Empowered Mor'geth World Boss Guide in Shadowlands (9.2.5)
Mor'geth, Tormentor of the Damned, is a new world boss added to the game in Patch 9.1. On this page, you will learn, where to find him and what loot the boss drops.
World Boss Mor'geth Changes in Shadowlands Season 4
Mor'geth will become empowered whenever Fated Sanctum of Domination is on rotation. Empowered world bosses drop better loot (Item Level 285) from other world bosses.
Mor'geth, Tormentor of the Damned surrounds himself in Stygian Fog
that obscures the vision of players outside the zone created by the
Soul Chains linking the four Soul Cages around him. These Soul Cages will
march in toward Mor'geth, Tormentor of the Damned, causing the safe area to
change in size. Damaging Activated Soul Cages causes them to release a
Loose Soul and return to their home position.

Where Does Mor'geth Spawn?
Mor'geth can be found in The Maw near the Sanctum of Domination raid entrance. The exact coordinates are: 43, 45.
When Will Mor'geth Spawn?
Mor'geth will start spawning with the beginning of Shadowlands Season 2, on July 7, 2021.
Mor'geth's Loot
Mor'geth drops various Conduits, and Item Level 233 loot, along
with Shard of Rev, which can be socketed into Sanctum gear with
Domination sockets.
Mor'geth drops the following pieces of loot in Patch 9.1.
Adaptive Armor Fragment (Item Level 200) Potency Conduit;
Condensed Anima Sphere (Item Level 200) Endurance Conduit;
Shard of Rev — Increases Leech by 26;
Tormented Soul Harness (Leather Belt);
Tormentor's Greatbelt (Plate Belt);
Caged Legplates (Plate Legs);
Mor'geth's Gauntlets of Damnation (Mail Gloves);
Grips of Unleashed Suffering (Leather Gloves);
Sorrowful Trousers (Cloth Legs);
Wristwraps of Anguish (Cloth Bracers);
Stygian Chain Greaves (Mail Feet);
Soul Cage Fragment (Mastery Trinket).
Mor'geth Tips
- Defeating the boss grants 25% toward the Korthian weekly quest Shaping Fate, so do not forget to accept it first before killing Mor'geth.
- Do not forget to accept the Renown Replenish the Reservoir weekly quest before engaging Mor'geth. The world quest rewards 500 Anima.
- 10 Aug. 2022: Tag fixed.
- 03 Aug. 2022: Clarified Fated raid world boss item level of loot.
- 01 Aug. 2022: Updated for Shadowlands Season 4.
- 09 Jul. 2021: Updated with world boss location.
- 19 Jun. 2021: Page added.
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