Elemental Shaman DPS Liberation of Undermine Raid Guide — The War Within (11.1)

Last updated on Feb 25, 2025 at 10:00 by Stormy 94 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Elemental Shaman for each boss of the following raid: Liberation of Undermine. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1).



Below, you can find class and spec-specific advice for every fight in Liberation of Undermine. If you are looking for a general overview of the Raid that is not spec-specific, check out our dedicated Liberation of Undermine Boss guides.

This page assumes that you already understand most of the mechanics of each encounter. These can be found on the full raid guide, so what is contained here are details specifically tailored toward Elemental Shaman and how you can deal with each fight as best as possible.

All recommendations are progression-based tips and will not necessarily be the best for an overall DPS ranking.


Liberation of Undermine Boss Guides for Elemental Shaman


Liberation of Undermine Raid Builds, Tips, and Tricks for Elemental Shaman

Vexie and the Geargrinders Cauldron of Carnage Rik Reverb Stix Bunkjunker Sprocketmonger Lockenstock The One-Armed Bandit Mug'Zee, Heads of Security Chrome King Gallywix

Tips for Vexie and the Geargrinders for Elemental Shaman



  • The fight timings are such that you essentially want to send everything on cooldown except Ascendance Icon Ascendance that you will hold until the first damage phase. You will get it back 15 seconds in the second damage phase, which should be fine unless your raid messes up the repairs.
  • Use Spiritwalker's Grace Icon Spiritwalker's Grace and move away from the raid when targeted by Spew Oil Icon Spew Oil. You can use Gust of Wind Icon Gust of Wind to get out of it faster, or to position it better if you are in a bad spot. In Heroic and above, those pools can be positioned to force the Biker adds to charge over them and get stunned, but in practice it will likely not be necessary. In Mythic difficulty, it may be better to keep Spiritwalker's Grace Icon Spiritwalker's Grace to catch and load Oil Canister Icon Oil Canister correctly.
  • In Mythic difficulty, during the double damage phase, Support Rigs should only be crowd-controlled and not damaged.


  • Use Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift or Stone Bulwark Totem Icon Stone Bulwark Totem when affected by Spew Oil Icon Spew Oil or Bomb Voyage! Icon Bomb Voyage!
  • Be ready to use whatever defensive you have available as well as healing consumables if you get a bad overlap of abilities, notably getting hit by Bomb Voyage! Icon Bomb Voyage! while you also have Spew Oil Icon Spew Oil. It may be worth it to drop your Earth Elemental Icon Earth Elemental even if it cancels your Storm Elemental Icon Storm Elemental in order to survive that combo if you do not have your at least one defensive and a healing consumable.


  • During double damage phases, be ready to interrupt Repair Icon Repair from Pit Mechanics. They can be Crowd Controlled with Capacitor Totem Icon Capacitor Totem, Thunderstorm Icon Thunderstorm and melee players should generally be able to handle most interrupts though.
  • In Mythic difficulty, you want to use Thunderstorm Icon Thunderstorm, preferably with Traveling Storms Icon Traveling Storms talented, to get Support Rigs away from the boss. Earthgrab Totem Icon Earthgrab Totem should also work to keep them far away.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!

Echoes of Great Sundering Icon Echoes of Great Sundering and Herald of the Storms Icon Herald of the Storms is assuming adds live for quite a while, but they may not last long enough on live with proper strats for it to be worth it, in which case drop Echoes for Power of the Maelstrom Icon Power of the Maelstrom and switch to Fury of the Storm Icon Fury of the Storm.

Similarly, you probably do not need all that crowd-control and may switch points to Elemental Orbit Icon Elemental Orbit and other healing talents.


Tips for Cauldron of Carnage for Elemental Shaman



  • Spiritwalker's Grace Icon Spiritwalker's Grace is helpful to keep uptime while soaking Molten Bomb Icon Molten Bomb and getting away from the Molten Pool Icon Molten Pool it leaves behind (Heroic and above), getting targeted by Blastburn Roarcannon Icon Blastburn Roarcannon. It can also be a good idea to keep it available during Colossal Clash Icon Colossal Clash as you can do damage to both bosses and there is a lot of movement.
  • Do not damage Voltaic Image Icon Voltaic Images, they should be crowd-controlled and kited until they despawn.
  • During Colossal Clash Icon Colossal Clash, both bosses can be damaged. Our two-target cleave is not very good, but it is still an overall damage gain. This can be a good time to even out Boss Health if one boss is significantly lower than the other.


