Enhancement Shaman DPS The Eternal Palace Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5

Last updated on Jan 15, 2024 at 15:00 by Wordup 48 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Enhancement Shaman for each boss of the following raid: The Eternal Palace. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.


Enhancement Shaman in The Eternal Palace

Enhancement Shaman remains a melee spec that may suffer from a lack of room in compositions to effectively fit it in. It still provides good sustained single-target damage and powerful cleave, with a handful of unique utility tools if necessary. The strength of cleave requires targets to be stacked, however, which runs against several encounter designs. This is a preliminary estimation based on the first week of data after release and may change over time.

In this section, you will find tips and details regarding each boss in The Eternal Palace raid. This section will attempt to detail the finer points of what your specialization is capable of, but for standard information on the fight, please refer to the generic boss guides provided on the site.


Talent Cheatsheet for Enhancement Shaman


Abyssal Commander Sivara


Azerite Suggestions

  • Natural Harmony Icon Natural Harmony x1-3
  • Roiling Storm Icon Roiling Storm x1
  • Thunderaan's Fury Icon Thunderaan's Fury
  • Ancestral Resonance Icon Ancestral Resonance x1
  • Loyal to the End Icon Loyal to the End (if others are using)

Essence Suggestions

  • Major: Blood of the Enemy or Condensed Life-Force
  • Minor:
    • Worldvein Resonance (if others are using)
    • Essence of the Focusing Iris
    • The Crucible of Flame

Talent and Build Notes

Abyssal Commander Sivara is an entirely single-target encounter that also has a very high amount of raid damage, meaning survival is key. Your options will be tied to dealing as much damage to one target as possible and having tools to survive the dangerous mechanics when they occur.

  • The Level 30 tier has Spirit Wolf Icon Spirit Wolf as by far the best choice here, allowing you to gain additional damage reduction when forced out of the group to drop Overflow Icon Overflow.
  • All 3 choices on the level 40 row are useful. Nature's Guardian Icon Nature's Guardian will provide a safety net during the Overwhelming Barrage Icon Overwhelming Barrage if anything goes wrong. Feral Lunge Icon Feral Lunge will allow you to re-engage the boss quickly after moving out for Overflow Icon Overflow. Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem can be used to speed the entire raid up during Barrage to stay safe, if necessary.
  • If you have two or more instances of Natural Harmony Icon Natural Harmony on your gear, make sure to use Hailstorm Icon Hailstorm as your Level 35 talent to make use of the additional Mastery Frost damage grants.
  • Condensed Life-Force at Rank 3 will be perfect here, due to the short single-target length of the fight. Alternatively, Blood of the Enemy will provide similar gains and is more accessible currently.


You should make sure to look at the Abyssal Commander Sivara guide to make sure you have a strong bearing on the mechanics of the encounter, as this section will cover small specific tips related to Enhancement.

  • Save Spirit Walk Icon Spirit Walk for when you are targeted by Overflow Icon Overflow to get out to a safe soak spot quickly. Alternatively, you can use it on Overwhelming Barrage Icon Overwhelming Barrage, if you are having issues avoiding the spears.
  • Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift is best used during the Overwhelming Barrage Icon Overwhelming Barrage as this will be the period when the most accidental Unstable Mixture Icon Unstable Mixtures will occur.
  • If targeted by Overflow Icon Overflow make sure to shift into Ghost Wolf Icon Ghost Wolf quickly to stack up Spirit Wolf Icon Spirit Wolf when moving to your designated spot to split the damage.
  • The fight has a 6 minute 30 enrage, so plan your cooldowns accordingly to not lose any uses.

Blackwater Behemoth


Azerite Suggestions

  • Natural Harmony Icon Natural Harmony x1-3
  • Roiling Storm Icon Roiling Storm x1
  • Thunderaan's Fury Icon Thunderaan's Fury
  • Ancestral Resonance Icon Ancestral Resonance x1
  • Loyal to the End Icon Loyal to the End (if others are using)

Essence Suggestions

  • Major: Blood of the Enemy or Condensed Life-Force
  • Minor:
    • Worldvein Resonance (if others are using)
    • Essence of the Focusing Iris
    • The Crucible of Flame

Talent and Build Notes

Blackwater Behemoth is an entirely single target encounter that has a very small amount of target switching, and a large amount of movement at specific points that creates downtime in your cooldown rotations. Each platform lasts for 100 seconds, meaning that efficient cooldown use is very important here.

