Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide from 1 to 80 — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 27, 2025 at 15:00 by Stormy 94 comments

On this page, you will find our Level by Level Elemental Shaman leveling guide for The War Within. Make sure to use the slider to make the guide adapt to your level. For more general leveling information, please refer to our Shaman leveling guide.


Elemental Shaman Leveling Guide for The War Within


Elemental Shaman Leveling Playstyle

Elemental Shaman is excellent at questing when your cooldowns are up, much less so when they are not. Generally, you will be slower than many other specs at pure questing leveling because your raw burst, multidotting, or ability to reliably pull half a zone is not as good as many other specializations. That being said, with smart cooldown use, you can pull just about anything, especially when your trusty Earth Elemental Icon Earth Elemental and Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust/Heroism Icon Heroism are available. In a way, this favors taking breaks, appreciating the new zones, and reading quest text and not speedrunning as fast as possible, which is what we would recommend!

Elemental Shaman is well suited to dungeons as well, with their wide toolkit allowing them to help get any group out of almost any bad situation and their AoE damage being extra powerful when using a dedicated dungeon build.


Gear Options

When leveling up, always choose the piece of loot with the highest item level. The only exception to this rule is if you have a Ring or Necklace with a slightly lower item level but 2 secondary stats on it instead of 1.


Talents to Level Up as an Elemental Shaman


Level by Level Rotation and Talents

Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!

Level: 70

Your first talent unlocks at Level 10.

This is an example setup; it is difficult to go wrong while leveling. For example, you may want to make a beeline for damage talents and ignore some defensive/healing or crowd-control abilities. We would encourage experimenting with the feel of different talents. Note that the value of some talents/talent combos can change significantly depending on your secondary stats. This assumes no particular stat is heavily favored.

  • Level 11 and 12: Get Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift then Astral Bulwark Icon Astral Bulwark on your class tree and Earth Shock Icon Earth Shock or Elemental Blast Icon Elemental Blast on your elemental tree. If you would prefer a higher Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift uptime at the cost of a significantly lower damage reduction, you can spec into either Planes Traveler Icon Planes Traveler instead.
  • Level 13 to 18: Get Brimming with Life Icon Brimming with Life then Earth Elemental Icon Earth Elemental and Earth Shield Icon Earth Shield on your class tree and Fire Elemental Icon Fire Elemental, then Elemental Fury Icon Elemental Fury and Aftershock Icon Aftershock on your elemental tree.
  • Level 19 to 24: Get Elemental Orbit Icon Elemental Orbit, Capacitor Totem Icon Capacitor Totem and Guardian's Cudgel Icon Guardian's Cudgel from the class tree, then Stormkeeper Icon Stormkeeper, Echo of the Elements Icon Echo of the Elements and Master of the Elements Icon Master of the Elements on the elemental tree.
  • Level 25 to 34: Get Nature's Fury Icon Nature's Fury, Wind Shear Icon Wind Shear, Frost Shock Icon Frost Shock and Nature's Guardian Icon Nature's Guardian from the class tree and Unrelenting Calamity Icon Unrelenting Calamity, then Earthquake Icon Earthquake, Flash of Lightning Icon Flash of Lightning, Icefury Icon Icefury, Fusion of Elements Icon Fusion of Elements and Swelling Maelstrom Icon Swelling Maelstrom on the elemental tree.
  • Level 35 to 44 Get Fire and Ice Icon Fire and Ice, Healing Stream Totem Icon Healing Stream Totem, Elemental Resistance Icon Elemental Resistance, Elemental Warding Icon Elemental Warding, Spiritwalker's Grace Icon Spiritwalker's Grace and Thunderstorm Icon Thunderstorm from the class tree and Fury of the Storms Icon Fury of the Storms, Lightning Capacitor Icon Lightning Capacitor, Echo Chamber Icon Echo Chamber, Storm Frenzy Icon Storm Frenzy and Primordial Fury Icon Primordial Fury from the elemental tree.
  • Level 45 to 50: Get Gust of Wind Icon Gust of Wind, Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem and Primordial Bond Icon Primordial Bond from the class tree as well as Power of the Maelstrom Icon Power of the Maelstrom, Earthshatter Icon Earthshatter and Improved Flametongue Weapon Icon Improved Flametongue Weapon from the elemental tree.
  • Level 51 to 56: Get Graceful Spirit Icon Graceful Spirit, Traveling Storms Icon Traveling Storms and Stone Bulwark Totem Icon Stone Bulwark Totem from the class tree, and Ascendance Icon Ascendance, Preeminence Icon Preeminence and Erupting Lava Icon Erupting Lava from the elemental tree.
  • Level 57 to 62: Grab Lightning Lasso Icon Lightning Lasso, then get Refreshing Waters Icon Refreshing Waters and Enhanced Imbues Icon Enhanced Imbues. On the spec tree, grab Mountains Will Fall Icon Mountains Will Fall, Elemental Unity Icon Elemental Unity and Flames of the Cauldron Icon Flames of the Cauldron.
  • Level 63 to 70: Get Seasoned Winds Icon Seasoned Winds, then Totemic Surge Icon Totemic Surge, Totemic Recall Icon Totemic Recall and Nature's Swiftness Icon Nature's Swiftness from the class tree. On the spec tree, grab Primordial Wave Icon Primordial Wave, Splintered Elements Icon Splintered Elements, Liquid Magma Totem Icon Liquid Magma Totem and Deeply Rooted Elements Icon Deeply Rooted Elements.
  • Level 71 to 74: I recommend using the Farseer tree for leveling as it is much easier to use than Stormbringer. You will want to get Elemental Reverb Icon Elemental Reverb, Spiritwalker's Momentum Icon Spiritwalker's Momentum, Final Calling Icon Final Calling and grab Ancestral Swiftness Icon Ancestral Swiftness as soon as possible!
  • Level 75 to 80: After that, it matters less, you probably want to get Heed My Call Icon Heed My Call, Primordial Capacity Icon Primordial Capacity, Maelstrom Supremacy Icon Maelstrom Supremacy, Latent Wisdom Icon Latent Wisdom, Offering from Beyond Icon Offering from Beyond and Natural Harmony Icon Natural Harmony

