Dragonflight Mythic+ Season 3 Guide
The following guide provides a comprehensive overview of Dragonflight Mythic Season 3, including Patch 10.2 changes, updated dungeon rotation, new affixes, and rewards.
- 1. When Will Dragonflight Season 3 Start?
- 2. Season Rollover Decay at the Beginning of Mythic+ Season 3
- 3. Affix Changes in Dragonflight Season 3
- 4. Mythic+ Affix Rotation in Dragonflight Season 3
- 5. Mythic+ Dungeon Rotation in Dragonflight Season 3
- 6. Mythic+ Portals in Valdrakken
- 7. Item Level of Rewards from Mythic+ and the Weekly Chest in Dragonflight Season 3
When Will Dragonflight Season 3 Start?
Dragonflight Mythic+ Season 3 starts on November 14 in North America or November 15 in Europe.
Season Rollover Decay at the Beginning of Mythic+ Season 3
At the start of Season 3, keystones will drop 11 levels in addition to any normal weekly reduction that may have occurred. Here are some examples:
- Example 1 — You completed a +15 the week of November 7-14, but did not time it. The resulting key would normally drop by 1 level, because your highest key was not timed (15 > 14). It will then drop an additional 11 levels due to the seasonal rollover decay (14 > 3).
- Example 2 — You timed a +15 the week of November 7-14. The resulting key would normally be level 15, because you had timed the 15 last week. But would then drop the additional 11 levels due to season rollover decay (15 > 4).s
Affix Changes in Dragonflight Season 3
In Patch 10.2, the Keystone Level for certain affixes has changed:
- Keystone Level 2 Affixes: Fortified, Tyrannical.
- Keystone Level 7 Affixes: Afflicted, Incrorporeal, Entangling, Storming, Volcanic.
- Keystone Level 14 Affixes: Bolstering, Bursting, Raging, Sanguine, Spiteful.
You will learn more about them in our affix guide.
Mythic+ Affix Rotation in Dragonflight Season 3
The Mythic+ affix rotation for Season 3 will be the following:
- Week 1: Fortified, Incorporeal, Sanguine.
- Week 2: Tyrannical, Entangling, Bursting.
- Week 3: Fortified, Volcanic, Spiteful.
- Week 4: Tyrannical, Storming, Raging.
- Week 5: Fortified, Entangling, Bolstering.
- Week 6: Tyrannical, Incorporeal, Spiteful.
- Week 7: Fortified, Afflicted, Raging.
- Week 8: Tyrannical, Volcanic, Sanguine.
- Week 9: Fortified, Storming, Bursting.
- Week 10: Tyrannical, Afflicted, Bolstering.
Mythic+ Dungeon Rotation in Dragonflight Season 3
The following dungeons are on rotation in Season 3:
- Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond's Fall;
- Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond's Rise;
- Waycrest Manor (Battle for Azeroth);
- Atal'Dazar (Battle for Azeroth);
- Darkheart Thicket (Legion);
- Black Rook Hold (Legion);
- Throne of the Tides (Cataclysm);
- The Everbloom (Warlords of Draenor)
Mythic+ Portals in Valdrakken
The new Mythic+ portal room is accessed by taking the portal behind Lindormi, who can be found to the right side of stairs leading to the Seat of Aspects in Valdrakken.
The Timeways is the new portal room for the rest of Dragonflight. Here, you will find 5 portals relevant to the current dungeon rotation.
Item Level of Rewards from Mythic+ and the Weekly Chest in Dragonflight Season 3
The item level of dungeon rewards and Great Vault loot is increasing in Patch 10.2 as follows:
Difficulty Level | End-of-Run Item Level | Weekly Reward Item Level |
Mythic +1 | 437 | None |
Mythic +2 | 441 | 454 |
Mythic +3 | 444 | 457 |
Mythic +4 | 444 | 460 |
Mythic +5 | 447 | 460 |
Mythic +6 | 447 | 463 |
Mythic +7 | 450 | 463 |
Mythic +8 | 450 | 467 |
Mythic +9 | 454 | 467 |
Mythic +10 | 454 | 470 |
Mythic +11 | 457 | 470 |
Mythic +12 | 457 | 473 |
Mythic +13 | 460 | 473 |
Mythic +14 | 460 | 473 |
Mythic +15 | 463 | 476 |
Mythic +16 | 463 | 476 |
Mythic +17 | 467 | 476 |
Mythic +18 | 467 | 480 |
Mythic +19 | 470 | 480 |
Mythic +20 | 470 | 483 |
The Great Vault (Dragonflight Weekly Chest)
The Dragonflight Weekly Chest requires you to clear a certain number of Dungeons per week to unlock item choices in the Dungeons category. You can find more details about the Great Vault and the requirements in our separate guide.
