 15 Mar. 2021: Guide revamped for Shadowlands.
This guide has been written by Petko, one of the top Mythic players of all time. He has accomplished several Europe- and World #1 Team and Solo Seasonal rankings with multiple specialization and classes. Moreover, he competes in the MDI and streams his runs live on Twitch, and shares his personal opinions on YouTube and Twitter.
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