  • Make sure you have defensives available to deal with extra damage toward the end of each phase as the respective dots from each boss will have stacked up and are dangerous when combined with other damage, notably Molten Phlegm Icon Molten Phlegm.
  • The Dino side seems to take significantly more damage as most of the Monkey side damage is avoidable or slow.
  • The damage from Colossal Clash Icon Colossal Clash by itself is fairly low so you should not need a defensive for it...as long as you do not get hit by a Zapbolt Icon Zapbolt or especially by a Fiery Wave Icon Fiery Wave
  • In Mythic difficulty, the handling of the Tiny Tussle Icon Tiny Tussle toys will likely make or break the fight, it can be a good idea to keep something in reserve to deal with a bad overlap or multiple toys clashing at the same time.


  • Voltaic Image Icon Voltaic Images can and should be crowd-controlled until they despawn, though as they are quite slow you do not need to overdo it.
  • Gust of Wind Icon Gust of Wind can be used to get away from Voltaic Image Icon Voltaic Images, to quickly get out of Thunderdrum Salvo Icon Thunderdrum Salvo, to position yourself for Blastburn Roarcannon Icon Blastburn Roarcannon or to quickly get out if a bunch of different AoE abilities are surrounding you. It can be used to counter the knockback of Scrapbomb Icon Scrapbomb, especially if it was about to throw you into Blastburn Roarcannon Icon Blastburn Roarcannon!
  • Colossal Clash Icon Colossal Clash is probably a good time to throw a Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem on your raid, though really you could use it at many points during the fight and it will be useful, such as dealing with Scrapbomb Icon Scrapbomb (especially in Mythic difficulty).

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Rik Reverb for Elemental Shaman



  • The boss goes immune in Phase 2 two minutes, then four minutes and thirty seconds into the fight. Be careful not to waste damage cooldowns right as he does!
  • Hitting Pyrotechnics gives you up to 30% movement speed and 6% Haste. They are priority adds anyway so make sure you kill them! They spawn roughly every 40 seconds in Phase 1. There are 3 sets of adds per phase.


  • Be careful when soaking Lingering Voltage Icon Lingering Voltage from Amplifiers as you get a stacking debuff increasing damage taken by 50% (Heroic and above), meaning if you need to soak more than a few stacks you will need to pop a defensive.
  • In Mythic difficulty you will probably want a defensive when you have to blow up your Faulty Zap Icon Faulty Zap debuff to proc Static Jolt Icon Static Jolt
  • In Mythic difficulty, you may want to use Stone Bulwark Totem Icon Stone Bulwark Totem to help soak Sound Cannon Icon Sound Cannon.


  • Gust of Wind Icon Gust of Wind or Spirit Walk Icon Spirit Walk are both handy to avoid getting hit by the various abilities throughout the fight, notably during Echoing Chant Icon Echoing Chant.
  • In Phase 2, use Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem to help your raid go to the new Amplifier surrounded by a big circle indicating it is about to Blowout! Icon Blowout!, allowing you to jump over Blaring Drop Icon Blaring Drop (It's the Ansurek nova mechanic). You have to do this four times so having Totemic Recall Icon Totemic Recall may be useful!
  • In Phase 2, You have enough mobility to have free GCDs to help heal yourself and the raid.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Stix Bunkjunker for Elemental Shaman



  • Do not blow cooldowns right before the boss goes into Overdrive Icon Overdrive and becomes immune.
  • Small adds should mostly be damaged after they have been dropped by rolling players as they then take 100% increased damage. Be careful of damaging them before as tanks will likely have trouble getting aggro of everything.
  • It is important to focus on taking one or two Territorial Bombshells below 75% so they leave their garbage piles, letting the rolling people soak up more things and then explode on the boss. Short Fuse Icon Short Fuses have to be desynced otherwise the damage is likely, to kill the raid. (In Mythic, 2 at the same time will almost certainly cause a wipe)
  • In Mythic difficulty, Scrapmasters need to be hit by rolling players or killed before they finish their The Recycler Icon The Recycler cast or someone is dead.


