Shaman Hero Talents — The War Within (11.1.0)
This guide will walk you through the best Hero Talents for Enhancement Shaman for Raiding and Mythic+, how they impact your gameplay, and more.
Best Hero Talents for Enhancement Shaman in The War Within
This page is covers only the new Hero Talents available in The War Within. If you want to learn more about the best regular talents and complimenting builds for Enhancement Shaman, check out our Talents page:
Raiding Hero Talents for Enhancement Shaman
In Single-Target, both trees are quite close together, with the edge
going to Totemic in raw throughput.
Stormbringer provides extremely powerful spenders and more potent
burst due to its talent selections, though it does require some extra
resource management. Even when played very loosely though, it deals extremely
good damage and is flexible enough to adapt to any encounter, making it the
general recommendation.
Totemic can dish out extremely strong single-target damage every
30-seconds and 1-minute due to talent selections, and brings ample cleave for free
without sacrificing throughput. The reliance on uptime and extra management of
Surging Totem however is an extra wrinkle for encounters that makes it
more difficult to execute.
Mythic+ Hero Talents for Enhancement Shaman
The Current recommendation for Hero Talents in Mythic+ is Totemic,
Stormbringer is still competitive.
Stormbringer's toolkit is extremely versatile, allowing for a few
different builds to alter its damage profile. It boasts extremely strong sustained
and burst AoE, and scales upward well with additional targets due to the extra
Maelstrom Weapon access. Its volatility in single-target however makes it
the slightly less reliable option.
In Mythic+, the power of Hot Hand windows during
Doom Winds is
explosive, and when paired with
Primordial Storm the amount of damage that
it can do extremely quickly in uncapped situations is extreme. It also sacrifices
little to no single-target to pick up an enabling toolkit for Mythic+, and with
its short cooldown frontloaded nature it is extremely well suited. This makes it
the recommended pick.
Best Hero Talents Builds for Enhancement Shaman
Our recommendation depends on the content you are intending to do, but both
hero talents are capable of extremely good performance in any scenario. For Raids
we recommend Stormbringer, and for Mythic+ we reocmmend
You can find full loadout recommendations and details for it on our
Talents Page.
Best Hero Talent Builds for Enhancement Shaman
Stormbringer Talents for Enhancement Shaman
Stormbringer heavily shifts your focus toward
Maelstrom Weapon
generating and spending, so the most important talent on our entire spec tree is
Static Accumulation. Go to our talent page for more information about
these loadouts.
For the three choice nodes on the tree, there is not much choice between them:
Supercharge vs.
Storm Swell - the
Maelstrom Weapon value from
Supercharge is simply too high, so is always taken.
Nature's Protection vs.
Surging Currents - extra damage reduction is premium for a spec that can struggle to survive, so
Nature's Protection is the go to.
Surging Currents is good though if you need extra sustain when solo.
Lightning Conduit vs.
Electroshock - the reliability of
Electroshock throughout combat gives it the edge, even if
Lightning Conduit is more fun.
Totemic Talents for Enhancement Shaman
Totemic puts a heavy focus on
Hot Hand to trigger
so is required pathing on the tree. Any totem related talents on the class tree
are also taken to help manage
Surging Totem. Go to our talent page for
more information about these loadouts.
Of the four choice nodes, the selections are generally as follows:
Oversurge vs.
Amplification Core - Always
Amplification Core, as
Ascendance is generally not played with
Oversized Totems makes managing
Surging Totem easier, so is taken.
Pulse Capacitor vs.
Supportive Imbuements - Both are relevant.
Pulse Capacitor is slightly better in single-target, while
Supportive Imbuements is extremely powerful in AoE, especially during cooldowns. Either can be taken.
Earthsurge vs.
Totemic Coordination - The build hinges heavily on
Earthsurge, so is a required pickup to enable our
Hot Hand and
Reactivity synergy.
Hero Talents Rotation for Enhancement Shaman
Stormbringer aims to cycle
Maelstrom Weapon as quickly as
possible to trigger
Tempest and spend it to trigger both
Rolling Thunder and
Arc Discharge. This builds a huge amount
of momentum and shifts the rotational priority toward spending
efficiently as your main goal, no matter your build.
Totemic needs to use
Surging Totem every 24 seconds as soon
as it comes off cooldown, and also manage its position to keep it under targets
using either
Totemic Projection or its own recast to bring it back to your
Hot Hand form the core of the rotation, using it to trigger
Reactivity and
Earthsurge on targets. It also aligns a variety
of key cooldowns for burst moments.
- 16 Mar. 2025: Changed single target recommendation to Totemic.
- 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.0.
- 15 Dec. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.7.
- 05 Nov. 2024: Changed recommendations to be much more even between Stormbringer and Totemic.
- 21 Oct. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.5, will require future updates following release.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Updated for Elemental Blast and Tempest hotfixes.
- 21 Aug. 2024: Page added.
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This guide has been written by Wordup, a frequent theorycrafter involved in a number of class communities. He is also an experienced player who has been in the world top 100 since the days of Sunwell, currently raiding in Echoes. You can also follow him on Twitter.
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