Feng the Accursed Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included)

Last updated on Dec 05, 2012 at 13:17 by Vlad 52 comments

Table of Contents

Boss Icon - Feng the Accursed


This guide is intended to provide a comprehensive description of the encounter with Feng the Accursed in Mogu'shan Vaults. It is targeted at anyone who desires to understand the fight mechanics.

This guide is updated for World of Warcraft WoD 6.1.2.

Feng the Accursed is the second raid boss of the Mogu'shan Vaults raid instance. The encounter is divided into three phases, during which the boss uses a variety of different abilities.

While the encounter is not a difficult one, it will place considerably strain on your healers, and it requires very good execution from the rest of your raid.


General Information

Difficulty Health Values Enrage Timer Raid Composition
Feng Soul Fragment Tanks Healers DPS
10-man 145M 9 minutes 2 2-3 5-6
10-man heroic 209M 3M 10 minutes 2 3 5
25-man 456M 9 minutes 3 6-7 15-16
25-man heroic 628M 4.7M 10 minutes 2 6 17
LFR 294M Unknown 2 6 17




Item Name Armor Slot Main Stats
Imperial Ghostbinder's Robes Icon Imperial Ghostbinder's Robes (LFR, Heroic) Cloth Chest Intellect
Hood of Cursed Dreams Icon Hood of Cursed Dreams (LFR, Heroic) Leather Head Intellect
Tomb Raider's Girdle Icon Tomb Raider's Girdle (LFR, Heroic) Leather Waist Agility
Chain of Shadow Icon Chain of Shadow (LFR, Heroic) Mail Waist Intellect
Wildfire Worldwalkers Icon Wildfire Worldwalkers (LFR, Heroic) Mail Feet Agility
Legplates of Sagacious Shadows Icon Legplates of Sagacious Shadows (LFR, Heroic) Plate Legs Intellect
Nullification Greathelm Icon Nullification Greathelm (LFR, Heroic) Plate Head Strength
Bracers of Six Oxen Icon Bracers of Six Oxen (LFR, Heroic) Plate Wrists Strength/Dodge


Item Name Type Main Stats
Fan of Fiery Winds Icon Fan of Fiery Winds (LFR, Heroic) Off-Hand Frill Intellect/Spirit

Amulets, Cloaks, and Rings

Item Name Type Main Stats
Amulet of Seven Curses Icon Amulet of Seven Curses (LFR, Heroic) Amulet Intellect/Hit
Arrow Breaking Windcloak Icon Arrow Breaking Windcloak (LFR, Heroic) Cloak Agility
Cloak of Peacock Feathers Icon Cloak of Peacock Feathers (LFR, Heroic) Cloak Strength
Feng's Ring of Dreams Icon Feng's Ring of Dreams (LFR) Ring Intellect/Spirit
Feng's Seal of Binding Icon Feng's Seal of Binding (LFR, Heroic) Ring Agility

Overview of the Fight

The encounter against Feng the Accursed is a three-phase fight.

  • For the first 5 seconds of the fight, the boss simply melees and deals a minor amount of raid damage through an ability that he uses throughout the fight (one of the shared abilities we discuss below).
  • Phase One begins 5 seconds after the boss is engaged and ends at 66% health.
  • Phase Two begins at 66% health and ends at 33% heath.
  • Phase Three begins at 33% health and ends when the boss is dead.

During each phase, the boss uses 2 abilities specific to that phase. He also has two shared abilities, which he uses during all phases. One of the two shared abilities (a stacking debuff applied to the tank) changes slightly in each phase, but we will still treat it as a single ability.

The fight is exclusively single-target; there are no adds or secondary targets to attack.

The fight presents a small peculiarity, in that the tanks gain access to two abilities that can be used to help the raid deal with some of the encounter mechanics. We explain these abilities in the section directly below this one.


Helpful Abilities

In order to help your raid deal with some of the mechanics, your tanks gain access to two abilities, which take the form of a special action button. The abilities are not given to the tanks by default; there are two small crystals present on the ground, at the start of the fight. Clicking these crystals will grant the clicking tank the respective ability.

There are only two crystals, one for each of the two abilities, and each tank can only have one ability.

We present the two abilities below.

