Enhancement Shaman DPS Spell List and Glossary — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Mar 04, 2025 at 10:00 by Wordup 45 comments
General Information

On this page, we present you with all spells and procs that you need to understand as an Enhancement Shaman in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).

If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Enhancement Shaman spells.


Enhancement Shaman Spell Summary

If you are new to Enhancement, we recommend reading this page before proceeding to get a grasp of all the tools available to the specialization. Here, we will describe all of the spells, passives, and talents that can be taken and cover the core aspects of gameplay, and it is helpful to understand the rest of the guide. It can also be used as a glossary to reference things mentioned elsewhere.

If you are leveling as Enhancement, you will likely not have access to all of the abilities and passives listed here until you reach higher levels. However, the dedicated leveling guide explains what to aim for and when you will unlock certain key tools.


Main Resources for Enhancement Shaman

Unlike many conventional specs, Enhancement does not operate with a primary resource bar. Instead, Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon stacks act as a pseudo-resource, empowering many powerful spells and allowing them to be cast instantly. Alongside this, we treat our rotational ability cooldowns as resources as these often fuel the generation of said stacks, but do not cost anything to use. It therefore behaves similarly to some builder-spender specializations with an additional layer.

Additionally, you also have Mana, which is used to cast most utility spells such as Healing Surge Icon Healing Surge and Purge Icon Purge, and having access to some Macros and Addons to make casting these can be helpful. You can find some examples of these on our dedicated page below:


Enhancement Shaman Hero Talents

The two Hero Talent Trees available to Enhancement are Stormbringer and Totemic, with their effects listed in the two boxes below:


Enhancement Shaman Hero Talents

Stormbringer Talents Totemic Talents

Stormbringer Talents for Enhancement Shaman

Ability Description/Effect
Tempest Icon Tempest Every 40 Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon spent converts your next Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt into Tempest Icon Tempest. This is affected by all Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt multipliers and Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon. This deals massive Nature damage to your target, and 65% of that to enemies within 8 yards of your target.
Unlimited Power Icon Unlimited Power Spending Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon grants you 1% Haste for 15 seconds, stacking. New applications do not refresh the duration.
Stormcaller Icon Stormcaller Increases the Critical Strike chance and Critical Strike damage of your Nature spells by 5%.
Electroshock Icon Electroshock Tempest Icon Tempest also increases your movement speed by 20% for 5 seconds.
Lightning Conduit Icon Lightning Conduit At any time, there is a chance for you to gain 50% movement speed for 5 seconds, increased to 100% when outdoors. Additionally, using Reincarnation Icon Reincarnation will also cast a Thunderstorm Icon Thunderstorm at your location.
Supercharge Icon Supercharge Casting Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning has a 35% chance to refund 2 Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon stacks.
Storm Swell Icon Storm Swell Tempest Icon Tempest grants you 10% Mastery for 6 seconds.
Arc Discharge Icon Arc Discharge Casting Tempest Icon Tempest increases the damage of your next Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning by 40%, and causes it to cast one additional time. Can stack up to 2 times, but only ever consumes one at once.
Rolling Thunder Icon Rolling Thunder Casting Tempest Icon Tempest spawns a Lightning imbued Feral Spirit Icon Feral Spirit for 15 seconds.
Voltaic Surge Icon Voltaic Surge Increases the damage of Crash Lightning Icon Crash Lightning and Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning by 10%.
Conductive Energy Icon Conductive Energy Causes targets hit by your Tempest Icon Tempest, Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt, Elemental Blast Icon Elemental Blast, Primordial Wave Icon Primordial Wave and the primary target of your Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning casts to be affected by Lightning Rod Icon Lightning Rod. Targets affected by this take 10% of all damage you deal with Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning and Tempest Icon Tempest. If your target is already affected when casting Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning, it will apply to another target it bounces to.
Nature's Protection Icon Nature's Protection Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield reduces all damage taken by 3%.
Surging Currents Icon Surging Currents After casting Tempest Icon Tempest your next Chain Heal Icon Chain Heal or Healing Surge Icon Healing Surge heals for 20% more, stacking up to 5 times.
Awakening Storms Icon Awakening Storms Your Stormstrike Icon Stormstrike, Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning and Tempest Icon Tempest casts have a 5 (+ Haste) RPPM chance to deal heavy Nature damage to your target. Every 4 times this occurs, gain the effect of Tempest Icon Tempest independently of the keystone talent.

