Dragonflight Primal Storms Guide (10.0.5)
The following guide covers Primal Storms, outdoor events available in Dragonflight Mythic+ Season 1 that offer gear.
Primal Storms are outdoor events that will randomly pop up in the Dragon Isles when Dragonflight Mythic+ Season 1 begins. In a way, Primal Storms resemble the Pre-Patch event of the same name and offer a convenient way of gearing up your character without having to participate in group content.
Primal Storm Locations in Dragonflight
The zone with an active Primal Storm will be marked with an icon on the map of the Dragon Isles. Primal Storms have a chance to appear in all four Dragonflight zones.
How Often Are Primal Storms Up?
Primal Storms are on a 3-hour rotation. They last for 2 hours and have a 1-hour downtime.
What Are the Primal Storm Objectives?
Primal Storms are an open grind. The goal is to repeatedly defeat
Elementally Imbued creatures for Elemental Overflow and
Storm Sigils.
Elemental Overflow
Elementally Imbued creatures will drop Elemental Overflow, which you
can exchange for Rare quality (Item Level 359) gear in Valdrakken. You can farm an
unlimited amount of
Elemental Overflow per week.
Storm Sigils
Storm Sigils are exchanged for Epic quality (Item Level 385) gear in
Valdrakken. You can receive a total of 8
Storm Sigils per week. Each quest
gives you two sigils. The quest items that grant sigils are:
Primal Air Core;
Primal Earth Core;
Primal Fire Core;
Primal Water Core.
You can only get 8 Storm Sigils per week.
Raging Tempest Gear in Dragonflight
Raging Tempest gear can be purchased from Mythressa in Valdrakken
(exact coordinates: 38.1 37.6) in exchange for Elemental Overflow.
Raging Tempest gear has Item Level 359 and the exact costs depend on
the item slot.
Raging Tempest Gear Costs
- Helm, Chest, and Legs cost 500
Elemental Overflow.
- Shoulders, Gloves, and Feet cost 350
Elemental Overflow.
- Cloaks, Bracers, and Belt cost 200
Elemental Overflow.
- One-Hand weapons cost 400-500
Elemental Overflow and Off-Hand items 300
Elemental Overflow.
- Two-Hand weapons cost 800
Elemental Overflow.
Raging Tempest Set Bonuses
Wearing 2, 4, and 6 pieces of Raging Tempest gear will activate the following set bonuses.
- 2-Piece Set Bonus: Increase your highest secondary stat by 226.
- 4-Piece Set Bonus: When you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor, gain a Spark of the Primals. Once you reach 5 stacks, your next single target offensive ability will launch a devastating elemental attack.
- 6-Piece Set Bonus: Fatal damage causes primal energy to overload, granting immunity to all damage and harmful effects for 8 seconds. Can only be used outdoors in the Dragon Isles.
Primal Storm Rewards Sold By Mythressa
In addition to Raging Tempest gear, Mythressa sells two battle pets and a mount.
Ghostflame — Costs 1,000
Elemental Overflow.
Stormie — Costs 1,000
Elemental Overflow.
Stormhide Salamanther — Costs 2,000
Elemental Overflow.
Primal-Infused Gear in Dragonflight
As of Patch 10.0.5, Rethelshi no longer sells any items and Raging Tempest
gear is upgraded to Primal-Infused gear (Item Level 385) with Valor
and Storm Sigils by talking to Corxian at 45.43 38.54 in Valdrakken
(Gladiator's Refugee).
Primal-Infused Gear Upgrade Costs
- Helm, Chest, and Legs cost 10
Storm Sigils and a corresponding Raging Tempest gear piece.
- Shoulders, Gloves, and Feet cost 7
Storm Sigils and a corresponding Raging Tempest gear piece.
- Cloaks, Bracers, and Belt cost 5
Storm Sigils and a corresponding Raging Tempest gear piece.
- One-Hand weapons cost 7-9
Storm Sigils and Off-Hand items 5
Storm Sigils.
- Two-Hand weapons cost 14
Storm Sigils and a corresponding Raging Tempest gear piece.
- 25 Jan. 2023: Item upgrade changes in Patch 10.0.5.
- 16 Dec. 2022: Updated some inconsistencies.
- 15 Dec. 2022: Updated the number of Storm Sigils you can obtain per week.
- 08 Dec. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight Mythic+ Season 1.
- 17 Nov. 2022: Added asset for the Water invasion and fixed invasion duration.
- 16 Nov. 2022: Tirisfal Glades Invasions are disabled.
- 15 Nov. 2022: Primeval Essences are account-wide.
- 13 Nov. 2022: Updated for November 15.
- 10 Nov. 2022: Updated the cost of Trinkets.
- 22 Oct. 2022: Guide added.
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