  • There will be big healer cooldowns popped for Electromagnetic Sorting Icon Electromagnetic Sorting, so you may not need to use a personal for all of them, but later in the fight when a bunch of damage is rolling, you should adapt to your circumstances and use something if required.
  • You probably want to use a defensive when targeted by Incineration Icon Incineration, particularly on high difficulties and if a Short Fuse Icon Short Fuse occurs at the same time.
  • It may not necessary, but Stone Bulwark Totem Icon Stone Bulwark Totem seems suited to help tank Trash Compactor Icon Trash Compactor as the boss lands after his immune phase. Make sure you cast Healing Stream Totem Icon Healing Stream Totem and recast Earth Shield Icon Earth Shield before he lands.
  • Depending on how well Territorial Bombshells are handled, there may be several Short Fuse Icon Short Fuse debuffs at the same time. You really want a defensive for that, and be ready to pop a healing consumable if needed, and consider Earth Elemental Icon Earth Elemental, especially if there are multiple Toxic Fumes Icon Toxic Fumes going.
  • The raid is unlikely to survive the explosion of Discarded Doomsplosive Icon Discarded Doomsplosive outside of normal difficulty, but it should still be possible at least in heroic if multiple cooldowns are stacked.
  • In Mythic difficulty, be careful not to get too many stacks of Hypercharged Icon Hypercharged from Prototype Powercoil Icon Prototype Powercoils as the damage can build up fast when other damage is also happening.


  • Gust of Wind Icon Gust of Wind can help getting out of the way of rolling people and out of Scrapmasters' Dumpster Dive Icon Dumpster Dive, which does a lot of damage (and will one-shot you in Mythic).
  • Scrap Rockets Icon Scrap Rockets cast by Scrapmasters need to be interrupted immediately. As this is a fire spell, interrupting it with Seasoned Winds Icon Seasoned Winds give you a nice cushion against Short Fuse Icon Short Fuse or Incineration Icon Incineration damage.
  • Junkyard Hyenas are susceptible to all forms of crowd control, which should be used liberally. Do not underestimate Hyenas in Heroic and above, as their bite is actually quite dangerous.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Sprocketmonger Lockenstock for Elemental Shaman



  • This boss has no adds, no immune phase and no extra damage phase, but he does throw the raid away when he begins Phase 2 two minutes into the fight, so be careful not to waste cooldowns. This phase will happen again four minutes and thirty seconds into the fight and finally six minutes and fifty seconds in.
  • Spiritwalker's Grace Icon Spiritwalker's Grace is very good throughout the encounter, but especially so during Phase 2.


  • Keep in mind that after each Phase 2, everything does 15% more damage, so what is survivable in the first Phase 1 may well kill you in the second or third Phase.
  • Stone Bulwark Totem Icon Stone Bulwark Totem is nicely suited to deal with an overlap or two or three of Sonic Ba-Boom Icon Sonic Ba-Boom, Pyro Party Pack Icon Pyro Party Pack and Foot-Blasters Icon Foot-Blasters (in Mythic difficulty you may want to add Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift for that combo). Alternatively, it is nice on Voidsplosion Icon Voidsplosions in Phase 2, although outside of Mythic the latter should not be too dangerous since you should have Spiritwalker's Grace Icon Spiritwalker's Grace.
  • In Heroic or below I would perhaps hold Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift for when you inevitably get in a bad position and are forced to go through at trap or damage zone to get out. Be ready to press a healing consumable as well if you do this! Alternatively, you may want to hold Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift in case it is looking like two Foot-Blasters Icon Foot-Blasters will explode at the same time, as it might allow you to survive this.


  • Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem with either of the bonus talents will certainly be a boon to have for each Phase 2 start.
  • Use Gust of Wind Icon Gust of Wind liberally to prevent getting caught or trapped between all the different traps and zones of bad.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for The One-Armed Bandit for Elemental Shaman



  • Try to keep up the High Roller! Icon High Roller! buff as much as possible. Do be careful however as you need to be quite close to get it, but get too close and you will regret it.
  • The main adds are unfortunately spread so you will not be able to cleave them properly, at most you may be able to cleave from one add to the boss to the other add if the boss is in the middle.
  • Ideally you will want to have Stormkeeper Icon Stormkeeper to burst down the different types of Booty adds, but it should not be problematic. In order of importance, Premium Dynamite Booty will need to take a lot of damage to die before they disrupt the raid, then Fiery Dynamite Booty have a lot of Health but are quite slow. Finally, "regular" Dynamite Booty move normally but have little Health.
  • Make sure to have all your cooldowns and ideally to have "prepped" your burst, pooling Maelstrom and procs for Phase 2 when the boss drops to 30% Health, which leads to a wipe if you do not kill it in 90 seconds.


  • Make sure you have Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift available when multiple Pay-Line Icon Pay-Lines will explode while Reel Assistants are present, as the extra damage they can do, especially via Withering Flames Icon Withering Flames then becomes extremely dangerous.