  • The only useful option on the Level 30 tier is Spirit Wolf Icon Spirit Wolf due to the possible damage reduction in emergencies, but this is otherwise a low impact talent tier on this boss.
  • Feral Lunge Icon Feral Lunge is by far the best choice here, allowing you to re-engage the boss if you are ever pushed too far away by Shock Pulse Icon Shock Pulse, and get onto the target quicker after each transition.
  • If you have two or more instances of Natural Harmony Icon Natural Harmony on your gear, make sure to use Hailstorm Icon Hailstorm as your Level 40 talent to make use of the additional Mastery Frost damage grants.
  • Condensed Life-Force at rank 3 will be perfect here due to the timing windows provided lining up well with the cooldown. Alternatively, Blood of the Enemy will be strong if used perfectly with each platform window and is more accessible currently.


You should make sure to look at the Blackwater Behemoth guide to make sure you have a strong bearing on the mechanics of the encounter, as this section will cover small specific tips related to Enhancement.

  • You should be able to comfortably stay in melee range during Shock Pulse Icon Shock Pulse, but if you are low, make use of Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift to stay healthy.
  • Spirit Wolf Icon Spirit Wolf can help to reduce the damage of Shock Pulse if necessary. It can also be used to mitigate the Toxic Spine Icon Toxic Spine damage as you are moving away during the transition if you activate Ghost Wolf Icon Ghost Wolf.
  • If forced out, use Feral Lunge Icon Feral Lunge to re-engage. Otherwise, use this to switch quickly to Shimmerskin Pufferfish when they need to be killed.

Radiance of Azshara


Azerite Suggestions

  • Natural Harmony Icon Natural Harmony x1-3
  • Roiling Storm Icon Roiling Storm x1
  • Thunderaan's Fury Icon Thunderaan's Fury
  • Ancestral Resonance Icon Ancestral Resonance x1
  • Loyal to the End Icon Loyal to the End (if others are using)

Essence Suggestions

  • Major: Blood of the Enemy or Essence of the Focusing Iris
  • Minor:
    • Worldvein Resonance (if others are using)
    • Conflict & Strife
    • Purification Protocol
    • Essence of the Focusing Iris

Talent and Build Notes

Radiance of Azshara is a predominantly single target encounter with add waves that will spawn roughly every 100 seconds that require you to burn down a single enemy with small extra spawns. This means that a healthy mix of single target and cleave will provide the best results throughout the encounter.

  • The Level 30 tier comes down to either Earth Shield Icon Earth Shield or Spirit Wolf Icon Spirit Wolf. The former will provide intermittent healing against the ticking damage at different points in the encounter, while the latter will enhance survival and movement when moving to new add spawns in the intermission.
  • All three Level 40 options are useful. Nature's Guardian Icon Nature's Guardian is a good safety net as there are several potentially lethal effects that can catch you throughout the encounter. Feral Lunge Icon Feral Lunge allows you to stick to targets, and counter the knockback in the intermission cast by the Stormwraith. Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem will allow you to boost the speed of your party to move to the adds during the intermission, so your selection here depends on what your raid needs.
  • If you have two or more instances of Natural Harmony Icon Natural Harmony on your gear, make sure to use Hailstorm Icon Hailstorm as your Level 35 talent to make use of the additional Mastery Frost damage grants.
  • Blood of the Enemy lines up very well both with the boss damage timing and the intermission if held properly, allowing for a big Sundering Icon Sundering hit when combined. Essence of the Focusing Iris, on the other hand, can be used to burn down all of the adds in the intermission if needed.


You should make sure to look at the Radiance of Azshara guide to make sure you have a strong bearing on the mechanics of the encounter, as this section will cover small specific tips related to Enhancement.

