Elemental Bonds Quest Line Guide (WoD 6.1.2)
Table of Contents
Thrall and the Earthen Ring are getting ready to heal the World Tree in Mount Hyjal. This process will start by an Earthen Ring ceremony, which you have been invited to witness. Unfortunately, Thrall is kidnapped by Ragnaros' lieutenants and you are given the task to save him.
In addition to an incredible amount of lore information you will be given during the quest line, and which we encourage you to read carefully, another great incentive for saving Thrall is that it rewards an item level 365 cloak:
Mantle of Doubt
Mantle of Desire
Mantle of Patience
Mantle of Fury
This quest line is only available to level 85 characters.
The Nordrassil Summit
The quest line starts by The Call of the World-Shaman, given by Naraat at the Eastern Earthshrine in Stormwind City if you are Alliance, or by The Call of the World-Shaman, given by Farseer Krogar at the Valley of Wisdom in Orgrimmar if you are Horde.
Simply take the portal to Mount Hyjal and meet with Thrall who is waiting for you, south of Nordrassil. He enables you to complete your current quest and gives you The Nordrassil Summit. You are thereby invited to witness the great event, where many heroes of Azeroth will try to heal the World Tree. Talk to Thrall to start the event and enjoy the cutscene.
After Thrall has been kidnapped by Ragnaros' lieutenant (we are going to wonder for a long time how this could happen with the likes of Malfurion Stormrage, Nozdormu, Alexstrasza, and Ysera around), you are going to accompany Aggra (Thrall's lover) in her quest to bring him back from the hands of Ragnaros. Talk to her to turn in your current quest and accept Into Slashing Winds, the new quest she will give you. This marks the beginning of your journey through the elemental planes.
Elemental Planes
Ragnaros' minions have scattered Thrall's spirit across the elemental planes: Wind, Water, Earth, and Fire. To save Thrall, you are going to travel with Aggra to various locations (luckily, she will always teleport you). In each location, you will have to save a fragment of Thrall's spirit by scoring 100 points. The spirit of Thrall will always be surrounded by 2 types of adds: small ones and bigger ones. Killing a small add awards 5 points, while killing a bigger one awards 15 points.
As there is always a profusion of smaller adds, it is certainly easier to simply kill them, even as groups, even more so since the bigger adds usually have more than 3 times the health of a small add.
To keep track of your current score, your UI will display a progression bar, the color of which changes according to the elemental plane:
Wind | Water |
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Earth | Fire |
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After accepting Into Slashing Winds, talk to Aggra to be teleported to Uldum, where you will free the first fragment of Thrall's spirit from the Wind Plane.
Upon reaching Uldum, turn in your current quest to Cyclonas, who then gives you Elemental Bonds: Doubt. Talk to him to be transported by an air current to the Throne of the Four Winds area. There, you will be faced with Essences of Doubt, which reward 5 points each and have 77k health, and Shadows of Doubt, which reward 15 points each and have 542k health.
After you reach 5, 35, and 65 points respectively, you might want to pause for a bit because lore-related discussions between Aggra and the spirit of Thrall will happen. If you are too fast, you will end up skipping parts of the conversation.
Once you have reached 100 points, the fragment of the spirit is freed and vanishes. You can complete your current quest by talking to Aggra, who then gives you Into Coaxing Tides.
After accepting Into Coaxing Tides, talk to Aggra to be teleported to the Abyssal Maw, in Vashj'ir, where you will free the second fragment of Thrall's spirit from the Water Plane.
Upon reaching the Abyssal Maw, turn in your current quest to Hydrius. Aggra then gives you Elemental Bonds: Desire. Simply kill the water elementals located around the Abyssal Breach. You will be faced with Tides of Longing, which reward 5 points each and have 77k health, and Vortexes of Longing, which reward 15 points each and have 542k health.
After you reach 5, 35, and 65 points respectively, you might want to pause for a bit because lore-related discussions between Aggra and the spirit of Thrall will happen. If you are too fast, you will end up skipping parts of the conversation.
At 95 points, you should go back to Aggra and kill the last elemental next to her. Once you reach 100 points, the spirit of Thrall will disappear and she will get sucked into the Vortex. You then need to find her and click her body to bring her back. Obviously, this is much easier if you are standing right next to her when she starts drifting.
Finally, speak with her to complete your current quest before she gives you Into Constant Earth.
After accepting Into Constant Earth, talk to Aggra to be teleported to Therazane's Throne in Deepholm, where you will free the third fragment of Thrall's spirit from the Earth Plane.
Upon reaching Therazane's Throne, turn in your current quest to Therazane. Aggra then gives you Elemental Bonds: Patience. You need to talk to her again to be transported to Thrall's spirit (be warned that traveling underground takes time!). Around Thrall's spirit, you will find Elements of Patience, which reward 5 points each and have 77k health, and Corestones of Patience, which reward 15 points each and have 348k health. Note that the Corestones of Patience perform a 15-second cast when you attack them, giving a character with epic gear enough time to kill them before they do anything.
After you reach 5, 35, and 65 points respectively, you might want to pause for a bit because lore-related discussions between Aggra and the spirit of Thrall will happen. If you are too fast, you will end up skipping parts of the conversation.
Once you have reached 100 points, the fragment of the spirit is freed and vanishes. You can complete your current quest by talking to Aggra, who then gives you Into Unrelenting Flame.
After accepting Into Unrelenting Flame, talk to Aggra to be teleported to Ragnaros' Reach at the Molten Front, where you will free the fourth fragment of Thrall's spirit from the Fire Plane. If you have not yet started the Firelands Invasion event, this location will be new to you.
Upon reaching Ragnaros' Reach, turn in your current quest to Aggra, who then gives you Elemental Bonds: Fury, after following her for a bit until you get to Thrall's spirit. Aggra needs you to activate her totem, starting with her Air Totem (west), followed by her Water Totem (north), her Earth Totem (east), and her Fire Totem (center). To activate a totem, you need to kill for 25 points worth of fire elementals next to the totem. There are 2 types of fire elementals in the area: Seeds of Fury reward 5 points and have 77k health, and Flames of Fury reward 15 points and have 542k health.
After you reach 25, 50, and 75 points respectively, you might want to pause for a bit because lore-related discussions between Aggra and the spirit of Thrall will happen. If you are too fast, you will end up skipping parts of the conversation.
Once you have reached 100 points, Thrall is finally freed. Turn in your current quest and accept The Vow. Finally, take the portal to Mount Hyjal.
Upon returning to Mount Hyjal, you can turn in The Vow to Thrall and choose your rewards from among:
Mantle of Doubt
Mantle of Desire
Mantle of Patience
Mantle of Fury
There is one last cutscene involving Thrall and Aggra that you should watch carefully before you can consider the quest line to be over.
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