Emerald Dream Zone Guide
Emerald Dream is an outdoor zone introduced in Patch 10.2 intended for max level characters. It contains plenty of new content and activities you can complete that we highlight here in more detail.
- 1. Why is Emerald Dream Important?
- 2. Can You Fly in the Emerald Dream?
- 3. How to Unlock the Emerald Dream?
- 4. Does Emerald Dream Have an Intro Skip for Alts?
- 5. Emerald Dream Campaign
- 6. How to Enter the Emerald Dream?
- 7. Emerald Dream Dragon Glyph Locations with TomTom Coordinates
- 8. Dragonflight Season 3 Gear and New Upgrading System
- 9. Dream Wardens Reputation and Activities
- 10. Central Encampment (Emerald Dream Hub)
Why is Emerald Dream Important?
Completing activities in the Emerald Dream is crucial to player progress in Patch 10.2. Here are just a number of goals you should focus on in the zone:
- Increasing your Renown with Dream Wardens to gain access to
Dreambound Augment Rune (Permanent Augment Rune) at Renown 18.
- Unlocking 8 Dragonriding Glyphs to gain access to new Dragonriding talents.
- Unlocking two Dragonriding mounts —
Flourishing Whimsydrake and Grotto Netherwing Drake.
- Completing new Public Events, including Superbloom, Emerald Frenzy, and Emerald Bounty for rewards.
- Completing the new A Worthy Ally: Dream Wardens weekly quest.
- Hunting for mounts, pets, toys, Dragonriding customizations, and transmog.
- Farming Season 3 gear and
Flightstones and crests for gear upgrades.
Can You Fly in the Emerald Dream?
Both Dragonriding and standard flying unlocked via Dragon Isles Pathfinder will work in the Emerald Dream.
How to Unlock the Emerald Dream?
When Patch 10.2 goes live, all players will automatically accept the Emerald Dream intro quest called Call of the Dream. If you have not played the Patch 10.1.7 intro, you will need to complete that first.
Does Emerald Dream Have an Intro Skip for Alts?
When you complete the Emerald Dream intro on your first character, alts will
be granted Shandris's Scouting Report when they accept the Call of the Dream
quest, letting them skip the Coalition of Flames storyline and continue straight
with the Emerald Dream campaign.
Emerald Dream Campaign
The Emerald Dream campaign consists of 6 chapters. However, only 3 will be available immediately when the patch goes live. The remaining chapters have not been tested on the 10.2 PTR.
- Enter the Dream (Chapter 1) — Fyrakk has invaded the Emerald Dream. Mert Merithra and allies within the Dream, and find that Fyrakk has brought reinforcements of his own.
- Druids of the Flame (Chapter 2) — Tyrande Whisperwind hunts the leader of the Druids of the Flame in order to discover why they have allied themselves with Fyrakk.
- The Claws of Vyranoth (Chapter 3) — Join Vyranoth as she seeks to find why Fyrakk wants control of Amirdrassil, and uncovers what became of the Primalists she was once close to.
The Emerald Dream also contains two storylines not directly tied to the campaign.
- Reforing Tyr Part 4 — Beginning the week of November 21, journey to the Nighthold with the Tyr's Guard in hope of retrieving Tyr's disc and restoring him. Rewards Dragon Isles Drakes: White Scales.
- Misfit Dragons — Join Wrathion and Vyranoth as they conduct some draconic diplomacy and try to obtain the help of the Netherwing and the Thorignir dragons.
How to Enter the Emerald Dream?
Emerald Dream is located to the northwest of Ohn'ahran Plains. Players can access the zone through a portal at 18.11 49.56 in the Ohn'ahran Plains.
A one-way portal in Valdrakken that teleports players to the Central Encampment can be found in the Emerald Enclave between the two green banners.
Emerald Dream Dragon Glyph Locations with TomTom Coordinates
You can collect 8 new Dragonriding Glyphs to gain access to Dragonriding Perks in the Emerald Dream. New Dragonriding Racing tracks are available, too.
