Feral Druid DPS Liberation of Undermine Raid Guide — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 20, 2025 at 12:00 by Wordup 29 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Feral Druid for each boss of the following raid: Liberation of Undermine. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).



Below, you can find class and spec-specific advice for every fight in Liberation of Undermine. If you are looking for a general overview of the Raid that is not spec-specific, check out our dedicated Liberation of Undermine Boss guides.

On this page, you will find tips and tricks specifically tailored toward Feral Druids and its toolkit. It does not include general tips for mechanics, which are included in the full raid guide instead, whereas this page assumes that you are already familiar with most of the major mechanics of each encounter.

As Feral has two hero talents that are relatively close in performance, our recommendation is based on encounter type. Pure single-target leans toward Wildstalker, while add wave spawns raise the value of Druid of the Claw builds instead. Both are close enough however that they can be played on any encounter with minor talent swaps.

All recommendations are progression-based tips and will not necessarily be the best for an overall DPS ranking.


Liberation of Undermine Boss Guides for Feral Druid


Liberation of Undermine Raid Builds, Tips, and Tricks for Feral Druid

Vexie Fullthrottle Cauldron of Carnage Rik Reverb Stix Bunkjunker Sprocketmonger Lockenstock One-Armed Bandit Mug'Zee Chrome King Gallywix

Tips for Vexie Fullthrottle for Feral Druid

Vexie and the Geargrinders is an AoE fight in the primary phase, with a single-target burn intermission. Feral has the option to switch out a point for Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath if more add cleave is needed, but focusing on pure boss burn is ideal.


Defensive Tips

  • Use Barkskin Icon Barkskin if targeted by Spew Oil Icon Spew Oil as you will get hit by the initial pool landing. Also save Tiger Dash Icon Tiger Dash for these moments to get to the correct drop spot.

Cooldown Usage

  • The burn intermission happens at the earliest at 1m45s and lasts for 45 seconds, meaning you can safely send Berserk Icon Berserk and have it come back up for then.

Mechanical Tips

  • Make sure to focus target a Pit Mechanic as they come in at the intermission start so you can interrupt Repair Icon Repair without switching targets.

Best Talents

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Vexie - Wildstalker (Recommended)
Vexie - Druid of the Claw

Tips for Cauldron of Carnage for Feral Druid

The Cauldron of Carnage combines a single-target main phase and a 2-target cleave intermission, repeating until the encounter is complete. Since Feral can simply multi-DoT for the intermission portion, orienting your build for full single-target in the main phase is best using Wildstalker.


Defensive Tips

  • There are no specific defensive requirements for this boss, so use Barkskin Icon Barkskin freely when you feel unsafe, such as during Colossal Clash Icon Colossal Clash.

Cooldown Usage

  • Aim to use Berserk Icon Berserk during the intermission. You should be able to get one use in at the beginning and have it align naturally after.

Mechanical Tips

  • For the Flarendo side you need to actively dodge a lot of mechanics, so use Tiger Dash Icon Tiger Dash if you get caught in a bad position. Use Stampeding Roar Icon Stampeding Roar to assist the raid during particularly bad wave patterns.
  • For the Torq side you need to be much more careful with movement to avoid being stunned. Stutter step during Thunderdrum Salvo Icon Thunderdrum Salvo to avoid the swirlies while avoiding a lethal stun.

Best Talents

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Cauldron of Carnage - Wildstalker (Recommended)
Cauldron of Carnage - Druid of the Claw

Tips for Rik Reverb for Feral Druid

Rik Reverb is predominantly a single-target encounter, however the add spawns triggered by Sparkblast Ignition Icon Sparkblast Ignition need to die as quickly as possible to avoid a wipe. Wildstalker while picking up Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath is the best balance here, though Druid of the Claw is also a good option.


Defensive Tips

  • Use Barkskin Icon Barkskin if assigned to soak Lingering Voltage Icon Lingering Voltage. If not, make sure to use it if targeted by Faulty Zap Icon Faulty Zap.