  • Spirit Walk Icon Spirit Walk should be used either to get out quickly with Arcane Bomb Icon Arcane Bomb or to move quickly to the Eye of the Storm during the intermission. This is at your discretion depending on the situation.
  • Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift is best saved for the intermission to deal with Gale Burst, or in the main phase to survive Unshackled Power Icon Unshackled Power if low.
  • Pay attention to the boss's Energy, and plan your Sundering Icon Sundering cooldown accordingly (and Blood of the Enemy/Essence of the Focusing Iris if you are using these Essences). You should be using these to kill off the first wave of adds to stabilize in the intermission.
  • You should ideally be using Wind Shear Icon Wind Shear on the Stormlings due to the low cooldown. Leave the Focus Power Icon Focus Power cast to someone with a longer cooldown.
  • You can use Capacitor Totem Icon Capacitor Totem to stun the Stormlings to get ahead of the interrupts during the intermission if they are a problem.
  • Try to refresh Crash Lightning Icon Crash Lightning just before the Stormwraith dies for additional boss damage.

Lady Ashvane


Azerite Suggestions

  • Natural Harmony Icon Natural Harmony x1-3
  • Roiling Storm Icon Roiling Storm x1
  • Thunderaan's Fury Icon Thunderaan's Fury
  • Ancestral Resonance Icon Ancestral Resonance x1
  • Loyal to the End Icon Loyal to the End (if others are using)

Essence Suggestions

  • Major: Blood of the Enemy or Condensed Life-Force
  • Minor:
    • Worldvein Resonance (if others are using)
    • Essence of the Focusing Iris
    • The Crucible of Flame

Talent and Build Notes

Lady Ashvane is a predominantly single target encounter with some extra targets triggered by Briny Bubble Icon Briny Bubble that need to be killed, allowing for a small amount of cleave. The decider on defeating this encounter is your boss damage, so you should be building yourself to do as much of this as possible.

  • The Level 30 tier comes down to either Earth Shield Icon Earth Shield or Spirit Wolf Icon Spirit Wolf. The former will provide intermittent sustain, which can be quite important after soaking Rippling Wave Icon Rippling Waves and getting Waterlogged Icon Waterlogged. The latter will allow for you to get out of the group more efficiently when targeted by Briny Bubble.
  • The ideal level 40 options are either Nature's Guardian Icon Nature's Guardian or Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem. Nature's Guardian will provide backup as there are some periods of very heavy raid damage that can be negated by this health gain. Wind Rush, however, can be used to assist the raid to soak orbs during Rippling Wave Icon Rippling Wave, or to move to a safe spot during Briny Bubble Icon Briny Bubble.
  • If you have two or more instances of Natural Harmony Icon Natural Harmony on your gear, make sure to use Hailstorm Icon Hailstorm as your Level 35 talent to make use of the additional Mastery Frost damage grants.
  • Blood of the Enemy can provide damage in both the regular and exposed phases for burst damage, making it a good pick. Condensed Life-Force, on the other hand, will allow you to focus all your damage into the exposed phase, for significantly higher boss damage when needed.


You should make sure to look at the Lady Ashvane guide to make sure you have a strong bearing on the mechanics of the encounter, as this section will cover small specific tips related to Enhancement.

  • Spirit Walk Icon Spirit Walk should be used aggressively to keep up with the boss whenever it is kited or to avoid large clusters of Upsurge Icon Upsurge.
  • Sundering Icon Sundering will line up well with Briny Bubble Icon Briny Bubble spawns, and as such you should aim to hold it for these spawns to break allies out quickly.
  • Use Briny Bubble spawns to activate Crash Lightning Icon Crash Lightning as well for additional boss damage.
  • Cooldowns are flexible here depending on what your guild needs. Generally, however, our cooldowns are long enough that holding them to deal as much damage during the Exposed Azerite Icon Exposed Azerite phase as possible.
  • Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift should be saved for the intermission if you are targetted by Arcing Azerite Icon Arcing Azerite, or if you have any stacks of Waterlogged Icon Waterlogged from soaking Rippling Wave Icon Rippling Wave.
  • Damage can get quite high especially during the tail end of the fight, so be ready to use Healing Surge Icon Healing Surge if you dip low when Rippling Wave Icon Rippling Waves are being soaked.



Azerite Suggestions

  • Natural Harmony Icon Natural Harmony x1-3
  • Roiling Storm Icon Roiling Storm x1
  • Thunderaan's Fury Icon Thunderaan's Fury
  • Ancestral Resonance Icon Ancestral Resonance x1
  • Loyal to the End Icon Loyal to the End (if others are using)

Essence Suggestions

  • Major: Blood of the Enemy or Essence of the Focusing Iris
  • Minor:
    • Worldvein Resonance (if others are using)
    • Purification Protocol
    • Conflict & Strife
    • Essence of the Focusing Iris

Talent and Build Notes

Orgozoa is a mix of boss damage burn and add waves that are often cleaved. This means having a healthy mix of single target and cleave options will serve best to deal with the encounter.

