Elemental Shaman Spell Summary
If you are new to Elemental, it is recommended you read this before
proceeding! In this section, we will discuss what abilities you have, what
they are used for within the specialization, and how they interact with
important cooldowns. If you have played this spec before or have already
achieved a level of comfort playing this spec in a practical environment,
it is recommended you skip this section and move on to the rest of the
Main Resource for Elemental Shaman
Maelstrom is the primary resource of Elemental Shamans. Maelstrom is
essentially a clone of the Rage resource Warriors use. It is generated by
casting spells and using specific abilities, while other abilities covert
Maelstrom into powerful damage. Maelstrom is generated and consumed fairly
slowly for Elemental, which makes the rotational priority very easy to
predict and contributes to a fluid state of play.
Note that this page simply lists all the different abilities, assuming
you are at max level. If you are leveling, check out our dedicated Shaman
Leveling page, which has detailed information on when you unlock all of these
Hero talent abilities for Elemental Shaman
Farseer abilities for Elemental Shaman
Ability |
Abbreviation |
Description/Effect |
Call of the Ancestors |
CotA |
Primordial Wave calls an Ancestor to your side for 6 seconds. Whenever you cast
a healing or damaging spell, the Ancestor will cast a similar spell. |
Latent Wisdom |
- |
Your Ancestors' spells are 25% more powerful. |
Ancient Fellowship |
- |
Ancestors have a 20% chance to call another Ancestor for 6 seconds when they expire. |
Heed My Call |
- |
Ancestors last an additional 4 seconds. |
Routine Communication |
- |
Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Icefury
and Frost Shock casts have an 8% chance to call an Ancestor to your side
for 6 seconds. |
Elemental Reverb |
- |
Lava Burst gains an additional charge and deals 5% increased damage. |
Offering from Beyond |
- |
When an Ancestor is called, they reduce the cooldown of Fire Elemental
and Storm Elemental by 5 seconds. |
Primordial Capacity |
- |
Increases your maximum Maelstrom by 25. |
Spiritwalker's Momentum |
- |
Using spells with a cast time increases the duration of Spiritwalker's Grace
and Spiritwalker's Aegis by 1 sec, up to a maximum of 4 seconds. |
Natural Harmony |
- |
Reduces the cooldown of Nature's Guardian by 15 seconds and causes
it to heal for an additional 10% of your maximum Health. |
Earthen Communion |
- |
Earth Shield has an additional 3 charges and heals you for 25% more. |
Maelstrom Supremacy |
- |
Increases the damage of Earth Shock, Elemental Blast, and
Earthquake by 15% and the healing of Healing Surge by 8%. |
Final Calling |
- |
When an Ancestor expires, they cast Elemental Blast at a nearby enemy. |
Ancestral Swiftness |
ASw/AnS |
Your next healing or damaging spell is instant, costs no mana, and deals 10%
increased damage and healing. If you know Nature's Swiftness, it is replaced
by Ancestral Swiftness and causes Ancestral Swiftness to call an Ancestor to your
side for 6 seconds. 30-second cooldown. |
Stormbringer (often bbreviated SB) abilities for Elemental Shaman
Ability |
Abbreviation |
Description/Effect |
Tempest |
- |
Every 300 Maelstrom spent replaces your next Lightning Bolt with
Tempest. Deal heavy Nature damage to your target and 50% as much to another enemy
targets within 8 yards of your target. |
Unlimited Power |
- |
Spending Maelstrom grants you 1% Haste for 15 seconds, stacking. Gaining
a new stack does not refresh the duration. |
Stormcaller |
- |
Increases the Critical Strike chance of your Nature damage spells by 5% and
the Critical strike damage of your Nature spells by 5%. |
Electroshock |
- |
Tempest increased your movement speed by 20% for 5 seconds. |
Lightning Conduit |
- |
You have a chance to get struck by lightning, increasing your movement speed
by 50% for 5 seconds. The effectiveness is increased to 100% in outdoor areas. You
call down a Thunderstorm when you use Reincarnation. |
Supercharge |
- |
Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning Elemental Overloads have
a 50% chance to cause an additional Elemental Overload. |
Storm Swell |
- |
Tempest grants 10% Mastery for 6 seconds. |
Arc Discharge |
AD |
When Tempest strikes more than one target, your next
Chain Lightning spell is instant cast and deals 40% increase damage. Can
accumulate up to two charges. |
Rolling Thunder |
- |
Gain one stack of Stormkeeper every 50 seconds. |
Voltaic Surge |
- |
Chain Lightning and Earthquake damage increased by 5%. |
Conductive Energy |
- |
Lightning Rod targets now also take 20% of the damage that
Tempest deals, and Tempest also applies the Lightning Rod effect. |
Nature's Protection |
- |
Lightning Shield reduces the damage you take by 3%. |
Surging Currents |
- |
When you cast Tempest you gain Surging Currents, increasing
the effectiveness of your next Chain Heal or
Healing Surge by 20%, up to 100%. |
Awakening Storms |
AwS |
Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning have a chance to strike
your target for significant Nature damage. Every 3 times this occurs, your next
Lightning Bolt is replaced by Tempest. |
Baseline abilities for Elemental Shaman
These abilities are available no matter what talents you choose and form the
bread and butter of this specialization.