Cooldown Usage

  • Berserk Icon Berserk should be used in periods where you are focused purely on the boss as they are overkill on Sparkblast Ignition Icon Sparkblast Ignition. These should be up for the start of every main phase.

Mechanical Tips

  • Use Stampeding Roar Icon Stampeding Roar during the intermission to help the raid get to amplifiers and avoid Sound Cloud Icon Sound Cloud
  • Be careful of positioning to avoid the Sonic Blast Icon Sonic Blast frontal.

Best Talents

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Rik Reverb - Wildstalker (Recommended)
Rik Reverb - Druid of the Claw

Tips for Stix Bunkjunker for Feral Druid

Stix Bunkjunker has single-target as the most important aspect, but frequent add waves that require burst AoE to avoid them overwhelming the tank is very helpful. Both Wildstalker and Druid of the Claw are suited to this with a slight switch to pick up Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath, so you can play either.


Defensive Tips

  • There are no specific defensive requirements for this boss, so use Barkskin Icon Barkskin freely when you feel unsafe.

Cooldown Usage

  • Berserk Icon Berserk should be used when the boss is isolated to get as much damage as possible. Other minor cooldowns like Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury and Feral Frenzy Icon Feral Frenzy should naturally align with add spawns, ideally being used on Territorial Bombshell to break Territorial Icon Territorial as quickly as possible.

Mechanical Tips

  • Save Stampeding Roar Icon Stampeding Roar for the intermission to help the raid get out of the final Trash Compactor Icon Trash Compactor slam.

Best Talents

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Stix Bunkjunker - Wildstalker (Recommended)
Stix Bunkjunker - Druid of the Claw

Tips for Sprocketmonger Lockenstock for Feral Druid

Sprocketmonger Lockenstock is a pure single target encounter that has a large amount of movement throughout, so a standard Wildstalker build is best suited.


Defensive Tips

  • Barkskin Icon Barkskin is best saved for the intermission as healers will be busy moving to get into position, and raid damage is high.

Cooldown Usage

  • Berserk Icon Berserk should be used on the pull and on cooldown, aiming to make sure you have full uptime when you do. The boss can be very erratic with movement requirements, so be aware of that.

Mechanical Tips

  • Stampeding Roar Icon Stampeding Roar should be organized with your raid to cover the most awkward movement sections. There are a lot of different moments in the encounter that require additional speed, so discuss where the problem points are.
  • Wild Charge Icon Wild Charge can be used to jump to the boss in the intermission, but beware your hitbox is active while travelling and it is quite easy to take lethal damage doing this.

Best Talents

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Sprocketmonger - Wildstalker (Recommended)
Sprocketmonger - Druid of the Claw

Tips for One-Armed Bandit for Feral Druid

The One-Armed Bandit is a long encounter split between a phase with extremely high priority adds and a pure boss burn. Picking up Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath keeps up with cleave while bringing the most single target for the entirety of the encounter with Wildstalker.


Defensive Tips

  • Barkskin Icon Barkskin is best saved for the most dangerous combinations involving the Flame coins that deal raid-wide damage.

Cooldown Usage

  • Cooldowns should ideally be used on the boss when isolated, however if you are having trouble burning down a specific add wave you can hold it briefly to align it with the next spawn. Make sure Berserk Icon Berserk is ready for the final burn after the 6th combination is put in.

Mechanical Tips

  • Pay very close attention to Pay-Line Icon Pay-Line spawns, both to gain the High Roller! Icon High Roller! Haste buff and to avoid being killed by standing in its path.
  • Ursol's Vortex Icon Ursol's Vortex is useful specifically during Reward: Shock and Bomb Icon Reward: Shock and Bomb to keep adds clumped for longer allowing them to be AoEd down. Mass Entanglement Icon Mass Entanglement is an alternative to get them locked down while CC is applied, but less uniquely powerful.

Best Talents

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One-Armed Bandit - Wildstalker (Recommended)
One-Armed Bandit - Druid of the Claw

Tips for Mug'Zee for Feral Druid

Mug'zee is mechanically very complex, but there is not as much in the way of DPS optimization needed as they are all encounter specific things that need to interact. A standard single-target build with Wildstalker is therefore recommended.