  • The only useful talent on the Level 30 tier is Spirit Wolf Icon Spirit Wolf, allowing you to navigate the transition through the hatchery intermission much faster.
  • The ideal Level 40 option is Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem. Other choices here can have uses, but Wind Rush will allow you to speed up your entire raid team during the transition to reach the final phase faster and safer.
  • If you have two or more instances of Natural Harmony Icon Natural Harmony on your gear, make sure to use Hailstorm Icon Hailstorm as your Level 35 talent to make use of the additional Mastery Frost damage grants.
  • Blood of the Enemy is a good catch-all option as a Major that can be flexible between boss and add damage if managed correctly with add spawns. Essence of the Focusing Iris, on the other hand, will focus entirely on bursting down add waves, if necessary. For Minors, Purification Protocol is very valuable here as the Zoatroid enemies are Aberrations, meaning it deals bonus damage.


You should make sure to look at the Orgozoa guide to make sure you have a strong bearing on the mechanics of the encounter, as this section will cover small specific tips related to Enhancement.

  • Generally Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust is used at the pull, and you should use your cooldowns here to line up with it to deal as much damage as possible rather than hold for the first add spawns.
  • Sundering Icon Sundering will line up well naturally with Zoatroid spawns as long as you use it on the pull. You should also make sure to use the adds to funnel additional boss damage via Crash Lightning Icon Crash Lightning into Orgozoa.
  • Spirit Walk Icon Spirit Walk can be used to more comfortably deal with the Dribbling Ichor Icon Dribbling Ichor dance. You should make sure however to have it ready to use during the intermission when descending to the second phase.
  • Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift is flexible here, and can be used whenever you have Incubation Fluid Icon Incubation Fluid and Arcing Current Icon Arcing Current is cast.
  • Pay close attention to Azshari Witch spawns and make sure to interrupt Conductive Pulse Icon Conductive Pulse with Wind Shear Icon Wind Shear. Due to being a low cooldown ranged interrupt this is perfect to use in case it lines up with Powerful Stomp Icon Powerful Stomp casts you need to outrange.

The Queen's Court


Azerite Suggestions

  • Natural Harmony Icon Natural Harmony x1-3
  • Roiling Storm Icon Roiling Storm x1
  • Thunderaan's Fury Icon Thunderaan's Fury
  • Ancestral Resonance Icon Ancestral Resonance x1
  • Loyal to the End Icon Loyal to the End (if others are using)

Essence Suggestions

  • Major: Blood of the Enemy or Condensed Life-Force
  • Minor:
    • Worldvein Resonance (if others are using)
    • The Crucible of Flame
    • Essence of the Focusing Iris

Talent and Build Notes

The Queen's Court for Enhancement is spent mostly on a single target, as the two bosses need to be separated. As a melee then your focus is on building for as much single target damage as possible.

  • For the Level 30 tier both Spirit Wolf Icon Spirit Wolf and Earth Shield Icon Earth Shield are useful. The former will allow for quicker switches to Potent Spark Icon Potent Sparks if needed, while the latter will cover some of the intermittent raid damage that happens throughout the encounter.
  • All 3 Level 40 tier talents are good choices. Nature's Guardian Icon Nature's Guardian will provide backup safety for some of the high raid damage moments, specifically when Potent Spark Icon Potent Sparks detonate. Feral Lunge Icon Feral Lunge can be useful to switch targets if necessary, while Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem can help all of the raid to cover certain dangerous periods during Azshara's decrees.
  • If you have two or more instances of Natural Harmony Icon Natural Harmony on your gear, make sure to use Hailstorm Icon Hailstorm as your Level 35 talent to make use of the additional Mastery Frost damage grants.
  • Blood of the Enemy will be more frequent boss damage windows that can also help with some cleave windows, as timings will line up with some Potent Spark Icon Potent Spark spawns that you can cleave. Condensed Life-Force, on the other hand, will go all-in on high boss damage burst windows, and both are good choices.


You should make sure to look at The Queen's Court guide to make sure you have a strong bearing on the mechanics of the encounter, as this section will cover small specific tips related to Enhancement.