Totemic Talents for Enhancement Shaman

Ability Description/Effect
Surging Totem Icon Surging Totem Summons a totem at the target location that casts a Tremor instantly, and every 6 seconds (reduced by Haste) for Flamestrike damage. Damage dealt is reduced beyond 5 targets, and has a 24-second duration with a 30-second cooldown.
Totemic Rebound Icon Totemic Rebound Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning and Elemental Blast Icon Elemental Blast have a 10 (+ Haste) RPPM chance to fire a Surging Bolt at your active Surging Totem Icon Surging Totem, increasing its damage by 10% until it expires, stacking. The bolt then redirects to your target, dealing moderate Nature damage.
Amplification Core Icon Amplification Core Increases all damage and healing you deal by 3% while Surging Totem Icon Surging Totem is active.
Oversurge Icon Oversurge Surging Totem Icon Surging Totem deals 50% increased damage while Ascendance Icon Ascendance is active.
Lively Totems Icon Lively Totems Lava Lash Icon Lava Lash has a chance to summon a Searing Totem for 8 seconds that deals light Fire damage to your target every 2 seconds. Casting Lava Lash Icon Lava Lash, Fire Nova Icon Fire Nova or Frost Shock Icon Frost Shock empowered by Hailstorm Icon Hailstorm will cause all active Searing Totems to launch a Searing Volley at up to 5 nearby enemies.
Oversized Totems Icon Oversized Totems Increases the size and radius of your totems by 15%, and their health by 30%.
Swift Recall Icon Swift Recall Successfully removing a harmful effect with Tremor Totem Icon Tremor Totem or Poison Cleansing Totem Icon Poison Cleansing Totem, or controlling an enemy with Capacitor Totem Icon Capacitor Totem or Earthgrab Totem Icon Earthgrab Totem reduces their respective cooldown by 5 seconds. This cannot occure more than once every 20 seconds per totem.
Wind Barrier Icon Wind Barrier Whenever you have a totem active, gain an absorb shield for 6% of your maximum health for 30 seconds. Can only occur once every 30 seconds.
Reactivity Icon Reactivity Casting Lava Lash Icon Lava Lash with Hot Hand Icon Hot Hand active will trigger a Sundering Icon Sundering at 50% effectiveness, but does not incapacitate targets hit.
Imbuement Mastery Icon Imbuement Mastery Increases the chance for Windfury Weapon Icon Windfury Weapon to trigger by 5%, and the damage it deals by 8%. Additionally, Flametongue Weapon Icon Flametongue Weapon attacks triggered by Windfury Weapon Icon Windfury Weapon have a chance to deal 300% of the damage dealt to all nearby enemies.
Pulse Capacitor Icon Pulse Capacitor Increases the damage of Surging Totem Icon Surging Totem by 18%.
Supportive Imbuements Icon Supportive Imbuements Increases the Critical Strike chance of Flametongue Weapon Icon Flametongue Weapon by 25%, and its Critical Strike damage by 100%.
Totemic Coordination Icon Totemic Coordination Increases the Critical Strike chance of your Searing Totems spawned by Lively Totems Icon Lively Totems by 15%, and their Critical Strike damage by 30%.
Earthsurge Icon Earthsurge Casting Sundering Icon Sundering or triggering Reactivity Icon Reactivity within 40 yards of your active Surging Totem Icon Surging Totem causes it to also Tremor at 200% effectiveness at the target area.
Whirling Elements Icon Whirling Elements Casting Surging Totem Icon Surging Totem spawns 3 Elemental motes that empower your next ability of the corresponding element:
  • Whirling Air Icon Whirling Air - Causes your next Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning or Elemental Blast Icon Elemental Blast cast to also launch 3 Surging Bolts at your target.
  • Whirling Fire Icon Whirling Fire - Your next Lava Lash Icon Lava Lash grants Hot Hand Icon Hot Hand for 6 seconds, or extends an existing proc by the same amount.
  • Whirling Earth Icon Whirling Earth - Increases the direct damage of your next Flame Shock Icon Flame Shock cast by 300% on your current target, and applies the debuff to up to 5 nearby enemies.

Baseline Enhancement Shaman Abilities

These abilities are available no matter what talents you chose, and form the core of the specialization, ordered alphabetically.

Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Ancestral Spirit Icon Ancestral Spirit Res Brings a dead ally within 40 yards back to life at the cost of 0.8% Mana, with a 10-second cast time. It cannot be used while in combat.
Astral Recall Icon Astral Recall - Teleports you to your current Hearthstone location with 10-minute cooldown, and a 10-second cast. This does not share a cooldown with your regular Hearthstone.
Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust / Heroism Icon Heroism BL / Lust Increases Haste by 30% for 40 seconds for all party and raid members within 100 yards at the cost of 0.4% Mana. This places the Sated Icon Sated / Exhaustion Icon Exhaustion debuff on all allies affected, preventing them from benefitting from similar effects (Time Warp Icon Time Warp, Primal Rage Icon Primal Rage, Fury of the Aspects Icon Fury of the Aspects) for the next 10 minutes.
Dual Wield Icon Dual Wield DW Allows us to equip one-hand weapons in both hands. Primary melee attacks - Stormstrike Icon Stormstrike, Ice Strike Icon Ice Strike, and Lava Lash Icon Lava Lash - require you to have one-handed weapons equipped to use them.
Earthbind Totem Icon Earthbind Totem EBT Places a totem within 40 yards that slows the movement speed of nearby enemies within 10 yards of the totem by 50% for 5 seconds, which refreshes while enemies remain nearby. Lasts for 20 seconds and has a 30-second cooldown.
Far Sight Icon Far Sight - Changes your in-game camera perspective to a targeted location for 1 minute. This can be recast from the new point of view to move it even further away.
Feral Lunge Icon Feral Lunge - An 8-25 yard range charge with a 30-second cooldown, causing you to leap to your target and deal minor Physical damage. Has a 0.5 second Global Cooldown.
Flametongue Weapon Icon Flametongue Weapon FT Imbues your off-hand weapon with Fire, causing all melee hits to deal low additional Fire damage. It also increases the damage of Lava Lash Icon Lava Lash when imbued by 100%, and should always be active.
Flame Shock Icon Flame Shock FlS Deals low Volcanic damage instantly to your target and applies a moderate Volcanic damage DoT effect for 18 seconds, with a 6-second cooldown and a 40-yard range. Maintained in most situations, and can be refreshed automatically with the Molten Assault Icon Molten Assault talent. If dispelled, spawns a fire pool under the dispeller that deals heavy Fire damage and knocks them into the air.
Ghost Wolf Icon Ghost Wolf GW Toggled shapeshift that grants 30% additional movement speed and prevents you from being slowed below 100%. While transformed into a wolf, you cannot cast abilities, so this is used when forced out or range, or mobility is more important than damage.
Healing Surge Icon Healing Surge HS Heals your current target for within the 40-yard range with no cooldown, and an 8% Mana cost. This cast time can be reduced by Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon
Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt LB Deals high Nature damage to your target with a 40-yard range. This has a 2-second cast, but Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon can make this instant and is used as a finisher tool in single-target situations to spend resources.
Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield LS Self-buff with a 60-minute duration, causing you to deal Nature damage to enemies that strike you with melee attacks. These hits have a 50% chance to generate a stack of Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon when it triggers. This should be maintained at all times in solo content for the additional resource generation. This is exclusive with Earth Shield Icon Earth Shield unless Elemental Orbit Icon Elemental Orbit is taken.
Reincarnation Icon Reincarnation Ankh Allows you to resurrect yourself with 40% maximum Health and up to 40% Mana when you die, with a 30-minute cooldown. This ignores the Battle Resurrection limit in combat and is helpful if caught off guard. The long cooldown, however, means it is often saved for emergency situations.
Skyfury Icon Skyfury - Grants your target and all allied party/raid members a 1-hour buff that provides 2 Mastery points, and a 20% chance to strike an additional time with melee auto attacks. This is the Shaman raid buff.
Stormstrike Icon Stormstrike SS Deals Physical damage to your target with both weapons with a 7.5-second cooldown.
Stormsurge Icon Stormsurge SB Proc with a 5% chance (increased by Mastery rating) that can trigger from special attacks. When activated, it resets the cooldown of Stormstrike Icon Stormstrike. This can trigger from: Stormstrike Icon Stormstrike, Lava Lash Icon Lava Lash, Crash Lightning Icon Crash Lightning (active casts), Windfury Weapon Icon Windfury Weapon, Sundering Icon Sundering and Ice Strike Icon Ice Strike.
Water Walking Icon Water Walking - Grants the targeted ally within 30 yards the ability to walk on water for 10 minutes. Taking damage cancels this effect.

Enhancement Shaman Class Tree Talents

To help break this the talent trees into more manageable chunks, we have grouped abilities into active and passive effects and separated them into Class and Specialization tree offerings.

If you would like to know more about which of these talents to select for your own Enhancement Shaman, refer to the builds and talents page of our guide.