Defensive Tips

  • Barkskin Icon Barkskin is best saved for Disintegration Beam Icon Disintegration Beam, otherwise it can be freely used during one of the many raid damage moments.

Cooldown Usage

  • Remember that the boss transitions at exactly 40% and begins the enrage burn. Make sure to have Berserk Icon Berserk and Convoke the Spirits Icon Convoke the Spirits ready for this as damage dealt before is not as important.

Mechanical Tips

  • While there are a lot of add spawns, it is hard to get much cleave value as Unstable Crawler Mines Icon Unstable Crawler Mines are immune and Earthshaker Gaol Icon Earthshaker Gaol will be split. Therefore, Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath is not worth the swap here.
  • Mass Entanglement Icon Mass Entanglement can be taken to root and lock down Unstable Crawler Mines Icon Unstable Crawler Mines until they are needed to break Earthshaker Gaol Icon Earthshaker Gaol. Alternatively, Ursol's Vortex Icon Ursol's Vortex is a solid alternative to help clump them together but is less broadly useful here.

Best Talents

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Mug'zee - Wildstalker (Recommended)
Mug'zee - Druid of the Claw

Tips for Chrome King Gallywix for Feral Druid

This boss was not testable on the PTR servers. Information will be forthcoming once it is available on Live servers. For now, a single-target focused Wildstalker build is recommended as no matter what else the fight involves, boss damage will be key.


Defensive Tips

  • Check back after the boss has been seen on live servers.

Cooldown Usage

  • Check back after the boss has been seen on live servers.

Mechanical Tips

  • Check back after the boss has been seen on live servers.

Best Talents

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Gallywix - Wildstalker (Recommended)
Gallywix - Druid of the Claw

General Defensive Usage

Feral Druid has a variety of defensive tools with different cooldowns to tackle the most dangerous situations if you are proactive. Your active tools are:

  • Barkskin Icon Barkskin (1 minute cooldown)
  • Survival Instincts Icon Survival Instincts (3-minute cooldown)
  • Bear Form Icon Bear Form (No cooldown, but cannot use Cat Form Icon Cat Form abilities while shifted)
  • Renewal Icon Renewal (1.5-minute cooldown)

Ideally, you should be using these to reduce the largest incoming hits in an encounter to give your healers more breathing room when things are hectic. Alongside this, Druid of the Claw can spend Energy on Frenzied Regeneration Icon Frenzied Regeneration, and with Predatory Swiftness Icon Predatory Swiftness taken, you can also cast Regrowth Icon Regrowth on yourself during empty GCDs.


General Cooldown Usage

Feral Druid has a variety of cooldowns with different use cases. Your general rule of thumb is to make sure you never miss out on a use of any of these:

  • Berserk Icon Berserk — Feral's big 2-minute cooldown that confers a variety of bonuses while active. This drastically increases your throughput and should be used as often as possible.
  • Convoke the Spirits Icon Convoke the Spirits — Feral's other big 2-minute cooldown that unleashes a flurry of Druid spells over 4 seconds. This should always be paired with Berserk Icon Berserk.
  • Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury — A more rotational button that refunds Energy and increases your damage dealt. This should be used as close to on cooldown as possible, overlapping it with other cooldowns and using it to snapshot empowered DoTs.

If you see an opportunity to get extra value out of any of these cooldowns in an encounter, always assess whether or not it will cost you a use before the encounter ends. If it will, decide whether or not it is absolutely necessary to do extra damage at that key moment in an encounter, and if not, do not hold them. We have more details on cooldown usage on our Rotation page:

You may also find it helpful to use a time-to-die weakaura, or, if you are using Method Raid Tools, this has a built-in option to display this. If you are aware of how long is left in an encounter, you can better estimate how much you can hold cooldowns for key moments, Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust, or your potion uses.



  • 20 Feb. 2025: Guide added.
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