Dragonflight Season 3 Gear and New Upgrading System
Completing Emerald Dream activities grants gear along with Flightstones
and crests used for gear upgrading. Learn more about upgrading gear by
visiting our guide.
Dream Wardens Reputation and Activities
Dream Wardens are a new faction with 20 Renown ranks. Completing activities in the zone increases your reputation standing and unlocks rewards, Renown rewards, including a permanent augment rune.
Central Encampment (Emerald Dream Hub)
The main hub of the Patch 10.2 zone is the Central Encampment. In the following section of the guide, we will show you some of the important vendors you will find here.
At 50.26 61.66, you will find Moon Priestess Lasara, the Dream Wardens Renown Quartermaster.
Keeper Amrymn standing right next to her can be used to check your current Renown rewards with the faction. Amrymn gives you the weekly quest.
Elianna can be found at 50.20 61.81 in front of Alassin, the Stable Master.
Talisa Whisperbloom is selling various cosmetics for Seedbloom. She can be
found at 49.82 62.11.
The remaining two important NPCs can be found at 49.81 62.89 — Cuzolth (item upgrader) and Vaskarn offering Dreaming Crest Exchange.
Emerald Dream Weekly Quest: A Worth Ally: Dream Wardens
The new weekly quest A Worthy Ally: Dream Wardens is picked up at Keeper Amrymn in the central encampment. Players must aid the Dream Wardens by earning 1,500 reputation with the Dream Wardens.
Upon completing the quest, you will receive 500 reputation with Dream Wardens
and a Satchel of Dreams, containing about 1,000 gold, between 12-15
Drake's Dreaming Crests,
and a chance at 1 Item Level 463 Explorer gear piece.
Emerald Dream Activities
The following activities can be completed in the Emerald Dream:
- World Quests;
- Killing the new World Boss;
- Superbloom;
- Emerald Frenzy;
- Emerald Bounty;
- Killing rares.
Emerald Dream World Quests
World Quests unlock in the zone when you finish the first campaign chapter. They are a great for farming reputation with Dream Wardens and getting seeds and gear.
Emerald Dream World Boss
Aurostor the Hibernator is a new world boss found in the Emerald Dream. Do not forget to kill him every week for a chance at 460 (Champion 3/7) Item Level loot.
The Superbloom begins at the start of the hour, every hour. Once the event begins, Sprucecrown, an Ancient of Life, travels around Amirdrassil, the World Tree, starting a ritual to bloom life.
Whenever there is an ongoing Superbloom, you will see Sprucecrown's exact location on the map marked with a horn icon. Hovering over the icon will provide you with more information about the event.
Superbloom should be completed at least once per week for the weekly quest. If there
are not enough players nearby, you will receive the Lone Wolf's Insight buff that
increases your Bloom gains and
Lone Wolf's Courage that increases your primary stat by
150%, Stamina by 60% and healing 1% health every 10 seconds.
At the beginning of the event, do not forget to pick up The Superbloom from Clarelle near Sprucecrown.
The event begins with The Tree Rises phase which takes 1 minute to complete. All you have to do during this phase is to pick up a power from a nearby Dreamfruit. The powers are very similar to Anima Powers from Torghast.
Pest Patrol takes around 2 minutes. During that time, you must collect Bloom by completing various activities around Sprucecrown while he travels to his next location. The activities range from fending off attackers to shooing insect swarms.
Growing Concerns takes around 6 minutes to complete. During this phase, you must defeat attacking primalists.
Seeding Chaos is the next phase which requires you to dig up mulch and help as much as you can around Sprucecrown.
When Sprucecrown reaches his location, An Unruly Storm will start. The phase takes around 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Primalists will emerge from portals and attack you. Keep killing them until the timer is up
A Fiery End is the final portion of the event, and you will have 5 minutes to take down the Superbloom boss named Verlann Timbercrush. Defeating him completes the Superbloom event.
After completing a Superbloom, your character will receive the
Surging Bloom buff.
