Elemental Shaman PvP Rotation and Playstyle — The War Within (11.1.0)
PvP requires you to perform various actions in the course of a duel, match, or battleground: interrupting/silencing enemies, damaging them, bursting them down, defending yourself, keeping yourself alive, etc.. It is a game mode that fully utilises your kit, especially spells that are rarely used in PvE. On this page, we go through all the spells you need to use in PvP as a Elemental Shaman, how you should use them, and we explain what your playstyle should be.
This page is part of our Elemental Shaman PvP Guide.
Playstyle for Elemental Shaman
Elemental Shaman are dependent on combining the benefits of multiple talents to kill their opponents, which requires Maelstrom and preparation. Elemental Shaman will either be one of three states during PvP:
- Sustaining damage and generating Maelstrom.
- Dealing large amounts of damage by using
Flame Shock,
Primordial Wave,
Lava Burst,
Fire Elemental and
Earth Shock on cooldown,
Lightning Lasso when you are able to line up crowd-control.
- Playing defensively.
Sustained Damage
This is done through spreading damage and disrupting the enemy team.
- Maintain
Flame Shock on up to 4 enemies on cooldown (including pets), using
Primordial Wave to help spread Flame Shocks. This helps generate Maelstrom if talented into
Searing Flames.
- Cast
Fire Elemental for high sustained damage.
- Use
Lava Burst on cooldown as soon as possible if you have a
Lava Surge proc on a target with
Flame Shock active to guarantee a critical strike.
- Cast
Earth Shock if Maelstrom is above 80, and you do not have
Lava Surge proc available.
- Cast
Lava Burst, which will reduce the cooldown on
Fire Elemental.
- Cast
Frost Shocks.
- Cast
Purge or
Greater Purge as a filler.
- Cast
Wind Shear on the healer or enemy casters.
- Cast
Hex on enemy melee to reduce incoming damage, or on enemy healers.
The burst of Elemental Shaman is relatively consistent compared to other classes.
Burst Damage with Lava Burst Build
- Ensure
Flame Shock is on your kill target and, as many other enemy team members as possible.
- Ensure you have 80 or more Maelstrom to be able to use
Earth Shock.
- Use
Fire Elemental.
- Use
Ancestral Swiftness.
- Use
Primordial Wave, which will activate
Totem of Wrath, if talented..
- Cast
Lava Burst, along with
Fire Elemental's
- Use
Earth Shock.
- Use
Lava Burst with
Lava Surge procs from
Primordial Surge.
- Use
Earth Shock, or if not enough Maelstrom use
Icefury, or empowered
Frost Shocks.
- Fill with
Lava Burst.
Playing Defensively
Healing or Crowd-Controlling the Opposing Team
Healing Stream Totem should be used on cooldown to provide moderate amounts of
passive healing. This is also
increased through the 20% benefit if
Earth Shield is on
the target and will provide significant side healing.
Healing Surge is a spammable heal that
provides significant side-healing. This should be used if your healer is
stunned or crowd-controlled.
Earth Shield maintain this on yourself and one teammate due to
Elemental Orbit to provide side-healing to your team.
Hex is a curse 7-second crowd-control which can be broken by
damage. In general, you do not want to damage a target that has been hexed.
That player does still have control of their character to move out of line
of sight. This is best used on the enemy team when they have
used an offensive or defensive cooldown or the healer as part of a
crowd-control chain.
Earthbind Totem is a placed totem that slows any enemies
within the radius. This totem is incredibly useful and should be used on
cooldown. This helps your team's positioning. This totem can also help you
Capacitor Totem.
Thunderstorm knocks back all enemies around the Elemental Shaman
as long as they are not rooted or have an immunity to knock-backs or magic
effects active like
Anti-Magic Shell from Death Knights. This is
incredibly useful and can be used to save your teammates on arena maps with
ledges, Dalaran Sewers, and Blades Edge Arena. This is also a great ability
for battlegrounds in Eye of the Storm or certain areas of Twin Peaks and
Arathi Basin, which can kill the enemies from fall damage in these cases.
Purge or
Greater Purge can be used defensively to purge off your opponent's
offensive cooldowns or Mana back cooldowns, which are purgeable. One very
important use is during a Priest's
Mind Control of your teammate.
When a Priest does this, it is better to use purge on your Mind Controlled
teammate and not use your Wind Shear interrupt. This is because purge has no
cooldown, while Wind Shear is on a 12-second cooldown.
Defensives Abilities
Astral Shift is the main defensive for Elemental Shaman, which
is on a 1.5-minute cooldown. This ability decreases damage taken by 40% for 12
seconds and is not usable while stunned. It is best to communicate with your
healer and use this cooldown at high health when your opponents are using their
offensive cooldowns and your healer needs help keeping you alive.
Burrow an immunity, similar to
Dispersion from a Shadow Priest.
While under the ground, you can be healed and can move at full movement speed. This
is particularly useful if your healer gets crowd-controlled and the Shaman does not
Astral Shift available.
Stone Bulwark Totem is a useful totem providing an absorption
shield to the Shaman. This can be reset with
Totemic Recall to be used
back to back. In addition, the actual totem can be relocated with
Totemic Projection
to avoid it being focused.
Ghost Wolf is an underrated ability; it allows the Shaman to
stay at 100% movement speed with any slowing debuff active. This is the way Elemental
Shaman can kite melee opponents and stay very mobile. If you are moving
beyond a very short distance, Ghost Wolf is worth the global cooldown it
incurs. Ghost wolf can be purged, which is one of the reasons why the
Spirit Wolf talent is not as good as it could
It is advised to use Macros to use abilities on enemies or allies without having to target them. For this reason, we have a page dedicated to them.
- 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.0.
- 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
- 21 Oct. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.5.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Updated for The War Within Season 1.
- 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for TWW Launch.
- 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for TWW pre-patch.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Updated for Dragonflight Season 4.
- 19 Mar. 2024: Updated for Dragonflight 10.2.6.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Updated for Dragonflight 10.2.5.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Updatd for Dragonflight 10.2.
- 04 Sep. 2023: Updated for Dragonflight 10.1.7.
- 10 Jul. 2023: Updatedfor Dragonflight 10.1.5.
- 06 May 2023: Updated for Dragonflight 10.1.
- 21 Mar. 2023: Updated for Dragonflight 10.0.7.
- 04 Feb. 2023: Updated for 10.0.2 updates.
- 13 Jan. 2023: Updated for mid-season changes.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight post-launch.
- 22 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
- 31 Jul. 2022: Updated for Shadowlands Season 4.
- 31 May 2022: Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
- 27 Feb. 2022: Updated for Patch 9.2 of Shadowlands
- 17 Nov. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.1.5 of Shadowlands.
- 17 Jul. 2021: Removed optional rotation references.
- 04 Jul. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.1 of Shadowlands.
- 19 Mar. 2021: Updated based on Patch 9.0.5 for Shadowlands.
- 02 Dec. 2020: Updated in preparation for first PvP season of Shadowlands.
- 29 Nov. 2020: Removed Azerite mentions. There is a trait mention left to remove.
- 14 Oct. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch.
Other PvP Guides
This guide has been written by Tiqqle, a PvP enthusiast who has repeatedly achieved 2400 rating. You can watch his stream on Twitch, and you can also check out his YouTube channel.
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