Feral Druid Best Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits — Dragonflight 10.2.5
Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits are the most important character customization options in Shadowlands. They have a substantial impact on your toolkit and performance as Feral Druid. This page's purpose is to help you pick the right options according to the content you intend to do in Shadowlands.
Dragonflight Disclaimer
Please be aware that as of the Dragonflight Pre-Patch and Dragonflight expansion, all Covenant abilities, Soulbinds, and Conduits will only function while within the Shadowlands. This page will temporarily remain as a reference.
Introduction: Prerequisites
This page assumes that you are already familiar with Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits. If that is not the case, we have a number of pages that can help you get up to speed:
- Covenants Guide, which explains what Covenants are, what perks they bring, and how you can join one;
- Druid Covenant Abilities, which lists all the abilities that Druids gain by joining each Covenant;
- How To Change Covenant?, which tells you how you can switch Covenant (rejoining a former Covenant will require you to perform a number of tasks to regain their trusts);
- General Soulbind Guide, which explains what Soulbinds are and how you can pledge yourself to them to open up their Soulbind tree;
- Druid Conduits, which lists all of the Conduits available to Druids.
Summary of the Best Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits
With Patch 9.1.5 all Covenants are now freely swappable, so you can switch at any time. Due to Feral having some good options, the table below lays out the situations where each choice will excel:
Covenant | Strength | Soulbind | Advised Tree |
Kyrian | Group Utility | Forgelite Prime Mikanikos | Feral Druid Mikanikos Tree |
Necrolord | Sustained | Bonesmith Heirmir | Feral Druid Bonesmith Tree |
Night Fae | Burst/Versatile | Niya | Feral Druid Niya tree |
Venthyr | Burst | Theotar the Mad Duke | Feral Druid Theotar Tree |
Despite Patch 9.1.5 granting the option to freely swap Covenants, Feral
remains one of the few specializations strongly encouraged to play only one
and this remains true in Patch 9.2. Night Fae provides such a
large benefit via Convoke the Spirits and its Legendary
Celestial Spirits
that it is hard to fault, and is firmly recommended. It is also the biggest winner
from double Legendaries being accessible,
which locks it in even more. For
details on what makes it the strongest choice, you can check the specific
Night Fae section here
For the remaining 3, Kyrian works as a support tool thanks
to the Kindred Affinity Legendary which, while it comes at the cost of
your own output, can be applied to the strongest DPS in your group to make them
even stronger. Necrolord provides a sustained damage profile more
oriented around Bleed effects, and Venthyr adds a very strong, but infrequent
extra burst cooldown.
For more details, you can check each respective choice below in the Kyrian, Necrolord and Venthyr sections on this page.
Best Conduits for Feral Druid
Here we have a list of the ideal Conduits you should aim for organized by their type (Potency, Endurance and Finesse). Feral has some choices with Conduits depending on the type of content you are doing, so you will likely be switching depending on what you are doing. For more detailed information on all of the Druid Conduits, check our Druid Soulbinds and Conduits Page.
Best Potency Conduits for Feral Druid
Feral generally picks three Potency Conduits, with one being dictated by your Covenant:
- Covenant Conduit: Kyrian takes
Deep Allegiance, Necrolord takes
Evolved Swarm, Night Fae takes
Conflux of Elements, and Venthyr takes
Endless Thirst.
Taste for Blood
Carnivorous Instinct
With all Shadowlands systems these three are usually your picks in all situations, especially with some of the double Legendary combinations being taken.
Best Endurance Conduits for Feral Druid
Endurance Conduits provide defensive choices on your Soulbind tree Conduit slots, which is always helpful, especially for Raid encounters.
Well-Honed Instincts is hard to fault as an emergency
heal when you drop low is rarely going to be useless and
is likely going to be the default pick due to how
unconditional its benefits are.
Condensed Anima Sphere is just a lot of passive
healing intake which is really appealing given it has virtually
no downsides. Always a solid choice in any situation.
Tough as Bark grants a flat reduction to the cooldown
Barkskin which already has a low cooldown and
high duration. Extra uses can either be extremely strong or
useless depending on how frequently you need it, but having
the option is really useful.
Ursine Vigor adds even more bonus health when
switching to
Bear Form which, given that Feral
has access to flat damage reduction tools, can be a really
strong tool to pair together to survive lethal mechanics.
Best Finesse Conduits for Feral Druid
Of the three types, Finesse Conduits are the least useful. These are tied to unusual effects or utility tools, and as such your choice is going to be up to what you think will gain the most value.
