Enhancement Shaman DPS Castle Nathria Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Enhancement Shaman for each boss of the following raid: Castle Nathria. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
On this page, you will find Enhancement Shaman specific information to deal with each boss in the Castle Nathria raid.
This page assumes that you already understand most of the mechanics of each encounter. These can be found on the full raid guide, so what is contained here are details specifically tailored toward Enhancement Shaman and what you can do to deal with each fight as best as possible.
During the Dragonflight Pre-Patch, Castle Nathria, Sanctum of Domination, and Sepulcher of the First Ones will be simultaneously featured as Fated Raids. During this time encounters within each specific raid will include an additional mechanic and items will drop at increased item levels. If you would like to learn more general information about the Fated Raids system as a whole, please see our overview below. Otherwise, continue to use this page for specialization-specific tips.
A lot has changed for Enhancement since Castle Nathria was released, and as such the selections we make is different to the original version. In the majority of situations, your Covenant selection should be Night Fae, with a few opportunities to play Necrolord.
Nathria also has quite a few instances of high value cooldown windows, which
can decide your ability timings in sometimes unusual ways. It also means that,
in some cases, you need to think about whether or not you can gain value from
Essential Extraction, or should switch to
Chilled to the Core in
your Conduit selections.
Talent Cheatsheet
Enhancement has one primary build for raids that is fairly versatile. At times, a couple of points might be shuffled around in order to perform better in heavy AoE situations.
Default Talent Build
Night Fae and Skybreaker's Fiery Demise are the main components
of this setup.
This build focuses on doing as much single-target as possible, and utilizes
the Skybreaker's Fiery Demise legendary in order to generate additional
passive damage. Although it is focused on doing single target damage, it is also
able to excel in light cleave situations by capitalizing on
Frost Shocks and applying
Lashing Flames to multiple enemies. It also brings a strong suite of
personal defensives and mobility and will make for a strong baseline raiding
Covenant: Night Fae
Legendaries: Witch Doctor's Wolf Bones with
Seeds of Rampant Growth
Soulbind: Dreamweaver (Link)
You can easily import the talent tree below into the game with the following string:
No changes to the default talent, covenant, or legendary loadouts are recommended.
Heavily single-target oriented encounter that has some unusual timers due to the intermission.
Essential Extraction gets extremely high value here so long as you use
Fae Transfusion quickly on the pull and immediately as it comes back up.
Wind Rush Totem can be used to help your group move behind pillars during
Earsplitting Shriek or readjust during the intermission.
- Save
Spirit Walk to get out of the group if targeted by
Echolocation, or to avoid wayward
Echoing Screech rings.
- Stay in
Ghost Wolf during the intermission to make use of the extra speed from
Spirit Wolf, as the boss takes no damage here.
- Save
Astral Shift for situations where someone makes a mistake and triggers
Descent, most other damage in the fight is avoidable.
For more information, please refer to our Shriekwing guide.
Huntsman Altimor
Compared to the default talent loadout, we recommend removing the points in
Storm's Wrath and
Elemental Blast in exchange for points in
Crash Lightning and
Primordial Wave.
No changes to the default covenant or legendary loadouts are recommended.
Huntsman's Bond causes Gargons to share health with the boss. This means you should keep
Crash Lightning active at all times and maintain
Lashing Flames on both targets if playing it.
Shades of Bargast require high burst damage, so make sure you have
Fae Transfusion or
Primordial Wave ready for when your raid deals with these.
Sinseeker is the most lethal damage in the fight, so use
Astral Shift if targeted.
- Save
Spirit Walk in latter portions of the fight to be able to get to the edge of the room if targeted by
Petrifying Howl. It can also be used to get to the ranged soak spot if targeted by
For more information, please refer to our Huntsman Altimor guide.
Sun King's Salvation
No changes to the default talent, covenant, or legendary loadouts are recommended.
While there is some AoE in this fight, the most important damage windows are during Kael'thas's Cloak of Flames in the intermissions, which heavily benefit from single target burst and funnel.
