World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Patch 10.2.5 Content Overview
Find out what's coming in the latest World of Warcraft update — Seeds of Renewal (Patch 10.2.5)!
When Will Dragonflight Patch 10.2.5 Go Live?
Seeds of Renewal will release on January 16 in North America and January 17 in Europe.
Here is the current Dragonflight roadmap updated for Patch 10.2.5
What is Coming in Dragonflight Patch 10.2.5?
Here is Blizzard's infographic covering the main patch features introduced in the Seeds of Renewal content update:
Patch 10.2.5 is a relatively minor patch, and you will find the main features below:
- Class Changes — A few classes received tuning and talent changes.
- Bel'ameth — Bel'ameth is the new Night Elf home available to both factions.
- Dragonriding Everywhere — Dragonriding is available wherever you can fly.
- Azerothian Archives — A new world event that only rewards cosmetics!
- Reclaiming Gilneas — It is time for both factions to put their differences aside and help King Greymane retake Gilneas.
- Follower Dungeons — Queue up for Normal Difficulty Dragonflight dungeons alongside friends and NPC teammates.
- Hearthstone Anniversary Event — Hearthstone turns 10 soon and players can expect a crossover event that offers various rewards.
- Outland Cup — Complete 13 new courses for badges to unlock new rewards.
- New Character Customizations — Draenei and Trolls received new hair colors and Warlock Tyrant and Dargklare demons some unique customizations.
Patch 10.2.5 Class Changes
Class changes implemented in Seeds of Renewal are very minor, with only a couple of classes getting tuning. Blizzard's main focus was to update Shadowlands Covenant Abilities with new animations.
New Night Elf City Bel'ameth
Bel'ameth, the arms of the Goddess, rests beneath the new World Tree, Amirdrassil's boughs, and is a place for the kaldorei to seek much-needed repose and solace. This new night elf settlement lies adjacent to the Ohn'ahran Plains in the Dragon Isles and can be accessed by both factions.
Stormwind's Portal Room has been updated with a portal to Bel'ameth along with the Druid Order Hall from Legion.
Worldwide Dragonriding
Dragonriding has expended to all old-world continents wherever flying is available.
For a list of updates and changes, check out our Dragonriding guide.
Azerothian Archives World Event
Azerothian Archives is a new world event taking place at Traitor's Rest. Players participate in Solo and Group activities every hour to earn cosmetics like battle pest, mounts, and a transmog sets. There is no player power tied to the event, only cosmetics!
Reclaiming Gilneas
The Worgen, lead by King Greymane, will finally reclaim what is rightfully theirs in Seeds of Renewal with the help of an unexpected ally. The event has not been tested on the PTR, so we know very little about it.
Follower Dungeons
Players Level 60 and above can queue up for Normal Difficulty Dragonflight Dungeons with friends and NPC teammates.
To learn more about Follower Dungeons, check out our dedicated guide.
Hearthstone's 10th Anniversary Event
Hearthstone's 10th anniversary will be celebrated in World of Warcraft with a week-long event that awards players with mounts and other cosmetics.
Outland Cup
Outland Cup is coming with 13 new courses for you to test your mettle! Earn badges and unlock new rewards available from Quartermaster Maztha.
New Customization Options
The Draenei and Trolls received new hair colors. Warlock's Tyrand and Darkglare Demons got some new unique forms in Seeds of Renewal.
Dragonflight Mythic+ and PvP Season 3
The third Dragonflight Season is still ongoing. Find out more about the season by visiting our guides linked below.
Official Seeds of Renewal Content Update Notes
Read the complete list of updates and changes coming in Patch 10.2.5 in the official Content Update Notes.
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