Note that Elemental's Mastery: Elemental Overload has been redesigned. It now
also increases all Physical and Elemental damage dealt, in addition to giving your
Lightning Bolt,
Chain Lightning,
Lava Burst, and
Icefury a chance to trigger a second cast on the same target,
now dealing 25% (from 85%) of normal damage and generating less Maelstrom.
Ability |
Abbreviation |
Description/Effect |
Lightning Bolt |
LB |
Your main filler. It deals low damage
and generates 6 Maelstrom. It can become quite strong with a Lightning-focused build. |
Flame Shock |
FS |
A damage-over-time spell you should keep
applied to your primary target at all times. It deals weak damage over time but
has important interactions with your Lava Burst: it
guarantees that all Lava Burst casts will be critical hits and can proc Lava Surges
. Flame Shock generates 3 Maelstrom has a 6-second cooldown. |
Lava Surge |
LS |
Makes your Flame Shock have a 10% chance to
activate Lava Surge, which resets the cooldown of your next Lava Burst
and makes it an instant cast. |
Healing Surge |
- |
Heals for a significant amount with a fast cast
time. It costs 10% of your base Mana pool. Do not hesitate to use it on yourself or
others. Particularly useful for solo content, especially with the
Swelling Waves War Mode talent. |
Bloodlust/ Heroism |
BL |
Formerly the signature Shaman cooldown, increasing the haste
of all your party and raid members by 30% for 40 seconds,
with a 5-minute cooldown. Presently available to Mage, Hunter, and now
Evoker as well. |
Reincarnation |
Ankh |
A passive ability allowing you to raise from the
dead with 40% of your Health and Mana. This has a 30-minute cooldown, which does
not reset on a wipe. This is a unique and incredibly powerful ability when it is available. |
Earthbind Totem |
- |
Projects a totem that slows everything around it by 50%
for 20 seconds. Very useful, especially if you kite around the totem. |
Lightning Shield |
- |
A maintenance buff that needs to be refreshed every hour when using the
Lightning Conduit talent or for fights where there is a risk of
getting hit in melee. When hit, you generate 5 Maelstrom and deal minor damage.
It only stacks with Earth Shield if you have the Elemental Orbit
class talent, so keep that in mind. |
Flametongue Weapon |
- |
Only actually used if you are also using the Improved Flametongue Weapon
talent, but by default, you should be using it. |
Primal Strike |
- |
You will never use this. Take it off your bars. |
Skyfury |
SF |
Harness the fury of the Windlord to grant a target ally 2% Mastery and
empower their auto attacks to have a 20% chance to instantly strike again
for 1 hour. If the target is in your party or raid, all affected party
and raid members will be affected. |
Ghost Wolf |
- |
Transforms you into a wolf, preventing you from casting
but increasing your movement speed by 30% as long as you stay in this form.
In addition, your movement speed cannot go below 100% while in this form. |
Ancestral Spirit |
- |
Allows you to resurrect allies after a very long
cast. It is not usable in combat. |
Astral Recall |
- |
Is essentially a second Hearthstone charge, with a 10-minute cooldown.