  • Nullification Barrier Icon Nullification Barrier creates a sizeable protective barrier around the tank who uses it, lasting up to 6 seconds (it is channeled). Anyone inside the barrier is protected from magic damage and debuffs. The ability has a 1-minute cooldown. It is interesting to note that this spell also affects the boss, preventing him from receiving certain buffs from his own abilities.
  • Shroud of Reversal Icon Shroud of Reversal is a buff that the tank can place on a raid member. This allows the tank to mimic the first spell cast against that ally, and to cast it back at the boss. The ability has a 30-second cooldown.

This guide will assume that both of these abilities have been taken by your tanks.


Shared Abilities

Regardless of the phase he is in, Feng the Accursed regularly casts Spirit Bolt Icon Spirit Bolt, dealing Shadow damage to random raid members. The frequency of this spell is rather high, but it varies depending on when Feng casts his other abilities.

Moreover, in each phase, Feng applies a stacking debuff to the tanks, which requires a tank switch. We list the debuffs below, in the order of the phases that they belong to.

  • Lightning Lash Icon Lightning Lash is a stacking debuff that Feng applies to the tank. It deals Nature damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds.
  • Flaming Spear Icon Flaming Spear is a stacking debuff that Feng applies to the tank. It deals Fire damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds.
  • Arcane Shock Icon Arcane Shock is a stacking debuff that Feng applies to the tank. It deals Arcane damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds.

These abilities all warrant a tank switch. We recommend that the off-tank taunts the boss when the current tank has 2 stacks of the debuff. Also, it seems that Shroud of Reversal Icon Shroud of Reversal can be successfully used to mimic these debuffs, and apply them to the boss.


Phase One: Spirit of the Fist

Phase One begins around 5 seconds after Feng is engaged. From the time when Feng is engaged, until he enters Phase One, he will simply melee and cast Spirit Bolt Icon Spirit Bolt. After 5 seconds, the boss will travel to the statue of the Spirit of the Fist, and imbue himself with the abilities of this spirit.

The phase ends when the boss reaches 66% health, at which point he enters Phase Two.



During Phase One, Feng makes regular use of 2 abilities, in addition to the shared ones mentioned at the start of the guide.

  • Epicenter Icon Epicenter is an earthquake that lasts for 10 seconds and deals damage to all raid members every second. The damage of Epicenter is lower, the farther from the boss you are while he is channeling the spell. Additionally, while Epicenter is being channeled, all players are debuffed with a 75% reduced chance to hit. Feng casts Epicenter once every 30 seconds.
  • Lightning Fists Icon Lightning Fists is a harmful spell, essentially a shockwave, that Feng regularly casts in front of him. Anyone in the path of the shockwave takes a large amount of Nature damage, and is stunned for a few seconds.




As mentioned above, at the start of the phase, Feng moves to the statue of the Spirit of the Fist. There is no reason to move him from this location, so this section will assume that he is tanked there.

Melee DPS players and tanks will, of course, be in melee range. Ranged DPS players and healers should spread out loosely around the center of the room.


Lightning Fists

Lightning Fists Icon Lightning Fists is not at all difficult to deal with. Since melee DPS (and the rest of the raid) should generally be behind or to the side of Feng, they should never be hit by it. The tanks should simply do their best to avoid being hit by this ability (it has a cast time). As we will see below, the tanks sometimes do want to purposefully be hit, though.



The main issue in Phase One is dealing with Epicenter Icon Epicenter. Dealing with this ability is made considerably easier thanks by Shroud of Reversal Icon Shroud of Reversal and Nullification Barrier Icon Nullification Barrier.

Shroud of Reversal Icon Shroud of Reversal can be used to great effect to mimic Lightning Fists Icon Lightning Fists and use it to stun the boss during Epicenter Icon Epicenter. Here is what you should do.

  • Place Shroud of Reversal on the tank.
  • Have that tank get hit (and stunned) by Lightning Fists.
  • When Epicenter starts, cast Lightning Fists on Feng.

Doing this allows you to theoretically ignore every Epicenter (Shroud of Reversal has a 30-second cooldown). When Feng is stunned, melee DPS and tanks can remain in melee range. The rest of your raid does not have to contend with the hit chance reduction.

Since, in practice, it is very difficult to stun Feng for every Epicenter, it is important that the tanks communicate with the rest of the raid, so that any failure to mimic Lightning Fists is announced ahead of time.

In the event that mimicking Lightning Fists fails for whatever reason, Nullification Barrier Icon Nullification Barrier can be used as a back-up. In this case, melee DPS and tanks should move to the center of the room, where your entire raid should stack. Nullification Barrier should then be channeled while Feng casts Epicenter.

