Excavation Site 9 Guide: Enemies, Bosses & Delve Variants

Last updated on Mar 19, 2025 at 18:38 by Stan 2 comments

The following guide covers everything you need to know about Excavation Site 9, a new delve added in Patch 11.1.0.



Excavation Site 9 is a delve located in the Ringing Deeps on the bottom right corner of the map.

To learn more about Delves, we recommend you to read our general guide on the subject.


Delve Entrance

The entrance to the delve is found at 76.64 97.64 in the Ringing Deeps.



Here is a breakdown of some of the enemies you will encounters inside the delve and their abilities. Please keep in mind the list may be incomplete, but we will keep updating it with new mobs as we discover them.

  • Corruption Parasite: Casts Spew Blood Icon Spew Blood that inflicts Shadow damage to enemies within 4 yards.
  • CongealedClot: The mob is afflicted with Unstable Icon Unstable that triggers a Volatile Eruption upon death. Therefore, avoid standing in melee range when it dies.
  • Nightmare Crawler: Casts Vicious Bite Icon Vicious Bite that inflicts Shadow damage an additional Shadow damage every 0.5 seconds for 5 seconds.
  • Coagulated Mass: Leaves behind a Slime Trail Icon Slime Trail. Do not stand in it.
  • Hideous Amalgamation (Elite): Casts Concussive Smash Icon Concussive Smash and Shadow Stomp Icon Shadow Stomp. Move out of the purple swirlie on the ground when Shadow Stomp is cast. The spell can be interrupted with stuns. Concussive Smash reduces movement speed by 70% for 10 seconds.
  • Silent Slitherer: Casts Shadow Blast Icon Shadow Blast that can be interrupted. Also casts Vampiric Bite Icon Vampiric Bite that deals Shadow damage and heals fore 100% of the damage inflicted.
  • Tainted Feaster: Casts Gore Icon Gore that deals Physical damage and causes a Bleed for additional damage every 3 seconds for 12 seconds.

Delve Variants

Excataion Site 9 comes with the Excavation Site 9 Stories Icon Excavation Site 9 Stories achievement which reveals the following variants:

  • Lost Excavators;
  • Black Blood Profits;
  • Rowdy Rifts.

Lost Excavators

In this variant of the delve, you must slay Old God forces until you fill the blue bar to 100%. At the same time, you must rescue 4 Survey Teams.

Once you complete both objectives, you will face off against Xel'anegh the Many.


Xel'anegh the Many (Boss)

Avoid the swirlies on the ground and focus on defeating the heads one by one. Defeat the boss only when all its parts are dead.


Black Blood Profits

Craggle Fritzbrains wants to profit off Black Blood by deploying drilling units in the area. Your objective is to deploy and defend 6 extractors map on the marked map with the red "X' symbol.

When you approach a drilling machine, you must interact with it. After a short while, purple swirlies will appear on the ground, showing spawn locations of mobs. The goal is to defend the extractor by defeating all 3 waves of mobs.

After successfully defending the extractor, Boxes of Profitable Sludge will spawn that you must loot to fill the blue bar to 100%.

Once you deploy and defend 6 extractors, you will face off against Craggle Fritzbrains himself.


Craggle Fritzbrains (Boss)

Craggle uses the following abilities:

  • Goblin Ingenuity Icon Goblin Ingenuity: Craggle tinkers with the Black Blood Boomstick MK1, causing an explosive reaction inflicting Shadow damage, and increasing his damage done by 50%.
  • Make It Rain! Icon Make It Rain!: Craggle Fritzbrains loads his signature Black Blood Boomstick MK1 with profits, and fires them into the air, inflicting Shadow damage to players hit.
  • Shoot Icon Shoot: Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy.

Interrupt Craggle when he casts Goblin Ingenuity Icon Goblin Ingenuity. When the boss casts Make It Rain! Icon Make It Rain!, avoid standing in the blue circles that spawn on the ground.



  • 19 Mar. 2025: Guide updated with Lost Excavators variant.
  • 21 Feb. 2025: Guide added.
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