It is still linked to your Hearthstone, and you can only use this to teleport back
to the location you picked with your Hearthstone. |
Far Sight |
- |
Is one of the least useful spells in the game; it allows you
to see at a distance. You can safely remove this from your bars. |
Water Walking |
- |
Allows you or whoever you target to walk on water as
long as no damage is taken. |
Inundate |
- |
Makes your successful Purge, Cleanse Spirit,
Healing Stream Totem, Hex and Wind Shear casts generate
8 Maelstrom during combat. |
Active Class Tree Abilities for Elemental Shaman
Rows 1-4
Ability |
Abbreviation |
Description/Effect |
Chain Heal |
CH |
Is the only multi-target heal Elemental Shamans can get,
it heals one target for a moderate amount, then jumps on up to 3 nearby allies,
the healing amount decreases by 30% with each jump. It costs 15% of your base Mana pool. |
Lava Burst |
LvB |
Is one of your main damage spells, technically dealing less
damage than Lightning Bolt; however, when used on an enemy afflicted by
Flame Shock, it always critically strikes. Because we always take
Elemental Fury this makes Lava Burst inherently powerful. Generates 8 Maelstrom. |
Astral Shift |
AS |
Is a 1.5-minute cooldown reducing your damage taken by
40% for 12 seconds. It is your main defensive cooldown, and you should use it often. |
Chain Lightning |
CL |
Is your main Maelstrom generating ability for AoE/Cleave It deals decent
damage and generates 2 Maelstrom per target hit. It can chain to up to 5 targets. |
Earth Shield |
EaS |
Places a shield that heals its target for a small amount whenever they
take damage. This healing can only occur once every few seconds and has 9 charges.
Your healing is increased by 20% on whoever has this spell active. It costs 5% of
your base Mana pool. |
Wind Shear |
WS (rare) |
Is your "kick." It is fairly unique in that its 30 yards
range and 12-second cooldown are shorter than most other ranged characters.
This makes Wind Shear one of the best interrupts in the game, and you should use
it's a lot. |
Frost Shock |
FrS |
Is your filler spell during movement. It also slows the
target by 50% for 6 seconds. It deals a mediocre amount of damage and generates 3 Maelstrom.
Unless empowered by Icefury you should only use it for movement (and even then,
rarely), when you need the slow, or if you really need extra damage immediately. |
Capacitor Totem |
Cap totem |
Is your only way to "stun" targets. You cast it at a
target location, and after 2 seconds, it will stun enemies within 8 yards for 3
seconds. This ability has a 1-minute cooldown, which can be reduced by using the
Static Charge talent. |
Spirit Walk |
SW (rare) |
Removes all movement-impairing effects and increases your
movement speed by 60% for 8 seconds on a 1-minute cooldown. |
Gust of Wind |
GoW |
Hurls you forward (similar to Hunters' Disengage but
forward) on a 20-second cooldown. |
Healing Stream Totem |
Does minor healing within 40 yards over 15 seconds. It costs 5% of your
base Mana Pool. It can be useful between fights or when moving. |
Earthgrab Totem |
Summons a totem at a target location for 20 seconds
with a 30-second cooldown. Every 2 seconds, all enemies within 8 yards of
the totem is rooted in place for 2 seconds. Enemies previously rooted by the
totem instead suffers a 50% movement speed slow. |
Purge |
- |
Removes 1 beneficial magic effect from an enemy target. It costs 14% of
your base Mana pool. |
Greater Purge |
- |
Removes 2 beneficial magic effects from an enemy target.