Doing so will allow ranged DPS players to still DPS the boss, and the overall damage taken will be very low.

In the event that neither Shroud of Reversal, nor Nullification Barrier can be used (for whatever reasons), your raid (including melee DPS and tanks) should stack in the center of the room, and alternate healing and defensive cooldowns to survive the damage. All ranged DPS players will have to deal with the 75% reduced chance to hit, and should look for ways to minimise the effect this has on their DPS. For example, DoT classes should refresh the DoTs before the Epicenter starts, so that they continue to tick throughout its duration.


Phase Two: Spirit of the Spear

Phase Two begins when the boss reaches 66% health. The boss will travel to the statue of the Spirit of the Spear, and imbue himself with the abilities of this spirit.

The phase ends when the boss reaches 33% health, at which point he enters Phase Three.



During Phase Two, Feng makes use of 2 abilities, in addition to the shared ones mentioned at the start of the guide.

  • Wildfire Spark Icon Wildfire Spark is a debuff placed on a random raid member, which, after 5 seconds, turns into a fire patch. The fire patch expands and moves along the floor of the room, dealing high Fire damage per second to anyone standing in it. Feng usually applies this debuff several times in quick succession on random raid members, after which he pauses for about 30 seconds, before applying it several times again, and so on. During his pauses, he uses Draw Flame Icon Draw Flame, his other ability, which we explain below. Sometimes, however, he even casts Wildfire Spark during a channel of Draw Flame.
  • Draw Flame Icon Draw Flame is an ability that Feng uses to absorb all the wildfire present in the room, stacking a buff on himself. The number of stacks of the buff is proportional to the amount of wildfire that he absorbs. The buff causes Feng's melee swings to deal a large amount of Fire damage to the entire raid. Each melee swing removes a stack of the buff. Feng casts this ability every 30 seconds. Entering Phase Three does not remove Feng's Draw Flame buff, if it is active.



Wildfire Spark

Wildfire spreads whenever players come in contact with it. This should be avoided, since more patches of wildfire result in more raid damage dealt by the boss due to Draw Flame Icon Draw Flame.

Whenever a player is affected by the Wildfire Spark Icon Wildfire Spark debuff, they should be quick to move away from other raid members before the debuff expires. Ideally, you should assign an area of the room (close to one of the edges) where everyone should aim to drop their wildfires. The reason for this will become evident to you when reading the next section.

It is important to note that the wildfire patches travel slowly along the floor, so players must always be aware of their position and check if any wildfires are approaching.


Draw Flame

When Feng casts Draw Flame Icon Draw Flame, all the wildfires in the room quickly move along the floor, to Feng. Anyone in their path will take damage, and players being 1-shot by this is not an uncommon occurrence.

For this reason, it is ideal if all of the wildfires are dropped to one side of Feng, and that the entire raid positions themselves on the other side of the boss when he channels Draw Flame. Doing so should allow most players to avoid taking any damage from wildfires that are being sucked into Feng.

Draw Flame will result in a large amount of raid damage, even if your raid has controlled the wildfire patches perfectly. This will require a large amount of healing, as well as healing and defensive cooldowns.

Nullification Barrier Icon Nullification Barrier, if cast on the boss when Draw Flame is about to finish casting, will prevent Feng from applying the buff from Draw Flame, effectively negating the ability. This is possible every other Draw Flame cast, but it should especially be done when the boss nears 33% health. There is a simple reason for this. Assuming impeccable handling of Wildfire Sparks by your raid, Feng will generate more stacks of Draw Flame than he is able to consume. This means that the number of stacks will continue to increase, and you will end up with a rather large number of them by the time boss reaches reaches 33% health (when he enters Phase Three). Therefore, in order to avoid excessive raid-damage when going into Phase Three (which poses many problems on its own), you should use Nullification Barrier on Feng's final Draw Flame before he reaches 33% health.

In order to execute this properly, you will have to keep an eye on how long is left before the next Draw Flame, and have a good feel for your raid's DPS.

Considering this, there should be enough time to use Nullification Barrier on two Draw Flame casts: the second one, and the fourth (and final) one. If for some reason your raid's DPS is such that you must wait for an additional Draw Flame cast, then you will adjust which other cast to nullify accordingly (although, if your raid's DPS is so low, you may have problems with the boss' enrage timer).

The ranged DPS and healers will have to stack up in order for healing to be made possible, which can cause problems with wildfire patches, but this is something that is unavoidable. Your raid must simply be quick to reposition in case a wildfire patch approaches.