- Pay special attention to adds dying to avoid taking hits from
Fragmentation, this is lethal if you stand in a stack.
- You can assist with healing needed on both Kael'thas and on canisters with
Healing Surge.
Earth Shield can be taken and applied to Kael'thas to improve the healing you do to the boss.
- Place
Earthbind Totem at the back of the room to slow newly spawned Soul Infusers.
- If you are having issues dealing with
Cloak of Flames, adjust
Fae Transfusion casts to align with the cast in the intermission.
- For Mythic, pooling up 10
Maelstrom Weapon stacks can be useful to instantly cast two
Healing Surges to deal with the
Cloak of Flames in the main phase.
For more information, please refer to our Sun King's Salvation guide.
Artificer Xy'Mox
No changes to the default talent, covenant, or legendary loadouts are recommended.
Purely single-target focused encounter, but has some downtime and heavy movement constraints.
- We have no tools to naturally avoid the
Dimensional Tear effects efficiently, so you will need to use the portals.
- You should shift into
Ghost Wolf if targeted by a Fleeting Spirit as you run to the
Dimensional Tear, avoiding getting touched should be your number one priority.
- Try to align cooldowns with downtime between the casts in each phase, as these will often force you away from the boss.
Wind Rush Totem can help the players having to deal with
Seeds of Extinction, assist players moving between portals, or outrun the
Edge of Annihilation.
- The selfish option is
Feral Lunge which can slightly improve uptime, but you should not need it.
Soulshape is useful to get to the edge of
Seeds of Extinction and
Edge of Annihilation without needing to dip into the
Dimensional Tears in a pinch.
For more information, please refer to our Artificer Xy'Mox guide.
Hungering Destroyer
No changes to the default talent, covenant, or legendary loadouts are recommended.
Purely single-target encounter with some forced downtime so try to avoid casting high value abilities just before these.
- Both
Expunge and
Consume force you out of melee, so pay attention to these timers and hold cooldowns if these are about to happen.
- Cast
Healing Surge to shrink the
Expunge circle if the raid is struggling.
- Use
Spirit Walk and
Ghost Wolf to get to the edge of the arena with
Expunge to drop your orb, and use
Feral Lunge to get back to the boss.
- Save
Astral Shift if you are targeted by Miasma and have to deal with either
Expunge or
Volatile Ejection. The combined effect of the damage and healing immunity is very dangerous.
Wind Rush Totem can be used as an alternative to help the group during
Consume, but
Feral Lunge is very useful to keep your uptime on the boss.
Nature's Guardian can have some uses, but will often just be absorbed by the Miasma so is not a strong pick.
For more information, please refer to our Hungering Destroyer guide.
Lady Inerva Darkvein
No changes to the default talent, covenant, or legendary loadouts are recommended.
The primary focus of this fight is single-target. While there are adds, they will usually be killed very quickly so value from cleave is low here.
Wind Shear is perfect to deal with the
Condemn casts as even if we are targeted by other effects, we can still keep it under control in the interrupt cycle.
- Shift to
Ghost Wolf if you have to get to your spot with
Shared Suffering, faster you get there the better.
Spirit Walk is best saved as an emergency tool to catch
Bottled Anima if no-one else is nearby.
Astral Shift works best if you are targeted by
Shared Suffering as you will be moving out of the group, and potentially taking high damage. Otherwise, you can use this if you have
Concentrated Anima to reduce the initial impact.
For more information, please refer to our Lady Inerva Darkvein guide.
The Council of Blood
Compared to the default talent loadout, we recommend removing the points in
Storm's Wrath and
Elemental Blast in exchange for points in
Crash Lightning and
Elemental Assault.
No changes to the default covenant or legendary loadouts are recommended.
A deceptively single-target focused fight. While you will have a high uptime
of cleave opportunities for Crash Lightning.
- Builds including
Ashen Catalyst can be played and used as a pure funnel tool with Necrolord, and played with either
Lashing Flames or
Elemental Blast. You should not maintain the Lashing debuff on multiple targets, just your focus target.