  • You should always be able to use the close Potent Spark Icon Potent Spark spawn to activate Crash Lightning Icon Crash Lightning for additional boss damage.
  • Spirit Walk Icon Spirit Walk is mostly useless here, but can be used to adjust between the bosses if their health becomes too desynced and you need to switch.
  • Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift should be saved for any unstable Potent Spark detonations. Alternatively, it can be used during Obey or Suffer Icon Obey or Suffer if you are not healthy during the Healing prevention. Lastly, it can be used for Fanatical Verdict Icon Fanatical Verdict if targeted.
  • Pay special attention to when the Repeat Performance Icon Repeat Performance decree is active. This is especially bad for Enhancement due to the reliance on Stormstrike Icon Stormstrike chains. Try to weave in other abilities even though it does not follow the standard rotation to avoid being pacified.

Za'qul, Harbinger of Ny'alotha


Azerite Suggestions

  • Natural Harmony Icon Natural Harmony x1-3
  • Roiling Storm Icon Roiling Storm x1
  • Thunderaan's Fury Icon Thunderaan's Fury
  • Ancestral Resonance Icon Ancestral Resonance x1
  • Loyal to the End Icon Loyal to the End (if others are using)

Essence Suggestions

  • Major: Blood of the Enemy or Condensed Life-Force
  • Minor:
    • Worldvein Resonance (if others are using)
    • Purification Protocol
    • Conflict & Strife
    • Essence of the Focusing Iris

Talent and Build Notes

Za'qul is heavily boss damage focused, but some adds need to die in cleave range. This means that you should be orienting yourself around dealing as much boss damage as possible, but have target switching in mind.

  • The Level 30 tier should ideally be Earth Shield Icon Earth Shield, especially if you are being sent down to the Delirium realm. When downstairs, you are on your own so any self-healing is valuable, meaning that Earth Shield can get a lot of value.
  • All 3 options on the Level 40 tier are useful. Feral Lunge Icon Feral Lunge can help with target switching during the Fear realm, allowing you to get onto Horrific Summoners quickly. Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem can be very helpful for your entire raid group, providing move speed to get out of the Crushing Grasp Icon Crushing Grasp tentacle spawns. Finally, Nature's Guardian Icon Nature's Guardian provides backup healing as there are frequent lethal damage effects. This is especially useful in the Delirium realm to help you catch up on Health if you fall behind.
  • If you have two or more instances of Natural Harmony Icon Natural Harmony on your gear, make sure to use Hailstorm Icon Hailstorm as your Level 35 talent to make use of the additional Mastery Frost damage grants.
  • Blood of the Enemy is a good catch-all option as a Major that can be flexible between boss and add damage if managed correctly with add spawns. Condensed Life-Force can be used if going into the Delirium realm when at high stacks for a massive burst of boss damage, but is less flexible for other parts of the fight. Purification Protocol is a perfect minor here as all enemies throughout the encounter are Aberrations, so you gain the additional damage bonus.


You should make sure to look at the Za'qul, Harbinger of Ny'alotha guide to make sure you have a strong bearing on the mechanics of the encounter, as this section will cover small specific tips related to Enhancement.

  • There are ample opportunities to activate Crash Lightning Icon Crash Lightning here via the different adds, make sure to keep your uptime as high as possible. This is also perfect for funnelling your damage into the boss.
  • Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift should be used when Manic Dread Icon Manic Dreads are being dispelled. If you are going down into the Delirium's Descent Icon Delirium's Descent realm, however, you must make sure you have it available. It should be used when your Hysteria Icon Hysteria stacks get high enough that you are around 50% Health to sustain yourself. This extends the amount of time you have with the additional Haste buff.
  • Use Spirit Walk Icon Spirit Walk to stick to the boss when avoiding Crushing Grasp Icon Crushing Grasp tentacles, or it is being repositioned for Maddening Eruption Icon Maddening Eruption.
  • You should ideally have your cooldowns ready to line up with Punctured Darkness Icon Punctured Darkness debuffs after a Maddening Eruption if possible. This is especially important if you are in the Delirium realm to push the boss.
  • If you are in the Delirium realm when Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust is used, you will have to cast it yourself to make sure you get it as you are hostile to the raid. This is best used to push through the Dark Pulse Icon Dark Pulse shield if you have a choice.
  • Be very careful if using Tremor Totem Icon Tremor Totem during the Manic Dread Icon Manic Dread fears. This will immediately break all allies, which deals a huge amount of damage at once. If you intend to do this have raid cooldowns planned to survive.
  • In the Delirium Realm, you need to be ready to actively heal yourself via Healing Surge Icon Healing Surge if you fall behind on health, alongside using your Healthstone Icon Healthstones and Healing Potions.

