Empowered World Bosses in Shadowlands Season 4 (9.2.5)
The Shadowlands expansion contains a total of six world bosses that you can defeat for loot. The following guide shows you where to find them and the loot you can get.
Empowered World Bosses in Shadowlands Season 4
In Shadowlands Season 4 world bosses are tied to Fated Raids and drop better loot (Item Level 285) depending on which raid is currently Fated.
- Mortanis, Oranomonos, Nurgash, and Valinor are linked to Castle Nathria.
- Mor'geth is linked to Sanctum of Domination.
- Antros is linked to Sepulcher of the First Ones.
World Boss Antros (Patch 9.2)
Antros is the sixth world boss that was added to Zereth Mortis in Patch 9.2. We have a dedicated page for the world boss linked below.
World Boss Mor'geth, Tormentor of the Damned (Patch 9.1)
Mor'geth is the fifth world boss that was added in Patch 9.1 to Korthia. You will learn more about Mor'geth, Tormentor of the Damned, on a separate page.
Old Shadowlands World Bosses (Patch 9.0.2)
Four world bosses have been added in Patch 9.0.2. We refer to them as "old" because they were available when Shadowlands launched and two new bosses have been added since. The old world bosses rotate on a weekly schedule, meaning a different boss is available each week.
You do not need to be in a raid group to receive loot from the world bosses.
Old World Boss Rotation in Shadowlands
The four world bosses are on a fixed rotation, unlike the newer world bosses added in Patch 9.1 and Patch 9.2.
- Mortanis;
- Oranomonos;
- Nurgash;
- Valinor;
Old World Boss Locations
Each of the Shadowlands zones except for The Maw contains 1 world boss.
Old World Boss Loot
World bosses drop loot on par with Normal difficulty Castle Nathria, meaning Item Level 207. They also drop Legendary Power recipes and many Conduits that we do not list to not clutter this hub. You can find out more information about the specific powers and Conduits in our guides.
More Information About Old Shadowlands World Bosses
The world bosses in Shadowlands are Valinor, the Light of Eons, Mortanis, Oranomonos the Everbranching, and Nurgash Muckformed.
Valinor, the Light of Eons
Valinor is located in Bastion.
Built by the Kyrians as a means of testing their hardened warriors, Valinor is a centurion of great power. Taken by the forsworn and infected with the seed of doubt, Valinor now sees all foes as challengers.

Loot Tables
Memory of the Windspeaker's Lava Resurgence — Shaman Legendary Power
Memory of Archbishop Benedictus — Priest Legendary Power
Memory of the Final Verdict — Paladin Legendary Power
Valinor's Ground Pounders (Plate Feet)
Servo-Chain Waistguard (Mail Belt)
Doubtweaver's Handwraps (Cloth Gloves)
Oversized Centurion Helm (Plate Helm)
Anima-Charged Wristbanding (Leather Wrists)
Shroud of the Penitent (Back)
Mortanis can be found in Maldraxxus.
One of the most studied necromancers of the House of Rituals, Mortanis has been working tirelessly on a means of transforming himself into a more powerful form. Now, he is only a few moments from succeeding.

Loot Tables
Memory of Fujieda — Warrior Legendary Power
Memory of Keefer — Monk Legendary Power
Memory of a Guile Charm — Rogue Legendary Power
Band of the Risen Bonelord (Ring)
Mortanis's Ribcage (Mail Chest)
Bone Crushing Vicegrips (Mail Gloves)
Bone-Cleated Footpads (Leather Feet)
Spine Crawler Waistcord (Cloth Belt)
Shoulderblade Vambraces (Plate Wrists)
Oranomonos the Everbranching
You will find Oranomonos in Ardenweald.
Once the eldest guardian of Tirna Scithe, Oranomonos has wilted alongside the great tree. With very little anima left, she can no longer discern friend from foe, as the gorm gorge themselves on her decaying form.

Loot Tables
Memory of a Fevered Incantation — Mage Legendary Power
Memory of the Verdant Infusion — Druid Legendary Power
Memory of Surging Shots — Hunter Legendary Power
Ironroot Bindings (Mail Wrists)
Twisted Witherroot Band (Ring)
Seed-Tender's Handwraps (Leather Gloves)
Slippers of the Leafy Undergrowth (Cloth Feet)
Stonebark Girdle (Plate Belt)
Oranomonos's Diaphanous Leggings (Leather Legs)
Nurgash Muckformed
Nurgash can be found in in Revendreth.
Formed from the sludgy mass of many dripping dredgers, and empowered with dark magics by Denathrius's most elite sorcerers, Nurgash is not the most intelligent minion, but his fists can crush castles.

Loot Tables
Memory of a Frenzied Monstrosity — Death Knight Legendary Power
Memory of an Erratic Fel Core — Demon Hunter Legendary Power
Memory of Azj'Aqir's Madness — Warlock Legendary Power
Jingling Stone Stompers (Mail Feet)
Sinstone Shoulderpadding (Cloth Shoulders)
Nurgash's Belt of Many Sinstones (Leather Belt)
Muckformed Chain Choker (Neck)
Hardened Castle Crushers (Plate Gloves)
Comfortable Slumberwraps (Cloth Wrists)
- 03 Aug. 2022: Updated with Item Level of loot.
- 30 Jul. 2022: Updated for Shadowlands Season 4.
- 25 Jan. 2022: Updated with Antros added in Patch 9.2.
- 20 Jul. 2021: World boss rotation updated.
- 19 Jun. 2021: Updated with 9.1 changes.
- 18 May 2021: Updated World boss rotation for the coming months.
- 08 Mar. 2021: World boss rotation updated.
- 28 Dec. 2020: Loot eligibility information added.
- 22 Dec. 2020: Full world boss rotation added.
- 16 Dec. 2020: Second boss added to the rotation.
- 09 Dec. 2020: Page added.
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