It has twice the mana cost of Purge and a 12-second cooldown. Currently
does not seem to have a useful niche. It costs 21% of your base Mana pool. |
Earth Elemental |
EE/Steve |
Is a summon that is primarily used to help
with tanking for 1 minute. It can taunt and take quite a bit of punishment
before dying and also deals decent damage. Your maximum Health is increased by
15% while it is active. It has a 5-minute cooldown. |
Rows 5-7
Ability |
Abbreviation |
Description/Effect |
Cleanse Spirit |
Cleanse |
Removes all curses from a friendly target within 40 yards,
with an 8-second cooldown. It costs 10% of your base Mana pool. |
Tremor Totem |
Tremor |
Summons a totem removing all Fear, Charm, and Sleep
effects on party and raid members within 30 yards every few seconds for 10 seconds. |
Hex |
- |
Is the Shaman equivalent of Polymorph. This spell
transforms 1 enemy into a frog for 60 seconds, preventing it from attacking or
casting spells as long as you do not attack it. It only works on humanoids and
beasts. |
Wind Rush Totem |
Summons a totem for 15 seconds that increases the
speed of allies within 10 yards by 40% for 5 seconds. The speed buff is
continually refreshed, as long as they are within range. |
Spiritwalker's Grace |
Allows you to cast while moving for 15 seconds on a 1.5-minute base cooldown
(usually reduced to 1 minute by Graceful Spirit). It also increases your
movement speed by 20%. It is a very helpful tool for movement, which should be
used to kite or to keep dealing damage when you have to move a lot. |
Thunderstorm |
- |
Does very little damage but knocks away enemies
around you and slows them by 40% for 5 seconds. Quite useful, especially when
you use it to displace an enemy in a specific direction. |
Rows 8-10
Ability |
Abbreviation |
Description/Effect |
Lightning Lasso |
Lasso |
Is a channeled ability that stuns a target within 20
yards and deals considerable damage over 5 seconds. You can move while channeling
and it has a 45-second cooldown. |
Totemic Projection |
- |
Is a 10-second cooldown ability that allows you
to move all your active totems to a location within 40 yards. |
Poison Cleansing Totem |
Removes ALL poison effects from a nearby party
or raid member within 30 yards every 1.5 seconds for 6 seconds on a 2-minute
cooldown. |
Nature's Swiftness |
NS |
Is a one-minute cooldown ability that makes your next
healing or damaging Nature spell instant and cost no mana. |
Stone Bulwark Totem |
Bulwark |
Summons an Earth Totem at the feet of the caster for 30 seconds, granting
the caster a shield absorbing damage for 10 seconds and an additional
absorb every 5 seconds. 2-minute cooldown. |
Totemic Recall |
TR |
Resets the cooldown of your most recently used totem that
has a base cooldown shorter than 3 minutes. |
Passive Class Tree Abilities for Elemental Shaman
Rows 1-4
Ability |
Abbreviation |
Description/Effect |
Planes Traveler |
- |
Reduces the cooldown of Astral Shift by 30 seconds. |
Astral Bulwark |
- |
Makes Astral Shift reduce your damage taken by
an additional 20%. |
Spirit Wolf |
- |
Increases your movement speed and damage reduction by 5% every
second you stay in Ghost Wolf form, up to 4 times. |
Thunderous Paws |
- |
Increases the movespeed of Ghost Wolf form by
an additional 25% for the first 3 seconds and removes any snare effects on you.
This effect can only occur every 20 seconds. |
Winds of Al'Akir |
- |
Increases the movement speed bonus of Ghost Wolf
by 10%. Additionally, when you have 3 or more totems active, your movement speed
is increased by 15%. |
Elemental Orbit |
EO (rare) |
Increases the number of Elemental Shields you can have
active on yourself by 1 and allows you to have Earth Shield cast on yourself
and one ally at the same time. |
Fire and Ice |
- |
Increases all Fire and frost damage you deal by 3%. |
Ancestral Wolf Affinity |
- |
Makes Cleanse Spirit, Wind Shear,
Purge and totem casts no longer cancel Ghost Wolf. |
Encasing Cold |
- |
Frost Shock snares its targets by an additional 10%, and its
duration is increased by 2 seconds. |
Arctic Snowstorm |
- |
Enemies within 10 yards of your Frost Shock are snared by 30%. |
Brimming with Life |
- |
Increases your maximum Health by 10%, and while you are at full Health,
Reincarnation cools down 75% faster. |
Static Charge |
- |
Reduces the cooldown of Capacitor Totem by 5 seconds
for each enemy, it stuns up to a maximum reduction of 20 seconds. |
Guardian's Cudgel |
- |
Spawns a secondary Capacitor Totem when it fades
or is destroyed. |
Rows 5-7
Ability |
Abbreviation |
Description/Effect |
Elemental Resistance |
- |
Healing from Healing Stream Totem reduces Fire, Frost, and Nature damage
received by 6% for 3 seconds. |
Nature's Guardian |
NG |
Heals you for 27% of your maximum Health whenever your Health is
brought below 35%. This effect has a 45-second cooldown. |
Nature's Fury |
- |
Increases the critical strike chance of your Nature spells
by 4%. |
Refreshing Waters |