Where to Upgrade Dungeon Gear in Dragonflight?
You can upgrade gear with Flightstones and crests in Valdrakken's
Gladiator's Refuge. Talk to Corxian, located at 45.43 38.54.
Alternatively, you will also find him in Emerald Dream's Central
You will find more details about gear tracks in our gear upgrading guide.
Dungeon Gear Tracks in Dragonflight Season 3
When you obtain gear in Dragonflight Season 3, it will have one of the following tracks — Adventurer, Veteran, Champion, Heroic, and Mythic. Each track has different upgrade levels, upgrade requirements, and item-level ranges.
Gear Track | Item Level of Drops | Upgradeable to |
Explorer | 415-424 | 437 |
Adventurer | 428-437 | 450 |
Veteran | 441-450 | 463 |
Champion | 454-463 | 476 |
Heroic | 464-476 | 483 |
Mythic | 480-483 | 489 |
Dragonflight Mythic+ Season 3 Rewards
Seasonal rewards include a title, mount, dungeon teleports, and an item that unlocks additional visual effects for Amirdrassil Tier Sets.
Dragonflight Keystone Explorer: Season Three — Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 750 during Dragonflight Season 3.
Dragonflight Keystone Conqueror: Season Three — Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 1,500 during Dragonflight Season 3. Rewards The Dreaming title.
Dragonflight Keystone Master: Season Three — Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 2,000 during Dragonflight Season 3. Rewards the
Verdant Armoredon mount. When you earn the achievement, you will also receive
Dragonflight Season 3 Master and 1
Emerald Mark of Mastery, which can be turned in for 1 Heroic Amirdrassil tier set armor piece.
Dragonflight Keystone Hero: Season Three — Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 2,500 during Dragonflight Season 3. You will automatically earn the
Dragonflight Season 3 Hero achievement and
Emerald Blossom Dreamstone, that unlocks additional visual effects for certain Amirdrassil class set appearances. The unlock is account-wide.
- Dungeon Teleports — Earned for each dungeon by completing a +20 or higher in that dungeon.
The Keystone Master mount for Season 3 is Verdant Armoredon.
Dungeon Teleports in Dragonflight
You can earn dungeon teleports by completing a timed Keystone Level +20 higher run for that dungeon.
Keystone Hero: Atal'Dazar — Complete Atal'Dazar at Mythic Level 20 or higher, within the time limit. Reward:
Teleport: Atal'Dazar.
Keystone Hero: Black Rook Hold — Complete Black Rook Hold at Mythic Level 20 or higher, within the time limit. Reward:
Teleport: Black Rook Hold.
Keystone Hero: Darkheart Thicket — Complete Darkheart Thicket at Mythic Level 20 or higher, within the time limit. Reward:
Teleport: Darkheart Thicket.
Keystone Hero: Dawn of the Infinite — Complete Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond's Fall and Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond's Rise at at Mythic Level 20 or higher, within the time limit. Reward
Teleport: Dawn of the Infinite.
Keystone Hero: The Everbloom — Complete The Everbloom at Mythic Level 20 or higher, within the time limit. Reward
Teleport: The Everbloom.
Keystone Hero: Throne of the Tides — Complete Throne of the Tides at Mythic Level 20 or higher, within the time limit. Reward:
Teleport: Throne of the Tides.
Keystone Hero: Waycrest Manor — Complete Waycrest Manor at Mythic Level 20 or higher, within the time limit. Reward:
Teleport: Waycrest Manor.
Mythic+ Tier Lists for Season 3
If you are wondering which class is best for Mythic+, our writer Petko has put together Mythic+ Tier Lists for Dragonflight Season 3.
- 13 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
- 22 Nov. 2023: Rotation updated.
- 15 Nov. 2023: Affixes updated for Week 1 and Mythic portal room added.
- 07 Nov. 2023: Season rollover decay clarified.
- 29 Oct. 2023: Guide added.
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