Feral Druid Torghast Guide and Best Anima Powers — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, we tell you all you need to know to prepare your Feral Druid before entering Torghast and then how to pick up the right Anima Powers once you are inside!
Torghast as a Feral Druid
Here we will be looking at Torghast, Tower of the Damned when playing as a Feral Druid. For more information about how Torghast itself works, you can look at our Torghast write up here.
Best Feral Druid Talents for Torghast, Tower of the Damned
It is generally recommended to use the normal AoE/Dungeon talents in Torghast:
You can easily import the talent tree below into the game with the following string:
Best Feral Druid Anima Powers
As you climb higher through Torghast, you will be offered a variety of different Anima Powers. There is a mix of unique benefits and others that can be stacked up for extra gains, and making a quick decision can sometimes be difficult. Because of this we have made a simple Tier List to rank some of the strong powers if you are in a rush to make a decision. If you want to read about all available Anima Powers, please use the links below.
Remember though, do not follow the list blindly, there is a lot of different playstyles to explore within Torghast and trying things out is part of the enjoyment. None of the powers are necessary to complete a run, and picking a power that improves something you rarely use will ultimately be useless. After all, you might not run into the power that you are looking for each run!
S-Tier Anima Powers for Feral Druid
Dark Armaments
Draught of Waning Twilight
Lycara's Bargain
Lycara's Twig
A-Tier Anima Powers for Feral Druid
Archdruid's Ultimatum (replace with
Feral Frenzy)
Circlet of Weeds
Cloak of Thorns
Dried Blood of the Beast
Elethium Alembic
Elethium Beacon
Elethium Censer
Elethium Lantern
Elethium Teardrop
Energy Focusing Crystal (Night Fae)
Gift of Ardenweald
Finger of Frozen Fury
Frostbite Wand
Kyrian Blessing
Lightning Dust
Lycara's Sash
Mask of Withering (Venthyr)
Maldraxxian Repayment
Mote of Blood Thirst (when in a group, Venthyr)
Phial of Pain (Kyrian)
Sealed Essence Sphere (Night Fae)
Secret Spices
Silent Spirit
Soulborne Clasp
Spectral Oats
Subjugator's Manacles
Sylvatican Charm
Venthyr's Gratitude
Vitality Guillotine
B-Tier Anima Powers for Feral Druid
Archdruid's Cypher (replace with
Archdruid's Invocation (replace with
Heart of the Wild)
Archdruid's Legacy (replace with
Savage Roar)
Affinity Stones
Blade of the Lifetaker
Bottled Enigma
Coalesced Spirit Droplet (Night Fae)
Corruption Antenna
Crystallized Dreams (Night Fae)
Curious Bramblepatch
Draught of Midday Calm
Draught of Midnight Blazes
Dried Flower Petal (Necrolord)
Irritating Moth Dust
Leaf on the Water
Lens of Elchaver
Oath of Druids
Perfectly Preserved Insect (Necrolord)
Potent Acid Gland
Pulsing Rot-hive
Shard of Silvered Glass
Steelwood Slab
Stormcycle Peridot
String of Fangs and Talons
Twin Friendship Ring (Kyrian)
Watchful Lightfly
White Pollen Mote (Necrolord)
Writings of Lycara
C-Tier Anima Powers for Feral Druid
Archdruid's Mythos (replace with
Primal Wrath)
Bloating Fodder
Bottle of Moonshine
Curious Miasma
Dark Fortress
Darksight Orbs (Kyrian)
Elethium Weights
Grasping Tendrils
Hardened Bark Sliver (Kyrian)
Murmuring Shawl (Venthyr)
Open Doors (Venthyr)
Purifier's Flame
Phial of Light (Kyrian)
Smuggled Wildseed (Night Fae)
Strigidium (Kyrian)
Swarm Form
Volatile Flesh (Necrolord)
Yel'Shir's Powerglove
D-Tier Anima Powers for Feral Druid
Archdruid's Lesson (replace with
Restoration Affinity)
Archdruid's Gift (replace with
Clinging Fog (Night Fae)
Crumbling Aegis
Disemboweler's Hook
Gnarled Key (Venthyr)
Parliament Stone (Kyrian)
Petrus Ring
Revitalizing Spirit
Rootwood Scarab
Spectral Bridle
E-Tier Anima Powers for Feral Druid
Irresistible Cheese
Malevolent Stitching (Necrolord)
Mawrat Harness
Mawrat Stirrups
Musophobic Femur (Necrolord)
Orbit Breaker
Plague-Hardened Hide
Scroll of Elchaver
Tremorbeast Tusk
F-Tier Anima Powers for Feral Druid
Bottomless Chalice (when solo, Kyrian)
Coil of Wire (when solo, Kyrian)
Elethium Muzzle
Negation Well
Preserved Ironwood Seed
If an Anima Power is not in the Tier List above, it is either because we have been unable to test due to being unavailable as a pick, or information about its tuning is not complete. It will be added to the list as we find out more.
Phantasma Anima Powers for Feral Druid
Occasionally, you will be offered the ability to get Phantasma instead of an Anima Power, or increases to your Phantasma generation. Judging these is more difficult because it depends on how much of each floor you are clearing. Grabbing these early on is usually a good idea so you can make use of vendors, while the later the run goes the less valuable these are.
Feral Druid Playstyle for Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Like all Druids, Feral has a suite of abilities available to it allowing it to shift between survival and offense depending on the situation, and many Anima powers lean into this playstyle. Making use of all of this is important to make it through higher floors, and some important things to remember are:
- Make sure to use your
Predatory Swiftness procs to heal yourself frequently, staying stable with frequent
Regrowth casts is important when pulling dangerous packs.
- Due to the low cooldown, make sure to
Barkskin early and often to reduce as much as possible when pulling packs before you get into a dangerous spot.
- Shifting to
Bear Form to deal with very dangerous packs is something that can help with some abilities, especially when some Anima Powers that encourage shapeshifting are considered.
Entangling Roots casts on melee enemies and elites that are a problem in larger pulls is very useful to keep them at bay while you clear out the easier enemies quickly.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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This guide has been written by Wordup, a frequent theorycrafter involved in a number of class communities. He is also an experienced player who has been in the world top 100 since the days of Sunwell, currently raiding in Echoes. You can also follow him on Twitter.
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