Elerethe Renferal Guide for The Emerald Nightmare
Table of Contents
General Information
Welcome to our World of Warcraft encounter guide for Elerethe Renferal in The Emerald Nightmare. We will teach you everything you need to know to defeat the boss in every difficulty.
On this particular page, we will give you a short overview of the fight as well as a list of things to watch out for (include LFR tips when applicable).
The other pages of our Elerethe Renferal guide can be accessed from the table of contents on the right.
To make it easy to navigate the guide, we have split it into 4 pages:
- Abilities: read about the encounter abilities;
- Normal/Heroic Strategy/Tactics: find out how to defeat the encounter in Normal and Heroic modes;
- Mythic Strategy: learn how to handle the new mechanics and increased difficulty of Mythic mode;
- Loot: shiny loot, neatly organized.
Elerethe Renferal is one of the first bosses in the Emerald Nightmare Raid Instance.
Elerthe, once a mighty druid and adept shapeshifter, was led down a dark path by the belief that she was betrayed by her closest allies. Her consciousness now resides in the nightmare, damning her to an existence of fear, confusion, and hatred.
Elerethe Renferal is a two phase fight, in which Elerethe will swap between two forms, the Spider and the Roc. This fight takes place on as many as three different platforms. Here is a preview of the fight from the Legion Alpha/Beta.
Below is a TL;DR of how to handle Elerethe's abilities. This should be used to familiarize yourself with the boss' abilities, and not as a blueprint for success.
- During Spider form, take turns tanking Spiderlings to manage applications of Dripping Fangs.
- During Roc form, quickly taunt Elerethe after Raking Talons.
- During Roc form, pick up a Shimmering Feather to speed your way across platforms.
- Mythic: Keep Venomous Spiderlings away from the boss or they will grant her stacks of Swarm.
- Mythic: Tank the boss on a corner of the first platform before Feeding Time, to make it easier to handle the upcoming Tangled Webs.
- Mythic: Use immunities or tanking cooldowns to solo-tank Violent Winds on the second platform.
- During Spider form, heal allies connected by Web of Pain.
- During Roc form, beware of potential high damage during Gathering Clouds and Dark Storm.
- Pay special attention to players debuffed with Necrotic Venom who cannot stack with the raid during Gathering Clouds (they will be taking damage from both abilities).
- During Roc form, place Twisting Shadows away from the raid.
- Kill Venomous Spiderlings.
- During Spider form, try to place venomous pools from Necrotic Venom in the same place as everyone else.
- Do not run over egg sacs.
- Mythic: beware of your position when targeted with Web of Pain. Do not knock people back.
- Mythic: Run to the other side of the first platform for Tangled Webs.
- 04 Oct. 2016 (mythic page): Added Mythic strategy after discussing with pottm.
- 04 Oct. 2016 (this page): Added Mythic tips.
- 23 Sep. 2016 (strategy page): Added more information about the interaction between Venomous Pools and Twisting Shadows tornadoes in Heroic mode and how to deal with it.
- 23 Sep. 2016 (abilities page): Added more information about the interaction between Venomous Pools and Twisting Shadows tornadoes in Heroic mode.
- 22 Sep. 2016 (strategy page): Added a note about Twisting Shadows tornadoes spreading the poison from Venomous Pools.
- 18 Sep. 2016 (strategy page): Added more details following pottm's review.
- 18 Sep. 2016 (this page): Added more details following pottm's review.
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