Enhancement Shaman Class Tree

Active Abilities Passive Effects

Shaman Active Abilities

Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Chain Heal Icon Chain Heal CH Heals your current target and jumps to up to 3 nearby injured allies for 30% less per jump, costing 15% Mana. This has a 40-yard range and no cooldown, and has a 2.5-second cast time but can be made instant with Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon stacks.
Lava Burst Icon Lava Burst LvB Deals heavy Fire damage to your target with a 40-yard range and an 8-second cooldown, and is guaranteed to critically strike if the target is affected by Flame Shock Icon Flame Shock. This has a 2-second cast time, but can be made instant with Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon stacks. This is used as a high-priority single-target spender and should be kept on cooldown whenever possible.
Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift AS Provides 40% damage reduction for 12 seconds with a 2-minute cooldown. It is off the Global Cooldown and is our primary defensive tool.
Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning ChL Deals heavy Nature damage to your target within 40-yards, and jumps to 2 additional nearby enemies. This has a 2-second cast, but can be made instant with Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon stacks. This should be used as our spender in any multi-target situation. In addition, each target hit reduces the cooldown of Crash Lightning Icon Crash Lightning by 0.5 seconds and increases the damage of the next active cast of Crash Lightning Icon Crash Lightning by 20%.
Earth Shield Icon Earth Shield ESh Applies a shield to your target for 10 minutes that has 9 charges, increasing all healing you do to them by 20% while active, at the cost of 5% Mana. Whenever the target takes damage, a charge is consumed and heals them for a small amount with a short internal cooldown. This is exclusive with Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield unless you take Elemental Orbit Icon Elemental Orbit.
Wind Shear Icon Wind Shear Kick A 12-second cooldown interrupt tool with a 30-yard range that locks out the target school for 2 seconds when successful. This is generally the strongest melee interrupt, both because of its long cooldown and range as a melee player.
Frost Shock Icon Frost Shock FS Deals Frost damage to your target and slows them by 50% for 6 seconds, with a 6-second cooldown and 40-yard range. Used as a low-priority filler.
Capacitor Totem Icon Capacitor Totem Cap Places a totem up to 40 yards away that will detonate after 2 seconds, stunning nearby targets within 8 yards for 3 seconds on a 1-minute cooldown. Costs 10% Mana.
Spirit Walk Icon Spirit Walk Sprint Grants 60% movement speed for 8 seconds on a 1-minute cooldown, and removes all movement-impairing effects when cast, but can still be affected while the effect is active. This is off the Global Cooldown.
Gust of Wind Icon Gust of Wind - Causes you to leap forward a fixed distance, has a 20-second cooldown, and is on the Global Cooldown.
Healing Stream Totem Icon Healing Stream Totem HST Places a totem at your feet for 15 seconds that heals a nearby ally every 2 seconds, at the cost of 5% Mana. This has a 30-second cooldown and a 40-yard pulse range around the totem, and like all totems only has a 1-second Global Cooldown.
Earthgrab Totem Icon Earthgrab Totem - Places a totem within 35-yards that lasts for 20 seconds with a 30-second cooldown. This pulses every 2 seconds, rooting enemies within 8 yards of the totem for 8 seconds. Enemies that have previously been rooted will instead be slowed by 50% for 8 seconds. Replaces Earthbind Totem Icon Earthbind Totem if taken.
Purge Icon Purge - Removes one beneficial effect from your current target within 30 yards at the cost of 14% Mana and no cooldown.
Greater Purge Icon Greater Purge - Removes two beneficial effects from your current target within 30 yards at the cost of 21% Mana, with a 12-second cooldown.
Earth Elemental Icon Earth Elemental EE Summons an Elemental guardian for 1 minute on a 5-minute cooldown. This deals very low damage and attempts to taunt enemies nearby (unless they are currently engaged with a Tank specialization player). While this is active, your maximum Health is increased by 15%.
Cleanse Spirit Icon Cleanse Spirit Decurse Removes all Curse effects from the targeted ally within 40 yards with an 8-second cooldown at the cost of 10% Mana.
Tremor Totem Icon Tremor Totem - Places a totem at your feet for 10 seconds that will pulse every second. This has a 1-minute cooldown and each pulse will attempt to remove Charm, Fear and Sleep effects on allied party and raid members within 30 yards.
Hex Icon Hex - Places a Curse effect on your target, silencing and incapacitating them. Targets can still move when Hexed, and this effect can break when damage is taken. It has a 1.7-second cast, a 30-second cooldown, 1-minute duration and can only be used on Humanoids and Beasts.
Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem WRT Places a totem within 40-yards that lasts for 15 seconds, creating a 10-yard circle around it that increases the movement speed of allies who enter it by 40% for 5 seconds. This refreshes so long as players remain in the area and has a 2-minute cooldown.
Spiritwalker's Grace Icon Spiritwalker's Grace SWG Allows you to cast Shaman spells while moving for 15 seconds on a 2-minute cooldown, and can be used while casting another ability.
Thunderstorm Icon Thunderstorm TS Deals light Nature damage to nearby enemies within 10 yards, reduces their movement by 40% for 5 seconds and knocks them back a significant distance. This ability can be used when stunned.
Lightning Lasso Icon Lightning Lasso - Deals heavy Nature damage to your target within 20 yards with a 5-second channel and 45-second cooldown. While the channel is maintained, the target is stunned, and this can be channeled while moving.
Totemic Projection Icon Totemic Projection - Instantly relocates all your active totems to the target location within 40 yards. This has a 10-second cooldown and is off the Global Cooldown.
Poison Cleansing Totem Icon Poison Cleansing Totem PCT Places a totem for 6 seconds with a 2-minute cooldown. This pulses every 1.5 seconds, attempting to remove all Poison effects from a nearby party or raid member within 30 yards of the totem.
Totemic Recall Icon Totemic Recall - Instantly refreshes the cooldown of your most recently used totem and has a 3-minute cooldown. Only totems with a base cooldown of less than 3 minutes can be affected.
Nature's Swiftness Icon Nature's Swiftness NS Makes your next damaging or healing Shaman Nature spell instant cast and cost no mana with a 1-minute cooldown. Affected spells include Chain Heal Icon Chain Heal, Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning, Elemental Blast Icon Elemental Blast, Healing Surge Icon Healing Surge and Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt. Due to this not working with the Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon damage amplifier this is useless for Enhancement, and should never be taken.
Stone Bulwark Totem Icon Stone Bulwark Totem SBT Places a totem for 30 seconds with a 3-minute cooldown that instantly applies an absorb shield to you, and then a smaller additional absorb shield every 5 seconds.