Superbloom Rewards
The first reward of the week will yield a Cache of Overblooming Treasures
from the weekly quest that you picked up earlier.
The cache contains a Dream Wardens Insignia that increases your reputation standing with the Dream Wardens by 1,000, a Veteran 1/8 Item Level 463 piece of gear, and a Dreamseed.
Depending on the number of Bloom collected, you will also receive a green, blue, and purple bag.
Sprouting Dreamtrove (Green Bag) — Contains
Dragon Isles Supplies, and
Emerald Dewdrop.
Budding Dreamtrove (Blue Bag) — Contains
Dragon Isles Supplies, and Drakewatcher Manuscripts.
Blossoming Dreamtrove (Epic Bag) — Contains
Dragon Isles Supplies, and a Dreamseed.
You will receive all 3 bags upon collecting 8,000 Bloom during a Superbloom.
Emerald Frenzy
Twice an hour, a random area in the zone will become empowered with life energies
for a short time, causing the wildlife to become Emerald Frenzied, and you must
take them down. Doing so will award you Emerald Dewdrop. As enemies become
more powerful, complete a bonus objective to earn extra Emerald Dewdrops, a
Plump Dreamseed to be used in the Emerald Bounty event, and
Slumbering Dream Fragments.
Emerald Frenzies will be marked with a crossed sword icon on the Emerald Dream map.
Emerald Bounty
Scattered throughout the Emerald Dream are small patches of dirt. Plant any level of Dreamseed into any patch of dirt at any time to trigger the Emerald Bounty event. The higher the level of Dreamseed, the greater the rewards.
As the flower grows, contribute Emerald Dewdrop or Dreamseeds.
Planting a seed from your inventory triggers the event. You will have 3 minutes to complete activities around the flower, like chasing away critters, pulling weeds, or taking out violent lashers. Doing so will give you Emerald Dewdrops to contribute to the growing plant.
Once the Dreamseed has matured into a beautiful flower, those who helped it grow will be rewarded.
Emerald Bounty Rewards
The quality of the Dreamseed planted affects rewards. You can get the following rewards from Emerald Bounties:
Small Dreamseed — Bloomed Bark Warleathers (Leather), Ceremonial Jacaranda Regalia (Cloth), Embrace of the Dreamfused Skull (Mail), Overgrown Freyan Warplate (Plate).
Plump Dreamseed —
Snoots, and
Gigantic Dreamseed —
Reins of the Blossoming Dreamstag,
Reins of the Evening Sun Dreamsaber,
Reins of the Rekindled Dreamstag,
Reins of the Snowfluff Dreamtalon,
Reins of the Springtide Dreamtalon.
- All Dreamseeds — Chance at
Reins of the Winter Night Dreamsaber and Drake Crests if enough Emerald Dewdrops were contributed.
Killing Rares
Rares will be located on your map with a golden star icon inside a silver dragon portrait.
Killing rares gives 25 reputation with the Dream Wardens, Slumbering Dream Fragments,
Small Dreamseed, and
Dragon Isles Supplies, and gear.
Here is a map with all rares found in Emerald Dream.
Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Raid
Emerald Dream is home to the new Amirdrassil raid. To learn everything about it, please visit our dedicated raid guide.
Emerald Dream Meta-Achievement
Dream On is the Emerald Dream meta-achievement. It comes with the
following 7 requirements:
Defenders of the Dream — Complete the Emerald Dream Camp
Treasures of the Emerald Dream — Discover the hidden treasures within the Emerald Dream.s
Dream Seeds — Contribute a seed at each Emerald Bounty locations to help grow the listed plants.
Super Duper Bloom — Complete a Superbloom at epic bloom quality.
Adventurer of the Emerald Dream — Complete 10 of the listed special encounters in the Emerald Dream.
Warden of the Dream — Reach rank 20 renown with the Dream Wardens.
Explore the Emerald Dream — Explore the Emerald Dream, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
- 18 Apr. 2024: Updated for Season 4.
- 09 Nov. 2023: Added rares map.
- 01 Nov. 2023: Guide added.
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