The only Finessse Conduits of note are Front of the Pack and
Born Anew. The first is just extra group/raid
mobility and a bit of extra range to make sure you catch
everyone with
Stampeding Roar, while the second is a small benefit if
you need to use
Rebirth in combat.
What makes Night Fae the Best Covenant for Feral Druid
For most high end group content, especially Raids, Night Fae
wins out by a good margin, especially after
double Legendaries are unlocked.
This is due to the value of high burst single-target damage in most encounters,
alongside some excellent Soulbind throughout the trees.
Convoke the Spirits allows you to do a huge amount of damage
on a 2-minute cooldown that can regularly be lined up with high damage
windows without worrying about downtime, or make use of damage
amplification windows. It also has some small benefits of working
with other niche utility such as burst healing if paired with
Heart of the Wild if required.
Combined with this, it also gained access to the Covenant-specific
Legendary Celestial Spirits in Patch 9.1 which
when double legendaries unlock is always active. The lower
cooldown when paired with the
Conflux of Elements and
Niya Soulbind
Grove Invigoration effect
gives very powerful burst every minute.
Night Fae: Convoke the Spirits and Soulshape
Convoke the Spirits for Night Fae
gives a really powerful instant burst of damage, with
the catch of being a bit RNG with what spells it uses.
For a single cast this will in most situations deal an
extremely high amount of damage quickly, but the long
cooldown makes it slightly less flexible than some
other choices so needs to be planned around.
The ability itself will cast 16 abilities from the following pool:
Tiger's Fury
Ferocious Bite
Feral Frenzy
This will attempt to smart cast to an extent,
trying to avoid refreshing Bleed and DoT/HoT uptimes
targets, and trying to maximize Ferocious Bite
casts. Note as well that
Feral Frenzy has a
lower chance to trigger per cast. The RNG here is quite
high, but its compression of so many spells into a
short window without any Energy costs makes for a
really powerful burst that should be used often
or saved for high damage requirement windows in
encounters. The
Conflux of Elements Potency Conduit
is also very a powerful means to amplify this burst even
more in certain encounters.
Soulshape's base form is not super
useful because of the base movement bonus that
Cat Form gives. The on-cast ability
Flicker however does have uses to allow
you to quickly reposition, but the impact is
limited due to the mobility in the base kit.
Night Fae Soulbinds
Night Fae comes with some excellent Soulbind
choices for different scenarios, and can be flexible
depending on which type of content you are doing.
All come with good options to allow for double
Potency Conduits too, should you need to find room for
the additional burst of Conflux of Elements.
- Niya — Ideal Feral Tree:
improves your
Convoke the Spirits casts via
Grove Invigoration immensely and with
Bonded Hearts working so well with the short burst from Convoke it means Niya remains the go-to pick for Feral.
- Korayn — Ideal Feral Tree:
and the entire Soulbind hinges off the strength of
First Strike paired with
Wild Hunt Tactics making it a good Mythic+ option, with niche effects in some raid encounters.
- Dreamweaver — Ideal Feral Tree:
is overall the weakest option, but
Field of Blossoms can still be useful as a follow-up buff after your
Convoke the Spirits casts. It also provides a reasonable 3-Potency option
Kyrian: Kindred Spirits and Summon Steward
Kyrian slots in more as a support option that
gains the majority of its value from the Kindred Affinity
effect which, thankfully in Patch 9.2, can be paired
with another choice lowering the downsides slightly. With
that said, the effect was nerfed this patch which means
the benefit rarely makes up for the loss of playing
a better Covenant option.
Kindred Spirits links you to another player — though
you can also cast this on yourself if solo — that can be
empowered every minute off the Global Cooldown for 10 seconds,
causing 20% of each of your damage to be stored in a pool
for the other player to consume. Any damaging abilities do
this, and the buff duration resets each time it increases,
meaning you have 20 seconds to consume it all. Since this
syncs up very well with both
Tiger's Fury and
Berserk you will ideally be using it on cooldown
and pairing it with a high DPS ally that has similarly low
cooldowns to get the most out of it. The Potency Conduit
Deep Allegiance pairs with Forgelite Prime Mikanikos'
Soulbind tree to bring the cooldown as low as possible
for extra activations.
Summon Steward provides you with 3 charges of
Phial of Serenity when summoned, which heals you
for 20% of your max health and removes all Curse, Poison,
Bleed and Disease effects on you when used. This is one use
per instance of combat, but does not share a cooldown with
other effects like
Healthstone. This is a simple extra
boost to survival that can save you in a pinch, with bonuses
in situations where you have debuffs to cleanse.
