Fallen Avatar Abilities
Table of Contents
General Information
On this page, we list all the abilities from the Fallen Avatar encounter in Tomb of Sargeras. The idea is to give you a solid understanding of the encounter before you read the strategy.
If you are already familiar with the encounter, then you can skip to the strategy and tactics page or access any other page of the guide by using the table of contents on the right.
The Fallen Avatar is the penultimate peril housed within the Tomb of Sargeras. This is a 2-phase encounter, much of which revolves around prolonging the first phase as long as possible. The inevitable second phase is a race to the finish, as the arena will slowly be destroyed around your group. If you are not fast enough, death is certain. This encounter favors groups with potent number output and clean coordination.
Phase One: A Slumber Disturbed
Fallen Avatar
The Fallen Avatar is completely immobile in this phase. The Avatar will generate Energy passively over time, and this cannot be prevented by any means. The rate of generation can be slowed by correctly performing certain abilities, leading to an extended Phase One. The Fallen Avatar's health is fixed, meaning a longer Phase One will equal a shorter Phase Two, as he will have less health when he reaches 100 Energy.
Touch of Sargeras
Touch of Sargeras creates 3 fissures of Shadowy energy that erupt
after 8 seconds. Moderate Shadow damage is divided evenly among any players
in the rifts at this time. If the rift is empty when it erupts,
heavy raidwide Shadow damage is dealt instead.
Rupture Realities
Rupture Realities inflicts massive Fire damage to the entire raid.
The damage reduces significantly the further the player is away from the
Fallen Avatar.
Shadowy Blades
Shadowy Blades targets 3 players and travels towards them at high
speeds. Upon impact, the blades deal moderate Shadow damage to their targets
and any other players within 7 yards. They also create a pool of
Lingering Darkness upon dealing damage that persists indefinitely,
dealing moderate Shadow damage every 2 seconds and reducing movement speed by
50% to any players caught within them.
Unbound Chaos
Unbound Chaos targets a random player. After 0.5 seconds, the
target marks their current location. 1.5 seconds later the marked locations
explode, dealing moderate Chaos damage to anyone within 5 yards. The targeted
player is also inflicted with
Chaos Flames, dealing light Chaos damage
every 0.5 seconds for 4 seconds.
Desolate inflicts heavy Physical damage to the current target, and
increases damage taken from Desolate for 75% for 29 seconds. This debuff can
Containment Pylon & Corrupted Matrix
Containment Pylons activate occasionally throughout the phase,
sending a Corrupted Matrix beam of Wnergy to the
Fallen Avatar that causes him to gain Energy every second for
39.5 seconds. The Maiden of Valor, however, can be tanked in a
position to intercept the Corrupted Matrix, causing her to gain the Energy
Ripple of Darkness
Ripple of Darkness is cast whenever a target is not in melee range
of the Fallen Avatar, and deals moderate raid wide Shadow damage rapidly.
Maiden of Valor
The Maiden of Valor is active for the majority of Phase One, from
the beginning of the encounter until she dies or the Fallen Avatar
casts Consume.
Cleansing Protocol
Cleansing Protocol is cast upon the Maiden of Valor reaching
100 Energy. She places an absorption shield on herself for 13% of her maximum
health, and begins an 18-second cast. If the shield is not broken by the raid's
damage, Cleansing Protocol deals massive Fire damage to the entire raid.
If the Cleansing Protocol shield is broken before the cast
concludes, the channel is cancelled and a
Malfunction is
triggered. This deals 25% of the Maiden's maximum health to herself in damage
and stuns her for 4 seconds.
Matrix Empowerment
Matrix Empowerment grants the Maiden of Valor a buff while
standing within the matrix, stacking a 5% Physical damage increase on her
while she remains within the matrix.
Consume is cast upon the Fallen Avatar reaching 100 Energy.
The Avatar consumes the Maiden of Valor's remaining life essence,
healing based off her remaining health.
Phase Two: An Avatar Awakened
Phase Two commences when the Fallen Avatar reaches 100 Energy. He will shatter his bonds and the floor upon which Phase One took place, dropping the raid deep into the bowels of the Tomb of Sargeras. This phase takes place on a destructible platform floating atop a pool of Fel lava.
Dark Mark
Dark Mark brands a target, causing them to unleash dark energy after
6 seconds, dealing massive Shadow damage (split evenly) to all players within
8 yards as well as knocking them into the air.
Rupture Realities
Rupture Realities inflicts massive Fire damage to the entire raid.
The damage reduces significantly with range from the Fallen Avatar. In
this phase, Rupture Realities will also shatter the ground beneath the
Fallen Avatar.
Sear causes waves of heat to emanate from the
Fallen Avatar, inflicting light Fire damage to all players every 2
seconds. If the Avatar is ever standing in the Fel lava, the
Fallen Avatar gains
Fel Infusion (Heroic and
Mythic only), permanently increasing the damage of
by 15%. This buff stacks every 2 seconds the Avatar is standing in lava.
Black Winds
Black Winds conjures storms that travel around the platform. Coming
into contact with a storm inflicts moderate Shadow damage, as well as moderate
ticking Shadow damage every 1.5 seconds for 12 seconds.
Desolate works identically to Phase One.
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