- |
Your Healing Surge is 25% more effective on yourself. |
Elemental Warding |
- |
Reduces all magic damage taken by 6%. |
Primordial Bond |
- |
Reduces your damage taken by 5% while you have an
elemental active. |
Voodoo Mastery |
- |
Your Hex target is slowed by 70% during Hex and for 6 seconds
after it ends. Also reduces the cooldown of your Hex spell by 15 seconds. |
Totemic Focus |
- |
Increases the radius of your totem effects by 15%. Additionally, it increases the duration of your Earthbind Totem
and Earthgrab Totem by 10 seconds, and the duration of your Healing Stream Totem,
Tremor Totem, Poison Cleansing Totem and Wind Rush Totem by
3 seconds. |
Ascending Air |
- |
The cooldown of Wind Rush Totem is reduced by 30 seconds, and its
movement speed effect lasts an additional 2 seconds. |
Jet Stream |
- |
Wind Rush Totem’s movement speed bonus is increased by 10%, and
now removes snares. |
Enhanced Imbues |
- |
The effects of your weapon imbues are increased by 20%. |
Rows 8-10
Ability |
Abbreviation |
Description/Effect |
Graceful Spirit |
- |
Reduces the cooldown of Spiritwalker's Grace by
30 seconds and increases your movement speed by 20% while it is active. |
Spiritwalker's Aegis |
- |
Enhances your Spiritwalker's Grace by making
you are immune to Silence and interrupt effects for 5 seconds when you cast it. |
Totemic Surge |
- |
Reduces the cooldown of your totems by 6 seconds. |
Seasoned Winds |
- |
Interrupting a spell with Wind Shear decreases your damage taken
from that spell school by 15% for 18 seconds. Stacks up to 2 times. |
Mana Spring |
- |
Restores 1750 mana to you and 4 allies within 40 yards
whenever you cast Lava Burst. |
Thundershock |
- |
Makes Thunderstorm knock enemies up instead of away
and reduces its cooldown by 5 seconds. |
Traveling Storms |
- |
Thunderstorm now can be cast on allies within 40 yards, reduces enemies
movement speed by 60%, and knocks enemies 25% further. |
Call of the Elements |
- |
Reduces the cooldown of Totemic Recall by 60 seconds. |
Creation Core |
- |
Makes Totemic Recall affect an additional totem. |
Active Elemental Tree Abilities
Rows 1-4
Ability |
Abbreviation |
Description/Effect |
Earth Shock |
ES |
is one of your main Maelstrom-consuming nukes. It deals
powerful instant damage has no cast time and costs 60 Maelstrom. |
Elemental Blast |
EB |
Is a 2-second cast that costs 75 Maelstrom and replaces
Earth Shock. It deals massive damage and increases either your Critical
Strike or Haste by 6%, or your Mastery by 11% for 10 seconds. It has no cooldown
and deals "Elemental" damage, meaning it counts as Nature, Fire, and Frost damage. |
Earthquake |
EQ |
Is your main Maelstrom-consuming nuke for AoE/Cleave
It deals good damage over 6 seconds in the targeted area (or around your target
depending on the choice node you pick) and has a 5% chance to
knock down enemies within every time it deals damage. |
Fire Elemental |
FE / Fred |
Is a 2.5-minute cooldown that summons a powerful Fire
Elemental for 20 seconds. You do not have control over it, but it deals significant
damage, and you usually want to pair it with Bloodlust/ Heroism/ Time Warp.
It increases the damage of Flame Shocks by 33% and the duration of new Flame Shock
casts by 100%. |
Storm Elemental |
SE / Sean |
Is a 2.5-minute cooldown that summons a powerful Storm
elemental for 20 seconds. You do not have control over a bit, but it deals significant
damage and reduces the cast time of and the GCD incurred by your Lightning Bolt and
Chain Lightning by 3% each time you cast either spell, up to
10 times |
Icefury |
IF |
Casting Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning
has a chance to temporarily replace your Frost Shock button with Icefury.
It deals moderate damage, generates 12 Maelstrom, is an instant cast and has a 30-second cooldown.
It causes your next Frost Shock to deal 200% increased damage and generate 10 Maelstrom. |
Stormkeeper |
SK |
Has a 1.5-second cast time and causes your next 2
Lightning Bolts to do 150% more damage and also causes your next two Lightning
Bolts OR Chain Lightnings to be instant cast and trigger an additional
Elemental Overload on every target hit. |
Rows 5-7
Ability |
Abbreviation |
Description/Effect |
Thunderstrike Ward |
TW |
Imbue your shield with the element of Lightning for 1 hour,
giving Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning a chance to call
down 2 Thunderstrikes on your target for Nature damage. |
Rows 8-10
Ability |
Abbreviation |
Description/Effect |
Ascendance |
Asc |
Transform into a Flame Ascendant you for 15 seconds, instantly casting a Flame Shock
and a 100% effectiveness Lava Burst at up to 6 nearby enemies. While ascended,
Elemental Overload damage is increased by 150% and spells affected by your Mastery:
Elemental Overload cause 1 additional Elemental Overload. |
Primordial Wave |
PWave |
Deals "high" damage to all targets affected by Flame Shock and procs Lava Surge.