Kyrian Soulbinds
- Forgelite Prime Mikanikos — Ideal Feral Tree:
is the best option in Patch 9.2 due to
Effusive Anima Accelerator, especially after double legendaries are unlocked. It only improves in AoE situations with the extra cooldown reduction as well, bringing
Kindred Spirits down to roughly a 30-second cooldown.
- Pelagos — Ideal Feral Tree:
the starter
Combat Meditation activations that trigger with each
Kindred Spirits are strong, alongside some bonus Mastery from
Better Together and a high Agility proc from
Newfound Resolve makes this a solid all-around pick.
- Kleia — Ideal Feral Tree:
is one of the few Soulbinds that does not take 3 potency
slots thanks to how good
Pointed Courage is. This whole tree brings some good support options and a lot of Crit to the table so is competitive.
Necrolord: Adaptive Swarm and Fleshcraft
Necrolord brings a sustained damage profile
via Adaptive Swarm which is more single-target
focused, but can open up to being more Cleave
oriented when double legendaries unlock with
Unbridled Swarm. Unfortunately given that
it is all focused on sustain and requires setup
time it falls too far behind alternatives.
Adaptive Swarm is a very single-target-oriented
ability and mostly is just cast on your target on cooldown
to maintain the amplification on your Bleed effects. This does
benefit from pandemic and will pool up extra charges when you
refresh it, so it should be maintained on the target you are focusing.
The Potency Conduit
Evolved Swarm is appealing,
and any situation where you are playing Necrlord this
should be taken.
Fleshcraft adds a very powerful defensive
tool, granting a large shield over a 3-second channel
that also reduces all damage taken by 20% while
channeling on a 2-minute cooldown. It also comes with
a cooldown reduction aspect, with its cooldown
reduced by 1 second per enemy corpse you walk over.
Feral already has a wealth of survival tools, but
adding an extra one — especially one so powerful
— is still appealing.
Necrolord Soulbinds
- Bonesmith Heirmir — Ideal Feral Tree:
is generally the ideal tree for Feral due to the flat benefits
Forgeborne Reveries and one of the few Covenants that takes only two Potency slots, as
Heirmir's Arsenal: Marrowed Gemstone is worth the pick.
- Plague Deviser Marileth — Ideal Feral Tree:
provides a good single-target oriented option thanks to the
high uptime Mastery benefit from
Volatile Solvent.
Kevin's Oozeling rounds this out with extra damage each
Adaptive Swarm, but duration is low which does not lean well into the sustained damage aspect.
- Emeni — Ideal Feral Tree:
the starter
Lead by Example is ok, but is more burst-oriented while being attached to a button that is more focused on sustained damage. The remainder of the tree is pretty average.
Venthyr: Ravenous Frenzy and Door of Shadows
Venthyr gives Ravenous Frenzy which is an
extra cooldown that should be layered on top of
when possible. This gives a ramping damage
increase and can enhance an already good burst window,
even in AoE situations, but it does come with the downside
of making sure you keep actively casting or it will
stun you and fall off. You can make use of some instant
utility spells such as
Soothe to keep it active
if you are out of Energy and about to trigger the
negative effect in an emergency. This is a more difficult
to use version of Night Fae's niche, with less impact
making it a weaker pick.
Door of Shadows provides a short cast displacement that
teleports you to your target location. There are some
niche situations where having access to this may open
up some alternative strategies, but Feral already
comes with a robust mobility toolkit so will not
change much.
Venthyr Soulbinds
- Nadjia the Mistblade — Ideal Feral Tree:
comes with
Thrill Seeker that provides a small burst of extra damage, but the followup
Fatal Flaw effect is extremely good, alongside having a strong single-target trait option with
Dauntless Duelist. Is a good pick, but not as flexible as alternatives.
- Theotar the Mad Duke — Ideal Feral Tree:
is the ideal Feral pick as it comes with the best traits
while still being able to fit in 3 Potency Conduits.
Soothing Shade does have positional requirements but is a lot of burst Mastery, and 3% of a stat for free with
Party Favors is solid.
- General Draven — Ideal Feral Tree:
is a more defensive option but has some solid AoE picks
Built for War and
Battlefield Presence. Unfortunately it needs to sacrifice a third Potency to grab these so is the weakest of the 3.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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This guide has been written by Wordup, a frequent theorycrafter involved in a number of class communities. He is also an experienced player who has been in the world top 100 since the days of Sunwell, currently raiding in Echoes. You can also follow him on Twitter.
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