Shaman Passive Effects

Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Planes Traveler Icon Planes Traveler - Reduces the cooldown of Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift by 30 seconds. This generally the pick of choice on this node due to our small suite of defensive options.
Astral Bulwark Icon Astral Bulwark - Increases the damage reduction provided by Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift by 20%.
Spirit Wolf Icon Spirit Wolf SW While in Ghost Wolf Icon Ghost Wolf, you gain a stacking buff each second that stacks up to 4 times, increasing movement speed by an additional 5% and reducing all damage taken by 5% per stack. All stacks are removed when you exit Ghost Wolf Icon Ghost Wolf.
Thunderous Paws Icon Thunderous Paws - When you enter Ghost Wolf Icon Ghost Wolf you gain an additional 25% movement speed for 3 seconds, and remove all snares affecting you. This effect can only trigger once every 20 seconds.
Winds of Al'Akir Icon Winds of Al'Akir - Grants 10% increased movement speed to your Ghost Wolf Icon Ghost Wolf form at all times. Additionally, whenever 3 or more totems are active at the same time, you gain 15% increased movement speed.
Elemental Orbit Icon Elemental Orbit - Allows you to have both Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield and Earth Shield Icon Earth Shield applied to yourself at the same time. It also allows you to apply Earth Shield Icon Earth Shield to yourself and another ally simultaneously.
Fire and Ice Icon Fire and Ice - Passively increases all Fire and Frost damage you deal with Shaman spells by 3%.
Ancestral Wolf Affinity Icon Ancestral Wolf Affinity - Allows you to cast Cleanse Spirit Icon Cleanse Spirit, Wind Shear Icon Wind Shear, Purge Icon Purge, and your totems while in Ghost Wolf Icon Ghost Wolf form without canceling the effect.
Encasing Cold Icon Encasing Cold - Your Frost Shock Icon Frost Shock slows targets hit by an additional 10%, and its duration is increased by 2 seconds.
Arctic Snowstorm Icon Arctic Snowstorm - Enemies within 10 yards of your Frost Shock Icon Frost Shock target are slowed by 30%.
Brimming with Life Icon Brimming with Life - Grants 10% maximum Health at all times. When it is on cooldown it will recharge 75% faster while you are at full Health.
Static Charge Icon Static Charge - Reduces the cooldown of Capacitor Totem Icon Capacitor Totem by 5 seconds per target hit by the initial stun, up to a maximum reduction of 20 seconds.
Guardian's Cudgel Icon Guardian's Cudgel - Causes your Capacitor Totem Icon Capacitor Totem to summon a second totem and repeat the effect at its location when the first expires.
Elemental Resistance Icon Elemental Resistance - Causes allies healed by your Healing Stream Totem Icon Healing Stream Totem to take 6% reduced Fire, Frost and Nature damage for 3 seconds.
Nature's Guardian Icon Nature's Guardian NG Instantly heal you for 20% of your maximum health whenever you fall below 35% Health. This effect has a 45-second internal cooldown.
Nature's Fury Icon Nature's Fury - Increases the Critical Strike chance of all Shaman Nature spells and abilities by 4%.
Refreshing Waters Icon Refreshing Waters - Increases the healing done by your Healing Surge Icon Healing Surge casts when used on yourself by 25%.
Elemental Warding Icon Elemental Warding - Reduces all magic damage you take by 6%.
Primordial Bond Icon Primordial Bond - Reduces damage taken by 5% while you have an elemental active.
Voodoo Mastery Icon Voodoo Mastery - Reduces the cooldown of Hex Icon Hex by 15 seconds. Hex also slows targets affected by 70%, and for 6 seconds after it ends.
Totemic Focus Icon Totemic Focus - Increases the radius of all totem effects by 15%, increases the duration of Earthbind Totem Icon Earthbind Totem / Earthgrab Totem Icon Earthgrab Totem by 10 seconds, and increases the duration of Healing Stream Totem Icon Healing Stream Totem, Tremor Totem Icon Tremor Totem, Poison Cleansing Totem Icon Poison Cleansing Totem, and Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem by 3 seconds.
Ascending Air Icon Ascending Air - Reduces the cooldown of Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem by 30 seconds, and the duration of the movement speed buff granted is increased to 7 seconds.
Jet Stream Icon Jet Stream - Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem grants an additional 10% movement speed to allies, and whenever the buff is applied it will remove any snare effects present.
Enhanced Imbues Icon Enhanced Imbues - Increases the effect of your weapon imbue effects by 15%.
Graceful Spirit Icon Graceful Spirit - Reduces the cooldown of Spiritwalker's Grace Icon Spiritwalker's Grace by 30 seconds, and causes it to increase your movement speed by 20% when active.
Spiritwalker's Aegis Icon Spiritwalker's Aegis - Causes Spiritwalker's Grace Icon Spiritwalker's Grace to grant immunity to interrupt and silence effects for 5 seconds when activated.
Totemic Surge Icon Totemic Surge - Reduces the cooldown of all your totem abilities by 6 seconds.
Seasoned Winds Icon Seasoned Winds - Interrupting a spell with Wind Shear Icon Wind Shear grants an 18-second buff that reduces damage taken from that spell school by 15%. These can stack up to 2 times.
Mana Spring Totem Icon Mana Spring Totem - Causes your Stormstrike Icon Stormstrike casts to restore 2625 Mana to you and your 4 closest allies. A player can only be affected by one Mana Spring Totem Icon Mana Spring Totem effect at a time, and the restoration effect will prioritize Healer specialization players.
Thundershock Icon Thundershock - Causes your Thunderstorm Icon Thunderstorm ability to instead knock enemies up instead of away, and reduces its cooldown by 5 seconds.
Traveling Storms Icon Traveling Storms - Thunderstorm Icon Thunderstorm can now be cast on allies within 40 yards, slows enemies by an additional 20%, and knocks them 25% further.
Call of the Elements Icon Call of the Elements - Reduces the cooldown of Totemic Recall Icon Totemic Recall by 60 seconds.
Creation Core Icon Creation Core - Causes your Totemic Recall Icon Totemic Recall to also affect a second totem.