Queen Azshara


Azerite Suggestions

  • Natural Harmony Icon Natural Harmony x1-3
  • Roiling Storm Icon Roiling Storm x1
  • Thunderaan's Fury Icon Thunderaan's Fury
  • Ancestral Resonance Icon Ancestral Resonance x1
  • Loyal to the End Icon Loyal to the End (if others are using)

Essence Suggestions

  • Major: Blood of the Enemy, Essence of the Focusing Iris or Condensed Life-Force
  • Minor:
    • Worldvein Resonance (if others are using)
    • The Crucible of Flame
    • Conflict & Strife

Talent and Build Notes

Queen Azshara has a healthy mix of boss damage and cleave, alongside some moments of burst AoE needed. This means having a good variety of choices to allow for you to deal with each situation is ideal, and usually, this manifests in your Essence choices and use of them.

Note as well, you can opt in to a full Primal Primer Icon Primal Primer build for boss damage, as the cooldown windows will line up quite well. This is, however, much worse for dealing with other aspects of the encounter.

  • For the Level 30 tier, both Spirit Wolf Icon Spirit Wolf and Earth Shield Icon Earth Shield are useful. The extra movement and damage reduction provided by Spirit Wolf is useful when forced out of melee range to deal several mechanics. Earth Shield, on the other hand, gains additional value due to the flat healing providing a higher percentage of your max Health per hit, due to the high stacks of Drained Soul Icon Drained Soul you will be playing at.
  • All 3 options on the Level 40 tier are useful. Feral Lunge Icon Feral Lunge can help with target switching during add phases, and sticking to Queen Azshara when she is moved across the platform. Wind Rush Totem Icon Wind Rush Totem can be very helpful for your entire raid group, providing move speed to get out of the Piercing Gaze Icon Piercing Gaze beam spawns. Finally, Nature's Guardian Icon Nature's Guardian provides backup healing as there are frequent lethal damage effects. This does lose some value however due to the reduced max Health values you will be at throughout the fight.
  • If you have two or more instances of Natural Harmony Icon Natural Harmony on your gear, make sure to use Hailstorm Icon Hailstorm as your Level 35 talent to make use of the additional Mastery Frost damage grants.
  • Blood of the Enemy is a good catch-all option as a Major that can be flexible between boss and add damage if managed correctly with add spawns. Condensed Life-Force can be used to focus purely on boss damage, especially during the final phase burn. Finally, Essence of the Focusing Iris can be taken to focus purely on burst AoE if needed on the Azshara's Devoted add waves.


You should make sure to look at the Queen Azshara guide to make sure you have a strong bearing on the mechanics of the encounter, as this section will cover small specific tips related to Enhancement.

  • Crash Lightning Icon Crash Lightning can be activated sparingly in the first phase between the two Naga commanders. You can also do this aggressively in the third phase based on your guild's positioning, by hitting both the boss and either the Loyal Myrmidon or one of the two Tidemistresses.
  • Make sure to aggressively interrupt both Tidemistresses with Wind Shear Icon Wind Shear, as both of their casts are worth stopping.
  • The wave of Azshara's Devoted adds in phase 2 spawns roughly 20 seconds into the phase, so make sure to hold Sundering Icon Sundering to burst these down.
  • Spirit Walk Icon Spirit Walk should be used to get out of line of sight quickly for either the Arcane Detonation Icon Arcane Detonation cast or if you are targeted by Arcane Burst Icon Arcane Burst.
  • Make use of Astral Shift Icon Astral Shift during Charged Spear Icon Charged Spear hits if you are affected by Drained Soul Icon Drained Soul for safety. Otherwise, you should hold this for the final phase to survive the Overload Icon Overload's Controlled Release Icon Controlled Release hits.


  • 25 Jul. 2019: Updated for all bosses.
  • 08 Jul. 2019: Page added.
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