  • Make sure you interrupt Reel Assistants' Overload! Icon Overload! casts, as they are extremely dangerous, and it will make you take less damage from Pay-Line Icon Pay-Line.
  • Note that while most Booty adds can be crowd controlled, this is not the case for Premium Dynamite Booty, and they also have a lot of Health.
  • Make sure you have Spiritwalker's Grace Icon Spiritwalker's Grace available for Phase 2.
  • Gust of Wind Icon Gust of Wind can let you take a single tick from the Voltaic Streak Icon Voltaic Streak beams in Phase 2 but that is still likely to kill you without a defensive.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Mug'Zee, Heads of Security for Elemental Shaman

After the Intermission when the Boss drops below 40%, he uses all the abilities from both phases.



  • While there are regular adds, you will not be able to cleave more than 2 targets at a time, so while you should switch to Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning, put Flame Shock Icon Flame Shock on both, and potentially Earthquake Icon Earthquake, you want to maintain your single-target rotation otherwise.
  • Unstable Crawler Mines Icon Unstable Crawler Mines cannot be damaged.
  • Mk II Electro Shocker during the "blue" phase take double damage for 8 seconds after reaching 80% Health. This is a good time to dump spenders and Stormkeeper Icon Stormkeeper charges if available.
  • Make sure you have all your cooldowns available after the boss reaches 40% Health, as it then becomes a race to finish him before the hard enrage at 100 Energy.


  • During the "blue" phase, always have a defensive in reserve in case you get targeted by Double Whammy Shot Icon Double Whammy Shot, as it deals enormous damage, and you will then potentially have to soak either Unstable Cluster Bomb Icon Unstable Cluster Bomb or potentially Goblin-guided Rocket Icon Goblin-guided Rocket.
  • During the "red" phase, do not try to tank a Frostshatter Spear Icon Frostshatter Spear. If you fail to position it properly, you will die no matter what.


  • Make sure to interrupt Gallagio Goons' Pay Respects Icon Pay Respects casts.
  • In Heroic and above, use any and all movement abilities at your disposal to get in the correct position when targeted by Frostshatter Spear Icon Frostshatter Spear so it hits a wall: Gust of Wind Icon Gust of Wind and/or Ghost Wolf Icon Ghost Wolf should generally be sufficient
  • Unstable Crawler Mines Icon Unstable Crawler Mines are slow and can be fully crowd controlled and kited indefinitely (until the boss reaches 40% Health), but it will become harder and harder to ignore them.
  • Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem may be helpful to help transition from one side or the room to the other.
  • During the intermission phase, Spiritwalker's Grace Icon Spiritwalker's Grace should allow you to maintain full damage during Bulletstorm Icon Bulletstorm. Using Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem there is also quite helpful for your raid.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!

Depending on how much crowd control is required to deal with Unstable Crawler Mines Icon Unstable Crawler Mines, you might want to drop Call of the Elements Icon Call of the Elements and/or Totemic Recall Icon Totemic Recall for Traveling Storms Icon Traveling Storms, Capacitor Totem Icon Capacitor Totem and potentially one of its subtalent.


Tips for Chrome King Gallywix for Elemental Shaman

This boss was not tested on the PTR. As we see the fight on live servers, we will add tips for the fight.





  • In Phase 2, you want a defensive during Giga BOOM! Icon Giga BOOM!.
  • During the Intermission, you will want to use at least one defensive during TOTAL DESTRUCTION!!! Icon TOTAL DESTRUCTION!!! as the damage will ramp up significantly.


  • In Phase 2, make sure you interrupt the Shock Barrage Icon Shock Barrage casts from Sharpshot Sentry.
  • In Phase 2, it is unclear whether it will be needed, but you may be able to Purge Icon Purge the Lumbering Rage Icon Lumbering Rage effect from Darkfuse Wrenchmongers
  • During the Intermission, someone must interrupt TOTAL DESTRUCTION!!! Icon TOTAL DESTRUCTION!!!,

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!

We highly suggest using some Addon or WeakAura to track the estimated time to die of your target/boss target. Method Raid Tools has this as an option if you are already using this addon. By tracking time to die, if you know that you can only fit one more cycle of your cooldowns in before the boss dies, you can choose to hold these cooldowns to better line up with Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust, your Potion, or even your other cooldowns, trying to look for opportunities to stack all of them.



  • 25 Feb. 2025: Guide added.
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