Enhancement Specialization Tree Talents


Enhancement Shaman Spec Tree

Active Abilities Passive Effects

Enhancement Active Abilities

Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Windfury Weapon Icon Windfury Weapon WF Imbues your main-hand weapon to grant a 25% chance (increased by Mastery) for each main-hand hit to strike two additional times as a special attack, dealing low damage and triggering any on-hit effects. This should be active at all times.
Lava Lash Icon Lava Lash LL Strikes with your off-hand weapon with an 18-second cooldown dealing moderate Fire damage. Damage is increased by 100% if you have Flametongue Weapon Icon Flametongue Weapon imbued.
Ice Strike Icon Ice Strike (active) IS Strikes with your main-hand weapon, dealing moderate Frost damage and generating 1 Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon on a 15-second cooldown. Targets hit by this have their movement speed slowed by 50% for 6 seconds, and your next Frost Shock Icon Frost Shock cast within 12 seconds to deal 100% additional damage.
Elemental Blast Icon Elemental Blast EB Deals heavy Elemental damage to your target within 40 yards on a 12-second cooldown and has a 2-second cast time, but can be made instant with Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon stacks. When cast it also grants either 3% increased Critical Strike, Haste, or 6% Mastery for 10 seconds. If you are also talented into Lava Burst Icon Lava Burst, this gains a second charge, and casting this while already affected by one of the stat buffs will cause it to apply an effect you are not currently buffed by.
Doom Winds Icon Doom Winds DW Summons a Tornado around you for 8 seconds, dealing moderate Stormstrike (Nature/Physical) damage to nearby enemies every second while active. When active, your chance to trigger Windfury Weapon Icon Windfury Weapon is tripled, and damage dealt by these procs is increased by 10%.
Fire Nova Icon Fire Nova FN 15-second cooldown ability that causes all of your active Flame Shock Icon Flame Shocks applied to enemies to erupt. Each Nova deals Flamestrike damage to up to 6 targets within 8 yards of the enemy that erupts.
Sundering Icon Sundering - Deals Flamestrike (Fire/Physical) damage to targets in a short line in front of you, triggering weapon imbues and incapacitating enemies hit for 2 seconds.
Crash Lightning Icon Crash Lightning CL Deals Nature damage in a 120-degree cone in front of you with a 12-second cooldown, and damage dealt by the active cast can be increased by 20% per target hit by your Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning spell. If Crash Lightning Icon Crash Lightning hits 2 or more targets, you gain a buff for 12 seconds that causes your Stormstrike Icon Stormstrike, Lava Lash Icon Lava Lash and Ice Strike Icon Ice Strike abilities to trigger a splash of additional Nature damage to targets in the same cone when cast.
Primordial Wave Icon Primordial Wave PWave A 30-second cooldown ability that deals Elemental damage to all targets currently affected by your Flame Shock Icon Flame Shock effect and generates 5 Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon. Also applies Conductive Energy Icon Conductive Energy for Stormbringer.
Feral Spirit Icon Feral Spirit Wolves Summons two wolves to fight alongside you for 15 seconds with a 1.5-minute cooldown. When cast, you instantly generate one stack of Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon and gain an additional stack every 3 seconds while they are active. When this is active, the Physical damage dealt by all your Shaman abilities (note: not auto-attacks) is increased by 15% per active wolf, stacking multiplicatively.
Ascendance Icon Ascendance Asc Deals massive Nature damage to enemies within 8 yards around you, and transforms you into an air ascendant for 15 seconds with a 3-minute cooldown. When in this form, your Stormstrike Icon Stormstrike ability becomes Windstrike Icon Windstrike, which has a 60% reduced cooldown and causes it to ignore armor. This also transforms your auto-attacks into Windlash Icon Windlash, causing them to ignore armor and count as special attacks. These abilities both have a 30-yard range.
Primordial Storm Icon Primordial Storm PStorm After casting Primordial Wave Icon Primordial Wave, gain access to one cast of Primordial Storm Icon Primordial Storm for 15 seconds as a combo follow-up, replacing the keybind. When cast, this deals 3 quick swings of Fire/Physical, Frost/Physical and Nature/Physical damage in succession to all nearby enemies, and can trigger weapon imbues on targets hit. Finishes with either a Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning depending on the number of enemies hit by the strikes. Finally, this consumes Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon to empower its damage.

