Dreamsurges Guide
Dreamsurges are an outdoor event in Dragonflight. The growth of a new World Tree is causing the energies of the Emerald Dream to manifest through the Dragon Isles. Players must defeat the chaos brought about by the Druids of the Flame for various rewards!
Each week, one of the four original Dragon Isles zones is affected with
a Dreamsurge. Every 30 minutes, a major Waking Dream portal will open in the
affected zone as a group event. While active, the zone will be granted a buff
that increases Experience gains for players in the area by 25%
( Dreaming Winds).
Dreamsurges provide you with a weekly quest that rewards Dreamsurge Cocoon
which can be turned in for Item Level 467 Veteran Gear at Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem.
Dreamsurge Coalescence drops from mobs in an active Dreamsurge. The currency
is used to buy Item Level 454 Bind-to-Account gear.
Dreamsurges Intro Quest
Seek out Hamuul Runetotem in Valdrakken to receive the Surging Dreams quest. You can also go directly to the Dreamsurge icon in whichever zone is affected.
What is the Goal of a Dreamsurge?
Players must kill Druids of the Flame, destroy their altars, and dragonride through
their reinforcements to fill the bar to 100%. Once done, a Flame Lieutenant will spawn
who drops Charred Elemental Remains once defeated. When you combine 20, you will
receive the
Renewed Magmammoth mount.
When you hover over the Dreamsurge icon, you will see all the content currently affected by the Dreamsurge. World Quests
and Rare Elites will be empowered, dropping Dreamsurge Coalescence in addition to traditional rewards.
Waking Dreams
During Dreamsurges, minor Waking Dream portals can be found scattered across the affected zones. These can be defeated by solo players or small groups. Waking Dream portals are marked on the map with the following icon:
Dreamsurge Buffs
Those participating in the event can vote to shape the incoming Dreamsurge, providing players with various useful, powerful, or chaotic buffs. A new buff will be selected every 30 minutes while the event is active for that region. Talk to Naralex near the gear vendors to vote for your desired buff.
Dreamsurge Currencies
You can farm two types of currencies from Dreamsurges.
Dreamsurge Coalescence — Obtained from completing a variety of activities in a Dreamsurge.
Dreamsurge Cocoon — Obtained from the weekly quest.
Dreamsurge Coalescence
You can get the currency by completing activities inside a Dreamsurge, including World Quests, killing Elites, and more.
Dreamsurge Coalescence can be turned in for Item Level 454 BoA gear at
Celestine the Harvest.
Dreamsurge Coalescence can be turned in for the following items:
Renewed Magmammoth (mount);
Duskwing Ohuna (mount);
Cheddar (pet);
Crimson Swoglet (pet);
Dreamsurge Remnant;
Friendsurge Defenders.
Dreamsurge Cocoon
Dreamsurge Cocoon can be obtained from the weekly quest. It is turned
in for Item Level 467 Veteran Gear at Hamuul Runetotem.
Dreamsurge Weekly Quest
Shaping the Dream requires you to collect 100 Dreamsurge Coalescence by
completing activities in the zone, World Quests, discovering hidden stashes, and
killing rare elites.
- 25 Apr. 2024: BoA gear hotfixed to item level 454.
- 18 Apr. 2024: Updated for Season 4.
- 29 Oct. 2023: Currency updated for Patch 10.2.
- 03 Sep. 2023: Guide added.
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