Phase Three: Spirit of the Staff

Phase Three begins when the boss reaches 33% health. The boss will travel to the statue of the Spirit of the Staff, and imbue himself with the abilities of this spirit.

The phase ends when Feng the Accursed dies.



During Phase Three, Feng makes use of 2 abilities, in addition to the shared ones mentioned at the start of the guide.

  • Arcane Velocity Icon Arcane Velocity is a channeled spell that deals raid-wide damage to all players. The farther players are from the boss, the more damage they take. Feng casts this ability roughly every 20 seconds.
  • Arcane Resonance Icon Arcane Resonance is a debuff placed on one random raid member in 10-man, and two random raid members in 25-man and LFR. This debuff causes Arcane damage every second to that player and to all allies within 6 yards. The damage done to allies is increased for each player affected. This debuff is cast roughly every 20 seconds.


Firstly, it is important to understand a few important things about this phase.

  • Arcane Resonance Icon Arcane Resonance prefers ranged DPS players and healers. Indeed, provided that any such players exist in your raid, they will always (seemingly) be targeted by Arcane Resonance. Note that this considers the spec of the player, and not their location (for example, healers who are in melee range can still be debuffed).
  • The damage of Arcane Velocity Icon Arcane Velocity, when you are not exactly in the same location as Feng, is huge.
  • The damage that Arcane Resonance deals if a player affected by it is in the vicinity of many other players, is also huge (it will cause many deaths instantly).
  • Arcane Resonance is often cast immediately before or immediately after the channel of Arcane Velocity.

Due to these facts, the strategy for Phase Three can be easily summarised.

  1. Melee DPS players and tanks can safely stay within Feng's melee range, since they should never be targeted by Arcane Resonance.
  2. Ranged DPS and healers must
    1. Spread out around the boss, so that few or no players are within 6 yards of each other.
    2. Move in and stack for Arcane Velocity only after the Arcane Resonance debuffs have been cast by Feng. The affected players must, of course, remain away from Feng.
    3. Spread out again 1-2 seconds before Arcane Velocity ends. This is crucial, since there is no time to react to Arcane Resonance being cast otherwise.

While Arcane Velocity is being cast, healers should expect a massive amount of damage. Most of the raid will be taking damage from Arcane Velocity, while the players who are affected by Arcane Resonance will be taking damage from the debuff, as well as increased damage due to being farther away from Feng.

This is the ideal time for healing and defensive cooldowns.


When to Use Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp

We recommend using Heroism Icon Heroism/Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust/Time Warp Icon Time Warp during Phase Two, in order to push Feng to Phase Three before another cast of Draw Flame Icon Draw Flame happens.


Learning the Fight

Due to the sequential nature of the encounter's phases, your raid will have to progresses through Phase One in order to learn Phase Two, and again through both Phases One and Two in order to learn Phase Three. Therefore, this dictates a rather clear learning path.

We recommend that you focus on your raid understanding and learning to execute each phase properly, because simply blundering or zerging your way past Phase One or Two will not give you the required amount of calmness required to get through Phase Three.


Heroic Mode

The Heroic mode of Feng the Accursed presents raiders with a fairly accessible challenge. The fight, as we will see, remains largely unchanged, but an additional, all-new phase is added.


Differences from Normal Mode

As we just mentioned, the Heroic mode has an all-new, Heroic-only phase. Additionally, there are several minor differences from Normal mode.

We present the minor differences here, and the new phase in a separate sub-section.

  • Feng the Accursed has more health in Heroic mode, and all of his abilities deal more damage.
  • Feng no longer enters his phases in a predetermined order. Rather, he enters a new phase at 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25% health. The phase he enters is the phase associated with the statue he is nearest to, allowing your raid to choose the order of the phases. Feng can only enter each phase once, as the respective statue is destroyed when Feng absorbs it.
  • Every time Feng enters a new phase, he gains a stack of Strength of Spirit Icon Strength of Spirit, which buffs his damage done by 5% per stack, until the end of the fight.

Finally, as we mentioned above, there is a new phase that your raid will have to deal with. We detail this below.


New Phase: Spirit of the Shield

During this phase, Feng uses 3 abilities.

Shadowburn Icon Shadowburn is a stacking debuff that Feng applies to the tank, identical to those which we discuss in the shared abilities section. Shadowburn inflicts Shadow damage.