Enhancement Passive Effects

Ability Abbreviation Description/Effect
Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon MSW The primary resource for Enhancement. This has a 20% chance to trigger from any melee attack, reducing the cast time of your Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning, Lava Burst Icon Lava Burst, Elemental Blast Icon Elemental Blast, Healing Surge Icon Healing Surge and Chain Heal Icon Chain Heal spells by 20% per stack consumed. This stacks up to a maximum of 5, making spells instant, but this cap can be increased to 10 with the Raging Maelstrom Icon Raging Maelstrom talent. You will only ever consume 5 unless using the Overflowing Maelstrom Icon Overflowing Maelstrom talent, which lets you consume up to 10 at once.
Forceful Winds Icon Forceful Winds FFW Causes each of your successive Windfury Weapon Icon Windfury Weapon attacks within 15 seconds to increase Windfury damage by 15%. This effect stacks up to 5 but does not refresh when a new stack is gained.
Improved Maelstrom Weapon Icon Improved Maelstrom Weapon - Causes your Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon stacks to increase the damage or healing of spells affected by it by 20% per stack consumed.
Molten Assault Icon Molten Assault - Reduces the cooldown of your Lava Lash Icon Lava Lash by 6 seconds. Additionally, if you cast Lava Lash Icon Lava Lash on a target affected by Flame Shock Icon Flame Shock, it will refresh the duration of the DoT and spread it to 5 enemies near the target.
Unruly Winds Icon Unruly Winds - Causes your Windfury Weapon Icon Windfury Weapon procs to trigger a third attack.
Ice Strike Icon Ice Strike (Proc) - Spending Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon has a chance to replace your next Frost Shock Icon Frost Shock cast with Ice Strike Icon Ice Strike. This generates 1 Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon, is considered a weapon strike, slows enemies hit by 50% for 6 seconds, and increases the damage of your next Frost Shock Icon Frost Shock by 100%. Also has a 40-yard range.
Raging Maelstrom Icon Raging Maelstrom - Increases the maximum number of Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon charges you can save to 10, and it also causes the Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon effect to increase the damage dealt by affected spells by an additional 5% per stack consumed. This talent is crucial to Enhancement gameplay and should never be skipped.
Tempest Strikes Icon Tempest Strikes TS Causes your Stormstrike Icon Stormstrike, Lava Lash Icon Lava Lash and Ice Strike Icon Ice Strike casts to deal additional Nature damage to your target.
Hot Hand Icon Hot Hand HH Grants a 5% chance to trigger the Hot Hand Icon Hot Hand effect when you auto-attack with Flametongue Weapon Icon Flametongue Weapon imbued. This grants an 6-second buff that reduces the cooldown of Lava Lash Icon Lava Lash by 60/75% and increases the damage dealt by 20/40%.
Hailstorm Icon Hailstorm HS Generates a stack of Hailstorm Icon Hailstorm whenever you consume a stack of Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon, up to 10. Frost Shock Icon Frost Shock consumes all stacks of Hailstorm Icon Hailstorm when cast, causing it to deal 15% additional damage (up to 150%) and hit 1 additional target (up to 5 extra) per stack consumed.
Overflowing Maelstrom Icon Overflowing Maelstrom - Allows you to consume up to 10 Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon stacks at once when spending the effect on spells.
Flurry Icon Flurry - Grants 15% increased attack speed for the next 3 melee auto attacks after dealing with a Critical Strike with a special ability.
Ashen Catalyst Icon Ashen Catalyst AC Increases the damage of your next Lava Lash Icon Lava Lash by 8% whenever one of your active Flame Shock Icon Flame Shocks deal periodic damage, stacking up to 8 times. Additionally, the cooldown of Lava Lash Icon Lava Lash is reduced by 0.5 seconds whenever a stack is generated.
Storm's Wrath Icon Storm's Wrath - Increases the Mastery bonus to the proc chance of Stormsurge Icon Stormsurge and Windfury Weapon Icon Windfury Weapon by 150%. In other words, the Mastery bonus chance to trigger these effects is increased from 1/25th of the displayed increase to Fire, Frost, and Nature damage to 1/10th.
Swirling Maelstrom Icon Swirling Maelstrom - Grants 1 charge of Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon consume at least two stacks of the Hailstorm Icon Hailstorm effect. It also causes each detonation from Fire Nova Icon Fire Nova to generate a stack of Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon, up to 6.
Molten Thunder Icon Molten Thunder - Reduces the cooldown of Sundering Icon Sundering by 10 seconds, but it no longer incapacitates targets hit. Also grants it a 40% chance plus 12% per target hit to reset its cooldown, but this chance is halved each time a reset occurs per cycle.
Stormflurry Icon Stormflurry - Gives Stormstrike Icon Stormstrike a 25% chance to strike your target an additional time for 40% of the damage dealt when cast. This effect can chain off itself, and can trigger on-hit effects such as the Crash Lightning Icon Crash Lightning buff.
Stormblast Icon Stormblast - Your Stormstrike Icon Stormstrike has an additional charge. Also causes your Stormsurge Icon Stormsurge-empowered Stormstrike Icon Stormstrike casts to deal 25% additional damage as Nature, stacking up to 2.
Voltaic Blaze Icon Voltaic Blaze - Casting Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning has a 6 RPPM chance to grant Voltaic Blaze Icon Voltaic Blaze. This causes your next Flame Shock Icon Flame Shock cast to deal significantly increased damage to your target and up to 5 nearby enemies, and apply Flame Shock Icon Flame Shock to targets hit.
Elemental Weapons Icon Elemental Weapons EW Increases all Fire, Frost, and Nature damage you deal by 5% per active Weapon Imbue.