Witch Doctor's Wolf Bones can also be played as a pure single-target burn, its only issue is
Fae Transfusion will split between targets and waste some damage.
Hailstorm is also a reasonable option here specifically if paired with
Chilled to the Core, for the high Maelstrom generation from extra targets.
- Save
Astral Shift for the tail end of each phase to deal with the increasing damage caused by
Oppressive Atmosphere. This extends further into Mythic to deal with the
Dancing Fever explosions.
- Shift to
Ghost Wolf during the intermission, in case you need to cover a lot of ground to get to your spot. If necessary, use
Spirit Walk here too.
Wind Rush Totem primarily only has uses in Mythic, helping your tank to kite the Stoneguard, otherwise you should stick to
Nature's Guardian to deal with the high damage intake of the encounter.
For more information, please refer to our The Council of Blood guide.
No changes to the default talent, covenant, or legendary loadouts are recommended.
This is a single-target encounter with a hyper focus on 10 second burst windows every minute.
- Ideally you should have
Feral Spirit ready as the boss is about to charge, and pre-cast as he does immediately into
Fae Transfusion and
Elemental Blast.
- Damage intake is very high during this encounter, so use
Astral Shift liberally especially during bad
Colossal Roar overlaps.
- Be aware of your partners position with
Chain Link and avoid sprinting away from them and breaking it. This is also why talents such as
Feral Lunge or
Wind Rush Totem are not advised.
For more information, please refer to our Sludgefist guide.
Stone Legion Generals
Compared to the default talent loadout, we recommend removing the points in
Storm's Wrath and
Elemental Blast in exchange for points in
Crash Lightning and
Elemental Assault.
No changes to the default covenant or legendary loadouts are recommended.
This has some quirks depending on whether you are in Heroic or Mythic. The former is very single-target oriented with occasional cleave, while the latter has some good opportunities for sustained AoE and funnel. Both Night Fae and Necrolord work here.
- In Mythic,
Ashen Catalyst can be used to funnel to the active general, and then transition into two target cleave in the final phase.
Hailstorm paired with
Chilled to the Core generates a lot of Maelstrom throughout the fight due to the intermittent add spawns, alongside free cleave damage.
Astral Shift is best saved for situations where the raid is unstable and you need to soak
Pulverizing Meteor.
- Save
Spirit Walk for the intermission to grab stray Anima orbs at the edge of the room. Most of the time here will be spent in
Ghost Wolf to get them delivered as quickly as possible.
- For Mythic,
Wind Rush Totem is very useful for the group when
Stonegale Effigy starts to push them off the platform.
For more information, please refer to our Stone Legion Generals guide.
Sire Denathrius
No changes to the default talent, covenant, or legendary loadouts are recommended.
Denathrius has a lot of moving parts, but the primary concern for us is boss
damage because of how short lived adds are. We sacrifice too much to pick up AoE
tools here, so a full Witch Doctor's Wolf Bones is a lock in.
Ghost Wolf will suppress the slow from
March of the Penitent if you have high stacks. You need to already be shapeshifted before this begins and you are silenced however.
Wind Rush Totem can be considered primarily for the final phase to re-adjust around the
Hand of Destruction casts while soaking the leftover seeds from
Fatal Finesse.
Soulshape and
Spirit Walk can be used during
Command: Massacre if you are caught in a bad spot.
Soulshape can also be used in an emergency if you get knocked by
Crescendo to stay on the platform.
- You are mostly here to just tunnel the boss or your given add, and as such there is very little that we interact with outside of just using things on cooldown.
- For Mythic, Make sure to avoid
Searing Censure if you are assigned to interrupt
Vengeful Wail, as this will silence you.
For more information, please refer to our Sire Denathrius guide.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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This guide has been written by Wordup, a frequent theorycrafter involved in a number of class communities. He is also an experienced player who has been in the world top 100 since the days of Sunwell, currently raiding in Echoes. You can also follow him on Twitter.
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