Chains of Shadow Icon Chains of Shadow is an ability that Feng spams with relatively high frequency. It deals damage to a random player, and then jumps to other nearby targets, dealing damage to them as well. The damage to each successive target is lower than the damage to the one before. In 10-man, Chains of Shadow affects 3 targets, while in 25-man it affects 8.

Siphoning Shield Icon Siphoning Shield is cast by Feng every 30 seconds. He throws his shield at a nearby location, which causes a number of adds (5 in 10-man and 10 in 25-man) to spawn on the location of random raid members.

The adds, called Soul Fragments, simply travel towards the shield. They perform no other actions, and deal no damage. Upon reach the shield, each Fragment heals Feng for 10% of his maximum health.

The Soul Fragments can be slowed, stunned, and knocked back.



The main new element for your raid to master will be dealing with the Heroic-only phase. In addition to this, you will have to choose the best order for the phases, depending on your own circumstances.


Spirit of the Shield

During this phase, your two tanks will have to take turns tanking Feng, due to the Shadowburn Icon Shadowburn debuff.

Your raid should be stacked up near Feng. This will cause Chains of Shadow Icon Chains of Shadow to deal its full damage, and it will be a source of possible deaths for your raid members, but it remains the optimal positioning during this phase.

Finally, your raid must be quick to kill the Soul Fragments when they spawn. Since you will be stacked together, it will simply be a matter of AoEing them down while making sure that they are slowed, stunned, and knocked back (away from the shield, of course).

It is interesting to note that by channeling Nullification Barrier Icon Nullification Barrier on the shield thrown by Feng, the adds in that wave will simply despawn.


Order of Phases

As we mentioned above, in Heroic mode, you can choose the order of the phases. Simply pull Feng close to the statue that you wish him to siphon, and when he reaches the next transition percentage, he will siphon that statue and enter the respective phase.

We will start out by saying that the fight can be defeated regardless of the order of the phases. In order to make sure that Feng enters the appropriate phase at the start of the fight, the tank who pulls him should already be standing next to the respective statue.

Our recommended order is:

  1. Spirit of the Staff;
  2. Spirit of the Fist;
  3. Spirit of the Shield;
  4. Spirit of the Spear.

The reason for choosing this order is that this way, the most problematic phases come first, allowing you to quickly know if the attempt is a success or a failure, and to save a lot of time.

Indeed, Spirit of the Staff presents your raid with high damage from Arcane Velocity Icon Arcane Velocity, and a lot of potential for deaths, due to Arcane Resonance Icon Arcane Resonance.

Spirit of the Fist is easy if your tanks manage to stun Feng often, but can otherwise prove quite problematic.

The final two phases, including the Heroic-only phase, are not really difficult.

Lastly, keep in mind once more that Feng's damage will increase by 5% each time he enters a new phase, due to Strength of Spirit Icon Strength of Spirit. This means that the damage dealt during the final phase will be high. In our recommended order, this means that the raid damage from Draw Flame Icon Draw Flame will be very high, and your healers must be prepared for this.


Achievement: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better...

The Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better... Icon Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better... achievement is part of the Glory of the Pandaria Raider Icon Glory of the Pandaria Raider meta achievement. The achievement requires that Shroud of Reversal Icon Shroud of Reversal be used to mimic all of the following abilities:

  • Epicenter Icon Epicenter
  • Lightning Fists Icon Lightning Fists
  • Wildfire Spark Icon Wildfire Spark
  • Arcane Velocity Icon Arcane Velocity
  • Arcane Resonance Icon Arcane Resonance

As you can tell, the success of the achievement is left up to your raid's tanks (the only ones who can use Shroud of Reversal). It is a matter of simply casting Shroud of Reversal Icon Shroud of Reversal on:

  • a player who is near the boss when he casts Epicenter Icon Epicenter;
  • a player who will intentionally stand in the path of Lightning Fists Icon Lightning Fists;
  • a player who is afflicted by the Wildfire Spark Icon Wildfire Spark debuff;
  • a player who will take damage from Arcane Velocity Icon Arcane Velocity;
  • a player who is afflicted by the Arcane Resonance Icon Arcane Resonance debuff.

Fortunately, the achievement can be completed over the course of successive attempts (and/or kills), each element of it being counted separately and regardless of the outcome of the encounter.


Concluding Remarks

This concludes our raid guide for Feng the Accursed. We hope you have enjoyed it, and that it has proven helpful. We await your feedback and suggestions on our forums, or via e-mail.