Eastern Kingdoms Cup Guide
Eastern Kingdoms Cup is a limited-time Dragonriding racing event in Azeroth. Players complete a total of fourteen races spread across the Eastern Kingdoms to earn badges and unlock rewards.
What's Eastern Kingdoms Cup?
Eastern Kingdoms Cup is a world event that revolves completing Dragonriding courses in the Eastern Kingdoms.
When Will Eastern Kingdoms Cup Be Up on Live Servers?
Eastern Kingdoms Cup Cup will be available for two weeks on live servers from April 10, 2025 through April 24, 2025.
Who Can Participate in the Eastern Kingdoms Cup?
Eastern Kingdoms Cup is available to all players at Level 30 and above.
Where Can You Pick Up the Eastern Kingdoms Cup Intro Quest?
Speak to Lord Andestrasz in Stormwind on top of the northwestern tunnel out of the Trade District if you are an Alliance player. Horde players can talk to him by the northern zeppelin tower in Orgrimmar. Alternatively, you can find him in Valdrakken near the Rostrum of Transformation.
Eastern Kingdoms Cup Dragonriding Mounts
You will not be riding your Dragon Isles Drake to complete the courses. Instead, you will receive a Riders of Azeroth drake for the courses. There are 5 variations of the mounts:
Riders of Azeroth Drake;
Riders of Azeroth Proto-Drake;
Riders of Azeroth Slitherdrake;
Riders of Azeroth Velocidrake;
Riders of Azeroth Wylderdrake.
Eastern Kingdoms Cup Currency
Riders of Azeroth Badges are the main currency of the event. You earn them by
completing Dragonriding courses in Eastern Kingdoms and turn them in for various rewards.
How Many Riders of Azeroth Badges Can You Earn During Eastern Kingdoms Cup?
You can get a total of 3 badges per type of course.
- Bronze gives 1 badge;
- Silver gives 2 badges;
- Gold gives 3 badges.
There are 3 modes, so the total of badges you can acquire per course is 9 on Gold. With a total of 14 courses, you can altogether collect up to 126 badges. A quest rewarding 10 badges will bring the total to 136.
Eastern Kingdoms Cup Rewards
Maztha is the event's quartermaster located in Valdrakken near the Dragonriding Trainer or in Stormwind / Orgrimmar near Lord Andestrasz (see above for the exact location).
She sells Dragonriding customization options, a cosmetic
set, a reputation insignia for Riders of Azeroth Badges, and more. The full list
of items is available below:
Windborne Velocidrake: Teal Scales costs 50
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Winding Slitherdrake: Yellow Scales costs 50
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Winding Slitherdrake: Curved Nose Horn costs 25
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Winding Slitherdrake: Blonde Hair costs 25
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Winding Slitherdrake: Paired Horns costs 25
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Winding Slitherdrake: Large Finned Crest costs 25
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Winding Slitherdrake: Horned Brow costs 25
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Winding Slitherdrake: Shark Finned Tail costs 25
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Drake Racer's Shoulderpads cost 20
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Drake Racer's Helmet costs 20
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Drake Racer's Jersey costs 20
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Drake Racer's Handwraps costs 20
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Drake Racer's Belt costs 20
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Drake Racer's Leggings cost 20
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Drake Racer's Boots cost 20
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Drake Racer's Scarf costs 5
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Outlandish Drake Racer's Shoulderpads cost 20
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Outlandish Drake Racer's Helmet costs 20
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Outlandish Drake Racer's Jersey costs 20
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Outlandish Drake Racer's Handwraps costs 20
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Outlandish Drake Racer's Belt costs 20
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Outlandish Drake Racer's Leggings cost 20
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Outlandish Drake Racer's Boots cost 20
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Outlandish Drake Racer's Scarf costs 5
Riders of Azeroth Badges.
Manuscript of Endless Possibility costs 50
Riders of Azeroth Badges. The item randomizes your Dragonriding mount customizations.
Valdrakken Accord Insignia costs 10
Riders of Azeroth Badges and increases reputation with the faction by 50. You will only see the insignia when you have purchased everything listed above.
Drake Racer's Silk Set
The following set is available for purchase. You will need to accrue 140 badges to get all armor pieces linked above.
Outlandish Racer's Silk Set
A new red tint of the Drake Racer's Silk set was added in Patch 10.2.5.
Eastern Kingdoms Racer Title
Completing the Eastern Kingdoms Racing Completionist: Gold requires players
to obtain Gold in all courses in Eastern Kingdoms and rewards the Eastern Kingdoms Racer
Eastern Kingdoms Cup Courses
Eastern Kingdoms Cup consists of 14 courses available in Normal, Advanced, and Reverse mode. Challenge Mode added in Patch 10.1.7 is not available for the courses.
- Gilneas Gambit (Gilneas);
- Searing Slalom (Searing Gorge);
- Deadwing Derby (Deadwing Pass);
- Gurubashi Gala (Stranglethorn Vale);
- Blasted Lands Bolt (Blasted Lands);
- Booty Bay Blast (Booty Bay);
- Krazzworks Klash (Twilight Highlands);
- Loch Modan Loop (Loch Modan);
- Twilight Terror (Twilight Highlands);
- Elwynn Forest Flash (Elwynn Forest);
- Ironforge Interceptor (Dun Morogh);
- Plaguelands Plunge (Eastern Plaguelands);
- Fuselight Night Flight (The Badlands);
- Redridge Rally (Redridge Mountains).
- 13 Jan. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.5.
- 30 Oct. 2023: End date updated.
- 04 Sep. 2023: Guide added.
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