It generates no Maesltrom has a 30-second cooldown. |
Liquid Magma Totem |
Summons a totem at the target location for 15
seconds that deals damage to 3 nearby enemy targets, applying Flame Shock,
then deals damage to a random nearby target every second for 6 seconds, dealing
Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards of the target. Generates 8 Maelstrom.
It has a 30-second cooldown. |
Passive Elemental Tree Abilities
Rows 1-4
Ability |
Abbreviation |
Description/Effect |
Elemental Fury |
- |
Increases the damage your Critical Strikes do to 250%
from the usual 200%. |
Flash of Lightning |
FoL |
Increases the critical strike chance of Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning by 10%. |
Aftershock |
AfS |
Gives Earth Shock, Elemental Blast and Earthquake
a 25% chance to refund all Maelstrom spent. |
Surge of Power |
SoP |
Makes Earth Shock, Elemental Blast and Earthquake
casts enhance your next spell cast within 15 seconds.
Flame Shock: The next cast also applies Flame Shock to 1 additional
target within 8 yards of the target.
Lightning Bolt: Your next cast will cause an additional 2 Elemental Overloads.
Chain Lightning: Your next cast will chain to 1 additional target.
Lava Burst: Your next cast reduces the cooldown of your Fire and Storm
Elementals by 4 seconds.
Frost Shock: Your next cast freezes the target in place for 6 seconds.
Echo of the Elements |
EotE |
Gives Lava Burst an additional charge. |
Master of the Elements |
MotE |
Causes your Lava Bursts to increase the damage
or healing of your next Nature, Physical, or Frost spell by 15%. |
Rows 5-7
Ability |
Abbreviation |
Description/Effect |
Fusion of Elements |
Fusion |
After casting Icefury, the next time you cast a Nature and
a Fire spell, you additionally cast an Elemental Blast at your target
at 60% effectiveness. |
Storm Frenzy |
SF |
Your next Chain Lightning or Lightning Bolt has 30%
reduced cast time, and also global cooldown if the spell has a low enough cast
time to be under the normal global cooldown, after casting Earth Shock, Elemental Blast,
or Earthquake. It can accumulate up to 2 charges. |
Swelling Maelstrom |
Swelling |
Increases your maximum Maelstrom by 50 and increases the damage of Earth Shock,
Elemental Blast and Earthquake by 5%. |
Primordial Fury |
- |
Increases the critical damage bonus of Elemental Fury by 25%. |
Fury of the Storms |
- |
Activating Stormkeeper summons a powerful Lightning
Elemental to fight by your side for 10 seconds. |
Herald of the Storms |
- |
Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning casts reduce the cooldown of
Stormkeeper by 2 seconds. |
Flow of Power |
- |
Increases the Maelstrom generated by Lightning Bolt
and Lava Burst by 2. |
Elemental Unity |
- |
While a Storm Elemental is active, your Nature damage dealt is
increased by 10%. While a Fire Elemental is active, your Fire
damage dealt is increased by 10%. |
Flux Melting |
- |
Increases the damage of your next Lava Burst by 20%
after you cast Frost Shock. |
Lightning Capacitor |
- |
While Lightning Shield is active, your Nature damage dealt is
increased by 8%. |
Power of the Maelstrom |
PotM |
Gives your Lava Burst casts a 60% chance
to cause your next Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning
casts to trigger an additional Elemental Overload. Stacks up to two times. |
Improved Flametongue Weapon |
- |
Makes Flametongue Weapon also increase
your Fire spell damage by 5% for 1 hour. |
Everlasting Elements |
- |
Increases the duration of your Elementals by 20%. |
Earthshatter |
- |
Increases the damage of Earth Shock and Earthquake by 8% and
increases the stat bonuses granted by Elemental Blast by 25%. |
Echo Chamber |
- |
Increases the damage of your Elemental Overloads by 10%. |
Searing Flames |
- |
Gives Flame Shock damage a chance to generate 2 Maelstrom. |
Earthen Rage |
ER |
Your damage spells incite the earth around you to come to your aid
for 6 seconds, repeatedly dealing Nature damage to your most
recently attacked target. |
Flames of the Cauldron |
FotC |
Reduces the cooldown of Flame Shock by
1.5 seconds, and Flame Shock deals damage 15% faster. |
Rows 8-10
Ability |
Abbreviation |
Description/Effect |
Elemental Equilibrium |
EEq |
Makes it so doing direct Fire, Frost, and Nature damage