Converging Storms Icon Converging Storms - Causes your Crash Lightning Icon Crash Lightning casts to increase the damage of your next Stormstrike Icon Stormstrike cast by 25% per target hit, stacking up to 6 times for a maximum bonus of 150%.
Unrelenting Storms Icon Unrelenting Storms - If Crash Lightning Icon Crash Lightning only hits a single target, it triggers Windfury Weapon Icon Windfury Weapon and has its cooldown reduced by 40%.
Crashing Storms Icon Crashing Storms CS Increases all damage dealt by Crash Lightning Icon Crash Lightning and the buff it applies by 40%, and additionally causes Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning to jump to 2 additional targets.
Lashing Flames Icon Lashing Flames LF Your Lava Lash Icon Lava Lash leaves a debuff on targets hit for 20 seconds, increasing the direct and DoT damage dealt by your Flame Shock Icon Flame Shock to them by 100%.
Deeply Rooted Elements Icon Deeply Rooted Elements DRE Each stack of Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon consumed has a 0.6% to activate Ascendance Icon Ascendance for 6 seconds (if you are already in this form, the effect is extended by the same amount instead). Whenever this triggers, you deal heavy Nature damage to enemies 8 yards around you. When in this form, your Stormstrike Icon Stormstrike ability becomes Windstrike Icon Windstrike, which has a 60% reduced cooldown and causes it to ignore armor. This also transforms your auto-attacks into Windlash Icon Windlash, causing them to ignore armor and count as special attacks. These abilities both have a 30-yard range.
Splintered Elements Icon Splintered Elements SE When you cast Primordial Wave Icon Primordial Wave you gain 5/10% Haste for 12 seconds. This is increased by 4% for each target hit beyond the first target.
Elemental Assault Icon Elemental Assault EA Increases the damage of Stormstrike Icon Stormstrike by 10/20%. Additionally, your Stormstrike Icon Stormstrike, Lava Lash Icon Lava Lash and Ice Strike Icon Ice Strike casts have a 50/100% chance to generate an additional stack of Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon.
Witch Doctor's Ancestry Icon Witch Doctor's Ancestry WDA Increases the chance to generate a stack of Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon from melee abilities by 4%. Additionally, whenever a stack of Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon is generated, the cooldown of Feral Spirit Icon Feral Spirit is reduced by 2 seconds.
Flowing Spirits Icon Flowing Spirits - Grants your abilities a 6% chance to summon a Feral Spirit Icon Feral Spirit, but you can no longer manually cast Feral Spirit Icon Feral Spirit.
Legacy of the Frost Witch Icon Legacy of the Frost Witch LotFW The cooldown of Stormstrike Icon Stormstrike is reset for every 10 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon consumed. When this effect occurs, all of your Physical and Frost abilities deal 15/25% increased damage for 8 seconds. This talent internally keeps track of the number of stacks consumed, so do not all need to be consumed at once in perfect combinations of 10. For example, if you consume 6 Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon stacks twice in a row, you will gain the effect and be 2/10 stacks toward the next trigger.
Static Accumulation Icon Static Accumulation SA Causes the Ascendance Icon Ascendance effect to passively generate 1/2 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon every second while active. Also grants Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning a 10/20% chance to refund all Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon stacks spent at all times.
Elemental Spirits Icon Elemental Spirits ES Changes the wolves summoned by Feral Spirit Icon Feral Spirit (or triggered by Flowing Spirits Icon Flowing Spirits to instead be Fire, Frost, or Nature, wolves. These wolves increase all Physical damage you deal by 10%, and the damage you deal with abilities of the wolves' respective element by 10%, stacking multiplicatively.
Alpha Wolf Icon Alpha Wolf AW Causes your Feral Spirit Icon Feral Spirits to be empowered by your Crash Lightning Icon Crash Lightning or Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning casts for 8 seconds. When empowered, active wolves will pulse for light, armor-ignoring Physical damage to enemies within 8 yards every 2 seconds.
Thorim's Invocation Icon Thorim's Invocation TI Causes your Windstrike Icon Windstrike when in the Ascendance Icon Ascendance form to automatically consume up to 5 Maelstrom Weapon Icon Maelstrom Weapon stacks to discharge a Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning. Which ability is cast is chosen based on your most recent cast, so prime it with the correct spender. Also reduces the cooldown of Ascendance Icon Ascendance by 1-minute, or extends the duration of Deeply Rooted Elements Icon Deeply Rooted Elements procs by 2 seconds. Finally, increases the damage of Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning by 20% at all times.

Further Reading

Since the majority of Enhancement's major abilities have direct interactions with each other, and there are so many in play that it can be overwhelming to work out how things are prioritized. Now you are equipped with the knowledge of what each thing does, our rotation page can explain the details on how to put these tools to use.



  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.0.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.5 rework.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Season 1.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.5 spell school changes.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2 talent changes.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7, no changes necessary.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.5 changes.
  • 01 May 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1 changes.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Updated for new Patch 10.0.7 class tree.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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