Suggested Rotation

Remember to keep the following buffs up at all times:

  • Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield, mostly important after talenting Lightning Conduit Icon Lightning Conduit.
  • Earth Shield Icon Earth Shield
  • Skyfury Icon Skyfury
  • Flametongue Weapon Icon Flametongue Weapon (when using the Improved Flametongue Weapon Icon Improved Flametongue Weapon talent)
  1. Start by casting Fire Elemental Icon Fire Elemental when a fight is going to last a while.
  2. Cast Stormkeeper Icon Stormkeeper whenever it is available.
  3. Use Ancestral Swiftness Icon Ancestral Swiftness whenever available.
  4. Cast Flame Shock Icon Flame Shock when engaging enemies , with Primordial Wave Icon Primordial Wave when it is available. If engaging multiple enemies, cast Primordial Wave on one and Flame Shock on another.
  5. Cast Liquid Magma Totem Icon Liquid Magma Totem when multiple enemies will be hit by it.
  6. Cast Primordial Wave Icon Primordial Wave on cooldown when at least one Flame Shock Icon Flame Shock is up.
  7. Cast Ascendance Icon Ascendance whenever you need the burst.
  8. Cast Lava Burst Icon Lava Burst whenever it is available.
  9. Cast Earth Shock Icon Earth Shock/Elemental Blast Icon Elemental Blast or Earthquake Icon Earthquake if multiple enemies will be hit by it.
  10. Cast Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning if multiple enemies will be hit by it.
  11. Cast Flame Shock Icon Flame Shock when you need to move, and the enemy will live for a while yet. Otherwise, cast Frost Shock Icon Frost Shock.

War Mode Talents to Level Up as an Elemental Shaman

If you are willing to take the risk and utilize War Mode, the following PvP talents are recommended during leveling or for other open-world content. There may be times when you would like to use other options and are encouraged to experiment! PvP talents can be freely changed at any time.

Your first PvP talent slot will unlock at Level 20, your second at Level 30, and the final at Level 40. The following is a curated list of PvP talents that we consider good for leveling.

  1. Totem of Wrath Icon Totem of Wrath increases the critical effect of spells of allies within 40 yards by 20% for 15 seconds, 40-second cooldown. Good for solo play and excellent if you are doing outdoor content with others.
  2. Burrow Icon Burrow lets you Burrow beneath the ground, becoming unattackable, removing movement-impairing effects, and increasing your movement speed by 50% for 5 seconds. When the effect ends, enemies within 6 yards are knocked into the air and take Physical Damage. This ability has a 2-minute cooldown.
  3. Static Field Totem Icon Static Field Totem summons a totem at a target location that creates a circle of terrain that enemies cannot move through. It is extremely handy, versatile crowd control with a 1-minute cooldown.
  4. Counterstrike Totem Icon Counterstrike Totem replicates and reflects damage you take for 15 seconds on a 45-second cooldown. This can be really strong when in a high-damage area to deal some chip damage to targets around you and convert your health pool into additional damage.

We recommend picking 3 of the above talents, depending on what you value most. Personally, we would recommend the following picks:

  • Level 20: Totem of Wrath Icon Totem of Wrath or Burrow Icon Burrow
  • Level 30: Burrow Icon Burrow or Totem of Wrath Icon Totem of Wrath if you prefer a "get out of jail" card
  • Level 40:Counterstrike Totem Icon Counterstrike Totem or Static Field Totem Icon Static Field Totem, depending on personal preference.


  • 27 Feb. 2025: Adjusted recommended War Mode Talents.
  • 24 Feb. 2025: Fully updated and reviewed for Patch 11.1.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Updated and reviewed for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 22 Oct. 2024: Updated and reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Updated for The War Within Season 1.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Updated with recommended Hero Talent tree.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated Leveling Tree + adjusted one talent choice.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within pre-patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
  • 06 Feb. 2024: Fixed an oversight.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.2
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Re-added rotation tool, added PvP talents.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5.
  • 02 May 2023: Modified a setting to make things clearer for people leveling from 60.
  • 01 May 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Updated for the class talent overhaul of Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 18 Nov. 2022: Updated with a new build order. People who want to know in advance where to go from level 60 to 70 can now see my recommendations.
  • 07 Nov. 2022: Talent pick order in calculator should be fixed. .
  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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