within 10 seconds will increase all damage dealt by 10% for 10 seconds, with a
30 seconds internal cooldown. Note that due to Elemental Blast's Nature,
it counts as all 3 damage types at once, and so can immediately proc Elemental Equilibrium. |
Eye of the Storm |
- |
Reduces the Maelstrom cost of Earth Shock and Earthquake
by 5 and reduces the Maelstrom cost of Elemental Blast by 10. |
Echo of the Elementals |
Minis |
When your Storm Elemental or Fire Elemental expires,
it leaves behind a lesser Elemental to continue attacking your enemies
for 10 seconds. |
Lightning Rod |
LR |
Causes Earth Shock, Elemental Blast, and
Earthquake to designate a target as a Lightning Rod for 8 seconds. Lightning
Rods take 20% of all damage you deal with Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning. |
Mountains Will Fall |
MwF |
Allows your Earth Shock, Elemental Blast
and Earthquake to trigger your Mastery: Elemental Overload at 50% effectiveness.
Overloaded Earthquakes do not knock enemies down. |
First Ascendant |
- |
The cooldown of Ascendance is reduced by 60 seconds. |
Preeminence |
- |
Your Haste is increased by 20% while Ascendance is
active, and its duration is increased by 3 seconds. |
Erupting Lava |
- |
Increases the duration of Flame Shock by 6 seconds and its damage by 50%.
Lava Burst consumes up to 3 seconds of Flame Shock, instantly dealing that
damage. Lava Burst overloads benefit at 50% effectiveness. |
Magma Chamber |
- |
Makes Flame Shock damage increase the damage of
your next Earth Shock, Elemental Blast or Earthquake by
1.5%, stacking up to 10 times. |
Splintered Elements |
SpE |
Primordial Wave grants 10% Haste plus 4% for each additional target
affected by Flame Shock for 12 seconds. |
Echoes of Great Sundering |
EoGS |
Makes your Earth Shocks increase the damage
of your next Earthquake by 120% and makes your Elemental Blasts
increased the damage of your next Earthquake by 140%. |
Deeply Rooted Elements |
Gives Earth Shock, Elemental Blast and Earthquake a
0,12% chance per Maelstrom spent to activate Ascendance for 6 seconds. |
Primal Elementalist |
PE |
Increases the damage to your Earth, Fire, and Storm
Elementals by 80% give them additional abilities and give you direct control over them. |
For a more in-depth look at all the Elemental Shaman talents, visit the link below.
For more information on how to use these abilities together in your
rotation, please read our rotation page.
Once you reach max level, it can be somewhat overwhelming to completely
change the way you play by suddenly implementing a large number of addons in a
short space of time, especially if they have a heavy visual impact on your UI.
We recommend using some of the more basic addons recommended on our Addons Page
below while leveling so that you have more time to get used to them during the
easier phases of playing your class. You will want at least some of our Macros
as well!
- 01 Mar. 2025: Added a few more abbreviations that are in use, updated Arc Discharge description.
- 24 Feb. 2025: Updated and reviewed for Patch 11.1.
- 15 Dec. 2024: Updated and reviewed for Patch 11.0.7.
- 26 Nov. 2024: Updated for November 26th hotfixes.
- 22 Oct. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.5.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Season 1.
- 21 Aug. 2024: Updated with Hero Talent abilities.
- 12 Aug. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.2.
- 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for the Shaman rework.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 4.
- 17 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Updated with 10.2 spell and talent changes.
- 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7
- 10 Jul. 2023: Updated Nature's Guidance and Brimming with Life with 10.1.5 changes. Updated utility and healing spells with their new base mana cost.
- 01 May 2023: Updated the description of Power of the Maelstrom, Earthgrab Totem to reflect the 10.1 changes.
- 20 Mar. 2023: Updated many talents descriptions for the Patch 10.0.7 changes.
- 24 Jan. 2023: Updated Mana Spring and Totemic Surge descriptions for Patch 10.0.5.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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